• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 1,369 Views, 52 Comments

Mann Vs Mane - dudenotactive

For a thousand years the two sisters would fight over the silliest of things, and for a thousand years, that is how it always been. Now a new threat had invaded Equestria and it's up to the mercs to save their careers.

  • ...

Black Oil Co

Canterlot castle was very busy so early in the morning. Ever since the humans moved into Luna's side the noise of construction did not cease, a lot of ponies that worked the castle had barely enough sleep thanks to the humans. In and out they move hundreds of crates around the castle. Luna felt grief that her home was being refurbished into a storage facility for weapons and other Mann Co products.

It was bad enough that she became a poster mare for the Equestrian branch, and she doesn't want to think about her new boss. Luna is a princess by blood, she is the sister of Celestia, and yet she lost everything. Her title, money, and territory. As well as her dignity. Now look at her, she's nothing but another cog in the machine, a peasant with no support from her people.

What's worse is that tomorrow is the official holiday of "Luna Is A Loser Day", oh how she seethed at the thought of Celestia's ugly face. She'll get back at her one day, Luna promises.

"Maybe I should give in to my dark side?" Luna thought aloud. "I can even call myself Nightmare Moon, it has a good ring to it."

The only good thing left for Luna is that Mann Co allowed her to keep her room, the only place she can retreat to and feel happy. She entered her safe haven, Luna was finally free from her boss and the other humans. Hatred, that was what she felt. She loathes them, especially her sister. But... Luna doesn't mind the humans actually, they respected her even if she was practically a normal pony now. The workers would greet her every time she passed by, always calling her princess though she was no longer in charge.

Just as she was about to take another step, Luna felt an odd presence. Her horn lit up as a spell was prepared, someone was in her room and it wasn't a spy class. No, it is something far more dangerous than your simple mercenary.

"Hello, sister." The shadow in the corner greeted Luna. A spell was discharged and it shot towards the voice. Something leaped out of the corner and now stood in the light where Luna could see better. It was a pegasus filly with a curly mane, a face of innocence and purity. Luna's eye went over the filly's cutie mark, a chess piece, a rook to be in fact. But that wasn't the oddest thing, in her forelegs, she carried a large television screen. And on it was a face Luna would rather not see right now. "Is that any way to greet me, sister?"

"You are not my sister, Chrysalis!" Luna hissed. "And who is this child!? Another one of your disgusting insect spies!?"

"Hey!" The filly whined.

"Shut up Cozy Glow, just hold still so I can see my dear sister properly," Chrysalis said.

"I will ask you this only once, what do you want fiend!?" Luna scowled as her horn lit up again.

"Can't I check on a family member after losing a thousand-year battle?" The queen said smugly.

"Watch your tongue, sister, or else your little bug will suffer for you."

"B-but I'm just a wittle child!"

"Silence!" Chrysalis snapped. "Ahem. I just want to help Luna, I share your resentment for Celestia, I know what you are feeling right now. Believe me, I really do."

"You? I have doubts. Now leave while I am still merciful."

"I think I should do as she says, mom."

Chrysalis growled. "I said don't call me that you welp!" With a heavy sigh, she continued. "Luna, sister, I am in need of your help. That is why I have sent this pony so I can contact you. So I request that you please listen to me for once!"

"Why should I!?" Luna frowned. "Every month you send those disgusting insects to try and take over Canterlot. Do you have any idea how much we spent just to fix the damages by your army? Millions. And not only that, we have to open up three crematoriums just so we could burn the corpses quicker! Now give me a reason why I should even think about helping you, Chrysalis."

"We have the same enemy, sister, and it is Mann Co." This piqued Luna's curiosity, before she knew it, she was now listening to Chrysalis. "Yesterday in the badlands, the CEO of Mann Co had started construction right on top of a sacred changeling burial ground. This angered Beep the god of war, and he demands that I must take back what is ours. And I know that you can help in many ways."

Luna huffed. "And what can I even do? If you have forgotten, I am no longer a princess." She could not believe herself, she was considering helping her evil sister. Perhaps she truly is backed up into a corner thanks to Mann Co. They were to blame for her fate, not Celestia or anyone in Mane Co. Maybe Discord, he could've done something.

"You are a part of the Corporation, my spies cannot infiltrate it because Mann Co security is impossible to avoid. Several of my changelings had fallen, so now I ask for your help in these trying times."

Luna scoffed. "What would be the benefits? You have nothing I want, and I do not want to be caught helping you."

"I have nothing you want, that is correct." Chrysalis grinned. "But I have something to help you, sister. Cozy, give it to her."

Cozy Glow placed down the television on the floor. She flew over to the shadowy corner and pulled something out of the darkness. A silver suitcase with several locks. It took a second for the filly to unlock it before she returned. Once she opened it, Luna was disappointed.

"Gold? No wait, this is not real gold! What games are you playing!?" Luna was not impressed.

Chrysalis chuckled softly. "I suggest that you take a closer look. This my dear sister is the secret to changeling society, in your presence is a magical and powerful mineral called Changelium. And believe me, sister, this ingot will help you with everything you need."

Mesmerized, Luna was stricken by the Changelium. Never before had she seen such a magical ingot, an energy radiating from it, her body welcomed it as if it was a friend. Luna was unsure what this thing could do, but if Chrysalis claimed that it could help her against Mann Co. Then perhaps it is time to form an alliance, just this once.

"Very well," Luna finally accepted.

Chrysalis smiled devilishly, her plan will finally move forward thanks to Luna. "Excellent, you may keep the brat as leverage if you want. Cozy, you shall stay with Luna so we can keep in touch. This is goodbye for now sister, I will speak to you soon."

With that, the screen went black. Now Luna was alone with Cozy, and she was unsure what to do about the filly.

"Wowee!" Cozy smiled. "A vacation with my aunt Luna!"

"Uh, yes, a vacation." Luna felt a bit awkward with her current situation.

"So what should we do, aunt Luna? Oh, I know! Let's go to the dream world and ride the biggest rollercoaster ever!"

"I am not sure what to do with a child and I'm already regretting my decision."

"Too slow blue balls!" Scout mocked his opponent Rainbow Dash as both raced through the town with Scout in the lead.

"You cheated back there, no fair!" Dash complained loudly, she was closing the gap between her and Scout very quickly. It is only a matter of time before she will catch up with him, then it'll be another battle of wits.

Considering the two mercenaries, that would be their hardest battle yet.

Neck and neck they ran, one ran on two legs and the other was on four. No obstacle in their way ever slowed them down as they sprinted through Ponyville, one hurdle after another, the two racers would always come out on top. None of them were showing any weakness, and only a clever trick could ever win this competition.

And Dash has one, her wings unfurled and Scout stared at her with dread written on his face. With one simple stroke, Dash launched herself into the air just above Scout and started flying instead of running. Unburdened by gravity, her speed grew much more than Scout's. But before she could even leave him in the dust, Scout had a different idea.

Smack! A baseball connected to the back of Dash's head and was sent plummeting towards the ground. A cloud of dirt kicked up as she slammed harshly into the ground.

"Hey, no fair!" She shouted as Scout jumped over her.

Scout looked back with the most punchable face in history. "I ain't lettin' you bird brains do that again! This ain't gonna be like last time!"

Before he could gloat even further, Scout ran into something solid face first. A single tooth was lost as he fell onto his rear, a painful groan escaped his lips as he recoiled after his face was struck by a wave of agony. A shadow loomed over Scout, he spared a glance to see what caused the darkness and saw that it was none other than the Engineer. And on his shoulder was a large blue toolbox with Scout's face dent on it.

"Freakin' hardhat! You just cost me a win here!" Scout voiced his anger.

Engineer on the other hand stared at him blankly, then he glanced over to Dash who was still sprawled out on the ground. She flinched when his goggles turned towards her. Then he looked back at Scout. "Son, what're you doin' here? You were specifically told to stand guard back at Tuefort 2, instead you're here playin' with some little girl's dream come true."

"Hey!" Dash whined.

"I was not playing around! I was uh... I was makin' sure that I am better than her, yeah! That's right," Scout snapped his fingers and smiled proudly. "just here being the best and beating blue balls here in a race. That way I can learn from her mistake and have the uh... advertise?"

"Advantage, Scout, the word yer lookin' for is 'advantage'." Engineer sighed. "But your reason is good enough, boy, just don't let Soldier see you here or else hell breaks loose on that skinny neck of yours." That was all he said before he left without another word.

Dash and Scout now stood side by side as they watched Engi moving along to do what was doing before being distracted by Scout's shenanigans. Engineer then stopped just a few feet away from them just to plant down the toolbox which started to unfurl on the spot. The Engineer only watched as the machine transformed into a teleporter, he waited for a second until it finished and was ready to use for his team. He smiled and nodded, satisfied by his work. And now that it was done, he climbed up onto the platform and was gone before Scout could ask any questions.

"What was that about?" Dash asked.

To which Scout shrugged his shoulders. "Guess hardhat wanted a quicker access from here to base, easier that way."

"Alright..." Dash looked at him for a second, and before he even knew, she was already gone.

"Hey, no fair!" Scout complained as he took off, chasing the rainbow scout.

Fluttershy sighed, her scope followed Dash and Scout as both raced through town. She perched herself in the tallest tower in the town hall, Rarity assigned her to keep watch on the human activities and report anything useful.

And honestly, she loved this kind of mission. Most of the time, she gets hired to "pacify" a pony. But here, she could just sit still and spectate. Sometimes she sees a bird and that's where the fun starts. Fluttershy would enjoy watching any wildlife minding their own business. Just now there was a squirrel that buried an acorn, it was so fascinating.

Sadly, that peace she cherished would come to an end as an intruder approached.

"It is I, the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie popped out of nowhere and nearly scared Fluttershy over the guard rails.

"T-Trixie!?" Fluttershy exclaimed, her hoof clutched her chest as her heartbeat was like a thunderous storm.

"Yes, it is I! Trixie, the Great and Powerful!" Glitter and smoke surrounded Trixie as she struck a pose.

In all honesty, Trixie was not an assassin. She was always in it for the show, to dazzle all with her fancy tricks. One moment fireworks pops up in the sky, the next, your brain is all over the pavement. This would always attract spies over to her camp, where the fireworks originated from of course. But being the magician she was, Trixie had some tricks up her sleeves.

"M-may I help you?" Fluttershy wanted to know so she could get rid of Trixie quicker. She didn't want to be rude, but this was Fluttershy's private moment where she relaxed and observed the wildlife.

"No, you aren't going to help Trixie," She smirked. "Trixie is going to help you!"

Fluttershy swallowed down the lump in her throat. "With what?"

"The war of course! Listen, you need guidance. And who better to give it to you than Trixie?"

There were a hundred mercenaries that Fluttershy could name, but being the kind pegasus she is, Fluttershy chose not to speak.

"Be honored, for Trixie shall part with her greatest secret! Are you ready to absorb the forbidden knowledge that could render any opponents to dust!?"

"Why are you doing this!?" She was fearful, her peace shattered into a million pieces all because of Trixie. Fluttershy doesn't know if she should cry or just cower in place. Maybe both.

"Because you are weak!" Trixie struck Fluttershy where it hurts more, her feelings. "But Trixie is here to help you become stronger! Now, are you listening!?"

"Yes!" Fluttershy yelped.

"Listen well and accept my technique as if it is your newborn child! Behold!" From under Trixie's hat, a golden shine came. Fluttershy was overwhelmed with shock, she could not comprehend what she was witnessing. Until she realized that it was just a jar with yellow liquid.

"Is that juice?"

"For the weirdos out there, yes." Trixie waggled her brows. "This my ugly and inferior pegasus is a jar of Trixie's piss."


"Don't worry, you can have this one if you want, and I'll even throw in a 10% discount. Be humble, hundreds of stallions out there would kill for Trixie's piss."

"W-why do you...?"

Trixie pointed her nose high with great pride in her technique. "Because it is a special technique that I have created, and thanks to Mane Co's kidney enlargement pills, Trixie can fill hundreds of jars!"

"I don't..."

"Jarate, it is what I call this trick, a trademark by Trixie Lulamoon. Ahem, as you know, we snipers keep getting snuck up on when we least expect it. My simple solution is this jar, just throw it at your enemy, and while they recoil in disgust, you chop their heads off." Trixie fished out some packets of pills and shoved them into Fluttershy's hooves. "You can have these, drink once a day and you'll be doing business in buckets."


"Oh!" More pills were added to Fluttershy's hooves. "Those are special pain pills, always drink those after the kidney ones. You're gonna feel like crap if you don't."


"Sigh," Trixie sighed. "I hope this does not come off rude, but Trixie is doing this for her career. You are facing those filthy apes and Trixie can only watch. There is nothing I can do about it. As much as I hate to admit, team Harmony is our only hope. So that is why I must help you in any way that I can. Snipers stick together, correct?"


"Welp, that is it for now. Just call Trixie if you need more pills, I can hook you up with my supplier if you wish. This is farewell!"

In a puff of smoke, she was gone. Leaving Fluttershy with a bunch of pills and a jar of you-know-what. She felt slightly disgusted being next to the jar, especially with the idea that she should do as Trixie does. Of course, she heard what Spike did for the upcoming battle. Perhaps she could do something drastic as well? Could this jarate be as effective as Trixie claimed?

She picked up the jar, as gross as it was, she actually considered. Being snuck on by the Spy was something she dreaded. The thought of being killed while her friends suffered without her support. It hurt her. She didn't want to be the one who let her team down just because she couldn't fight a large mammal who was as skinny as a twig. Fluttershy was determined, it was the first.

She hated violence, she couldn't handle it. But her friends need her, and she won't back down that's for sure.

"Fluttershy, how are y-" Rarity stopped just as she decloaked. Her eyes widened as they saw the jar in Fluttershy's hooves. "Oh, excuse me! I did not know that you were busy. Ahem, it is only natural, being cooped up in one place leaves you limited options. I will check again later, carry on."

With that, Rarity vanished.

There was only silence around Fluttershy, she stared at the spot where her friend was. No words could be made as she turned red as Big Mac. She doesn't know if she should explain the situation to Rarity or not.

The meeting tomorrow is gonna be awkward.