• Published 3rd Mar 2021
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Mario, Luigi and MLP: Bowser's Inside Story and Chrysalis' Journey - XLR8 Fox

When Queen Chrysalis meets King Bowser, they must travel together to stop Fawful from taking what's theirs, Revenge

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Chapter 12: Plack Beach and a Blocky Encounter

Inside Bowser, the group of heroes awoke from the temporary Inn that was set in Toad Square, it wasn’t a desirable place to sleep for the night, but it was better than the Trash Pit.

After they had some breakfast from the Inn, which was some Pancakes with syrup, they left the Inn and journeyed on through Bowser's Body, making it to the tunnel entry ways.

“Alrighty everyone, we better be-a careful, after what happened yesterday, we should keep our eyes and ears open for any threats in here” Mario explained.

Fluttershy then spoke, “Um, I don’t mean to interrupt, but, are we not going to talk about, um, Bowsers story on his children yesterday?” she asked nervously, everyone felt a little awkward that they had eavesdropped on Bowser’s story about his children, especially with knowing about Bowser having loved someone before, only to be robbed from them and left with a child.

“While upsetting as it is, we can’t just be kind to him, he inhaled us into his body and to my knowledge, attacked the Mushroom Kingdoms more times than I can count, as well as the fact he took over galaxies” Starlow said, not really feeling pity towards Bowser.

Mario and Luigi on the other hand did pity Bowser, at least they finally knew something about Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings.

“Anyways, I think we should get this tub of lard to get moving,” Starlow said.

“Yeah, it's morning already and this big turtle hasn’t moved an inch” Rainbow Dash said, annoyed at their progress not continuing at the moment.

“I’ll get him up” Starlow said as she floated up to the ceiling so she could get Bowser to hear her, “Hey! Get up!” she shouted.

Bowser groaned in annoyance at recognizing the voice, but not wanting to argue in the morning, he yawned as he awoke from his sleep, he shook his head to get rid of his groggy feelings as he stood up, he stretched out his arms and legs to get rid of any stiff feelings as he heard his sockets pop.

“Ugh, way earlier than I should be waking up” he groaned.

Bowser looked around the cave and saw Chrysalis still sleeping, deciding not to disturb her, he decided to look around the cave for directions so that he could find a way to his castle faster.

He looked around the cave and found several signs on directions that wasn’t helping at the moment, one path that lead to a place called “Bubble Lake” was not possible, too many platforms for him to even reach with his body, in the area he and Chrysalis slept in, he saw a massive pink button switch on the ground, but for some reason he couldn’t activate it, even with his own weight.

After a few more minutes, Chrysalis finally awoke, she stretched out her legs and wings as she yawned.

“Finally, you're awake” Bowser said.

“Indeed I am, now, where to?” Chrysalis said, getting straight to the point.

“I looked around and the only way we can go is that way” he points to another exit of the cave, just next to the way they came in, “It leads to a place called Plack Beach”

“Then lets get going” Chrysalis said as the both of them left the cave, bright sunlight hitting their faces.

They soon smelt something, it was ocean water, they looked around to see a beach of sorts, but what was strange was the giant rocks around that looked like decaying teeth.

Bowser saw a brick block and smashed it, getting some hot drumsticks

[Bowser got x 2 Hot Drumsticks]

The evil duo journeyed on as they looked around the beach, they saw a ton of blocks with a face of some weird creature on them, then Bowser saw a small raft that could fit him and Chrysalis on it with a sign next to it.

“What's that?” he asked as he and Chrysalis looked to the sign, Chrysalis read the sign out loud.

“Taking the kingdom by storm, Squid Fit! Ride the balance raft and punch the coastal walls! Flex your abs as you twist your hips! The balance raft is all about momentum! If it starts moving, then your doing it right! Soon you’ll have the shapely hips of a squid! Nice, right? Its Squid Fit!”

“This sounds ridiculous” Chrysalis said before she turned and gaped as she saw Bowser stepping onto the raft, he looked at her and said, “What? This is the only way we are getting around, your having trouble flying right?” he asked.

Chrysalis attempted to fly, only to weakly flap her wings, “Y-yes”

“Then get on” he said, Chrysalis grumbled but compiled as she climbed onto the raft, Bowser then faced the wall the raft was next to, and punched it, sending them quickly across the water, making Chrysalis scream in surprise.

Bowser then punch oncoming blocks to direct the raft, then they made it to the other ide of the blocks from before.

Bowser leaped off the raft as Chrysalis slowly stepped off.

“Hmm, not too shabby, might get something like that installed at my castle!” Bowser said as he smirked and cracked his knuckles.

“Lets just keep going” Chrysalis said as they walked, only to get jumped by some weird creature that looked like stacked up teeth with a smiling face.


“Bow to your Queen!”

Bowser led the attack with a punch, launching the stacked up teeth away, the head landing upside down.

The head then spat out a weird creature as it bounced at them, Chrysalis quickly zapped the creature with her horn, destroying it.

Chrysalis then attacked by stomping the head with her front legs.

Then the head shook as the stacked teeth rolled back, stacking on each other again as the creature shuffled at them, Bowser punched the stack of teeth again, dispersing the teeth.

Bowser then launched a punch, destroying the head.

[Bowser and Chrysalis gained +18 XP]

“What was that?” Chrysalis asked.

“No clue Chrysi, looked like a Pokey, or I guess a Toothy in this case” Bowser said, Chrysalis looked confused by what he called her.

“Chrysi?” she asked, the nickname sounding somewhat familiar.

“What? Can’t I call you by a nickname?” Bowser asked as he continued walking.

“...Whatever” Chrysalis said as she followed the Dragon-Koopa.

Suddenly, Something flew out of Bowser's shell and floats in front of Bowser and Chrysalis, it was 2 cards, one yellow like Bowsers scales and one was dark green, they had pictures of Bowser and Chrysalis on them, showing they Leveled up, at the top of Bowsers card said his rank was Bronze Boss Rank with a picture of a bronze crown, on Chrysalis’ card showed her rank to be the same, only her image was a bronze version of her crown.

“What the?” Bowser questioned before a note suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Bowser grabbed it and read what was written on there.

“Author needed a way to show you guys' leveling up and ranks, so he asked me, kind regards, Discord” Bowser read, “Who the heck is Discord?” Bowser asked.

Chrysalis grinded her teeth in anger, “Discord is a fool who took part in destroying my hive!” she said in anger, the cards then disappear in a flash of light.

“Whatever, let's just keep moving,” Bowser said as he and Chrysalis decided to move on further down the beach.

As they walked, they both saw a rope that was on the beach, but ignored as they walked, until-


They both got confused from the sudden voice and looked around, then the voice spoke up again.

“Ah! Allo over zere! Monsieur Turtle Bits and Madame Bug Equine!”.

This time they heard it coming from the ocean and looked over and saw a small island, on the island was what they could best describe was a living pile of yellow blocks with thin eyebrows and a bushy rectangular mustache, red bow tie and wearing white gloves, he was standing next to many different sized Mystery Blocks.

“Ah, sweet monsieur and madame! ‘Elp me! I need elp! Helpez-moi, s’il vous plait!” the strange block person yelled.

“Huh? What language is that? And what are you doing there?” Bowser asked.

“I believe the language he is speaking is Prench, and I am curios myself to why this, block person is out there” Chrysalis said.

“Ah! Bonjour! Why are you… Non! I am too rude!” the block person said as he turned to his blocks, “I am Broque Monsieur! I ask zat you look upon zis! I was cleaning zee collection, but…” Broque Monsieur then turned back to them, “Disaster, it struck moi! Zee bridge to zee beach, it fell into zee water!”

Bowser and Chrysalis look at the water near the island and saw really old looking planks floating in the water.

“Monsieur!” Broque said, pointing to Bowser, “You ‘ave zee odor of a gentleman! Ah, oui! It wafts!” he said, “And a gentleman ‘elps zee needy! Surely you ‘ave zis credo, oui?”.

Bowser however laughed mockingly, “Whatever you’re smelling isn’t me, pal! I don’t do charity! I’m too busy for this” Bowser said.

Chrysalis had to agree, they didn’t have time to help some poor sap stranded in the ocean, they needed to get back at Fawful, they then started to walk away.

“STOP, I AM BEGGING YOU!” Broque yelled in panic, “Good Monsieur Turtle Bits and Madame Bug Equine! You who I am not smelling!”

Bowser stopped and looked annoyed and he yelled back, “Enough with the yelling! Why would we help you?” Bowser said.

“We?” Chrysalis said questioningly.

“But ‘ow can you say zis thing? You ‘ave very much to gain! I will give you zee gratitudes!” Broque said.

The part about gratitudes got the evil royals attention, “What? Gratitudes?” Bowser asked.

“Ah! Your interest, it piques? Zis is wonderful! Marvelous!” Broque said, “Oui, a hot block spirit dwells in you, Monsieur Turtles Bits and Madame Bug Equine, a blazing, fiery block spirit...Oui, you ave zee power…” Broque then pulled out a block, it was a green block with a wind suction cone on it.

“Look upon zis! How is zis for gratitudes, honh? I give you zis glorious thing! Zee hot block spirit cries out from your belly, and it cries for zis block! It is born for you!” Broque said, dramatically.

“...What is wrong with you? Its just a stupid block!” Bowser said.

“Ah! You tongue, bite upon it!” Broque said, “Zis bloc is magnifique! Do not utter one ill word to zis block!”

“Zee block collectors, zey will pay one million coins for zis, honh? It is so very rare, oui! You will know zis if you hit it! Oui, you will be in for zee big surprises, Monsieur Turtle Bits!”

Bowser pondered on this, “Hmm… Surprises, huh…”.

“Are you seriously questioning on helping this creature for a block?” she asked the Dragon-Koopa.

“Incase you didn’t know Chrysi, blocks in this kingdom carry a lot of things, and these surprises this guy is talking about are intriguing to me” Bowser said before looking at Broque.

“Fine...what do I do?” he asked.

“Ah! Thank you! Merci!” Broque said, “You are a gentleman, apres all!”

“Look upon zis! Zis petit island, it is floating in zee ocean, a surprise to you, non? You see zis rope on zee beach?” Broque pointed to the rope on the beach, “If you are to pull on zis, you will movez zee entire island!”

Bowser and Chrysalis looked to the rope on the beach, “Pbbth! Just pull on this rope? Gimme a challenge, pal!” Bowser said before grabbing the rope and started to pull on the rope.

“Have a taste of Bowser Power!” Bowser yelled as he pulled.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at this, many knew you can’t just pull an island close to you with a simple rope.

Meanwhile inside Bowser's body, the group were going over a new map that Starlow made. It was a map based on Bowser's body, and suddenly they felt the area shaking.

The map then flashes before a circle showing Bowsers arm appeared, flashing red, Starlow looked to the map.

“Somethings happening at Bowser’s arm! We need to check it out” Starlow said as everyone agreed and ran to where the map led.

Soon they entered a room much like the rest with flashing red lights in the room, however sitting in at the end of the room was a cannon like device, and a familiar red shell and pink pony.

“Come on Koopy, cheer up, everypony will be here soon!” Pinkie Pie said before noticing the group, “Hey guys!”.

Kooper then emerged from his shell and looked at the group, “Oh man, am I glad to see you guys” Kooper said before Starlow, Mario and Luigi went to the cannon like device, it was pointing to a large red nerve in the wall.

“This is Bowsers arm muscle” Starlow said, gaining everyone's attention, “Its reacting somehow!” Luigi went near the cannon as Starlow examined the muscle, Twilight flew up near her, examining it as well.

“He must be carryin something or trying to pull something…” Twilight said before Starlow and Twilight flew down, Starlow and Luigi were looking at the button on the cannon.

“Some kind of switch huh?” Starlow said.

Luigi pondered before taking out his hammer, “Let me-a try something” Luigi said before hitting the button with his hammer.

The cannon suddenly fired a blue energy orb, it bounced off the muscle and became red, it was heading for Mario.

“Mario! Look out!”

Mario quickly pulled out his hammer and hit the orb back, it then got absorbed into the muscle

Suddenly, the muscle grew bigger.

Back outside, Bowser suddenly felt a rush as he felt stronger, “Whoa!”

“What? What's wrong?” Chrysalis asked.

“Feels like I just got a power boost!” Bowser said as he kept pulling.

Back inside Bowser, the group observed this and Starlow spoke, “Whoa, what happened?”

Suddenly the cannon fired again, 3 energy orbs, it first was red, green and red, Mario and Luigi hit them back as the orbs came at them with their own colors, they then got absorbed into the muscle as it grew larger.

“HAAAAARGH!” Bowser yelled as he felt his power increasing.

“I think that stimulated Bowsers muscles! They’re getting huge!” Starlow said before looking to Mario and Luigi, “Hey! Try hitting some more of those light balls!” Starlow said before Mario and Luigi nod and get ready.

Another light ball shot out of the cannon, bouncing off the nerve and at the bros, the bros kept hitting it over and over before it grew large and went straight for Mario, the red plumber swung his mallet hard, hitting the light ball and it got absorbed into the nerve

Bowser then felt all of his power increase ten fold as he yanked the rope, and to Chrysalis’ own disbelief, the island was suddenly pulled to shore.

Bowser had just pulled the entire island to shore, Chrysalis was further more impressed and shocked at Bosers abilities.

Bowser panted as he looked at his work, glad he finally pulled the island ashore.

Back inside Bowser, the group recovered before Starlow spoke.

“I get it now… if we stimulate Bowser’s body like just now, he appears to manifest some extreme strength”

“Oh yeah” Bowser said before yelling, “OH YEAH! FEEL IT BABY!!” Bowser yelled before he got up and saw Broque Monsieur, upside down.

“...Hmmmm, strange...Zee world appears to be upside down” Broque said as Bowser and Chrysalis approached him “But zat is no matter. You ‘elped me, and for zis I salute you!”

“Enough blabbing buddy! Make with the surprise block!” Bowser said

“You might want to hurry there blocky, my partner here is getting antsy” Chrysalis said, however Broque didn’t even seem worried.

“Ah, but of course! Zee block! From moi! Such a fine block! We sing the song of block!” Broque then pulled out the block he showed earlier, “Pour vous!”

Bowser grabbed the block showed it off in the air

[Bowser obtained Vacuum Block]

“...This is just a normal block!” Bowser complained, “No surprise! What gives?!” Bowser said.

“So it wasn’t worth it then?” Chrysalis asked.

“Your tongues, bite upon them! Non! Zat LOOKS like a normal block!” Broque said, “Zat is what is so devious about my little block. So devious!”.

“Zis is actually a Vacuum Block! You hit zis block, and you inhale whatever lies before you” Broque explained, “Say you use zis in battle, honh? Ah, what is zis?! You inhale zee enemy with bravado! Tres bien!”.

“Whoa, whoah, INHALE an enemy?! I can do that in a battle?” Bowser asked.

“That sounds ridiculous” Chrysalis said.

“Ah! But of course, it is simple! Come, let us try zis out!” Broque Monsier said before he leaped up and landed on his feet, suddenly he takes off his own head and flips it, it then lands back on his body, his thin eyebrows now became a thin mustache an his thick mustows became thick angry eyebrows, his eyes flashed red.

“You! You will submit to zee power of zis magnificent block! And you will do so NOW!” Broque said, now sounding very angry, “


“Bow to your queen!”

“We begin right zis second! Zis is showtime, oui!” Broque Monsieur said, “Now, I tell you about zee Vacuum Block, non?” he asked

Bowser and Chrysalis look to each other before Bowser nodded, “Go ahead blocky”

“Ok, so, zee Vacuum Block, it is reacting with zee intensity! Choose it right zis instant!”

Bowser saw the block he had in his hand was reacting, so he punched it and suddenly Bowser felt a new power rising something familiar.

Bowser opened his mouth and suddenly, he started to inhale, Broque tried to explain, however Bowser quickly inhaled him into his mouth and into his body.

Inside, Broque Monsieur lands in front of the group of heroes and they are just as shocked to see him inside as he is.

Zut alors, zis is a surprise! Messieurs inside zee monsieur… how are you, honh?”

Everyone agreed they were fine.

“I cannot pass zee time, for I am training zee big monsieur about zee block tricks, oui? Allow moi to go back outside. Do not bother, s’il vous plait” he said before he started climbing out.

Bowser then spat out Broque as he landed on his feet.

“Monsieru Turtle Bits, you inhale like zee tornado, what a vacuum...” Broque said, “When you inhale like you just did, you inhale zee monsters and zee items, and zee monsters who float in the air will get sucked in too, no way to avoid inhaling in the sky, oui, your inhaling abilities will make most battles easy...maybe, remember to watch zee Vacuum Block during battles, oui?”.

“Oh, one more thing” Broque then gives them a blue clock with a yellow star inside it.

“What's this?” Asked Bowser as he held it.

“Zis unbelievable, surprising thing that brings smiles to zee world is called a Retry Clock, if you have a Retry Clock, when your HP reaches 0 in battle, time rolls back to zee battle’s start! It is, how you say? ZEE DO-OVER!” Broque said

“Oui, for zee battle’s start! With all your items back, honh? HP and BP are also restored, fully, zat is tres bien, oui?” Broque explained, “But zere is only a limited number of zee Retry Clocks, so do not use zem too much! Oui, plan your usage of zem, very carefully, s’il vous plait. Keep zat one as zee souvenir”

“Now zen, your block tricks are almost parfait, honh? Now let us continue...UN, DUEX TROIS!”

Broque Monsieur summoned a block and hit it, a coin popped out of it, Broque Monsieur looked upset about that, Bowser then saw the Vacuum Block was flashing, so he hit it and started inhaling.

He inhaled Broque Monsieur, then Broque climbed out again the same way from before and Bowser spat him out, Broque hit another block, another coin came out, then Bowser inhaled again, this time however Broque didn’t climb out.

“Ello again messiers, hows about a quick battle, oui?”

The group didn’t object as they prepared to fight.

Mario pulled out the Green Shell, “Green Shell!” Spike quickly jumped onto the shell as Mario kicked the shell, Spike was quick to use his claws to add the damage as the bros and spike performed the Green Shell attack, every time the shell hit, coins came out of Broque Monsieur.

Broque then escaped again and Bowser spat him out, Broque pulled a block out again, however instead of a coin, a giant orange and red mushroom came out and Broque absorbed it, he became big and charged at Bowser, however the Dragon-Koopa was quick to throw a punch, decapitating Broque as he body flew away, Bowser quickly punched the head as then the body came back and put the head back on, he then shrank.

Bowser inhaled him again and the group inside battled once more, Mario went for a jump while Luigi pulled a green shell attack, then Applejack and Rainbow Dash bucked Broque Monsieur, Broque then escaped again and tried the block again, only getting a coin.

Bowser inhaled him once more as Twilight and Rarity blasted Broque Monsieur with magic, Broque escaped again, Broque then got a giant mushroom from his block and charged at Bowser again, however Chrysalis joined in and did the same thing as Bowser did before and decapitated him and punched his head with a magic Bowser fist till his body got back.

Bowser then inhaled Broque Monsieur for the final time as Mario and Luigi jumped onto the block man, Broque escaped again but called out, “STOP! PARFAIT!”.

“You have zee mastery of zee block tricks, oui. Zis battle is OVER”

[Bowser, Chrysalis, Mario, Luigi, Mane 6 and Spike gained + 30XP]

“Ah, how was zis? Nice, honh? Zee magnificent Vacuum Block! Zee color! Zee gloss! Zee feel! We are not worthy of zis block! Who dares say zis is not so? And you, Monsieur Turtle Bits and Madame Bug Equine, you become block collectors after zis block, oui?” Brqoue said.

“Alors, let us meet again, Honh? Until zen, good-byes to you!” Broque Monsieur then walked away.

“What a weirdo, whatever, at least I got this sick attack now!” Bowser said.

“So, shall we get moving?” Chrysalis said.

“Yeah, lets move!” Bowser said as they walked on, now with a new power to their arsenal.

Author's Note:

[Vacuum Block Training, complete]
[Vacuum Block obtained]

So yeah, we have just got introduced to Broque Monsieur, I had to think of a name Broque would give Chrysalis so I went with Madame Bug Equine, it fits so I went with it, also hoped you liked the way I introduced how the big baddies see their levels and ranks

Next time, we see another boss fight and see how Bowser uses his new Vacuum Block in the battle.