• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Ultimus Pendragon

I am but a soldier of the pen, with the grace of a dragon. . .unraveling fiction, one story at a time.


Equestria has fallen.

Twilight Sparkle failed. Every threat before this was encountered was handled with the help of The Elements of Harmony and Twilight’s friends.

Now both cease to exist.

Tirek has won in his mission to sap Equestria of its magic, reducing the land to little more than a wasteland. On a journey to set things right; Twilight, Spike and Sunset Shimmer may just be all that stands before the future of every creature to live or for a just society under Tirek’s rule.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 8 )

So many questions and mysteries. I'm very interested to see where this goes.

''Don't do it!''

''We'll be ok, you have to survive!''

''You're the only one who can do anything!''


''Is this the end?''


''. . .I'll always be so proud of you, Twilight. . .”

Who’s saying all of this?

''Quiet, the both of you! Spike, you should have been taking notes like I told you, and you Sunset: while I appreciate you saving our lives back there, you could have at least shown a little skill in the art of multi-tasking. Every second is crucial to us as we may not get this chance again, so focus!''

And what are you doing?

Agreeing either way, the trio moved forward at a swift pace, trying their best to keep from any prying 'eyes', lest any unwanted memories surface.

What does she mean by ‘eyes’?

Dragging herself with a slower stride, Twilight Sparkle stopped to realize two things.

What two things?

Ponyville's Golden Oak Library/ Castle of Former Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Why have it crossed out?

''Well, yea you lost your wings, but that doesn't make you any more or less different than us; you're still Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.'' Spike sat and stretched, a few bones popping from the sudden movement. ''You can still make something happen with us by your side.''

But, how did she lose her wings?

“Just you wait, Tirek. You may be all nice and comfortable, but that throne belongs. . .to me.”

Is it discord?

“Got you!” Sunset shouted, nearly crashing into Twilight as she hoisted her up and kept her plummeting, the sudden change in gravity jerking her shoulders and causing her a bit of pain. Spike soared ahead into the darkness, inhaling a breath as white fire gathered in his maw, crackling and arching before he let the projectile fly to the ground, impacting the ground and providing light.

He can make white flames?

“We’re fine, but what kinda spell is that?” Sunset asked. Spike shook his head and performed some quick hand motions, swiping a portion of the fire in his claw and raising it above his head as it grew in size. It continued to burn as if nothing happened.

“Blinding Lightning; and it’s not a magic spell, it comes from within when you become a Dragon Adept,” Spike chanted a few words in a language that either of them couldn’t understand.

Ok, I have so many questions.

“You mentioned that in your diary; you said there were levels.” Twilight said, nodding to herself when she thought more about it. Spike did commit 4 years to the practices in the Far East, though his account of events was far and few.

Why did she read his diary?

“If you think I am here by choice, then you are as stupid as you are powerful. . .and I am a Princess no longer, no thanks to Twilight,” Luna said, staring daggers at her once she paused for a moment and showed her wingless back. “She failed.”

I’m sorry, I think I need a microphone for Luna. What the f*ck this b*tch just say?

Twilight’s head nearly was smashed into the wall as spit flew out her mouth.

“All you had to do to was finish him; to put and end to that unfortunate chapter in Equestrian history, to be the one to bring about change!” Luna shouted at Twilight, her tear-stricken face no longer resembled any regality as she was fueled with anger and sadness. “You had one job, and you couldn’t even do that!”

You can’t talk sh*t, luna.

Jabbing her hoof into Sunset’s midsection and attempting to catch her with a wild hoof in an arc, Sunset hissed, nearly trying to bite Luna before her hoof came back, catching her and forcing her to the ground.

Can we just agree that both of them suck at fighting.

“I will tell you. . .if you release me,” Luna appealed to Twilight for the moment, hoping that she would be willing to put the small issue to the side for the moment. “I will not apologize for voicing the facts that we both know to be true; one of us has to take account for her actions, and that by us, I mean you.”

Don’t release her. Just punch her a few times.

Huffing and letting her up, Luna growled at Spike wanting to wipe that smug grin off his face. If only she had her full power. “I will not attack; I am simply just-“

Even with full power it wouldn’t do anything.

“Her friends told her to forget about them; that completing the mission was the only thing that mattered; their lives were supposed to be sacrificed on the altar of peace if it meant restoring Equestria, but instead it was a waste since Twilight could not finish the worse of the worst off!”

If kakashi was here he’d be shacking his head.

“Hnnngh!” Luna head butted Twilight, causing her to stumble back as Luna held her head in her hooves, paying her broken and pathetic face no mind. She couldn’t talk; she sat around and just let it happen without any inkling of the consequences afterwards.

Why did y’all let her go?

“But Princess,” Spike cleared his throat after seeing a stern look from her. “My bad; Luna. We may just have a chance, but only if we work together. Surely-“

“-You wish for me to join my sister, is that it?” Luna asked with a tongue of venom. Of course; a murderer always returns to the scene of the crime to ensure there were no witnesses, if only to cover up their tracks. “As thrilling as that may sound, I would kindly decline that offer.”

I wouldn’t mind.

“But you and Celestia were princesses, with plenty of years of experience. How could you not nothing to suggest?” Sunset asked, walking closer to her Luna kept her head down. “Was that all a lie?”

“Sunset!” Twilight scolded.

Twilight, don’t defend her.

“In a time of relative peace, there can, and oftentimes there is, just that. Peace. Until Discord, not much else had been done that we didn’t account for. And even more recent events had admittedly been handled by Twilight and her friends.” Luna said, circling a hoof on the ground as her ears dropped. This would be the nail in the coffin. “We are not as all knowing or benevolent as you think; at least my sister was not. I. . .need not remind of what I went through, do I?” Luna’s small glint of shame was felt through her own eyes reflecting into Twilight’s.

So why was she talking sh*t?

“There actually is a lot I can do, but to what extent it will be useful in restoring Equestria is completely up to your judgement, should I decide to help.”

Honestly, I wouldn’t want her help.

''And in the young, dying hours of the time before Tirek was known to be a monster, he and his brother Scorpan were peaceful, though that time has passed,'' Luna commented, shaking her head at Starswirl's willingness to befriend the tamer of the two, only it to bite everypony in the flank at one point or another. ''His quest for power and magic is only out shadowed by his intelligence of most matters.''

Wait, was it starswirl?

''Aye,'' Luna said, agreeing with the drake as Luna traded the information that would hopefully help the group, and. . .Twilight; to fix her mistake, if possible.

Why did she say it like that?

''Who said we would ask him?'' Twilight challenged Luna's position on the matter, not caring much for any shred of morality when it came to trying to fix her mistake. ''The power of the shadows should be enough; it should be just what we need to help turn the tide. It. . .has to work,'' Twilight swore to herself. Twilight wished she could approach this issue by herself when everything was said and done, as to no rope in Spike, Sunset, or even Luna. ''We just need to find him and use his power to do something; we can take care of the rest as it comes,'' Twilight said, noting Luna's cackling laughter at Twilight's idea, the sound filling the entire cavern until Luna was in pain.

Is she planning on stealing it?

''Twilight, stop!'' Sunset shouted at her, trying to pry her friend off of Luna, who had her hooves pressed firmly into her neck. ''It's not worth it!'' Luna merely chuckled as she began to choke on her own spit, and her face turned a darker shade of purple.

Let her go.

''Twi, give it a rest! What will this accomplish? She's doing this on purpose!'' Spike walked over to Twilight, intent on picking them up, only to feel a wild hoof strike him in the leg before he growled. Grabbing her and picking her up, the gleam in Twilight's eyes soon faded with a strike to her neck from Spike. Coughing and hacking up her spit, Luna failed to move from her spot, only settling for shaking her head.

Why hit twilight?

''So, you want to tell me what's with the idea of all but lynching Stygian in the event he doesn't or can't give us what it is that we need to have a chance of winning this fight?'' Spike asked, walking with Twilight as the flashbacks of their time here when he and Twi branched off from the main group following the argument of Queen Nova's Pearl and the lengths that Twilight failed to trust her friends for the sake of the mission and Equestria. ''He may be more receptive if you give him a chance.''

Wait, I thought this took place before that.

''You mean The Pony of Shadows; you forget but even though we helped rid him from Stygian, he only wound up going right back and bonding again, so was it really worth it at the end of the day?'' the question made Spike shrug as he was only as sure as Twilight was at the time. ''We may just have to take things by force if it means accomplishing our goal.'' Twilight watched Spike's reaction as she chose to say what she was about to hold back for the sake of not seeming like a jerk. ''You can't tell me they taught you nothing at that school of yours on doing what's necessary-'


Spike slowly began to walk over to the center of the destroyed fountain where Twilight and Stygian were sizing each other up. white fire beginning to gather in his claws as his wings jutted out. ''An Adept.'' Spike simply said, managing to fly towards the dark figure, throwing his fire towards his target.

An adept at what?

''Yea, no! Go down already!'' Sunset shouted, inhaling a breath and shouting, a wave of sound following, causing Stygian's form to distort and ripple, the pulsations revealing the old, weathered and defiant true self of Stygian as he tried to cling onto his form.

So it’s like venom?

Stygian chuckled, managing to look Twilight in the eyes as the shadows began to shrink, lowering them to the ground before collapsing in a pool of liquid. ''Huh. . .with me, t-they die. B-But, they shall. . .live with you.'' Stygian said before going silent, a small thrum sounding from beneath the very ground as Spike, Sunset, and Twilight had little time to react before the shadows suddenly grew, the hissing of being burned doing little to deter it as it continued to grow.

What does that mean?

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