• Member Since 29th Apr, 2020
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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:


This story is a sequel to Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake

A collection of pieces covering various scenarios and moments from Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake, ranging from alternate scenarios/endings, to various little moments from perspectives other than Sunset Shimmer's.

This will not make any sense if you haven't read the main story. I strongly discourage reading this until/unless you have, as it won't make any sense. Every piece presumes you're familiar with the source material--be aware.

Thank you to all my readers who stayed with me on the main story, and gave me the desire to write little bits for it here. This will be updated whenever the fancy strikes me.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 69 )

Oh no. That was tough to read. It makes me wonder about the secret that was just revealed in In Harmony's Wake. What's going to happen to the person they found? Will they be punished? Or will everything be fine in the end?

Yeah, pretty dark ending there. I am looking forward to seeing what other alternative moments and what-ifs we will see.

I feel like that Monoponi would intervene and stop Sunset from harming Trixie. Oh well, there's always Doctor Killgood.

Oh yes. When I first wrote this short, I ran into a spoiler problem, because, for spoiler reasons, Monoponi wouldn't actually have allowed things to end this way. But since I had to avoid spoilers, it was the only possible conclusion. It had to be done at least once. But this will be the only one that ends like this. As much "fun" as it would be to write each trial with the culprit winning, it'd just be a similar situation over and over again: the culprit becoming aware of how killing everyone didn't accomplish anything... though I suppose it might be a bit fun to do a single oneshot that covers all their thoughts in that situation, from their perspective. But it'd still be really sad.

That was pretty heavy.
Not quite as heavy as the first one, but still...

Makes me wonder if Adagio would feel the same way after this trial if she discovers Sunset took her magic.

I will find that culprit, if it’s the last thing I do!

Go get them, tiger. :pinkiesmile:

Yeah. :fluttershyouch: At least, hopefully, not all the scenarios will involve Sunset dying?

Well... I haven't fully decided if it'll come up in the trial or not, but even if it doesn't, I'll say this: I don't think she'd have the same reaction she did in the main story. In the main story, she'd been with Sunset for far longer, and had basically taken most of the steps towards redemption. Thus the discovery was a slap in the face, sending her hurtling back down the mountain and all the way into the pits she'd started in. But here? Between the fact that she hadn't been with Sunset for as long, and the fact that losing someone very much changes how you feel about them... I don't think she'd feel as betrayed. She'd be conflicted. It'd still upset her. Make her even more committed to not trusting anyone else. But it wouldn't cause her to go on some killing spree. This Adagio won't become a blackened, attempted or otherwise. This one gets to be the protagonist.

That she will.

Yeah, I agree. Hell, Adagio would likely yell at the other Rainbooms in the picture.


This one gets to be the protagonist.

Again, like with the mastermind's original plans for the game, I kinda want to see how this version would play out to its end, but I know that likely won't happen, considering how much work that'd take

Very true. It's always possible--I had a lot of fun writing Adagio's perspective--but this was easier to write because it was mostly a parallel of what I'd already done once, thus I had an easy to work from guide. Anything following this case? It's going to be a whole new ballgame. There's no way Chapters Three, Four, or Five would have remotely the same victims or culprits, not without Sunset being around. We could easily end up with five very different survivors. Which... honestly has me excited by the prospect. Enough to consider, if nothing else, a quicker version of each case.

Incidentally should this happen, Adagio, Trixie, and Apple Bloom would become the new trio of sorts. Doesn't necessarily mean either Bloom or Trix get to be a survivor, but they'll be around and important at least.

...okay now I REALLY want to see that someday. (Maybe even things would play out so that both Dash and Scootaloo could survive)

Welp, we'll have to see. The fact that my mind is churning with ideas is a good sign. Means there's interesting stuff I could do with it. Fun tales to tell. Like I said, I won't promise, but we'll see what happens.

Can't wait to see what comes of this, if anything does

You know, I never did understand how the trap worked. It was pretty difficult to understand how it functioned. Could someone please help me out?

i was JUST about to cry, and you've made Dagi the protagonist .. kqjrenv;kqjnervk so many emotions, i practically screamed

Still, this wasn’t the blood of my prey I was smelling. This was the blood of my. Of… my.... Of Sunset Shimmer. A human. Yes. Just a human. Nothing more.

No. Don’t think about that. Don’t even begin to think about that.

ㅠㅠ she doesn't want to admit sunset really mattered to her .. but she did :fluttercry: LCRevEVMKErerLMKEKCVNJKEnQEKKECRLMCL LET ME THERE I WANT TO COMFORT HER (((((((

it's embarrassing but there were lots of times i couldn't proceed what i've just read cause Dagi's the main character now LOL

My hand balled up into a fist and planted itself into the closest available wall, smashing it apart and splattering the area with splinters and wood dust. My knuckles burned like fire, ripped open by the punch, bleeding freely. I allowed the pain to fill my senses, drowning out that incessant voice in my head. “I am Adagio Dazzle,” I whispered. “I am a siren. I am not going to torment myself with thoughts of doubt, or uncertainty, fear, or loss.”

“Listen up!” I said, demanding their attention with the full force of my siren charisma. “I’m only going to say this once to you idiots: I’m here to catch Sunset’s killer. You’re all going to help me. And whoever was responsible is going to die. It’s that simple. You’re a fool if you think you’re going to get away with this. Oh, and don’t worry. If we somehow vote wrong?” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my knife, catching the light with it to shine at them. “This’ll be in your throat before you can blink. ”

I will find that culprit, if it’s the last thing I do!


also, i'm curious bout how long this is going to be. i mean, i doubt we'll have the baby as protagonist til the sixth chapter, probably just the trial and maybe epilogue, but still ...

Ah, here's an interesting scenario. Sunset dies like the killer intended for the second trial. Certainly interesting for Adagio to take her place as the main protagonist, plus seeing her internal struggle over Sunset's death due to her developing feelings for her.

Probably the biggest twist of all though is Adagio finding those last few pieces of evidence way early. After everything we saw from Chapter Six of the main story If Sunset's death didn't screw up the Mastermind's plans then that almost certainly did.

The trap is actually a lot simpler than the original or this version of the case makes it sound.The culprit placed the spear down on a small wooden platform, with four pieces of wood used to help keep it standing up so it didn't fall over or shift from its vertical position. Underneath the platform is a coiled, tensed spring. This spring contains a lot of tension, so that when released it applies a huge amount of force, enough to shove the spear up through the hole--which is deliberately wide enough to allow the spear to push through easily--and through the victim's body. Everything else is part of making it work.

The lever is used to keep the spring tensed. The chain, which runs under the stage, up the wall and up to the rafters, is used to pull on the lever, with the falling bag of tools providing enough force to tense the chain up and cause it to pull the lever back, which releases the spring. The bag of tools was propped up by several pieces of rope that were drilled through with the stolen drill, as a timing device.

So basically, the drill, the chain, the lever, all of it is one gigantic timing system set to release the spear like a jack in the box, or a snake in a can. Under tension, the tension releases, the spear goes up, and the victim dies. The amount of force was just enough to kill the victim, but not enough to send the spear high up into the air or anything, which is why both Apple Bloom and Sunset ended up propped up on it. There was a detail in the original investigation that I skimped on here, about part of the spear sticking down from the hole in the stage, indicating it didn't even go all the way up.

Hopefully that helps. :pinkiesmile: If you're still confused, let me know and I'll see if I can't find a visual representation that helps make it better. (If necessary I'll make a GIF myself, hehe. :twilightsmile:)

Hehehe, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I kinda figured if anyone would, you would, being the huge Adagio fan you are. :twilightsmile: As for how long, well, as I said elsewhere, dunno, but there's always the possibility that I might, if nothing else, do abridged versions of case three, four, and five, as different mysteries. If I did this they would have very little Daily Life surrounding them, and would focus entirely on the mystery itself. Probably. And then again I said I'd streamline this investigation and it ended up almost identical in word length to the original piece so... :twilightsheepish:

Well, The mastermind planted them intentionally, because they're thinking 'Well darn, if my traitor is dead, might as well give them up early.' A rearrangement, if you will. Adjusting on the fly. They'll still have plenty to work with in this game for distrust between the passengers, with Adagio as the protagonist.

Thank you ever so much. Yeah, it's clearer. It's also very clever. I applaud you for creating it. :twilightsmile:

Hehe, thank you. I have to credit my husband with suggesting an alternative to my original plan, which involved a swinging halberd coming from the rafters. Definitely prefer this version though. (He suggested the basic idea, I made it work.)

Monokuma would be proud of the despair that resulted from this.

I'd like to think so, hehe. Not that Monokuma should be anyone's role model. :rainbowlaugh:

One AU that I'd LOVE to see in some form eventually (though I'm not sure how it'd be pulled off):
The mastermind's plans get derailed enough where, rather than there being 5 survivors by the time Twilight arrives, there are 6. And those 6 being the CMC and their sisters.

Huh. Huuuh. That's... hmm. That would be very tricky indeed. But that's a really cool challenge to try to come up with solving.

The following issues would have to be solved:
1. Cozy wants Sunset to live. She needs Sunset to live, to be the traitor. As we've already seen in The Right Target, when that fails, she has to really change up her plans something fierce.
2. Adagio would have to die in some manner. I can only see her being a blackened if she has no one to rely on to keep her from doing it, meaning she would have to be a victim. That's going to be very hard to do. Doable, but hard.
3. We'd have to figure out who the protagonist of this would be. My initial instinct is to say Applejack, because I remember once considering writing a KG with her as the protag, several years ago. But Rarity might also fulfill this role. Either one could work pretty well.
4. We'd need to somehow keep Sweetie Belle from giving in to the motive that was deliberately aimed at her. That's not going to be easy.
5. Somehow we have to prevent the double death in Chapter Three. Either that, or someone needs to suicide and be their own blackened with no one else dying.

All of these are solvable of course. And I think to do it, things have to derail in Chapter One. How? It's actually pretty easy. I was already considering writing a short alt scenario based on this.

Basically, Wallflower doesn't turn her back on Timber. She keeps backing up and keeps him in sight all the way till she gets into her cabin and locks it, leaving him out there, unable to do anything. TImber being Timber, he's freaking out. He's scared that Wallflower will tell people he was going to kill someone. So he ends up not doing anything either, and no one dies. The party ends and everyone is alive.

Cozy is, of course, infuriated by this. Timber messed up big time. So she tosses out a new motive, that's supposed to get him moving so Wallflower can die. Only she messes up. It motivates someone else. And that someone else kills Sunset. Yes, Sunset dies from the start. She'd have to, for this to work. Then Applejack, or Rarity, or maybe the two as a team take over investigating.

From there the motives just don't work as intended. Adagio ends up either killing someone or is a victim by Chapter Two. Wallflower lives till at least Chapter Four. Even Timber sticks around for a while, a lot longer. Meanwhile those who should've lived longer keep falling like dominoes. Flash in particular would have to kick the bucket early, as would Diamond Tiara and Trixie. Someone commits suicide, perhaps Pinkie Pie through overdosing on drugs.

Then in the end you have the CMCs and Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow. One big sisterly group ready to kick some tail. How that would end? No idea! But it's a cool thought experiment.

That'd be amazing, and I'd love to see it even more.

Applejack and Rarity should definitely lead the investigation together.

As for who kills whom, my personal suggestions:
Chapter 1: Flash ends up killing Sunset, since the new motive causes him to fear that she'll kill Sci-Twi.
Chapter 2: Trixie and Adagio end up fighting to the death for some reason.
Chapter 3: Maybe Tiara severely wounds Timber, only to get killed, and Fluttershy then has to end Tiara's life as a mercy kill.
Chapter 4: Twilight and Wallflower die here. Not sure how.
Chapter 5: Pinkie, as a result of the stress of everything that has happened, suicides by drug overdose
Of course this could be easily changed.

Another alternate scenario that I just thought of that might be fun to see (that has nothing to do with that one) would be:
What if Flash's plan to kill Dash in Chapter Four failed because she spotted the skates, and she figures out what he was planning? But rather than try to kill him in revenge, she calmly talks to him. Whether his spleen bursts anyway or not would be up to you.

I think for the most part that sounds fairly solid, timeline wise, apart from Trixie and Adagio fighting. I'd want to avoid a repeat of cases from the main story if possible. Though I guess Trixie could victim and Adagio be blackened. And I'd probably swap Pinkie Pie dying and Twilight and Wallflower dying case wise.

Still that aside, all of those are workable solutions. And speaking of workable solutions... I... already have a plan in place for how The Right Target could proceed. All the way to the end in fact. It was surprisingly easy for me to come up with.

That other alt scenario you propose is pretty cool. At that point it would almost feel like a post Chapter 4 THH situation, where no one wants to kill. Though I guess having Flash and Rainbow around wouldn't stop Adagio from losing it upon being informed Sunset took her magic. Hmm.

Yeah, I did actually originally have Pinkie die before Wallflower, but then I figured:
1. THH's last death (besides Junko's) was a suicide, so that should be the case here.
2. Having Twi and Wallflower die first would only add to Pinkie's stress.

And I can't wait to see the rest of The Right Target.

And, yeah, even with Flash and Dash still around, Adagio would still probably try to kill Sunset if she found out what happened.
Heck, I think it'd only motivate Cozy even MORE to make sure Adagio would kill Sunset.

And I just thought of one more "What if" scenario for now, though it might be one you've already considered at some point:
What if Fluttershy DID realize the ring was in her pocket before she triggered the shop alarms? I get the feeling she'd still be trusting. She's just THAT kind, but it'd still be interesting to see.

Those are both good points. I see what you mean. Yeah that could definitely work. Especially if Pinkie was just sort of slowly unraveling in the background of every chapter, then finally loses it by Chapter Five, and most of the mystery revolves around ways everyone could've killed her but didn't.

You're right. And honestly depending upon how long it takes Flash to recover... I could actually see an alt scenario there where he tries to stop Adagio, Adagio hits back, and that bursts his spleen and kills him, and everyone's super confused because he dies hours later. That would be some serious sadness I think, for a lot of reasons.

What if Fluttershy DID realize the ring was in her pocket before she triggered the shop alarms? I get the feeling she'd still be trusting. She's just THAT kind, but it'd still be interesting to see.

So it depends upon how it happens.
1. If she notices Pinkie put it in her pocket, she'd ask Pinkie, who would get a bit defensive at first. Then Shy would glare at Pinkie in a "come on now" kind of way and Pinkie would give in and say that Rainbow wanted to surprise her. And then Fluttershy forgives her, tells her to put it back, and says she'll go speak to Rainbow later. Who is then super duper triple confused. Twilight is nearby and then admits what happened. And thus Twilight's stupid as shit plan actually works. Everyone's kind of mad at her, but they get over it.

2. If she notices before she leaves the store, she might be a bit more suspicious. But I think she'd also just sort of go "wait, what?" and then shrug, scan it, and then leaves. Then something distracts her--perhaps Pinkie just being super happy about her new gift--so she forgets about it. Twilight's plan fails but no one dies. Then later on, with Rainbow and Fluttershy together Rainbow might find the ring, ask Shy about it, who then says she doesn't know how it got there but she bought it anyway. I think here she'd fail to put two and two together and not realize it was Pinkie, so it ends up just being a thing where Rainbow starts pretending Shy was trying to surprise her, and then it becomes an adorable moment.

Either way: Fluttershy and Pinkie both live.

That would actually work perfectly.

And yeah, that'd be definitely sad, and would actually work a lot. And Trixie especially would be sad, since she'd be able to save one friend, but not another.

And between the two alternate Fluttershy + Pinkie scenarios, I kinda like the second one more.
I did have something similar to the first one in mind when suggesting it, but the second one would be cuter in the end.

What would make Flash dying like that especially sad is, he tried to kill someone, failed, they make up, he realizes his mistakes, and then he dies anyway. Like, talk about shooting the shaggy dog. I'd feel like a complete heel including that in one of my stories.

Which means I should totally do something like that in another KG if I write one at some point.

It'd also mean six survivors, unless Adagio kills someone else, so Cozy will be especially displeased. Which I mean is fine, because screw her.

Now I might have to write that second scenario, if only because it'd be super adorbs. It'd be a one-shot for sure, no idea where that AU timeline would go, but that's fine. Not every AU needs to be extended out all the way to the end, or else all I'll ever write is variations on the same story. :rainbowlaugh:

Pfft, yeah. And it only makes sense.

It'd also mean six survivors, unless Adagio kills someone else, so Cozy will be especially displeased. Which I mean is fine, because screw her.

All the more reason for it.

And yeah, while part of me would definitely LOVE to see where things end up in that version, there are only ultimately so many ways you can do a variation on a DR story with the same characters.

To say that led to an argument would be like saying the First Great War was a minor tiff. It took the combined efforts of Timber, Applejack, and Sunset to keep Rainbow from throttling Twilight to death. Flash had to be held back from defending Twilight by Rarity and Adagio. Whatever friendship he and Rainbow had built up tore itself apart over the incident

Okay... THAT kinda hurt to read.

She shooed them up the elevator in hurry, then departed so she could scream, tearing apart the prepared execution chamber, blowing up tube after tube of fireworks inside the ship, just to excise some of the anger built up inside.

The first thing that came to mind was this bit from Force Awakens:

This led to a long, drawn out conversation between Rainbow and Flash about their mutual misunderstandings, which took longer than it should have thanks to Rainbow’s difficulty with staying conscious. But by the conclusion of it, both had apologized, and Flash even broke down crying over how ashamed he was of his mistakes. Rainbow, to her credit, forgave him, openly, and said he could always make it up to her when they got off the ship. To which he agreed

And that made me happy again.

Of course even Starswirl the Bearded’s power was no match against such technological might, and he realized it. So when the cruise missiles swarmed in, he dropped the shield, and teleported the whole ship instead. It took all of his power to do it, and left the old stallion drained, exhausted, and in a coma, but he did. He moved the ship away just as the missiles exploded, far enough away that it was out of radio range.

So something kinda similar was in the original plans for the main fic, I take it?

All in all, this was a great read.
I get the feeling I'll be coming back to this quite a bit.

Very touching. Maybe this was how it went in an alternate timeline. At least this one had the miracle of hope behind it. It's more of a summary, but it's still pretty good. Not bad.


The first thing that came to mind was this bit from Force Awakens:

More or less that, yeah.

So something kinda similar was in the original plans for the main fic, I take it?

Eeeeh... Sort of? I considered it, when I realized I'd written myself into a corner with Cozy blowing up the ship. But then I decided against it. It showed up here as an excuse to let the ship live too since, after all, the title is Everybody Lives.

All in all, this was a great read.
I get the feeling I'll be coming back to this quite a bit.

It was catharsis for me too, because goodness me the main story hurt to write sometimes.

Yeah, it's definitely more of a summary style, not quite my usual method. But if this followed my usual method, this, ah... this would've been a whole other novel. Which is what "Never Say Never" does, admittedly, which is admirable, but not quite what I was going for, haha.


It was catharsis for me too, because goodness me the main story hurt to write sometimes.

I was going to save something like this for the end of the actual story, but I figured I'd say it here:
As well written as the main story is, and as much as I love the DR games, I don't think it's something I'll ever read again once it's done.
I mean, I love going back and rewatching parts of the game (either individually or in LPs), but it's kinda different when characters that you've loved and have had several years of adventures watching as opposed to characters that just kinda exist in one or two video games (plus the anime).

You know what, I don't blame you at all for that. Not one bit. It's painful, in a good way, yes, but still painful. I don't blame you for feeling like it's something you can't read a second time. I appreciate that you read it the first time, and that you've been so active in responding and commenting on it. That means a lot to me. :pinkiesmile:

This was truly amazing. To see a scenario where everyone gets to live. Where no one had to die. And everyone gets to live a happy life.

This. This brings a smile to my face to see something that could of happened, actually happened in a alternate place

Interesting choice for the fanfiction, but I think I read it later. Currently I am interested in reading Three Point Shot

During this chapter I keep imagining Cozy (oh, oops, I meant to say Mastermind) just flipping out and saying:

You are all still alive? Of course I am just happy to see you all. No no no I really wanted to teach you all a lesson. Killing is wrong, is that what they all say? Friendship test? Yes! Aren't you glad Twilight ? Aren't you glad that we all learned such wonderful friendship lesson? Do you want a cake? It's my birthday.

If everyone gets a happy ending why not Cozy too?

This chapter is beautiful. This is what I’m gonna come back to everytime I get too depressed by the main story. This chapter is what moved the story from my ‘Happy Upvotes’ shelf to my ‘Honest Favorites’. I love it.

Heehee, I'm glad I brought a smile to your faces. Given how most of the Lost Moments are sure to be depressing, well... good that this exists, eh?

So, that's a cool idea, but the reason Cozy didn't get a happy ending here was, well, partially for the sake of comedy--I fully intended this to be funny, or at least worth an occasional chuckle--but also because it wouldn't fit. The kind of alternate scenario that results in Cozy getting a happy ending has to take place before the killing game actually begins. Even if no one died, she still started the game. She still crossed the point of no return. No alternate where she does that will ever have a happy ending for her.

Unless I decide to write a "Cozy Wins" one but I think everyone would stab me in the face if I did that.

That said, there is a story I have in mind that would give Cozy a happy ending. I dunno when or even if it'll get written, but, well... if you really want to know...

It'd be the Good Ending to Cruise Mode.

Oh, but Three Point Shot is great. You'll love it. There's a lot of good alternate takes on V3 actually.

Wow, this is amazing and incredibly cathartic after everything they went through in the main story. It really shows “the magic of friendship” being triumphant here despite still facing struggles. I have come across a few stories set in Danganronpa that try to pull a “everyone lives” ending too, but some of them are really contrived or left unfinished. This one however fits great with the setting and is very believable.

Even I have to admit, even if I like how in the main story Cozy is left behind on the ship to die alone, her fate here fits much better with “everybody lives”. Though some may argue the punishment here is a fate far worse than death.


Interesting choice for the fanfiction, but I think I read it later. Currently I am interested in reading Three Point Shot

Oh I love that story! I have found quite a few stories that do an alternate take on V3, especially with the opening trial, but I believe that one is my personal favorite. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Instead of the Butterfly Effect, we got the Wallflower Effect. Just one person made all the difference.

This is more in line with the spirit of the show rather than the game. However, if you were to flesh it out to the level of the original, then the stakes and tension would be so much lower. Readers wouldn't be dreading the next part, worried that their favorite characters would die. The Mastermind wouldn't inspire the same terror, probably reduced to an annoyance at best.

But, it is fun to speculate with these What Ifs. And cathartic after the tragedy of the original.

Thanks for sharing!

Heh, well, if you want to read a good "Everybody Lives" Danganronpa story, I do recommend reading the one that inspired this, Never Say Never. It's not complete (and it's really more of a far more fleshed out take on Danganronpa: IF) but it follows the same basic idea I did here, just, you know, much more so. As for Cozy, I certainly would call it a fate worse than death, But then that's kind of the point. She lived. Doesn't mean she's happy.

Very true. The only reason this even works is because the original exists. Without the original this wouldn't be cathartic nor would it be that interesting. I mean you might still have some fun with some of the mysteries but it'd just be... not that enjoyable by comparison. And you're welcome.

Are there any V3 alternate takes where Kokichi is among the survivors?

I believe there is? But I'm not entirely certain. I know that a couple of the V3 was a simulation stories do. And I think there's at least one where he's technically executed but doesn't actually die, since he escaped the actual death. But I don't recall exactly which ones it was.

I can, however, tell you I found them all on this page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanficRecs/Danganronpa This contains a list of various fanfic recommendations for Danganronpa. And I wouldn't mind if someone listed IHW under the crossover section one of these days.

after ch6 i .. i really needed this. a breath of clear air in all those deaths тт.тт

gosh this fanfic is endless and i love it

I'll be sure to give those a look at some point. Haven't really delved much into the fanfic side of things (mostly been focused on the games and anime, as well as animations and the like)

I know one where he is a survivor, though it wasn’t a V3 remake exactly.

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