• Member Since 20th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Formerly known as YourUncleFuncle


The world seems to be getting faster, while her life on the inside seems to be getting slower. A prisoner to her own mind, Fluttershy has remained dormant for weeks, doing nothing besides sleeping, crying, and drinking coffee. How much more of this can she take?

My attempt at a darker fic, so I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

I'd hate to say it, but I think I'm heading for this very quickly...

Good story though.

...please don't :applecry:. I hope you don't fall into this, but I appreciate the compliment! Have a good day/night!

Why isn't there a tragedy tag?

Oh dang, forgot about that. There is now, thank you!

Oh boy, well, this hits really close to home. Poor Fluttershy. I think it would be a nice add-on to this story, if you so chose, to have on of her friends help her in someway - maybe Rainbow or Pinkie. But there is no "Easy way out" for depression and I think this short little story captures that perfectly. Well done. :)

Hey man, the internet can be a great place. Lots of people on here I'm sure would like to talk if you need it.

Alright I promised an honest review for you. Do keep in mind this isn't my genre either, so take my word with that in mind. Cons to start: it was a little over dramatic and some of the ideas were a little on the nose. Honestly this could easily be fixed if you had decided to make the story a little longer though, it was good for the space it was done in. Pros though, you don't need to explain any of your imagery because that aspect of it was on point. The mood and environment work well with what I think you were trying to go for. Honestly the only thing really wrong with this story is that there should have been more of it.
I still do like your other work more though:twilightblush: good job overall.

I'll be doing a dramatic reading of this fic shortly in the future :)

I may do a sequel, but this story will remain complete. I'm really glad you thought my interpretation was good though. I have never had depression, but I wanted to grasp the essence of nothingness and the almost impossible-to-escape side of the disorder, so I'm really happy you thought my story did that. Thank you so much for reading and the nice review. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I understand it feeling really dramatic:duck:. I really didn't want it to be too long because it would have dragged on and become boring. I may do a sequel of recovery that will be around the same length, but I don't want to add on to this one really. The most important aspect of this story was the imagery, and even if people didn't get the subtle hints in the deeper level, I had hoped to paint a dreary and depressing atmosphere of nothing that was the surface level, and I'm happy you thought it was on point. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it's honestly not my genre either, but it was a nice change.

Oh, wow, I don't know what to say except thank you! Please send me a link when you're done. :pinkiehappy:

I've recorded it for my youtube channel, The editing will be done within a week. Got a couple of fic queued before this one.

Wow. This fiction is pretty much perfection. Likes stories like these! It brings out the character a lot.

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