• Published 13th May 2021
  • 1,196 Views, 29 Comments

Birthday Gyrrl - shallow15

Flash Sentry has come home from college for his birthday. Sunset Shimmer and Rarity have the perfect gift planned for him.

  • ...

The Reveal

He was staring at a stranger. A beautifulstranger.

She was taller than most women his age, but her features were soft and defined. Her blue eyes popped against the glittery green and black eyeshadow. The dress hugged her frame and the skirt billowed out over her hips. The lime green sections of the dress surprisingly didn’t clash with the gold tone of her skin. Her lips were full and luscious, highlighted by the nude colored lipstick without overwhelming her face.

Her hair was long and wavy, a black waterfall flowing down to just below her shoulders. A ringlet rested on her right shoulder. A mass of bangs swept across her forehead, forming a wave that partially obscured her left eye. She looked back at Flash with an identical expression of disbelief.

Flash put out a hand and touched the mirror, staring at the apparition. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Somehow, the Flash Sentry he always saw when he looked in the mirror was gone and had been replaced by this somehow familiar stranger…

… and she was pretty.

“Do you like it, Flash?” Sunset asked, coming up and putting a hand on his shoulder. Flash looked at Sunset’s reflection in the mirror. He opened his mouth to speak, but all he got out was a choked squeak. He nodded at Sunset, and gave her a grateful smile. Tears started forming in his eyes again.

“Oh no, please, darling, not again!” Rarity cried, producing a tissue and dabbing at his eyes. “We don’t want to have to redo everything!”

“It's...” Flash managed to get out. “It's perfect! Thank you!

“It was our pleasure, Flash,” said Sunset. She came forward and hugged him again. When they separated, they saw Rarity wandering around the bedroom, looking for something.

“What's up, Rarity?” Sunset asked.

“Looking for Flash's phone,” Rarity replied.

Out of habit, Flash slapped his hips, before he remembered what he was wearing. “I think I left them in my jeans. Wait, hang on...”

The fingers of one of his hands has found what felt like a slit cut into one side of the skirt. His other hand found a similar slit and both slid inside. He stared at Rarity. “Does this dress have pockets?”

Rarity's grin was massive. “Yes! I started adding them to all my projects!”

Sunset blinked and she looked down at the sheer dress she was wearing. “All of them?” she asked, skepticism in her voice. Rarity blushed.

“Well... most of my projects. I'm still trying to figure out how to add pockets to dresses like yours without spoiling the line.”

“Rarity, you said that my underpants were spoiling the line,” Sunset snarked.

Flash's head snapped around to her. “Wait, what?”

“Never mind!” Rarity said loudly. “Flash, darling, would you be a dear and go get your phone? I have something in mind.”

“O... kay,” Flash said. He left the bedroom and walked back to the bathroom. His discarded clothes were still on the floor where he left them. He picked them up, folding his shirt and wrapping his discarded boxers in it. He reached into the pockets of his jeans and pulled out his wallet, keys and phone, putting them in the pockets of the dress.

He looked in the mirror, marveling that the pockets of the dress were sewn into the folds of the dress in such a way that, even with his things in them, the pockets themselves were still invisible. He glanced upward to his face. He reached up and touched the mirror again. As he looked closer, he could see the illusion of femininity wasn't quite perfect. His chin was still fairly square, even with the contouring, and the foundation wasn't as smooth as it could have been along his chin. Tiny bumps of stubble could be seen if you looked close enough.

Flash looked up at the fluorescent lighting in the ceiling, then took a step back. The little imperfections vanished and once again, he was looking at the beautiful stranger in the mirror. He shifted his weight, trying to lower his center of gravity to his hips, and rocked them back and forth, making the folds of the dress shimmy. He took a few steps, trying to imitate the way he had seen the girls on campus walk. It was awkward and he wasn't sure he would fool anyone in public, but he was satisfied with the experiment.

“Flash, darling, is everything okay?” came Rarity's voice from down the hall.

“Yeah! I'm fine!” Flash called back. “I'll be right there.”

He folded up his jeans and took the whole bundle of clothes back to Rarity's bedroom. He put them on the bed and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

“Lucky,” Sunset said, folding her arms in a mock jealous pout. She was sitting on the vanity stool Flash had previously occupied.

Rarity got up from the desk chair and took the phone from him. “All right, darling, stand over there, please.”

“Okay,” Flash did as he was told, standing next to the mirror. “Now what?”

“Spread out your skirt, please.”

Flash grabbed the hem of the skirt on both sides and pulled it out, fanning it wide. “Like this?”

“Perfect!” Rarity held up his phone. “Smile, darling!”

“Wait, what?!” Flash dropped the skirt and reached for his phone, panic racing through his system. “What are you doing?!”

“Taking pictures,” Rarity answered, confused. “I mean, you'll have to change eventually. I thought you might like a record of your first experiment with fabulousness.”

Flash's eyes widened and he felt his heart begin to pound in his chest. His breathing became shallow and his mind began racing with images of what would happen if the pictures somehow became public.

People will think I'm a freak... a pervert...some kind of sex weirdo! And that's just to start. What if someone gets angry? What if Mom sees them? Oh jeez, what if--

“Flash?” Sunset's voice cut through his mental flagellation. He looked up to see both girls looking at him with concern.

“Flash, it's okay,” Sunset said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We don't have to take pictures if you don't want to.”

“Absolutely,” Rarity confirmed. “I just wanted to give you the chance to see yourself as we see you. To have a record that you could look back on with fondness, even if you never do anything like this again. That's why I was using your phone, so you have control over what happens to the pictures after we're done.”

“We definitely aren't trying to make you uncomfortable or embarrass you,” Sunset added. “You know that, right?”

Flash nodded. “Yeah... sorry. I just panicked a little. I mean, this has all be great, but it's also kind of overwhelming. I'm happy, but kinda scared too. I mean, it's one thing with you guys, but if anyone else sees me like this... I dunno... I don't want to seem ungrateful. I am, truly, but--”

“We understand, darling,” said Rarity. “We all are afraid of ridicule when we put ourselves out there.”

“But we're not putting you out there,” said Sunset. “This is all just between us. You keep control of the pictures. You decide where they go. We won't take any pictures with our phones, and we won't ask for copies. You're safe, Flash.”

Flash blushed in embarrassment. He put a hand behind his head, but quickly brought it back, not wanting to dislocate the wig. He settled on putting his hands behind his back and looking down at his feet. “Sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for, darling,” said Rarity. She gave him a gentle smile. “If you don't want pictures, we don't have to take them.”

“No,” Flash said quietly. He looked up at his friends. “Let's do it.”

“Are you sure?” Sunset asked. “Don't do it just because you think you have to humor us.”

Flash thought for a moment. The girls had been nothing but conscientious of his feelings all night. They had given him every opportunity to back out of doing this. They had offered words of support and encouragement. The work they had done had made him feel better than he ever had in his life.

And that was the point, wasn't it? He felt fantastic in the dress. The makeup made him look prettier than he expected. He even was surprised by how good he looked in the wig.

Yes, he'd had moments of doubt, but that was all him. Sunset and Rarity had never doubted he could have this, and they had spent the entire night trying to convince him of the same. There had been nothing but encouragement, support, and positive reinforcement all night. They had spent who knew how long to give him something he thought he would never be able to have.

So why was he spending so much time pretending that he didn't want this?

Flash shook his head. “No, you guys are right. I want pictures. I want to have mementos of tonight.”

He moved back to the spot Rarity had indicated and smiled. “You guys have done so much for me tonight and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. This is just... amazing! Thank you so much!”

Rarity smiled. “It was our pleasure, darling.”

Sunset did likewise. “Now let's get some pictures!”

Rarity raised Flash's phone and centered him in the frame. Flash held up his hands.

“Wait! Wait! I want to try something!”

He made sure he had enough room, then spun in place. The skirt billowed out around him in a flowing circle. Rarity let out a shriek of delight and tapped the screen, capturing a perfect shot of Flash smiling at the camera as he twirled.

“Delightful!” Rarity squealed. “Do it again!”

“What? You want another angle?”

“Spin, then put your hands up by your smile. Like a princess!”

Flash laughed and complied. Rarity snapped the picture and squeed again at the result. She leaned over and showed the shot to Sunset, who smiled at the picture then at Flash.

She'd never seen him so happy.

Sunset pulled her car up to the curb outside Flash's house. They got out of the car, both still in their dresses. Flash carried his other clothes in a plastic bag. He looked over at Sunset and smiled.

“This has been great. Thanks, Sunset.”

“No problem,” Sunset replied. “Happy birthday, Flash.”

“This might have been the happiest one I've ever had.” He looked at her then grinned widely. “I gotta do it again!”

He twirled on the lawn, laughing. Sunset came around the car and took his arm.

“Okay, you, it's getting late and trust me, you don't want to keep that makeup on all night.”

“You sure?” Flash asked. “I think I do.”

“Well, let me ask you this. How much are you willing to spend on concealer for the zits and detergent to wash your bedding?”

Flash stopped twirling and gave her a look. “Way to kill the mood, Sunset. Boooooo.”

Sunset laughed and took his arm. “Come on. I'll help you get that stuff off and show you how to store the wig.”

“Oh, all right.”

The two of them headed toward the house. It was after midnight and they tried to keep quiet as Flash unlocked the front door.

“We'll use the downstairs bathroom,” he whispered. “That way we won't risk waking up – “

“Flash, honey? Is that you?”

“Mom!” Flash yelped as Azure Flame appeared at the top of the stairs.

“Oh good,” she said. “I was starting to get worried.”

“Yeah, sorry about that, Azure,” Sunset said. “Rarity and I kept him out later than we planned.”

“Oh, Sunset, you're here?” Azure asked, sounding delighted. “It's been forever! Come into the kitchen, I made cookies earlier! We can catch up!”

She reached out to flip the switch at the top of the stairs. Flash saw the movement then yelled “NO!” just as the lights came on.

Azure's eyes went wide at the sight of her son at the bottom of the stairs. She blinked at the sight of the dress, the wig, and the makeup.

“Flash?” she asked, concern in her voice.

Flash sighed and looked up at his mother. “Hi, Mom.”

“Flash... what are you wearing?” Azure asked, taking a couple of steps down.

“My birthday present,” he answered. “Sunset and Rarity set it up. And, Mom, I love it. I love everything about it. I feel better than I have in years and – “

“You look beautiful,” Azure said, smiling.

“ – If you have a problem with that, then I'm sorry but I... wait, what?” Flash blinked and stared at her.

Behind him, Sunset began giggling. He turned to look at her.

“Why do I get the feeling you know something I don't?” he asked.

Sunset grinned. “Who do you think helped chip in to get you all this stuff?”

Flash stared at her, then turned to face his mother, who had come down the stairs. “Wait a minute. You knew? How?”

“Well, it was more Sunset came to me with this idea in the first place,” Azure said, sitting down on the steps. “And when she told me that you had expressed an interest in crossdressing, I decided to help out.”

“You told her?” Flash asked Sunset. Sunset blushed.

“Yeah, I'm sorry. But Rarity and I were short on funds and we wanted to make sure we could get you everything so I asked your mom if she'd help us out.”

“And I was more than happy to,” Azure confirmed. “And judging from what I'm seeing, I'm glad I did.”

Flash looked at his mom again. “You're... seriously okay with this?”

Azure smiled. “I'm okay with almost anything that makes you happy. And if this does it, then I'm going to support you.”

Flash looked at her for a moment, then smiled and hugged his mother. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You're welcome. Now, cookies?”

“Give us a few minutes,” said Sunset. “I need to show Flash how to take off his makeup and store the wig.”

“Oh, sure! Just come down when you're done.” Azure got up off the stairs and made her way down the hall to toward the kitchen. She paused and looked up at the two of them as they started ascending. “Sunset? Use my bathroom. I have a facial scrub in there that will probably be better for him than that bar of soap in the main bathroom.”

Sunset nodded. “Can do. Thanks!”

Flash and Sunset went upstairs and through the master bedroom to the connected bathroom. As Flash stood in front of the sink, Sunset began looking through the assorted bottles on the counter, and through the medicine cabinet.

“Ah! Here we go. This will make things easier.” Sunset produced a packet from the cabinet, similar to the one Flash had spotted at Rarity's earlier. She handed it to him.

“Where's that bag the wig was in?” she asked.

“I think I left it in the bag with my other clothes,” Flash answered. “I'll go get it.”

“No, I'll grab it. Just take the wig off and lay it on the top of the hamper. Don't let it bunch up. Then go ahead and start using the wipes on your face.”


“Back in a minute.” Sunset disappeared out the door. Flash reached up and gently lifted the wig from his head. He placed it on the hamper and looked back in the mirror.

“Yeesh,” he said. Sunset had a point about getting the makeup off. It wasn't looking nearly as good as it had earlier. The lines were rougher and some of his lipstick was missing as a result of eating the pizza they had ordered. It wasn't going to be much longer before everything started smearing into an awful looking mess.

He pulled the wig cap off his head and laughed at the way it caused his hair to stick straight up in all directions. He looked ridiculous, but unlike earlier when he was getting his makeup put on, he felt good about it. It was more like the way he felt back in high school when his band had had a good session or show. He'd made it through to the other side of the night, and it had been a great night.

He opened the packet of wipes, took one out and began applying it to his face. The makeup came off easily, taking off everything he had put on. He used a couple to wipe half of his face and looked in the mirror, marveling at the differences between his natural face and his made up one. Both different, but both most definitely him.

“Here we go,” said Sunset, coming back into the room. She held the plastic bag for the wig in one hand, and what looked like a thin hair net in the other. She put the plastic bag down on the counter.

“Okay, so, pick up the wig and put your hand inside it. Hold it up like your hand is taking the place of your head.”

Flash complied and held it up. “Now what?”

Sunset fiddled with the hair net. It seemed to want to stick to itself and her hand. Finally, she got it completely unfolded and drew it over the top of the wig. “This helps keep it from tangling while it's being stored,” she explained. “Now, take the bottom of the net and bring down to the end of the wig and wrap all the ends in it.”

Flash did so.

“Finally, bring the end up toward the crown and kind of fold the wig on itself, but make sure all of it is in the net.”

It took a couple of attempts, but soon, they got the wig secured and put back in the bag. As Sunset snapped the bag shut, Flash took a couple more wipes and removed the rest of the makeup.

Sunset found a large bottle with a pump labeled “Skin Cleanser.” She turned on the sink.

“Hands,” she said. Flash held his hands out under the pump. Sunset squirted a generous amount into them. “Wash your face.”

Flash did, taking his time to make sure he scrubbed every inch. Sunset guided him when necessary, such as telling him to pay special attention to his eyebrows to get everything out of them. After a few minutes, Flash rinsed off his face and looked in the mirror.

The beautiful stranger was gone, and he was back to himself again. Sunset passed him a towel.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

Flash dried his face on the towel and smiled at her. “I feel good. Thanks... for everything.”

“It was my pleasure,” Sunset replied. She clapped her hands together. “I want cookies. Do you think she made those ones with the coconut flakes in them? Those are the best.”

“Probably,” Flash said. “She knows how much I like them too.”

“Well, come on then!” Sunset grabbed Flash's hand and dragged him out of the bathroom and back toward the stairs. She looked back at him and smiled.

“Birthday girl.”

Flash felt a surge of warmth run through him. He thought of the events of the evening and smiled back at her. This was definitely going to be a hard birthday to top in the future.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Shortskirtsandexplosions for assorted feedback during the writing process.

Comments ( 11 )

Good bookends to this fic. And a satisfying conclusion all around, without being ridiculous or hokey.

This was a really touching story. Happiness all around!

That was adorable.

I'm sorry to see the story over :fluttercry: I'd quite like to see more of Flash's adventures. But this was a lovely story, thank you for it.

Lovely stuff from start to finish, sincere and heartwarming and just plain positive. Everything that makes pony great in one convenient package. Thank you for it.

Wow, that was wonderfully written and hit close to home for me. As a guy who would like to crossdress but is afraid to crossdress because of both the fear of ridicule/harassment and being afraid I wouldn't look pretty if I did this story made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Sunset and Rarity were both very supportive and understanding without being pushy.
Thank you for the story kind author.

Amazing! Love it!

Gorgeous little story. Nicely wrapped up.

Also, pockets—real, functional pockets—in women's clothing? This is almost heretical! /s

If only we all could have such supportive friends and family.

A marvelous work all the way through.

Great stuff :D

This story is fantastic! I hope one day I can look as pretty as Flash!

This story was awesome, I'm glad I stumbled across it.

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