• Published 23rd Jul 2021
  • 4,122 Views, 14 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Spooky Outdoors - Jebens1

When the Rainbooms, Turtles, and all their friends go camping, they find scares and a mystery.

  • ...

Tale of the Windigo King

Everyone had split off into teams to set up camp, collect firewood, and go to the lake to get fish and berries.

Leo, Twilight, Spike, Timber, and Lancer were gathering sticks when something caught Spike's attention. A brown squirrel scurried down from a tree to get an acorn. Spike growled then chased after it.

"Spike!" Twilight cried, "Come back!" Then she and the boys ran after the dog.

Spike continued to chase the squirrel, until he came to an open field and stopped, "Whoa?!"

The others caught up to him as Twilight said, "Spike, what are you..." They looked ahead and stared.

In front of them, on a small hill, sat a large old fashioned house.

“What's that?” Lancer asked.

“It looks like an old rundown house.” Twilight guessed.

“That looks inviting.” Spike mumbled sarcastically.

Leo noticed the antennas and wires on the roof, “It looks like someone occupied it recently.”

"Do you know anything about it?" Lancer asked Timber.

"Fraid not," Timber replied, "I never even knew it was here?"

“Should we check it out?” Twilight pondered.

“I’m voting no.” Spike quickly answered before shuddering.

“Agreed. If we leave them alone, hopefully, whoever is in there won’t see me or my brothers.” Leo nodded.

“Sounds good. Let’s head back. C'mon Spike.” Twilight said.

“No need to tell me twice.” Spike trotted ahead, happy to get away from the house.

"Ditto." Lancer said, feeling creeped out by the house too.

As they all left, no one noticed a few lightning bolts crackling from the satellite.

Meanwhile, Mikey, Cisco, Melody, and Frostee were sitting in a boat on a lake, while Pinkie and Clover were on shore picking some berries.

"Ah," Cisco sighed, "This is the life."

"A boring life." Frostee stated, leaning his head in one hand.

"Yeah." Mikey agreed.

"We've been out her for half an hour and not one bite." Melody complained.

"Yah gotta be patient, dawgs," Cisco told them, "You can't rush these things."

"Actually," Frostee took out his phone, "You just gotta know how to rush these things." Then DJ Drone flew out of his bag.

"Whoa! You brought DJ Drone?!" Mikey asked, excited.

"When don't I bring DJ Drone?" Frostee asked rhetorically.

"Awesome!" Melody grinned, "Are we gonna listen to some tunes?"

"Even better, I've installed a long range scanner, that'll locate a fish." Frostee explained.

"That sounds amazing, Frostee!" Cisco admitted.

"Yep," Frostee cracked his fingers, "Now watch the magic happen," He maneuvered DJ Drone over the lake and soon his phone got a signal, "Bingo. Cast your line over there, Cisco."

Cisco threw his line over to where Frostee instructed and soon after, he felt a tug, "Hey, I got something!" He reeled in his fishing line and pulled up... An old boot.

Melody laughed, "Great catch!"

"Yeah." Cisco frowned at Frostee.

"I've still got some glitches to work out." Frostee admitted, sheepishly.

Just then, Melody felt a tug on her line, "Hey, I've got a bite-whoooaa!" Without warning, whatever she caught yanked back hard and almost pulled her out of the boat, until Mikey grabbed her legs.

"I gotcha, girl." he said. But then he was almost yanked out until Cisco grabbed hold of him and Frostee held onto Cisco.

"Hold on, guys!" Cisco said.

But the thing Melody caught was a lot stronger than they thought, as it soon began dragging their boat across the water at great speed.

"AAAAHHH!" They screamed, as they went for a wild ride.

Meanwhile, Pinkie and Clover, oblivious to their friends predicament, even after the boat sped past them, had just filled up their baskets with berries.

"And done," Pinkie dusted off her hands.

“I guess the only thing left to do is to see if these berries are edible or not.” Clover suggested before she reached into her pocket. “Now where is that booklet Twilight….” She stopped to notice Pinkie was already munching on a couple berries. “Or the direct approach works.”

“Mmm. Delicious! Here try some!” Pinkie offered some berries to Clover who shrugged and accepted them.

Back with Mikey and the others, they were still rocking all over the lake, when Cisco asked, "What the heck did you catch, Melody?!"

"Yeah, I think the more accurate question would be, WHAT'S CAUGHT US?!" Frostee exclaimed.

He soon got his answer when suddenly a large blue snake-like head emerged from the water, with the other end of Melody's line in it's mouth.

Melody and the two racers stared before they screamed, as the rocker girl cried, "Lake monster!"

Mikey on the other hand, recognized it. "Not you again?"

“You know that that thing?” Cisco asked.

“Yeah, that's Sheldon. My bros and I ran into him twice when we had to deal with the Kraang underwater. He also fell in love with the Turtle Sub, thinking it was another creature like it. And he was heart broken when we made the sub reject him.” Mikey explained.

"Aww, poor guy." Cisco said, in sympathy.

"Poor us!" Frostee reminded him, "He's still dragging our boat!"

"How are we gonna get loose?" Melody asked.

Then right after she said it, her fishing line broke and Sheldon dove out of sight, but their boat kept on zooming. It skidded and bumped before it plowed onto the beach, making the four fall back into it.

"Is everyone alright?" Mikey asked, getting up.

"I'm good." Cisco gave a thumbs up.

"What a ride." Melody groaned.

"Yeah, but on the plus side, we got fish!" Frostee pointed to some fish that had gotten caught in their boat during the ride.

"Yeah!" Melody cheered.

"Booyah!" Cisco said.

"Booyahkasha!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Hey, guys!" Pinkie said, as she and Clover walked up, "We got berries!" They showed them their empty baskets.

"Uh, what berries?" Frostee asked. Then they noticed the two girls had berry juice all over their mouths.

"We had to make sure they were okay," Clover grinned, sheepishly.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, Raph, Tony, Echo, Layla, Casey, Applejack, Rainbow, Patch, and Ace were busy setting up their tents. Only Tony, Casey, Rainbow, Patch, and Ace being unsuccessful in setting their tents right.

"And done!" Rainbow said. But right after she said that, her tent came crumbling down, “Oh, come on!”

“You guys sure you don’t need any help?” Echo offered.

“We got this,” Tony began to bend a tent pole, “Sometimes these kind of…. Things…..take a couple….tries…. Before you. Get. It. RIGHT!” The pole sprung back, sending Tony flying a bit before landing on his back, “Ow. I'll take that help, now."

Raph laughed at him, "Oh yeah, your such an expert," he patted his tent, "Unlike me." Then his tent fell down.

"Yeah, unlike you." Layla quipped.

“You guys are doing it all wrong!" Casey said, "Just check out the tent worked by Casey Jones!” He revealed his tent that looked almost perfect before it fell completely apart. Casey sighed in defeat, “Yeah I’d like help too.”

“Don’t worry, Case. We gotcha covered.” Applejack assured as she helped Casey and Raph with their tents while Layla helped Tony and Echo helped Rainbow.

“Y'know. This was a lot easier at Camp Everfree.” Casey grumbled.

“I know right?” Rainbow agreed.

"Well, we certainly didn't need any help." Patch said, confidently.

"Yeah, check out our handy work," Ace motioned to their tents... that were both crooked. Then when two butterflies landed on them, they fell down.

“Those must’ve been the heaviest butterflies in the world!” Ace jaw dropped.

Everyone else just couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’ll come help after I finish with Rainbow's tent.” Echo promised as she was just about finished with the athletic Rainbooms tent.

“Please.” Patch sighed.

Donnie, April, Gabby, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, Angel, Buffy, Rarity, Fluttershy, the CMC, Sweetheart, Logan, Half Note, and Sweet Note were also collecting firewood and stuff to make the tinder.

“Rarity, that's a beautiful bracelet you got.” Buffy pointed to Rarity’s accessory.

“Oh thank you, Buffy, dear. It was a souvenir I bought during our time in Gotham,” Rarity then noticed Buffys own bracelet, “And your bracelet is just as glamorous.”

“Thanks.” Buffy smiled.

“How is that useful for camping?” Angel joked before nudging Zach and Carter who chuckled.

Rarity scoffed, “Well, it never hurts to make a good impression wherever you go, Angel!”

Fluttershy then spoke, “Um it’s probably not a good idea to wave them around like that.”

“Oh please, there are no Purple Dragons or Nightmares anywhere for miles,” Buffy pointed out. “Why would we need to worry?”

Suddenly, two birds swooped by and snatched Buffy and Rarity's bracelets, right off their hands.

"Our bracelets!" They cried.

"That's why." Fluttershy finished.

"Get back here, you thieves!" Buffy yelled, as she and Rarity ran after the birds.

"There they go!" Rarity pointed to a tree.

The birds landed on the high branch of a tall tree and hung the bracelets on the tiny branches of one of the smaller limbs before they flew away, chirping in a tone that sounded like a 'nah nah, nah nah nah'.

"You rats with wings!" Buffy shook her fist at the birds.

"Come on then." Rarity said, as they both started to climb the tree.

The others ran up and Sunset called, "Hey, girls, I don't think you should climb up there."

Donnie agreed, "That branch doesn't look very sturdy."

“Donnie's right, Rarity. Maybe you should wait until…” Sweetie Belle tried to explain only for Buffy to interrupt.

“That bracelet is imported! It's irreplaceable!"

“And I didn't steal back mine from Catwoman, just to have a couple birds take it from me!” Rarity stated.

“Should we stop them?” Gabby asked Caitlyn and Angel.

“Nah. Let 'em be.” Angel answered.

“When it comes to jewelry, Buffy gets all stir crazy.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

Soon, they made it to the branch. Then they slowly began to crawl across the branch as it wobbled. Once they reached the small limbs where their bracelets hung, they both reached out, but were a little out of reach.

"Almost... Got it." Rarity said, struggling.

The branch wobbled again, making the two cling onto it in a start. After that, they reached out again and after struggling, the two girls finally grabbed their bracelets.

"Yes!" Buffy cheered, as they sat up.

"We got 'em!" Rarity exclaimed.

Suddenly, they felt the branch jerk and heard a cracking sound. They looked back to see that the branch was giving way.

"Oh no," was the last thing they said, before the branch snapped and they fell down, screaming and hitting a few branches, before they both landed with a splat, right in a pool of mud.

“Buffy! You okay?” Carter asked as he helped her.

“Are you two alright?” Logan asked.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” Buffy sighed as she started wiping off the mud.

“We got our bracelets back!” Rarity proclaimed as she held hers up.

“Well, at least you two made a soft landing.” Zach pointed as he and Angel chuckled with the Note sisters.

“Well, why didn’t April catch us with ESP?” Buffy huffed.

“Because I was helping Sweetheart carry the firewood.” April stated as she walked up with Sweetheart both holding firewood.

"Ay, hermano!" Gabby groaned, then whispered to Zach and Angel, “Am I glad I'm not into jewelry.”

“Still, a little jewelry can’t go wrong.” Angel whispered back, “For the most part.”

It was dusk by the time two of the groups returned to the campsite.

"We're back." Zach said.

"And we got the firewood and tinder." Donnie added.

"Great." Applejack said, then she and the others noticed how dirty Rarity and Buffy looked.

"Why are you two covered in mud?" Rainbow asked the two.

"Some birds stole our bracelets and put them in a tree!" Buffy huffed.

"And the branch broke while we were retrieving them," Rarity added, dryly, "And we landed in a pile of mud."

"Yeah, I don't wanna alarm you two, but... Some of that isn't mud." Echo pointed out.

Rarity and Buffy stared for a moment, before they sniffed at some mud on their arms. Then they gasped, dropping their sticks, and screamed. They rushed over to their bags and gathered some shampoo, body wash, brushes, towels, their blow dryers, and new clothes.

"Point us to the nearest lake!" Rarity ordered in a panic.

"Now!" Buffy yelled.

Everyone pointed to the right and the pair dashed off.

Apple Bloom looked at Echo. "How did you know that?"

"I was in Girl Scouts." Echo answered.

"For how long?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm the cookie queen, girl."

"Neat!" Sweetie Belle grinned.

Meanwhile, Rarity and Buffy ran past, Mikey and the other group, pushing their boat of fish.

"Hi, Rarity, hi, Buffy!" Pinkie waved.

"No time to talk!" Buffy shouted, as they ran.

"We need an emergency bath!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Watch out for the lake monster!" Cisco called, but the two were already out of sight. Then they pushed the boat into the campsite.

"We're back, dudes." Mikey said.

"And we bring fish!" Cisco gestured to the boat full of fish.

"And berries." Clover added, as she and Pinkie showed them their baskets full of re-picked berries.

Then they tossed some toward their mouths, only for Frostee and Melody to snach them.

"I think you two have had enough." Frostee noted.

“Yeah. Save some for the rest of us!” Zach cried.

Everyone rolled their eyes in amusement as Raph noticed someone’s missing, “Where are Leo, Twilight, and the others?”

“They’re a little up north gathering more firewood. They took Spike with them.” Half Note answered.

Just then, the said group arrived, carrying some wood. Spike even carried a stick in his mouth.

"We got firewood." Timber announced.

"Nice! And as you can see, we've got camp all set up." Tony boasted.

"You mean, me, Echo, and Applejack have camp set up," Layla corrected, "Raph, Casey, Rainbow, Ace, and Patch's tents fell down, while you ended up catapulting yourself trying to set up yours."

"You catapulted yourself?" Gabby asked her cousin with a chuckle, while the CMC giggled.

"Don't ask." Tony muttered.

"Well, let's get the fire built so we can cook the fish and roast us some s'mores." Sunset said.

"Yippee, s'mores!" Pinkie popped up, with two bags of marshmallows.

"Yeah!" Clover, Mikey, and Cisco cheered.

That night, they sat around the fire as Rarity was telling a scary story. Or a story that was scary to her.

"And that's when she looked down and realized she was wearing purple socks with a burgundy dress!" Rarity screamed, until she noticed that no one was scared. Not even Buffy, "Purple and burgundy, darlings. The same color family!" She screamed again, but still no one was scared.

"Oh no, the same color family, so terrifying," Layla said, in sarcasm.

"You said it." Applejack agreed.

"I'm only terrified that she told it again." Rainbow snickered.

"She's not good at this, is she?" Echo asked April.

"Not at all." April replied.

“Okay,” Timber said unsure. “Anyone else wanna share a scary story?”

Mikey excitedly raised his hand before Raph looked unamused.

“Other than Pizza Face for the umpteenth time?”

Mikey then pouted as he put his hand down.

"In that case, I think now is the time I told you all about, the Phantom of Everfree!" Timber proclaimed.

"The phantom?!" Cisco asked in fright.

"Of course if you rather not hear about it, I'll be happy to tell something else?"

“Please! Casey Jones faces any horror like a man!” Casey boasted, while both Gabby and April rolled their eyes.

“I’m curious about this phantom of yours, Timber.” Echo added.

“Same.” Raph agreed.

Everyone else shared their agreement while Cisco, Mikey, Fluttershy, Sweetheart, and Scootaloo shivered in fear.

"Alright, I'll tell it," Timber gave in, "But be warned, you might as well hug a friend now. That's how scary it is!"

Spike jumped into Fluttershy's arms, "Oh boy!" The shy girl said, in worry.

Sweetheart held onto Melody. Scootaloo held onto both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Logan and Clover held onto each other before Cisco held onto them.

"Here's the legend of the phantom of Everfree," Timber began, "Or as it's truly known as, The legend of the Windigo King... Years ago, this forest was once home to a woodsman known as Trail Blazer. And he loved the forest. A bit too much, you might say. For some reason, he felt that the forest was his property, and refused to share it with anyone. Whenever campers or hikers would camp out in the the forest, he would angrily order them to leave and never come back, or they would be sorry. But they would only laugh at his threats. Until they would leave their campsites and return to find he had wrecked them up. But one group of campers told him that the forest belonged to everyone and that he had no right to tell them to leave. But Trail Blazer was stubborn and wouldn't take no for an answer. So that night, as the campers were asleep, he set their camp on fire! They managed to get away and put out the fire while Trail Blazer left, feeling sure they would leave. But later as he laid down to bed, he suddenly felt a chill in the air. Then the lights went out and his door was blown off its hinges. Trail Blazer sat up, just in time to see a ghostly creature float in. He had glowing piercing blue eyes and his body transparent. And everywhere he went, wind and flurries swirled around. Terrified, Trail Blazer asked who he was. In a haunting voice, he said that he was the Windigo King, an ancient spirit that inhabited the forest, and that he had come to punish Trail Blazer for every camper he had ever mistreated. And for selfishly proclaiming the forest as his own. Trail Blazer's scream was drowned out by the howl of the wind. The next morning, the campers arrived at his cabin to tell him off for burning their campsite, when they discovered the open door and went inside to find Trail Blazer frozen solid! ...So if you mistreat others, then you might get a visit from non other than... The Windigo King!"

Everyone was either startled or screamed at Timber’s dramatics. Mikey jumped in Raph's arms clinging his brother in fear.

“Mikey! Get off!” Raph shouted before the two fell off the log.

“I wasn’t scared.” Tony bragged before screaming after a hand grabbed his shoulder. He turned to see it was Layla.

“Sure you weren’t.” She smirked.

"What about you, Casey?" Gabby asked, "You still not espantado?"

"Nah, I-I'm not scared," Casey said, nervously, then stood up and proclaimed, "Like I told yah, Casey Jones faces horror like a man!"

"Uh, Casey," Spike said, trembling, and pointing up, "You might wanna tell that to him!"

Everyone looked up. Floating right above Casey was a glowing skeleton in a torn up cloak! Then it let out a high-pitched wail.

Casey screamed and hollered, "Phantom!"

Everyone else screamed and ran with the phantom chasing after them.

Meanwhile, Half Note hid behind a tree and took out the walkie talkie, "Okay, I think now's the time to put the plan into action, over," she spoke into it. Then she listened to whoever was on the other line say something that made her shoot back, "No way! I'm not letting you beat me that easily! Over and out!" And she hung up.

As the campsite echoed with the phantom's howling, Leo stopped and pondered as he eyed the phantom. Twilight and Timber hurried to him.

“Leo! What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“I think I know who the phantom is.”

“Need any help?” Timber offered as Leo headed towards the spook.

“Nah. I got this.” The lead turtle smirked.

Soon the phantom had everyone cornered. Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity held Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo close, while Layla held onto Tony.

The phantom wailed again, before Leo suddenly appeared from behind it and grabbed hold, pulling it to the ground.

"Here's your phantom." Leo held up the skeleton and they could all see that it was made of plastic and had a string attached to it with a drone at the other end. A drone that the Spy Racers recognized.

"Wait, DJ Drone?" Cisco said, in surprise.

"But that would mean..." Echo began.

"Gotcha!" Ace and Frostee burst out of some bushes, laughing.

"Ace!" The Rock N Beats yelled.

"Frostee!" The Spy Racers exclaimed.

"How did you know, Leo?" Fluttershy asked.

"I recognized Ace's howling from before." Leo explained.

"Not again, Ace!" Patch grumbled.

"I thought I said NO MORE PRANKS!" Raph snapped at the two.

"You told Ace not to prank, you never said I couldn't." Frostee retorted.

Ace laughed, "You should have see the look on yahs faces!"

"DJ Drone got pictures," Frostee showed some photos on his phone of everyone screaming, "Even Layla was scared!" He zoomed in to one of Layla clinging to Tony and burying her face in his shoulder.

Everyone looked at Layla, who was still holding on to Tony. Right before she roughly shoved him off her.

"Ah wasn't scared!" She huffed.

"Sure you weren't," Tony smirked. And Layla punched him in the arm, "Ow!" Then he noticed someone missing from the group. "Hey, where's Half Note?"

"Half Note?" Sweet Note noticed her sister was missing too.

"Oh, no!" Pinkie cried, "What if the real phantom got her?!"

"The what got who now?" Half Note stepped out from behind a tree.

"Half Note!" Sweet Note ran over and hugged her sister.

"Donde irias, Half Note? Where'd you go?" Gabby asked.

"I was um... Hiding from the phantom." Half Note answered, sounding embarrassed.

"Well, you don't need worry about that no more," Applejack motioned her thumb toward Ace and Frostee, "It was just these two jokers pulling a fast one."

Suddenly a flash of lightning caused everyone to jump.

"Alright, guys, knock it off!" April ordered Ace and Frostee.

"Uh, that wasn't us?" Frostee said, in confusion.

"For real." Ace added.

"I think they're telling the truth." Sweetie Belle pointed up.

Some dark clouds were forming overheard as more lightning flashed.

"I thought you said it wasn't gonna rain?" Rainbow turned to Twilight.

"It's not supposed to?" Twilight insisted.

"Maybe it's just heat lightning?" Donnie suggested, right before lightning flashed again and rain began to pour down.

"Yeah, it's not heat lightning." Spike stated dryly.

Sweetheart saw the rain put out the fire, "Oh no, there goes the fire!"

"Never mind the fire, DJ Drone can't get wet!" Frostee said, trying to shield the drone from the rain.

"And none of us brought any rain gear!" Caitlyn face palmed.

Rarity cleared her throat, "Not all of us..." She held up a bunch of umbrellas.

"Alright, Rarity!" Rainbow cheered.

Soon everyone had an umbrella. As they all stood under their umbrellas, Carter asked the obvious question, “So what do we do now?”

“Yeah! How long is the rain going to last?” Apple Bloom asked.

Echo was looking at her GPS device and grumbled, “Hard to say. Something’s blocking the GPS!”

“Same with the T Phones.” Donnie was having the same trouble as he checked his T Phone.

“But we can’t just stand out here! Not after having to take a bath earlier!” Buffy whined.

Leo looked at Twilight who nodded in agreement and told the group. “Twilight, Lancer, Timber, Spike, and I saw a house not far from here.”

“Is it habitable?” Raph asked.

“We can’t risk exposing you guys.” Fluttershy feared.

“I’m afraid it’s our only choice,” Timber stated. “Everyone take what you need for the night and let’s head over there!”

Everyone hurried to their tents, grabbed whatever they needed, and followed Leo and Twilight to the old house.

They hurried through the rain and trees until they came to the old house.

"This the place?" Zach asked.

"Yep," Twilight replied, "This is it."

"Looks as inviting as it did before." Spike stated, trembling.

"Sure does." Lancer agreed.

"What if it's haunted?" Logan asked, in worry.

"I don't think so," Donnie said, pointing, "Those satellites dishes and antennas look new."

"Who would wanna live in a old house like that?" Scootaloo wondered aloud.

"I don't know?" Caitlyn shrugged.

“What if- what if this house belonged to Trail Blazer?” Cisco shivered, “And if we go in, we’ll end up frozen solid too!”

Just hearing that made Mikey shiver in fear as he huddled behind Pinkie.

“Please,” Echo rolled her eyes, “Calm down, you two! It’s just a story.”

“Echo’s right, Cisco,” Timber confirmed, “It’s just a legend.”

“We heard that before.” Raph sighed, remembering Gai Everfree.

"I don't mean to interrupt, darlings," Rarity spoke up, "But perhaps we should head over there before it gets-windy!"

Right as she said that, a strong gust of wind blew their umbrellas out of their hands. Then they all ran over to the house and Timber knocked at the door. But no one answered. Instead, the door mysteriously opened by itself.

"Creepy deepy!" Pinkie said.

Another flash of lightning made them all rush inside. It was dark and the floor creaked underneath them. On their right was the entrance to a living room. On the left was to a den with a fireplace. Straight ahead was an staircase that disappeared around a corner.

"Guys, ever get the feeling that you were being watched?" Mikey asked, feeling uneasy.

"Actually, I do, Mikey." Gabby said.

"Hello?" Sunset called, "Anyone home?" But there was no reply.

"Yo, Red, can't you sense anyone here?" Casey asked April.

April closed her eyes and felt around, "It's so weird. I'm not sensing anyone here but us."

Cisco was the last one in when suddenly the door slammed shut. The big guy whipped around and pulled at it, but it wouldn't budge.

"We're locked in!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried.

"I'm sure it was just the wind." Half Note said.

"Then how did it lock by itself?" Sweet Note asked.

“Well, if it helps, it's possible, given how old this house is, the lock could be so rusty that-“ Donnie began to theorize before interrupted by Raph and Tony.

“Doesn’t help!”

“Maybe I could break the lock?” Casey offered as he pulled out his hockey stick.

“Probably not a good idea while it’s still raining out there.” Sunset pondered.

“Then what do we do now?” Lancer asked.

“Only one thing to do,” Half Note declared, “We get tough and get going! Let’s see where this place leads.”

Leo held his arm out, “Hold on. I’ll go first.”

As Leo led everyone through the house, Cisco was still worried.

"I'm tellin you, dawgs," he said, "This house looks pretty haunted."

"I'd say it's more, kinda sorta haunted." Pinkie stated.

Then they heard a creek, then Mikey began to sing and was soon followed by the others...


I just heard something crazy

Like the squeak from a roller skating mouse

[Pinkie Pie]

Or a blackbird scratching a blackboard


You can't tell in a kinda sorta haunted house?

[Sweetie Belle]

I guess there ain't no reason to worry

Cause it just might be Santa Claus

"Seriously?" Angel asked dryly.

[Apple Bloom]

Showing up too early


Bet he's never seen a kinda sorta haunted house

[Rainbooms, CMC, Rock N Beats, Timber, and Mikey]

Why are we shaking?

[Sunset Shimmer]

We've never been worried before

[Rainbooms, CMC, Rock N Beats, Timber, and Mikey]

But my knees are quaking

So you check the windows and I'll check the doors

As they moved further into the house, Cisco heard something.


I just heard some footsteps

Are they coming from inside or out?

Both he and Carter looked out the window, only to find a cat.


It's just a cat at the doorstep

You get jumpy in a kinda shorta haunted house

Soon, everyone began to feel uneasy as they continued to explore the house. The more they looked, the creepier it got.

[Patch, Sweet Note, and Clover]

Oh yeaaahhhhhh

[Rainbooms, CMC, Rock N Beats, Timber, Mikey, and Cisco]

Why are we shaking?

[Rainbow Dash]

We've never been worried before

[Rainbooms, CMC, Rock N Beats, Timber, Mikey, and Cisco]

My knees are quaking

So you check the windows and I'll check the doors

[Twilight Sparkle]

I know there's nothing here to be scared of

So what's all this fretting about?


I just can't help but thinking

That we're living in a kinda sorta haunted house


I said, I just can't help but thinking

That we're living in a kinda







[Half Note]

Haunted House

Unsettled by all the lightning and the shadows in the house, the group backed up, looking everywhere, and bumped into each other, letting out screams of startle.

“Seriously? What is going on here?” Rainbow looked around.

“This place is really spooky.” Scootaloo agreed holding Rainbows arm.

“It makes fighting mutants and demodragons look like a piece of cake!” Pinkie added before salivating, “Mmm. Cake.” The sound of thunder then snapped her out of it as she jumped on Cisco’s shoulders.

“This almost feels like one of those spooky houses at theme parks.” Carter looked around.

Then, an ominous glow got everyone’s attention.

“What the-?” Raph gasped.

“What is that about?” Donnie added.

“Hey guys! Look!”

Everyone walked up to the wall Mikey pointed at. On it were glowing words carved on them. April read them out loud.

“If it’s answers that you seek, then to the hallway you must sneak.”

“Guess we have no choice.” Leo shrugged.

Everyone else agreed as they all made their way down the hallway. Unaware that a shadowy figure was watching them with it's piercing glowing blue eyes.

Author's Note:

Song "Kinda Sorta Haunted House" from Curious George Halloween Boo-fest.

Quotes by me and WarriorofFaith18.

Chapter edited and Equestria Ninja Girls by Wildcard25.

Comments ( 6 )

That as quite thrilling, and the scares are only just beginning.

Awesome. I’ll go back to working on Shell Shock, but doors open when you wanna continue

So spooky and So scary

When will you finish equestria ninja girls: The spooky outdoors?

I don't know?

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