• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 3,137 Views, 80 Comments

The Adventure of the Apex Legion - DeffBwade

A new pony arrives in Equestria and goes on an adventure like never before. He may be shy and goofy at times, but he's also a kind soul. But most importantly, he's the Apex Legion.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Learning to Fly

Previously on The Adventure of the Apex Legion

While we're on the subject of doing stuff, I think we should talk about our financial situation.

I guess I had no choice. I needed a source of income, so I'm gonna do something I've never done on Earth before. I'm gonna go look for a job!

"Uh, no thanks Profe-um...Pinkie. Sorry. Again, force of habit," I said while salivating a bit at the thought of fresh cookies coming out of the oven before I held out the flyer to her, "I'm actually here because of the job."

"Mmhm," I nodded, "Apex Legion, but my friends just call me Legion. And I heard you were in need of an assistant?" I said as I held out the flyer to her.

"You may call me Mrs. Cake, and we do indeed," she said, "Ever since Princess Twilight opened the School of Friendship, more and more ponies have been coming here on a daily basis. Not that I mind of course. We do need the business, but with the twins and me and my husband Carrot having to go on a delivery trip from time to time, it can be quite a hoofull, especially during the weekends."

"Congratulations. You start tomorrow," he said as he and Mrs. Cake had smiles on their faces.

"Well then. Thank you and I guess I'll see you tomorrow for my first assignment," I said. I then got up from my seat and waved them goodbye before exiting Sugarcube Corner.

Huh. That was easy.

I know right. I never applied for a job before, but I know they usually cause people stress and whatnot. Either the Cakes really don't care about my life story or they're pretty naive. Oh well. I shouldn't really complain. I got a paying job now and that's what matters.

The Adventure of the Apex Legion

Written by DeffBwade

Chapter 6: Learning to Fly

"Alright class! Today we're gonna be playing one of the coolest games to ever exist in all of Equestria! Buckball!" Professor Dash exclaimed proudly, "Offense, defense, teamwork, non-stop action! It's got it all!"

About a week has passed since I got my job at Sugarcube Corner. It's relatively easy. I mainly just wiped tables, dirty dishes, set up the see through display at the front counter, assisted in baking, like getting ingredients and pouring the right amount stuff, yada yada, you get the point. I assist with stuff.

It was now Professor Dash's class and we were out in one of those sport fields you would see at school, with bleachers and everything. As she just said, we were preparing to play a game called "buckball."

Heh heh. Buckball.

Yes. I do find the name a bit humorous. You all can probably guess why. Spoiler alert, it has something to do with my childish mind.

Bro, you can just say it. You don't have to give hints. Just say what the name "buckball" makes you think.

No, I can't say that. This story is rated T for teens.


Nothing! Never mind!

"Now, in case you don't know how to play buckball, let me give a demonstration," Professor Dash said before moving the center of the field with a ball in hoof, "Each team consists of an earth pony, a pegasus, and a unicorn. The two earth ponies meet in the middle and are in charge of offense. Their jobs are to be the first one to buck the ball."


"And the pegasi are on defense. Their jobs are to defend the ball from getting into their goal and then passing it back to the earth pony. The unicorns are in charge of levitating their basket outside the field and trying to catch as much balls as possible," Professor Dash explained before turning back to us, "Every creature got that?"

We all nodded or spoke our acknowledgements.

"All right, I'm now gonna split you into teams. Sandbar, Smolder, and Burning Heart, you're on this side," she said, pointing to one side of the field, to which those she called walked over, "Vellum Codex, Citrine Spark, and Legion, you're on the other side."

Me and the other two started to move to our positions.

I mentioned Citrine Spark in the past. As I said, she's a unicorn filly, with a brilliant amber coat, a light and very pale turquoise mane and tail tied with red hair bands, very light opal eyes, and a cutie mark of a red and light-yellow starburst.

Vellum Codex is an earth pony colt a pale, light grayish coat, a brilliant orange and light amber mane and tail, moderate gamboge eyes, and a cutie mark of a scroll.

Burning Heart, who was on Sandbar's and Smolder's team, is a unicorn filly with a light scarlet coat, a dark mulberry mane and tail, dark grayish heliotrope eyes, and a cutie mark of a flame.

"With the power of tee-am work, we can do this," I said to my teammates, to which they nodded, as Codex got into the middle with Sandbar, Citrine and Burning went on the outskirts of the field opposite from each other with the baskets levitating in their auras, and Smolder and I got into positions to defend.

It's been a while, probably a few years, since I played defense in a physical game, but I think I can manage. I mean, how hard can it be? You just catch or knock the ball out of way of the goal. Pure and simple.

"You mean teamwork?" Citrine asked.

"Nope. I mean tee-am work," I replied.

Besides Smolder and Sandbar, Citrine was probably the only one in Professor Dash's class that I talk to, even if it's just from time to time. She may not be adept in magic like Headmare Twilight and Counselor Starlight, but she's pretty skilled in levitation. I think that's why she's in charge of organizing and putting back books in the school's library.

Knowing Headmare Twilight as one of those book smart people that always strives for getting a good grade and likes a good book, I'm not surprised the school's library is as big as-

Wait, dude. I just realized something.


In Professor Dash's demonstration of buckball, particularly the pegasi's role, she was flying.

Okay? And?

That means you have to fly to play defense.


And you don't know how to fly.


And you and Smolder are the only ones capable of playing defense.



"Ah fan (Ah fuck in Swedish)," I whispered to myself as my pupils shrunk a bit and my eyes widened. I may have kept a small smile on my face, but on the inside I was practically screaming.

"How could I be so stupid?! I-I don't know how to fly! And I need to fly to play on defense! Gah! I'm gonna look like a fucking idiot! This is like being called up to do a math problem in school without even knowing how to solve it, only way worse! It's pretty much basic knowledge to pegasi! DeffBwade, what have you gotten yourself into?!"

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't hear Professor Dash shout "And, begin!" or notice Sandbar kicking the ball in my direction. I only snapped out of it and became aware of what just happened when I heard a ball impacting a basket, and then looking back to see Burning Heart with the ball in her basket.

I started to sweat a bit as I slowly turned my head back to everyone else with a nervous smile on my face. They all had looks of confusion on their faces. Well...everyone except Citrine and Codex, who each had looks that asked 'what the fuck?'

"Um...whoops?" I nervously said.

"Uh, Legion? You are aware that you're in charge of defense, right?" Professor Dash asked from the side.

"And to add salt to the wound, I'm getting called out by the teacher. Great."

"Y-yeah, I know," I said, "I was just...deep in thought. Yeah. I wasn't paying attention. Sorry."

I don't think she's gonna buy that-

"Hmm. Well, okay then. Just get your head out of the clouds, start flying, and we can start again," she said.

Okay, never mind.

"Yes. Flying. Got it. Can do professor," I said.

"I can't do this!"

Burning tossed the ball back to Professor Dash as she flew back to Codex and Sandbar.

"If that's the case, without further ado, let's try this again," she said, "Sandbar? Codex? You two ready?"

The two nodded.

"Then, begin!" she shouted as she tossed the ball to them.

This time, it was Codex who kicked the ball first. Smolder managed to catch it before Citrine can catch it. She then tossed the ball to Sandbar, to which he kicked it in my direction. For added epicness, time started to slow down as the ball soured through the air. It was getting closer...closer...and closer, Burning prepared her basket to catch it. And I...

...weakly hopped into the air in a valiant attempt to catch it, but instead missed completely and landed on my back.


A for effort?

I opened my eyes to see everyone standing over me and looking down, confused expressions on all of their faces, although I could tell Smolder was trying her best to hold a snicker. Meanwhile Professor Dash hovered above, also with a confused expression.

I mean what can I do right now? They got me cornered.

"I don't know how to fly," I casually admitted, causing everyone to gasp, but none of them was more dramatic then Professor Dash. She looked and sounded like her childhood friend was a total dickwad to her present day friends and abandoned her.

"WHAT?!" she yelled out in disbelief, making my pupils shrink a bit.

"I-" I said before I was interrupted by Smolder laughing.

"Hahahahaha! Good one Legion. You don't know how to fly? That's ridiculous. All pegasi at your age should know how to fly. At least that's what I heard," she said before noticing my silence and blank expression, to which she light scoffed, "Come on dude. You have gotta be joking."

I just continued to give the silent treatment, as well that same face.

"You are joking right?" she asked.


"Dude?" she asked again.

"Um-" I said as I started to get back up, before I was interrupted...again. This time by Professor Dash.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO FLY?!" she said as she flew up close to me.

"I never learned how to, okay?!" I yelled back. I mean, it was the truth, just not the whole truth. Now that I think about it, I probably should've asked Princess Celestia or Princess Luna to teach me to fly before I arrived in Ponyville. I dumb dumb.

"But what about your parents? Didn't they teach you?" Sandbar asked.

"Time to technically say the truth again."

"Nopony in my family was a pegasus. Not my mom, my dad, not even my brother. I also didn't have any pegasus friends," I explained with a sigh. Now, I'm not the type of person that can easily lie to my friends, nor do I enjoy it, but I'm pretty sure I had no choice. Princess Celestia asked me not to tell anyone who I really was.

"No pegasus friends?" Citrine asked, to which I nodded, "Where exactly did you grow up?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! What should I say?! I have no knowledge on geographical locations here!"

Technically say the truth?

Technically say the truth?! What technical truth is there to say?! The only places I've been to in this world is Ponyville and Canter-wait a minute! That's it! Oh, please work!

"Canterlot?" I said.

"Hmm. That explains it, I guess," Citrine said.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"Canterlot is mostly made up of unicorns," she explained.


"Although to not have any pegasus friends all those years still perplexes me," she said.

"Fuck! Oh wait, never mind. I have the perfect lie for that."

"Yeeaah. I was not really the social type growing up. I was always the introverted quiet one that just did my own thing," I explained, and it was actually the truth. I did have friends, but I never really hung out with them outside of school. Hell, I'm in high school right now and I still do that, mainly because I don't know how to drive.


Okay, it's because I like videogames, but you get the point.

"Heh. Kinda sounds like Twilight," Professor Dash chuckled after she managed to calm down, "But still, being the only pegasus during your foalhood? I don't I could ever go through that sort of thing. It must've been sad and lonely."

"Meh. I managed," I said.

Welp, cat's out of the bag I guess. But in all seriousness, I need to learn how to fly. Like soon. I don't wanna be that one pegasus that can't fly. I don't wanna be like Blue from Rio.

Maybe you just have to kiss a girl. That's what inspired Blue to fly in the movie.

...Um...Yeah, no, maybe I'll just ask someone.

"Hey? Professor?" I asked, getting her attention, "If it's not too much trouble, can you teach me how to fly?"

She grinned at my question.

"Of course Legion. I'll always be there for my fellow pegasi," she said.


After Professor Dash agreed to teach me how to fly, she told when and where to meet her. After the school day ended, I walked to the field located on the outskirts of Ponyville just outside the Everfree Forest. I admit, I was a bit adamant to go near such a dangerous place. Well, I wouldn't say dangerous. I have yet to face that. More like it gave me the creeps, as if something was watching me at all times.

I eventually saw Professor Dash doing a few flight tricks and started to pick up my pace a bit. She noticed me approaching and landed back on the ground.

We greeted each other, blah blah blah, let's just get on with the lessons.

And this time...I'll actually give you the details. You happy?


"Alright kid, let's start off with the basics," she said as she started circling me, observing my wings, "So far, your wings seem to be pretty healthy and clean. That's good. Now then, let's try some basic flapping exercises. That way, we can get some blood pumping in the muscles. Just move your wings up and down like normal, like this," she said as she demonstrated some flapping.

I've never really extended my wings out before, at least on my own volition. Anytime they did extend was by accident, like when I first arrived in Ponyville and faced the puckwudgies with the others. Besides extending them out, I fidgeted them a bit from time to time.

Controlling my muscles, I started to fidget my wings again, and then after a few seconds, I started to feel them extend, albeit slowly, until eventually they were fully extended. However, they were completely in awkward and uneven positions, and the flapping was more like twitching.

"God, it feels like I have a third pair of arms."

I refocused my gaze on Professor Dash and noticed her expression of disappointment.

"Hey, in my defense...I never used my wings my entire life," I admitted.


"I-...you know what? I'm not even gonna ask," Professor Dash said before she flew up to me and grabbed one of my wings, "You gotta extend them like this. You can't just have them at awkward angles and then lazily move them up and down," she said as she gently moved my wing up and down.

"And having somebody else move them is even weirder."

She then let go of my wing and then back off a bit.

"Now then, try it again, but this just mimic what I'm doing," she said as she started to flap her wings.

I nodded in understanding before trying my best to mimic her movements. Even though it wasn't so much as twitching this time, my wings were still moving awkwardly due to me not having accurate control of my muscles. Eventually, I started to get the hang of moving my wings in general, and then moving them in sync. Over the next few minutes, my movements started to get more and more accurate with each flap, and then soon got faster.

I soon became tired from all the flapping and stopped, my wings dangling on the sides. I took deep, slow breathes as my face was sweating from the workout.

This time, Professor Dash had a small smile on her face.

"That was pretty good kid. I think you got the movements of flapping down," she said, "The next step for you is to learn how to hover in place. But first, take a few minutes to recover."

"O-okay," I said, still catching my breathe.

"Aww, that's so sad," Ocellus said.

After school ended, the Young Six met up at Sugarcube Corner. Smolder and Sandbar have just finished telling everyone else about what they learned about Apex Legion. How he doesn't know how to fly, that he grew up in Canterlot, and that he never really socialized with anypony during his foalhood. While it was nice to know a little bit about the grey pegasus, there were many things that still boggled them.

"It's a little weird though," Gallus said, "I may not have lived Canterlot, or pretty much any pony community, but I know there had to be at least a few pegasi there."

"Our thoughts exactly," Sandbar nodded in agreement.

"Didn't Sandbar say Legion not very social?" Yona asked to which Sandbar nodded.

"But why?!" Silverstream asked, "Why would he not go out into the world and make new friends?"

"Maybe he was just shy," Ocellus said, "Kind of like me before I started attending the school."

"Okay, that explains the not interacting with others part," Gallus said, "But what about the fact that no one in his family are pegasi."

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Cake are both earth ponies, and their two foals are a unicorn and a pegasus," Sandbar explained, "Maybe it's the same kind of thing with Legion."

"I'm...not really sure that's how genes work," Ocellus said.

Even though there were many things about their friend's foalhood to think about, they couldn't really think about it that much. After all, they did only meet Legion just a little over a week ago. Maybe as time goes on that they will learn more about their pegasus friend.

"Phew, that was quite a workout."

I fell on my back out of exhaustion onto the soft grass. It had been a few hours since I started my flying lessons. During that time, I learned how to flap my wings, hover in place, and even move around a bit. It's not perfect though. There were a few times where I miscalculated the angle of my wings and ended up doing some flips and falling on the ground. Who knew that flying consisted of so many factors like wing angle, wind strength, and other stuff? I thought it would just be the flap your wings to fly.

Huh. Now I respect every bird, fly, and pretty much every other flying animal back on Earth.


"You're a quick learner kid," I heard Professor Dash say, "Keep this up and you'll learn how to fly like the back of your hoof in no time."

"Well, a wise pony once said 'if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything,'" I said as I slowly got up and looked in the professor's direction.

Who said that?

Marty McFly.

"Anyway professor, I think I'm gonna head back to the school. Got homework to do, friends to chat with, and...phew...I could use some rest. Probably after I get some food though," I said.

"Yeah, I could use some sleep right now," Professor Dash said, "See you tomorrow Legion."

"See you," I said as I walked away before I stopped and turned back, "Oh, and professor? Thank you for doing this."

"Heh. No problem kid," she said with a smile as I continued to walk back to Ponyville.