• Member Since 17th Nov, 2014
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A little birdie told me.


Everypony worth their salt should have a backup plan. Cozy Glow knows this better than anyone. And when things start going south, what better backup is there than to go back in time and try again?

But when she ends up accidentally flinging herself into the future instead, she finds that maybe some goals aren’t worth pursuing.

Written for the 2021 Cozy Glow Short Story Contest using the prompt “Cozy makes an unusual friend”.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

so there 2 Cozy Glow now? or she just travel to another timeline?time travel is so confusing

I can't figure out what the message of this was supposed to be. Cheat fate and you'll survive your own execution? The future belongs to those who flout the law intelligently?

Or is it fatalism, that it is inevitable that Cozy Glow will ultimately fail and be returned to her own time, thus ensuring the end of the paradox? And why is Twilight so worried about failing the trio when she never tried reaching out in the first place?

It's a interesting story, and I like the idea that Cozy Glow gets another chance at life, I'm just not sure how she got there, or what it means that Twilight did exactly what I thought she would do and followed Celestia in letting the trio rot (quite literally).

Of all the Cozy fics I have read, this is one of the best reform fics ever. I love the way you described how she realised her mistake and the blossoming friendship between her and Twilight. So many feels in just 4,139 words.

Go on, take a favourite from me.

Liked it but anyone else think their are fifty horror element's that are being ignored? Which is cool...because I liked it. The dialogue flowed and the way you did the thing with the word's...good stuff...good stuff.

I guess what I am getting after all is...though this probably conflicting for some folk's and the author. I actually think it would been interesting to more in the way of how Twilight has changed? Even subtle. Choice words and sentence interspursed can convey lot. Even without planning...

Like...I suppose I have read too many fanfic's but...say a thousand year's have pasted and good old twilight still the same? Or that their are not...other people that loved or cared for? Even more? Does the heart stop loving after all that time? Further and this will be the most devious...probably?

Or you know everyones immortal or...a group of crab people share the throne? (Priority's :eeyup:)

Twilight's comment's about not being able to save them? How long has it been exactly? I just...I guess the thing is...you know Celestia, right?

So folk's like to write her as a...well personish? I gather? But let's say she complain's about her job. Right? So...did she not choose this? Like I am almost certain I have never read a story that ever acknowledged she can make...her suffering stop? Hate ruling? Do something else? Ponies to...whatever? Let them learn how to function in a world with out...a demi god? Maybe? Try twenty different governances? Or what ever see what work's?

Lastly often these written Celestia's also complain about nobles? Which is something...me...this person with hand's...hi? Not crazy about anykind of nobility? Known or unknown?

But does she not have a thousand years to fester out greed corruption etc. Anything your little heart desires? But no...

A immortal with endless possibility and...wait for it...(you will probably not like this) She made her bed. She is supposed kind? What kindness is that when given the oppurtunity to shape culture through out history...

Her choice is greedy nobles? And mostly unicorns? Seems rather...odd? Because that would imply that she is either...ignorant and/or just unknowing that her immortal hinny actions have...maybe consquences that ripple across time and space? Pretending like that is not the case...well?

But...anyway...this was a fun read. I know this is just a short story. I would say that sparking thought in anyway as a writer would be a worthy goal. And I think you succeed!

Congrat's! Have a good day!

why was this put in the griffon group?

We never see Twilight reach out, yes, but 300 years is quite a while.

As for the message, I personally think that the message is "No fate but what we make."

that was a great Story

Good idea to show the difference in Cozy's fate and Twilight's friends' by how different their gardens were. It makes for some nice symbolism.

Aslo, Cozy with a flower crown= Cuteness 💕Overload

This is a good story. Its writing is well done. I especially like that Twilight took her friend’s death well. Their gardens were a beautiful idea.

Cozy Glow was written well too. I liked that she realized her takeover attempts ultimately failed, and began to realize what friendship is actually about. The fact that she and Twilight start to become friends is sweet.

That said, there are some parts I did not personally like. I disliked the series finale in part because of how the villains were treated, particularly their final fate. So, the crumbling Legion of Doom statue was tragic, despite its narrative purpose in this story. What makes it especially jarring is Twilight’s claim to have “failed” them, when from the show we know she never tried to reach out to them. And despite so many years elapsing, she never tried to unfreeze the three and work to reform them. Instead, it’s left to crumble, neglected and covered in vines. Twilight knows this, and acts like its an unpleasant eyesore instead of three creatures she “failed” to help. It makes her and the ponies seem less “good” and more self-righteous.

Also, mention is consistently made of the ponies wearing earpieces. I thought those would play out to have more significance, like they’d have some sort of sinister purpose to maintain “harmony” or something dystopian. In fact, their use isn’t even explained. You could probably delete them without affecting the story at all. But I guess that’s meant to demonstrate how far in the future Cozy has gone. In fact, their is an uneasy undercurrent in this story. I kept waiting for some sort of shoe to drop, but it never did. Maybe I’ve been reading too many sci-fi stories lately.

All in all, I’d say this was a good story. I think you do a good job telling the story you’re going for. I have some issues with it, but those are more personal quibbles than actual issues with the narrative. I look forward to seeing what else you write in future.

Nice story showing Cozy how things would end up.

Paradox Alert
Timeline Unstable
Paradox Alert
Timeline Unstable

Sweet, if temporally confusing

About how the time travel in this story worked:

At the start of the story, the divergence from canon (Cozy goes to Tartarus or not) creates two timelines, one in canon where Cozy is defeated, and one where Cozy finds the hourglass. In this story, Cozy using Starlight’s time spell accidentally sends her to the alternate (canon) timeline where Cozy got stoned. (The time spell messes with timelines like that, yeah.) So yes, there are two Cozy’s in this timeline, and there’s some poor other timeline where Cozy just disappeared forever.

This was an excellently done wakeup call for the little pegasus. Hopefully she'll be able to use talent for manipulating others constructively. Combined with her new position as Twilight's pupil, I'm guessing a career in politics is in her future.

You made one of my least favorite characters likable.
Good work.

Wait, Time abhors a Paradox. There cannot be two Cozys in existence.

Oh, this is excellent work!

there a kinda unintended horror element to this story, twilight never even attempted to reform the villain three in this timeline, she just left them to rot, never given a chance at redemption that discord and starlight got, and with the other timeline cozy being redeemed in her place this universe cozy may be trapped forever, the ultimate lesson of friendship: conform or else

beside that i enjoyed this story

Time Travel. Time Travel never changes :moustache:

Considering that the stone of their statue is chipped and cracked Cozy and the other two are long dead. you can't free someone from Stone if pieces are missing and expect them to live unless you can find enough pieces to complete the body and due to the nature of the statue there it's most likely there's never going to be a way to bring any of them back and have them alive so time Paradox avoided

I do not like this story. I do not like it for the simple fact that Cozy does not go back to her own timeline and tries to make different choices. That would be a better ending then her just staying in the future and becoming Twilight's student. For one she still has to serve out her punishment for trying to remove Magic from the world unlike the Cozy who is in stone who while she did escape from Tartarus did technically serve her punishment. Number two Starlight's spell will force Cozy to go back to her time anyways after a certain point so Twilight taking cozy as her student is something that is doomed to fail. This also is compounded by how Cozy is getting rewarded by becoming Twilight student instead of being punished and going to a psychiatrist.

This was a very good one-shot.

Not a bad story. I love the concept and the various descriptions of the Mane 5's graves. Twilight and Cozy's interactions were also quite nice.

“I failed them,” Twilight said softly. “I tried. I tried so hard. But I couldn’t get through to them.”

Considering the description of the trio's positions earlier this means that they were never let out, which means that this is blatantly wrong or a lie. Twilight never tried to get through to any of them. If anything, the fact that they are in such a state of disrepair means that she rather focused on simply forgetting them then even thinking of helping them. I would like to imagine Cozy eventually asking Twilight how she tried to help them only to be met with awkward silence.

Ah, I see. so if someone changes their ways, that isn't enough for you, is it? They must always serve the maximum possible punishment no matter how willing they are to make amends in one form or another? Death Penalty for all, eh?
The idea that justice should follow retribution, rather than rehabilitation *is* interesting though. I'm sure that's a very healthy view you have there with no inherent flaws or hypocrisies.

No offence meant, I just decided to respond to you as strongly as you responded to the idea of rehabilitation being a positive thing.

In any case, let's also respond to the second part, shall we? That this is a doomed venture?
Twilight knows herself. The Time travel spell doesn't end the moment this story does, and Starlight's version of that spell lasts indefinitely, until undone. Even *IF* I and others somehow accept that Cozy Glow *will* end up in the past again - the Ponies, who have no-consequence pardoned Luna - who would have destroyed the world, Discord - who was *trying* to destroy the world, Starlight - who *has* destroyed an entire multiverse, and the entire Changeling race, which would have eradicated not only ponies (how can they farm for food if they're all in pods) *and* themselves (there is no love after the first generation if they cannot be allowed to form any bonds): But a Misled child who comes back wiser and more legitimately friendly? Off to hell with her. Sure bud.

That stone is still Cozy. She probably still exists as a individual in that Stone. She still exists even as a stone statue or crumbled remains on the ground. Two cannot coexist in the same time frame as Time will not allow it.

Rainbow Dash and her sunflowers, bold and tall

Given the nightmare she had, I'm not sure those are the flowers she'd want around her grave... :twilightoops:

“No. I think I want to stay here.”

Aaaaaaaand time travel paradox. But I guess if you go the 'traveled to the future and alternate universe' route, s'all good. :trixieshiftright:

That aside, nice job. :twilightsmile:


My apologies, I wasn't clear enough about Twilight's line that she failed the three villains.

In my line of thinking, Twilight isn't perfect. Even in the show, she tends to be a little self-righteous about friendship. So when she says this, she perceives that she tried harder to help them than she actually did.

I think a scene of Cozy Glow asking Twilight how she tried to help and her realizing that she didn't try as hard as she thought she did would be a good follow-up. Might be a good theme for a sequel, I think--Cozy teaching Twilight something about friendship, too.

Endgame logic, what happened already happened, unchangeable by any means.

1 Luna had been punished already by being in the moon 2 Discord had spent around the same amount of time in stone. Those are Overkill punishments if I'm being honest. Also I think Celestia saw that too and freed him shortly after because he had served his punishment long ago. I believe that Cozy should have just been sent to a psychiatrist first (this is something that should have happened in the original timeline instead of the Tartarus punishment as well if I'm being honest) and then became Twilight student while under house arrest that's all I was suggesting


This study reminds me of Loki a bit.

Honestly, I think a sequel where Cozy has gotten some more character development and is then confronted with the stoned version of herself would be really interesting.

Though I do hope you would be able to address the original timeline Cozy came from. It’s a little interesting to think that in that timeline, Cozy basically just disappeared forever and that’s it.

I did not like how Cozy was handled in canon. She shows up essentially out of thin air, immediately reminded me of Darla Dimple from the animated film "Cats Don't Dance", and somehow an 8-12-year-old filly was able to become penpals with an inmate of Equestria's maximum-security prison, comes up with this evil plan to "conquer the world", and when found out, straight to Tartarus. Personally, I think it would have been better if Chancellor Neighsay was the villain of that season, his whole xenophobia and the specieist thing would have done much better. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for the show creators to go back and "fix" anything or off with their heads like some of the more vitriolic "true fans", I just don't like that particular arc very much.

Your story, while it does have a few elements that could have been made clearer either here or in a sequel (or a prequel explaining how Cozy got that twisted in the first place) has an interesting mixture of both heart-warming and horrifying elements and I liked it a lot. I will look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

I award you +50 internets for this story. It is groovy.

This was a wonderful story! I liked that you quickly got to the meat of the story, and didn't get too bogged down with explaining how the time travel magic worked, or why there was a statue of Cozy Glow with the regular Cozy Glow beside it; sometimes, it's better to say 'it's magic, the end!' and focus on the main point of the story, which was Cozy Glow's redemption!

I think you did a great job on this, I had a lot of fun reading it and seeing the cogs working in Cozy Glow's brain! It was just the right length too IMO, not too long not too short! :heart:

Lovely work here, finally got around to reading it. I never like the idea that Twi would loose all hope in life after her friends die and how she’s decided to honour their memories in this fic is something I can see the real Twilight doing. Wonderful little details here abs there.
Great work

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