• Published 23rd Aug 2021
  • 933 Views, 41 Comments

The Journal of John Smith - reedman

A man ends up in Equestria after messing with something he bought off the deep web. He keeps a journal of his activities.

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Day 3

Well. Second night of sleep in this new world. I had a weird dream though. At first it was a nightmare about Twilight putting me on display in front of a bunch of scientists. Then this dark blue horse showed up and the nightmare just kinda disappeared. We were gonna talk, but I woke up. She didn't feel like a part of the dream. It was definitely a weird experience. I'm gonna blame it on magic, since that's a thing here.

Nurse Redheart came in with breakfast. Sliced apples, celery, toast, and scrambled eggs. I thanked her for the breakfast. She said it was the first time she cooked eggs. I told her they were perfect. A little overcooked, but I kept that to myself. While I didn't mind the vegetarian meals, the protein was nice to have. Fish and eggs were the closest I was gonna get to meat, so I had to enjoy it where I got it.

Nurse left. She said she was gonna go get a cane and more padding for my foot. Not looking forward to a cane. Gonna feel like an old man. Unless it was one of those old ones with a sword inside it. Wishful thinking though.


Twilight's here. She brought a friend. Turns out there are talking dragons. A little purple and green guy by the name of Spike. He's an assistant of some kind. Looks like he's stuck with the job of carrying everything. Twilight had brought books, paper, inkwell and quill. She said she wants extremely detailed notes for the princess. The little dragon and I shared a look. Neither of us were gonna have a fun time with this purple-furred genius.

Nurse Redheart to the rescue! She came in with more padding for the foot and a new cane. She glared down Twilight for harassing her patient. My foot got wrapped up in more padding. The discussion was put on hold so I could try out walking with the cane. A part of me wants to stick around after my foot heals. This Twilight is more annoying than helpful. Maybe it's just the constant questions bothering me.

The cane was a simple wooden one. Tried walking around the room with it. It's not as bad as I thought. Walking on my bad foot just got a lot easier. Nurse practically headbutted me back into bed after a minute. Can't blame her. She is a nurse after all. She's just doing the job given to her.

So the door just opened. A minty green unicorn is standing in the doorway.


So Redheart's reaction time is insane. This mare screamed like a chick seeing a boyband and dove at me. The nurse managed to tackle her in mid-air right before I would've had her on top of me. Poor Spike though. Little guy ended up in a pile. He pulled himself up and brushed himself off. He looked more annoyed than anything. The nurse asked the minty mare what she was doing here. Her name was Lyra it seems.

She said she wanted to see the human. I actually saw Twilight sweating through her fur. This new unicorn was asked how she knew about me. Apparently she saw me yesterday when we were leaving the forest. It was right before I was put in the opaque bubble. She said something about finally being able to see a human in real life. She was about as bad as Twilight with that look in her eye. Though instead of nerdy questions, she apparently wanted to know what human hands felt like.

Twilight looked like she shared Lyra's curiosity about how human hands felt. I redirected her focus by asking Lyra how she knew about humans when I was the first one in Equestria. That worked. She was now interrogating the minty nuisance. At least I have a moment to breathe and get some writing done. With no other humans around to vent to, this journal is becoming the place to focus my thoughts.

So apparently Lyra has been watching Earth for a few years. That's not creepy at all. I wonder if she was the one that sent the pink crystal. She said something about having a magic mirror. At least a piece of one. I asked if she knew how I got here. She said no. That's a theory down the drain. If she could see Earth, I wonder who else could. Seems Twilight shares the same thought.

Lyra was sworn to secrecy about me. She quickly agreed, as she ''didn't want to share the human with anypony". A bit of an uncomfortable statement. Twilight saw me as a science project to study. This mare saw me as an exotic pet or something. I've gone from one pony to worry about, to two. It's a good thing Nurse Redheart is great at her job. She straight up threatened to kick them both out if they caused too much trouble for me. Bless this pony because she's got my back.

At least she did until she had to leave to check on other patients.


Minor problem arose. I took off my hoodie because it was getting warm. The crystal had fallen out. At first Spike was gonna nibble on it. I guess pretty crystals are a dragon's favorite snack. Lyra levitated it away from him. She asked where I got it. Twilight was equally curious. I was pretty much cornered at this point. I decided to tell the truth. Buying it off the black market, charging it with sunlight, dropping it to teleport. Now the purple unicorn levitated it away from Lyra to herself. I wonder if I made a mistake. Twilight said the magic in the crystal felt familiar, but she couldn't remember why. She said Princess Celestia could help.

I got the crystal back. Took some convincing, but I got it. While the outcome wasn't as bad as I thought, I still would rather keep it with me. If I can learn how it works, it can be my ticket out. I left it on the table next to me in the sunlight. Indulging Lyra's curiosities for the moment until I can figure out my next step.


This mare has almost turned into a puppy dog. Lyra got on the other side of the bed and asked if I could give her "scratchies" like she sees other humans scratch dogs. When I scratched behind her ears, she almost melted. Twilight was furiously writing notes as fast as she could. I wondered if she had all the same scratch spots as my friend's dog. Watching her tilt her head back as I began scratching her back confirmed it. Her pupils practically rolled out of sight when I decided to go for the 'golden scratch spot'. Right above the base of the tail. Her jaw was hung open for a moment. When I tried to pull away, she pulled my hand right back with her magic.

Right as Twilight asked for a turn, Redheart comes in with lunch. She stares at me for a moment before placing the plate on my lap. Lyra was a little down that the scratching had to wait. Though she backed up at the sight of my lunch. Cooked fish on a bed of vegetables with a side of applesauce. She said the meat-eating aspect of humans was uncomfy for her. Twilight told her if she was gonna be a part of this, she had to get used to my diet. Of course she said it as she scooted back a bit herself.


Lunch was so good. I told the nurse she had a done an amazing job. She said she had gotten some tips for cooking fish from a friend. A local chef who had cooked for meat eaters in the past. Twilight expressed concern of me being exposed, but the nurse promised she was careful. The last thing we wanted was attention.


The past few hours were spent talking to Twilight and giving scratches to Lyra. Things were fairly calm. It was nice to have a day of calm after two days of stress. Walking through a forest and dealing with strange talking horses does not a good day make. Now my biggest concerns were questions from a nerd, and giving scratches to a pony who I hope won't become a stalker. I am trying to write with one hand because Lyra will whine if I stop.

Twilight is writing down everything she can about "inter-species scratching habits" as well as asking me about the 'golden scratch spot'. Opportunity! I tell her that experiencing is better than explaining. Maybe it'll get me a break from these constant questions. Getting a bit tired of talking about the concept of bicycles.


Well my plan only slightly backfired. Now both of my hands were occupied with scratching ponies. Using my 'golden scratch spot' on Twilight certainly worked. She stopped asking questions. Now she joined Lyra in cuddling up to me while telling Spike what notes to take. Not sure what outcome I expected. They were both using magic to prevent me from removing my hands. Luckily, I had a plan B. Totally didn't make it up on the spot. I told them both that scratches were best enjoyed in bursts. Said something about the nice feeling losing its effect if scratched for too long at once.

It worked! My fingers are sore, but they retreated. At least Twilight did. Lyra was still cuddled up to me, her head under my left forearm. Now the nerd had her notes going on about pony-human cuddling. I'm feeling a nose in my left side. She's nuzzling me! I am regretting the use of my 'golden scratch spot' now.

Note to self: Ponies can be addicted to scratchies.


Taking a bathroom break. It was easy this morning when it was just me and the nurse. I leaned on her to get in, and she left me to do my thing. Just like with Zecora. Convincing these two I didn't need help was a new challenge. Lyra kept wanting to cuddle up to me. Twilight wanted to observe the bathroom habits of an alien species. A threat of siccing Redheart on them seemed to work. I have a few minutes of peace. Hold on. I think they're talking out there.

Okay. They're talking alright. They're talking about me. Better write it down.

T: We need to move him as soon as we can.

L: How? Levitating in public will draw attention.

T: Not if we put him in a covered cage.

L: Genius! Where's he going?

T: Canterlot! To her highness.

L: Aww. I want more scratchies.

T: Science comes first. We'll need to keep the nurse busy to pull this off.

I jiggled the handle to let them know I was walking out. Didn't want them to know I was privy to their chat. One of my biggest fears was coming true. I hobbled back to bed, and Lyra resumed her cuddling position immediately. I need a plan out of here. Nurse Redheart was now an obstacle for them. She was tough, but I don't think she could take on two unicorns. I gotta stay calm. If I get antsy, they might think something's up. I'll need to think of a plan.

The crystal's been sitting in the sunlight for a little while. According to the clock, it was gonna be dinnertime soon. After that it would be nighttime. Redheart usually boots out visitors when she brings dinner. If they were going to kidnap me, it would be then. I might have to take a chance and use the crystal again. I run the risk of ending up somewhere worse. A mental image of being carried off in a cage dismisses that concern.

Redheart just walked in. Now or never!


That wasn't so bad. Could've gone worse. Soon as the nurse walked in, Lyra went to block her path to me. Twilight used a spell to put the nurse to sleep. I had already slipped all my stuff into my hoodie pocket. I grabbed the cane and hopped out of bed onto my good foot. Crystal was in my free hand. The nerd tried to yank it out of my hand with her magic. She ended up pulling me to her. I may only be five feet tall, but I got a decent cane to smack her with. Landed on my good foot again. Crystal began to glow, and I threw it to the ground just as Lyra ran at me.

Only issue is that the crystal seems to have a radius. A small one. Just enough for a small purple dragon to get a free ride. He didn't take to it well, given where we ended up. Seems like we're back in the Everfree Forest. It's funny because it looks like the same place I ended up.

Oh snap it actually is. I see the broken branches from where I tried to climb the tree. I started walking, and the totally not whiny dragon was in tow. Apparently Twilight carried him on her back everywhere they went. So I didn't have to deal with him trying to keep up, I am carrying him on my shoulders. He's writing in the journal for me as I walk. He's super useful and not at all annoying. He wondered how we were getting back to Ponyville with nighttime on our heels. I told him I was staying at a friend's place in the forest and he was welcome to join.


If I told Spike his handwriting was beautiful, it would go to his head. That last section looked prettier than anything I've ever done. It's only a little infuriating. I'm mostly impressed.

I'm glad I got the chance to go back to Zecora's. She was nice to me without ulterior motives when I first got here. I know her heart was in the right place asking Twilight for help. The poor zebra got taken advantage of. Her warm smile was a relief to see. Her rhymes were like music to my ears.

She invited us both in. Growling stomachs earned us both a bowl of soup. I placed Spike on the floor so he could eat and so I could get him off my shoulders. She wondered why we were there so late. She also wondered why I was out and about with my foot in its condition. When I filled her in on what Twilight and Lyra tried to do, she was upset. Not only did Twilight betray her trust, she wanted to put me in a cage.

Zecora apologized for getting Twilight involved. I told her she didn't have any way of knowing what the mare was gonna do. Spike tried to argue she wasn't gonna leave me in the cage forever. I retorted that she might not, but those she hands me off to might. He was quiet after that.

It seems she wants to right this wrong. She wants to go into town tomorrow to not only guide Spike back to Ponyville, but to give Twilight a piece of her mind. I told her it wasn't needed. I just needed some time to come up with a plan. If she went off on her, that nerd would figure out where I was and come back. Now that this purple mare wants me in a cage, the notion of running into her is admittedly scary.


As the dishes are put away, my current worry shifts to a small purple and green reptile. Spike is close to Twilight. There's no doubt he would tell her where I was. I couldn't force him to stay. I'm not a monster like her. I needed to do something. I knew he wasn't leaving out in the middle of the night. I got up with my cane and went over to Zecora to whisper my concerns. She agrees, and tells me to leave it to her. Besides one bad call, she hasn't given me a reason to not trust her.


Sleeping arrangements are familiar. I get the bed(despite protesting) and Zecora gets a folded blanket on the floor. Spike got a pillow to sleep on and some kind of sleeping potion. He's out like a light. She tells me it'll make his memory of today very fuzzy. She would've wiped his memory of today, but this was the best she could do on short notice. Also, the sleeping potion will carry into tomorrow, so she'll carry him into town.


I'm about to blow out this candle and go to sleep. I decided to do a last minute recap of the recent events. Writing it down might help plan a course of action.

I bought a mystery box off the deep web. It had everything I needed to teleport to Equestria and document my time here. None of the ponies here knew what a human was when I arrived. The only exception being Lyra. Yet she knows nothing about how I got here. Twilight sees me as a scientific discovery to contain and document. Spike's not a threat anymore thanks to a zebra's potion. I know I can trust Zecora. While those I run from wants to cage me, she wants me to be free.

A part of me hopes that this is all just bad first impressions. Maybe Twilight is actually super nice. Maybe Lyra isn't so weird. Okay she's probably still weird. I know Zecora was strange at first, but I warmed up to her quickly. Even Nurse Redheart liked me a little. I got her to cook new things. I hope she isn't mad about me leaving so suddenly.

I think tomorrow's plan is to try and figure out a way to keep Twilight off my back. I need some space between me and her if I have any hope of getting help that doesn't want me in a cage. I have to hope that Zecora keeps her emotions under control when she drops off Spike. She had the same look in her eye my mom did when I told her a teacher smacked me in front of the class. She admitted to feeling guilty earlier because of getting Twilight involved. She wanted to take responsibility. I can't blame her.

Author's Note:

I wasn't expecting this entry to be so long. I guess the main plan right now is to build on the Twilight/Zecora conflict. I have a vague idea of a "villain" or something. This series is still my "do whatever without planning" series because it's a great stress reliever from the stories I normally write where I plan every detail possible.