• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
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Princess Luna is the best princess and Nightmare Moon is the best queen.


The Legion of Doom has just been defeated and everypony thinks the three need a harsh punishment, save one. One pony wants to find out what caused Cozy Glow to go down the path she did before punishing her.

Link to cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/vectorvito/art/Starlight-Glimmer-and-Cozy-Glow-810380782

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 66 )

Ah A Cozy Glow redemption fic. My favorite.


This is something that just popped into my mind yesterday....and this opens the door for something bigger.


Darn it, you made me cry. A beautiful story really.:raritycry:

Nice to see you are with this part too! I always found it odd, given she's a foal, it dies not fit with Equestria's merciful nature, plus looks unfitting for a kids show to do this to a foal


Well I cried a bit while I was writing this. I think this would have been a lovely ending to the series, much better than Cozy getting turned to stone.

Yep, I was not a fan of Cozy suffering the same fate as Tirek and Chrysi. Part of my belief is that Cozy had shitty parents and that is what led her down the path she took. With guidance and a loving parent, I believe she could lead a good life.

A much much better ending indeed.

indeed! I find it was wasted potentionalö not to show how a foal get up with an idea like this. I mean, sombra and such, e know from the previous episodes but cozy?

Speaking of if i may, a buddy of mine had a similar idea, though cozy is more of a side/support than main chrachter



Hopefully your friend's story does well.

It sure does! In fact, i work on a spin off of it featuring a OC of mine

I do like very good redemption stories for Cozy Glow sometimes. And glad that Starlight remembers that they are almost the exact same kind of ponies that went the wrong path, and wants a second chance.

Although, there is one little thing that I don't like. And it's have to do a certain moon princess FORGETTING that she is on the same boat as Starlight and Cozy Glow is. And it's very hypocritical of her to think that Starlight's plan to reformed Cozy might not work at first.

Even though she was a VILLAIN too ( Nightmare Moon )!!! And even she has a hard time to forgive herself in the past?!


That is why I chose Starlight to be the one to adopt Cozy Glow, because their pasts are so similar. I had Luna forget because she was so obsessed with punishing the Legion of Doom that it didn't even cross her mind.


Well I didn't like that. I mean, how can she forget her own villain past? That was literally a part of her own character arc?! I mean, she was on the frickin moon for a thousand years because of it. You can't just forget that!!!! And I'm even surprised that neither Twilight, her friends, or even Celestia mentions that as well?!

I'm so mad that those fools forgets one of their own defining moments in their entire lives?!


I know I should have included that yet in the finale it seems like she forgot that when it came to Cozy....and one thing that still irks me is that the princesses had the audacity to allow Discord to aid in turning the Lod to stone with all the stunts he pulled.

This Is my new headcanon now


Yeah, I actually agree. Technically, it's the writers own fault in the first place. And it's really ridiculous that they forgot Luna's own Villainess past ( Which is irony HOW the MLP show literally starts off of in the first two episodes?! ), and that Discord keeps getting away with his own mistakes, AGAIN!!! I mean, did they also forget about Discord's betrayal in Season 4 Finale with Tirek as well?!


Cozy Glow having terrible parents is part of my ponyverse and is vital in her back story. I like Cozy, I just think that she was mishandled in the series. Seriously, they gave her no backstory at all.


I think they did forget about Discord's misdeeds and in "The Last Problem" they have it look like Fluttershy and Discord are a couple. I found it bad enough that they had her forgive him for the season four finale but what he did in season nine should be unforgivable. Not only did he nearly destroy Equestria but he used FOUR living beings as pawns just to test Twilight. He can say he meant well but he cared nothing about those four and that shows that in the end he really hasn't changed as much as the writers would like us to think.

I completely agree with you, and, in fact, you expressed in this commentary the thoughts of many adequate readers. So I have nothing to add.

But I wouldn't tie Cozy with Starlight. In theory, this is nothing new. However, the world of Equus is organic and can be fantasized about.

It would be much more sensation, if you make something unusual out of it. For example, the reincarnation of some kind of majestic princess or magical power or someone else. She may even be a former changeling who has turned into a pony filly once and for all!


I respect your opinion but I have already done this with Starlight and any future works would build off of this and thus, she would need to have Starlight as her mother. I do like the idea of Starlight being a single mom raising Cozy all while dealing with the school. I know it isn't original but I do like the whole idea of it.


I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the fave.


That is my head canon for her going bad. I do not like it that they simply made her bad for no reason. I figured that horrible parents would be enough to push her in a bad way, especially given how I believe they treated her. She was a very poorly managed character, they could have given her a back story.


I'm glad you like it. I have other head canons that some people do not like, such as a majority of the mares in Equestria being lesbians....well with the exception of these self-inserts I've been doing. I keep on flipping back and forth though whether I should keep on doing them or not. One part of me wants to while another part of me simply wants to retire from doing those kinds of stories.


Changed your name and avatar I see. You do make a good point though, I shouldn't stop them. Hey I have done OC stories that are like self-inserts but I enjoy writing those more. Fun fact: Back when I first joined this site back in 2013, I vowed all I would ever do would be E rated stories....well you can clearly see that wound up not being the case!


You could try TwiSparkle or maybe TwiSparkle and then some number that holds significance for you on the end of it.


Hey it is your user name so you should have it your way. Nice avatar by the way.


You probably knew I'd like your current one anyway, right?

Okay, this was nice..
but, uhm; where is the sequel, where we can follow the two as Cozy grows up?

on a separate note, would Trixie be involved?


I haven't done the sequel yet and regarding Trixie, yes she will show up.

Aww! Such a wholesome fic! The fact that Starlight saw her little self in Cozy is so in character and is heart warming to read and think about!:heart: Really glad I gave this a shot, it being my very first dive into non-mane six focused stories!


I figured that by this time Starlight would have the empathy and see a lot of herself in Cozy Glow. Plus, I'm in the crowd that didn't like what happened to Cozy Glow. Rather than bitching about it, I figured writing my own ending would be much better....remember how Cozy was mocking Tirek about talking to his Gram Gram in his sleep? I think I know of a way to reform him....have her show up. It is clear that she means a lot to him....I can see it now, her talking the princesses into letting her take him home with her....she'd grab him by the ear and be like, "Now you young man, you've caused enough problems, you're coming home with me!"

Tirek, "I'm sorry Gram Gram, I'll leave the ponies alone!"

:rainbowlaugh: love that!
Also I'm on the other side of the spectrum on what happened to Cozy but I can see where your coming from. This defiantly helped me see that side!
Also, I really do think Trek could be reformed that way! Jokes aside I mean. The fact that he even said that was evidence in itself. Also that would make for some really good entertainment! Seeing LORD TREK held by the ear and dragged away! I'd read that, if it were to become a fic, and I'd love it too!


One thing that I found so dissatisfying was that they never gave Cozy Glow a backstory and I figured that she needed one that would cause her to go down the path she did. I never have liked the whole, "oh she's an adult but never grew physically" idea. It is like people think children are incapable of doing what Cozy did. Also, out of all the foals in MLP, Cozy is by far the most adorable.

Agreed! One reason for me disliking Cozy to some degree, was 'cause of the lack of backstory, we had something going for Trek and Queen Chrysalis's past mainly revolves around the hive so not much to explore, but for Cozy there were so many possibilities and so much to explain and nothing was. Probably for us to speculate ourselves, huh?:rainbowderp:. I do think though that cozy is a lot smarter and more cunning for her age, whatever that may be. She seemed one step ahead of the CMC, plus she was able to out smart, the princesses themselves... which is very telling on how capable they are isn't it? Aside from that.... she still does seem like a filly... like when she was unable to fool that stallion, I think in Frenemies… on how adorable she was - her reaction to that is what I'm talking about - was something a filly like herself would do.
Also, also, Cozy's cuteness has gotten more groans out of me then anything else, but I suppose, (To please her) she is to, some extent, cute:scootangel:


Part of the reason I wrote this was to give Cozy Glow a backstory, a backstory that would be believable. With her, it is up to us to create her backstory since the writers never bothered. Yeah Cozy is conniving and can easily fool others but it is her adorable factor that causes me to like her....she does win my prize for most adorable filly UNLESS you bring Filly Starlight in....nopony can top her.

Well, you nailed it on that front. Cozy getting no love and turns to evil for her first answer, seems quite believable, I mean she was a filly when she did it, so her priorities may not have been in the right place... correction, they weren't in the right place. Plus, she didn't seem to have been the most.... sane filly around, if you catch my drift there. If the show had given us something for her, honestly I think it would have gone in a similar road, but instead of abuse they would have said megkection and if she were to have gotten reformed, said issue would be resolved with in an episode, so I think I'm glad they left it up to us to come up with something believable.
As for the cuteness thing, sure I agree with you there, Starlight definitely did rock those pigtails.:pinkiehappy:

Correct me if I'm wrong but please explain to me.. Why is Cozy Glow being saved in this..? It feels like Starlight is being a hypocrite here for being a reformed villain. Look Cozy Glow is involved with being about to rip off Spike's wings earlier in the fight so either Cozy Glow is saved along with Tirek and Chrysalis or Cozy Glow is petrified in stone with Tirek and Chrysalis. I feel like there is favoritism here that shouldn't happen when these are the three biggest villains that just tried to take over and destroy Equestria.


Cozy is being saved because Starlight believes that she can guide her down a better path, the princesses feel this way too. Cozy is a young filly who can be led down a good path while Tirek and Chrysalis are millennia old villains who have a much longer track record than Cozy at being evil.

You mean Tirek and Chrysalis cannot be led down to the better path since they are millennia old villains? What about Discord? Do you think he should be punished for this incident since he's the one that planned this all? Tirek was already in Tartarus and Chrysalis was in the Everfree trying to find her own marbles while Sombra is already dead but Discord resurrected him only to use Sombra and have him fail and be killed again. Do you think Discord a free get out of jail card right here? These four were already imprisoned and wandering around until Discord has the idea to 'use' them for Twilight's 'test'. And why would the princesses feel about this too? Didn't we just saw Princess Luna glaring at Cozy Glow when the filly got sent to Tartarus? Is this in their character because I don't think Princess Cadence would just let Cozy Glow go after seeing Spike's wings about to get ripped off and Cozy was involved. Do you think this is a concept of Cozy Glow being rewarded for evil deeds? Celestia and Luna are pissed that Cozy Glow just tried to steal all the magic from Equestria using that spell in the school of Friendship and Princess Cadence wouldn't let any of her enemies get away scott free after they were just about to kill Spike! She and Shining Armor are very protective of Spike and they wouldn't let that happen.

This might have worked better if Cozy Glow betrayed Tirek and Chrysalis in the middle or just right after the beginning but she was with them all the way and stick to their plan. And one more thing, You said that Cozy Glow can be lead down a good path but with what happened in the episode Frenemies since Tirek and Chrysalis was also there, That would explain that Tirek and Chrysalis can also be redeemed and be taught friendship. Tirek even saved a nest of baby birds in that one episode Summer Sun Setback. Yes they are capable of learning about Friendship if you gave them time. Because all three of them have been showed to do it in the episode Frenemies.

I can tell I'm going to enjoy this story since Cozy Glow is one of those characters that I like


For starters Cadence wasn't even there at the end of that battle. Also, you do make good points and perhaps next year I can do a sequel to get them freed. Perhaps Twilight can have an epiphany that they can be redeemed too.

Regarding Discord, I'd be all for tossing him into Tartarus for what he did. What happened wiped out every single amount of character growth he had since "Keep Calm and Flutter On." I'm working on holiday stories right now but in 2022, I can do this. Granted Cozy Glow will be very nervous when Twilight decides to free them and hell, I might even have Discord bring Sombra back....again. I already did one where the real Grogar came back and wound up leading a peaceful life so I could do the same with those two. Grogar wound up teaching at the school so I could do something similar with Chrysi and Tirek....to be honest, I think those two would be easier to reform than Sombra since they nearly did become friends in Frenemies. I honestly wished they would have embraced friendship, that would have been funny.

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:


I'm glad you like it. It is one of my cute foal stories.

> "The villains knew that their time of freedom was up. While Chrysalis had an angry look on her face, Tirek had a nervous look on her face and Cozy was clearly scared, knowing what kind of fate awaited them."

I was not aware that Tirek is female.

I fear manipulation. They really should check the backstory of Cozy Glow.


Thanks for pointing that out so I could fix it....now it reads he instead of she.

One thing that always irked me was no backstory for Cozy Glow....so I figured she needed one.


Indeed. Now that you gave her 1, Starlight Glimmer should verify it.

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