• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 2,506 Views, 44 Comments

Frozen - Aquaman

After being freed from stony imprisonment as part of a scheme by a Princess to take down the Crown, Cozy Glow follows her nature and begins some machinations of her own. 1st place in the 2021 EFNW Iron Author contest.

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A sliver of light pierced through the inky blackness, followed by the crackling and snapping of weather-worn rock giving way. She felt the sun on her face, a release of pressure from around her neck and wings and chest—and then, for the first time in ages, Cozy Glow sucked in two lungfuls of fresh outside air.

Still blinded by the glare of the outside world, she was helpless to react to the rumbling sound beneath her, or to keep her balance once the remainder of her prison fell away from her flanks and legs. Cozy tumbled off the dais and collapsed in a heap in front of it, surrounded by shards of the magical marble she’d been sealed inside for… it didn’t matter how long. She was out now. She was free. And she wouldn’t need long to make Princess Twilight Sparkle feel every millisecond of time she’d taken away from her–

Cozy tried to stand, but her wobbly hooves gave out almost instantly and pitched her to the grassy ground again, dusty flecks of stone showering out of her mane. Okay, she’d have to remember how to walk first. And then probably to fly. But after that, nothing could stop her. Especially not whoever had been foolish enough to set her free, whose hooves she could just barely see before her as she lifted her head and grit her teeth through the waves of pins and needles passing through her body.

It was a grown-up, judging by their height. Probably a pegasus, if the light imprints they left in the grass were anything to go by. And… perfume. Feminine, expensive, overbearing. In a matter of moments, she had a perfect picture of the situation, and of how the curious Canterlot socialite still gormlessly staring down at her would slot into her plan to extricate herself from it.

Or she thought she had one, until she looked up. Until she saw the mare’s pale pink coloring and oversized wings, and her cerulean-striped violet mane that gathered in looping bangs across her forehead and perfectly framed… her horn. Her alicorn horn.

Intriguing. And more complicated than she’d expected. For the moment, Cozy Glow chose to keep her silence and put on a plaintive look, daintily coughing in a way that always drew sympathy from the grown-ups she’d used to know. She wanted to know more about this other pony. She needed to figure out how she could use her.

“Are you okay?” the alicorn asked—plainly, efficiently, with concern but not emotion. She was a soldier, or at least came from a family of them. “Can you walk?”

With put-upon effort, Cozy gathered her hooves underneath her barrel and pushed herself upright. “I… I think so,” she whimpered, shaping her face into a grimace as she quickly scanned over her companion’s form. The mare was fit, healthy, and well-groomed—obviously a princess. But who? Cozy had never seen one that looked like this. How long had she been locked away for?

“Good,” the alicorn continued. “Then we need to move. It won’t be long before the Garden Guards find us.”

In the few moments she had before a response would be obligatory, Cozy took in her surroundings. A wall of trimmed rectangular hedges twice the alicorn’s height wrapped around the dais Cozy had been trapped upon, which—she noticed with satisfaction—was encircled by the shattered remains of her once-fellow conquerors. Beyond Chrysalis and Tirek’s decimated forms, there was nothing else of note in the area but a single gap in the greenery, framed by an ivy-wrapped archway and flanked by immaculate displays of hyacinths and crocuses.

The foliage, the flowers, and the mention of Guards all matched what Cozy had assumed upon awakening. She was in the Canterlot Gardens, put on display as Discord had once been to warn future generations of foals not to offer the world more than it wanted to take. That meant the break in the hedges wasn’t just for show—with how many defensive enchantments infected these grounds, it was surely the only way in or out of this space. If she wanted to escape, the alicorn would have to accompany her. She nodded to herself, nominally answering the alicorn’s statement, and set her plan in motion.

“O-Okay,” she said, maintaining her pitiful tone. “Gosh, I… it was so cold in there. It felt like I was… I thought I was…”

The alicorn finished her unspoken dramatization. “You were, technically. And we both might be soon if we wait here much longer, so let’s go.”

Cozy Glow swallowed and nodded. “Right. Go… where?”

A dark look overtook the alicorn’s face—a look that Cozy Glow knew well. As the alicorn would be a pawn in Cozy’s game, Cozy was surely meant to be a queen in the alicorn’s. “Away from here,” the alicorn muttered. “Someplace both of us can get what we want.”

Cozy bit her lip to keep from smiling. A power-hungry princess… she couldn’t have picked a better partner to escape with. This alicorn—really a teenager more than an adult, now that she looked at her—would be so wrapped up in her own machinations that she’d never notice the wrench about to slip between their gears. “Then let’s leave now,” she said through a pantomimed shudder. “I hate this place.”

With a jerk of her head, the alicorn led Cozy through the archway and out of the clearing. Cozy didn’t even spare her former partners a parting glance. Good riddance to those fools. They deserved the fate she’d been spared: an eternity staring up at the sky through sightless stone eyes, with moss growing and snails crawling over the jagged edges of their broken bodies.

“So what’s your name?” Cozy asked as they walked, flanked by hedges just like the ones that had framed her prison. “Mine’s Cozy Glow. I’m… well, maybe you already know who I am.”

A crease formed in the alicorn’s brow. “Everypony knows who you are,” she grunted. “The Frozen Foal. Sent to Tartarus and then trapped in stone before she even reached adolescence. A perfect example of the justice that the Princesses provide.” She fell silent for a moment, then added, “I’m Flurry Heart. I’m Twilight Sparkle’s niece. I’m sure you remember who that is.”

Oh, did she ever. Cozy had had years—it must’ve been decades, or even centuries—to think about the last time she’d seen the sun, to replay her final moments of freedom and reconsider where it had all gone wrong. The answer was obvious, and ever more infuriating with each inch deeper it burrowed into her soul: she’d backed the wrong not-quite-horses, and their idiotic paranoia and greed had left her without any hope of defeating Twilight Sparkle and her army of magically supercharged “friends.” With the benefit of hindsight, she knew better now than to depend on the wrong friends herself. She wouldn’t give herself the chance to do it again with Flurry.

“Nice to meet you, Flurry,” Cozy said. “Thanks for setting me fr–”

Flurry’s hoof shot out in front of Cozy, shoving her back a step just before she walked onto a cobblestone pathway that snaked through rows of white lilies. Before Cozy could ask why, Flurry showed her. The alicorn picked up a pebble with her magic and tossed it onto the pathway, and the moment it struck one of the darker stones, a web of arcane energy rose over it with a flash, pulling the pebble to the ground and snaring it there with what looked like titanic force.

“Eyes open in here,” Flurry said. “This place is full of much worse traps than that. Can you fly?”

By this point, Cozy more or less had all of her strength back, so getting into the air only took a few test flaps of her wings and a bit of an unsteady takeoff. “Go to the right,” Flurry ordered as she rose to float next to her. “There’s a safe path over the flowers there.”

They continued like that for several minutes, with Flurry in front pointing out security spells and Cozy quietly memorizing their functions. The sidewalks threw up magical nets if you touched the darker stones, the hedges with berries spewed out a sweet-smelling juice that could put you to sleep in an instant if it touched you, and any archway without vines was rigged with all manner of petrification spells, pit falls, and once what looked for all the world like poison gas. The Princesses—Flurry being the lone exception, it seemed—really didn’t want anypony to get out of here. Too bad for them they’d never entrapped another pony like her.

It took almost an hour and more than one bout of backtracking after the maze-like arrangement of hedges suddenly shifted before their eyes, but eventually the two mares found themselves in a clearing much like the one Cozy had awoken in. This one’s centerpiece was a fountain topped by a sculpture of an unicorn mare reaching towards the heavens and ringed by displays of black-eyed susans—and beyond it, the biggest archway they’d seen yet offered a view of the city and the Canterlot Castle grounds. They’d reached the garden’s threshold. They were almost free.

Well, Cozy Glow was, anyway. As she glanced around the clearing and spotted something she’d hoped she’d see here, she became pretty confident that Flurry Heart would be staying a little while longer.

“There’s the exit,” Flurry said, sighing with palpable relief. “And no guards. I think we’re good.”

“I think so too,” Cozy replied, sidling towards the fountain as she spoke. Flurry followed close behind her, oblivious to anything but her own self-centered thoughts.

“Stars, I can’t believe this worked,” Flurry said. “I read stories about you, what you managed to do even without alicorn magic, and then with it… you’re exactly who I need. You’re the best chance I’ll ever have of making this awful kingdom a decent place again.”

“You must have a pretty good plan,” Cozy told her, saccharine reverence dripping off every word. Closer, closer…

“You are the plan,” Flurry replied. “I know the Princesses and the politics and everything, but you… you know how to use them. With both of us working together, they don’t stand a chance.”

Cozy shrugged, and giggled, and grinned. “Well, that sounds nice and all, but… I’m more of a solo act.”

Before Flurry could so much as narrow her eyes, Cozy launched herself into the air and slammed into the alicorn with every ounce of wingpower she could muster. It was just enough to send Flurry tumbling into the fountain’s basin—and for the glimmering, booby-trapped pool of water within it to swirl around her, wrap around her chest and legs, and lock her in place against the base of the statue in the center, each rivulet as strong and unbreakable as an iron chain.

With the enchanted water covering her mouth, all Flurry could do was glower at Cozy—which, to be honest, Cozy had missed the feeling of. It never got old to have somepony completely at her mercy like this, especially when they absolutely resented that fact.

“If it’s any consolation, I really like your plan,” Cozy said cheerfully, trotting at a leisurely pace around the fountain and towards the exit. “Me, the Frozen Foal, making this awful kingdom my own… sounds like just the thing for me to do. Thanks for the help, Flurry!”

Just before she left the maze and her latest lackey behind, Cozy remembered one last thing. “Oh, and when they find you in here and figure out what you did,” she called back through a sneer, “tell your aunt I said hi.”

With that, her plan was complete. Cozy Glow stepped over the threshold, and–

Something rammed into her, like a freight train made of nothing but air, and she tumbled end over end back in the garden. Head spinning and stomach churning, all Cozy could do was gaze dumbly up at Flurry as the alicorn looked down at her, the fountain water sloughing off her in waves until she was free to soar overtop of her and land between her and the exit.

“Unbelievable,” Flurry murmured without turning around. “Didn’t even make it out of the garden.”

Cozy tried to stand, but whatever had hit her before stayed on top of her, squeezing the air from her lungs and pinning her legs to the sandy path encircling the fountain. When Flurry turned and walked back towards her, her face had changed. Instead of enraged, or even just vengeful, she looked… sad. Disappointed. Like a plan she’d spent months working on had failed in a matter of moments—and not, Cozy realized with a sinking feeling, the plan she thought she’d seen through.

“Nopony else thought this would work, y’know,” Flurry said. “I was the only one sticking up for you, the only one who thought there was still some hope left. They’d tried everything else: sending in counselors and therapists, telling you you’d been pardoned and had a new chance at life, even having Chrysalis and Tirek take you in.”

Flurry sighed and looked off in the distance. The edges of Cozy’s vision were starting to turn black. “Nothing. No progress. A hundred different attempts, and a hundred different lead balloons. And finally I talked them into this. I said, ‘Maybe if she thinks she can be a villain again, if she really believes that she’s worthy of respect and of someone admiring her, eventually I can get through to her. I can help her.’”

Flurry sighed again, softer and angrier this time. “And you didn’t even make it out of the garden before you stabbed me in the back. You don’t want help. No matter how many times or how many ways we tried to give it.”

With a flash from Flurry’s horn, a lock Cozy hadn’t known to look for opened inside her mind. She saw herself in the same position, surrounded by frowning earth ponies, despondent princesses, Tirek and Chrysalis—he with a healthy form and fatherly demeanor, and she with a kaleidoscope of pastel colors sprayed across her carapaces. And every time, the same end: a burst of light, a hole in her brain, and then tightness and darkness once more.

“I’m not giving up,” Flurry Heart said. “We’ll figure something else out. I know there’s a good pony in you somewhere, and so help me Luna and Celestia, I’m going to find her. But until then… you chose this. You chose to stay exactly the same… angry, stone-hearted, frozen.”

Cozy felt her legs begin to stiffen, then her torso, then her throat. A hot wave of anger rolled through her—and then, beneath it, a cold spike of fear lodged in her heart.

“I’ll see you soon, Cozy,” Flurry whispered, her voice wavering as her eyes filled with tears. “Please let next time be the last.”

There was nothing Cozy could say—her voice was trapped inside her, along with everything else. She felt her face grow cold, her eyes fall shut, and then nothing else.

Comments ( 44 )

Such a sad ending. I kinda wonder what happened to Cozy Glow because she has some serious issues.

Posh #2 · Aug 24th, 2021 · · 13 ·

You call this an “Iron Author” winner, when Cozy Glowzy is clearly turning into stone. Care to comment? No? Of course not. Coward. Checkmate, liberal.

Damn, I can see why this won.

Comment posted by Mittens of flabbergast deleted Aug 25th, 2021

10950115 wow I can't believe it ive been owned and my life is Over I will re-tire into the woods and shit in a Hole and then go inside of the Hole and slowley die in my own shit

Comment posted by Mittens of flabbergast deleted Aug 25th, 2021
Posh #7 · Aug 24th, 2021 · · 3 ·

10950115 I went bald at the age of nine, and am smooth as a newborn dolphin. How dare you speak to me in such degrading terms. Father will hear of this.

While I do not believe that Cozy is as hopeless as this story depicts her as, it is still well-written for what it is, although perhaps next time it would be smarter to give Cozy time to remember the previous attempts before trying to pull another Discord on her.

Mica #9 · Aug 24th, 2021 · · 5 ·

Geez, "Frozen" is just the story title. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go... :facehoof:

Lovely story, I enjoyed hearing it at EFNW.

:facehoof: I said you should of eaten her
:moustache: With all that gristle I'd break a tooth
:trollestia: I could put her through a wood chipper first

Loved hearing you read this live and it's just as good the second time around. Awesome job hon, congrats on a well-deserved win \o/

Hey Cozy!
knock knock
🎵Do you wanna build a stonemare~?

a burst of light, a hole in her brain, and then tightness and darkness once more.

How can she change, if all the previous attempts get blocked, putting her right back to the day she was first turned to stone?
Next time, Flurry, let her KEEP her memories so she can actually learn from her mistakes.

Locking her memories also prevents her from learning her way out. Perhaps next time she would play along with her rescuer or her therapist or whoever, until she has a more guaranteed method of escaping stoning.
She can't learn from her failures, and that is both good and bad.

Daaaaaayum. I can see why this won. Great job!

By erasing her memories, the ponies can try multiple different methods to get Cozy to stop being evil, some methods even contradicting each other (Flurry pretending to want to start a revolution would not work if Cozy remembered all the other attempts to "reform" her). Also, letting her keep her memories runs the risk of her figuring out how to manipulate everyone and gain freedom to attempt another takeover.

With a flash from Flurry’s horn, a lock Cozy hadn’t known to look for opened inside her mind. She saw herself in the same position, surrounded by frowning earth ponies, despondent princesses, Tirek and Chrysalis—he with a healthy form and fatherly demeanor, and she with a kaleidoscope of pastel colors sprayed across her carapaces. And every time, the same end: a burst of light, a hole in her brain, and then tightness and darkness once more.

So... petrification is basically resetting her every time?

But until then… you chose this. You chose to stay exactly the same…

Did she really, though? The previous paragraph seems to imply otherwise.

I gotta echo 10950262's sentiments here. This attempt at reformation really doesn't sit right with me. Flurry says that they've tried everything, but putting her back in stone (thereby resetting her back to her villainous mindset) at the first sign of backstabbery feels like she's giving up way too soon.

That was charming, breezy, and villainous. Thank you and congratulations.

Own the ponies with facts and logic.

Congratulations on winning the Iron Author contest. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you read it last Sunday at EFNW.

Stone OBVIOUSLY imbued with iron throughout its entire makeup. Also, its iron AUTHOR, not iron SUBJECT you pretentious wankdoodle

Also ALSO you have some megucas to write you fucking lazy jackass go do that instead~~~~~11111eleven

Interesting characters in a non boring scene. Exciting twist even. More than technically competent.

I think this would resonate better if Cozy wasn't a child. I know I am supposed to suspend my disbelief and not bog down a fic with thought of real world parallels, but it's hard to shake.

Flurry basically has been punishing and erasing any progress Cozy, a child, could possibly make by instantly giving up and resetting her to zero with each mistake.

Rehabilitating problem children.... you accept that they will fail, hurt you, mess up, and take time. In fact, you especially have to do that if their actions are violent or self-destructive. You have to come to them with honestly and stability, and make them feel some measure of safety.

Relapse is a necessary part of rehabilitation.

If Cozy was an adult, it would be different. But children are still growing and developing, so they need opportunities to fail and learn from that failure. Casting one as born bad, no hope, she is choosing to be this way, an adult mind in a child's body, is kind of. It's bad. It's bad and messed up that the original show did this. What Flurry is doing here is also bad and messed up.

She mentions bringing in therapists, but no therapist worth their salt would allow this - child abuse - to continue. Unless forced, that is.

Honestly for a... show about friendship and harmony....there bright idea really was let's put a kid in literal hell and then after she makes a...mess like a poopy they tell her go to your stone prison....which she is aware?

This is well written and character's can be written to be bad. But, this kind of stuff and all this other stuff is why I am not fond of immortal's (societly or static alone). Surely they can be good. But, like anything and anyone? What is good? Anything can be labelled good? So then one wonder's what does a immortal especially a lone group of immortal's to have to check themselves against?

Like literally. Not saying mortal's as such can not matter. Only that folk's tend really seem to play down the way's society's remind and keep people health and safe?

You know...I thought of great example...imagine you have ypur friend's love or hate them they are your friends. Now imagine all the times you and yes you...who stayed silent when they did something stupid. Now take that on the level of not wanting to have a immortal companion for century's?

Also for those that bother. I am not saying the following..

1. Immortality itself is not bad. Or invalid as a state of existence.

2. That they would be jerk's or cruel necessarilly but would you really leave that up to chance for the any love you may have for what comes after you?

3. What no one or rather very few people like to ignore is consider your best impulse that impulse is not necesarily alway's good. I.e able to do good.

Ps. I vibe with what you said about Cozy. I have discussion's in comment's about them believe she is...evil. Would not anyone want said person to grow up and be a better person?

All true. But then why not get Sunset involved? I mean she's clearly old enough by now to work independently, if Flurry's a adult. She would be invaluable to pinpointing the reason Cozy is the way that she is, if there is one.

And if you are going to erase her memory and betray her trust anyway, why not go a step further? They clearly don't care about her sanity or sense of self determination, so why would you make use of the spell in such a arbitrarily watered down fashion?

Discord tormented her and tried to get her to embark on a mission he fully intended to end with their defeat (and possible demise) and he's the closest thing Fluttershy (and she's supposed to be the Element of Kindness) has to a boyfriend.

If someone with a close personal association with the so called hero's of Equestria already manipulated and betrayed her, who's to say they wouldn't do the same thing again? For that matter, why should Cozy trust them with the memories she already has?


If Cozy was an adult, it would be different.

How so? I mean honestly, how would it be different, other then the fact that we tend to have a lot less sympathy for adults as a society? They still have to learn from their mistakes, same as anybody else.

I think the real point is commentary about Equestria itself. It is simply incapable of properly handling this situation. They even know what they did was in most's eyes' to be bad:

sent to Tartarus and then trapped in stone before she even reached adolescence. A perfect example of the justice that the Princesses provides

This is the entire reason that they have attempted in the first place to "reform" Cozy Glow. They want to justify their actions by proving this was the correct result, but they will not. They were into mind wiping with "reformation" spells before Discord ate them all, so they are forced to justify what they did the hard way.

They are lying -- constructing falsehoods of reasons for de-stonings, cheating by getting nearly unlimited time through stoning's and memory-wipes -- more on that later, and self delusion of righteousness from a position of power. By all means they are the villains, and this is why they are failing from a purely construction standpoint. If Cozy's mark is for planning and outmaneuvering, then in essentially every scenario a base built on falsehoods cannot be watertight, so purely by construction it would fail. However by harmony standards, they are being rather cruel and unusual, so I don't imagine they will ever "win" unless they decide to change their own ways and admit their faults -- they won't however; they have no challenges as the ruling body, so they never have to consider they are incorrect. The nearly unlimited time: the ironic part about this is that Cozy will still age, and grow -- possibly starve to death/ dehydrate to death -- even if it is just for a few minutes of time in each de-stoning.

Further irony being that one can say the exact same thing about Equestrians

You chose to stay exactly the same… angry, stone-hearted, frozen

This is almost exactly mirrored, if not angry, then frustrated about the situation.

Posh #26 · Aug 26th, 2021 · · 1 ·

I want to hear this comment thread’s perspectives on Anon-A-Miss.

Thank's for the thoughtful comment. I am going to reread the story to have more information to reflect upon! :twilightsmile:


And if you are going to erase her memory and betray her trust anyway, why not go a step further?

Cozy was the first to backstab Flurry, while still believing that Flurry broke her out because she needed help to overthrow the "now-evil" government. Well, why Flurry deceived her at all? Because Cozy is a dangerous criminal, with a chronic backstabbing disorder, you most definitely cannot trust her. So, various methods to somehow get to her are attempted (with memory wipes, because it would not be effective otherwise).

Personally, I would not have bothered at all, Cozy proved that she is a danger to everyone and shows no remorse for what she did, so she can stay a statue forever.


By all means they are the villains, and this is why they are failing from a purely construction standpoint

In my opinion - no. Cozy initiated the whole thing, she's guilty and should be punished, but more importantly, the society should be protected from her.

What she did in the show, IMO, amounts to terrorism. imagine a terrorist got his hands on a nuke and was minutes away from detonating it in a densely populated area (draining magic from Equestria would probably be even worse than a nuke, but whatever). He was stopped and put in prison. Then, broken out of prison by a rogue government agent (who had a very good disguise), who decided to form a team from four terrorists (one of them got himself killed though) to test the security of the government by imitating a coup.
However, Cozy and the other two decided to betray, for what they knew, another terrorist, but not because they felt bad about following him, but because they decided to take over for themselves.

Cozy had multiple chances to behave correctly:
1. Not try to drain magic from Equestria in the first place.
2. After she got caught, she could have started begging for forgiveness, it probably would have worked.
3. Not follow Discord/Grogar, betray him to the authorities, then beg or forgiveness of her previous crime.
4. Not betray Discord/Grogar claim to be doing as told because of far for her life, beg for forgiveness.

She always chose the option that, in her mind, would bring her the most personal gain, screw everyone else. After all of that, I would not trust her at all.

Great story, Aquaman. What a twist at the end, but I like it. Sounds along the lines of a Cozy Glow reform story I made actually - I should really get it finished sometime. Nice job.


Cozy had multiple chances to behave correctly:
1. Not try to drain magic from Equestria in the first place.
2. After she got caught, she could have started begging for forgiveness, it probably would have worked.
3. Not follow Discord/Grogar, betray him to the authorities, then beg or forgiveness of her previous crime.
4. Not betray Discord/Grogar claim to be doing as told because of far for her life, beg for forgiveness.

Discord had multiple chances to behave correctly:
1. Not cause mass chaos like he did in the first place.
2. After escaping, begging for forgiveness or just leaving Equestria.
3. Not mocking the ponies after they willingly gave him a chance.
4. Not side with Tirek.
5. Not do the whole Grogar thing.

Even after being forgiven for so many things despite having no real excuse for what he's done and the fact some of those horrible things came after he supposedly reformed, its strange that the ponies just immediately start trusting him again.

The fact of the matter is that every single villain had opportunities to simply not do what they did, even the reformed ones. The difference is that some just happened to be given proper help and second chances and those were almost always somehow initiated by the heroes weather it was Twilight convincing Starlight to stop or Celestia releasing Discord from prison specifically to get reformed. Singling out Cozy is pointless and doesn't make what happened to her in the show any less unfair considering the chances others got.

The fact that this won first place tells a lot about the fandom nowadays.

Discord got stoned for a long time after his first takeover.
Then he escaped and got stoned again.

Then, yes, Celestia did un-stone him, hoping to reform, but with the threat that if he misbehaves, he gets stoned again, until he actually managed to kind-of reform himself.

Starlight got chased away, then after she actually begged for forgiveness, she was placed under close supervision (my headcanon is that being Twilight's student was a form of "parole" for her and if she misbehaved, there would have been bad consequences).

However, what Starlight and Discord have in common, in my opinion, is that their behavior could be explained (not justified) as them being misguided. Discord likes chaos and could be said that he did not understand that he is actually hurting ponies and that it is possible to have fun without hurting anyone.
Starlight was an extremist, but, at least it appeared that her reasons were also understandable - she believed that cutie marks are bad and that ponies without them would be better friends. Even though that is wrong, it is what she believed and you could say that her intentions were good, but the results were bad.

What's Cozy's reason for trying to take over the school and draining magic from Equestria? "I want to be the most powerful pony".

OK, what other villains wanted power for themselves and what happened to them?
Nightmare Moon - got a 1000 year vacation on the Moon, then got brainwashed (if NM was actually Luna) or killed (if NM was a separate entity controlling Luna).
Chrysalis - got beaten up, then chased away from her hive, then stoned.
Sombra - got killed twice.
Tirek - Tartarus, then stoned.

The only exception is Sunset Shimmer as far as I know. She did want power for herself (and take over Equestria), but very quickly started begging for forgiveness after she got defeated.

Cozy has chronic backstabbing disorder - IMO she's worse than Discord on intentions. The only difference is that unlike all of the other villains, Cozy has the least amount of "internal" power, still, she was able to cause a lot of damage. If Cozy had Discord's power, she would be much worse than him IMO.


Discord got stoned for a long time after his first takeover.


Then he escaped and got stoned again.


Then, yes, Celestia did un-stone him, hoping to reform, but with the threat that if he misbehaves, he gets stoned again, until he actually managed to kind-of reform himself.


Yes, Discord did indeed get stoned. It's worth noting that there was no other way to stop him on both occasions as opposed to Cozy, who's a literal filly and that spending time as a statue did nothing to change him for the better. When Celestia un-stoned him she did so with the knowledge that he was utterly unrepentant, but still put him up for rehabilitation, unlike Cozy who never received anything of the sort. And no, he did not reform himself, Fluttershy did that.

And Starlight ran away without ever being punished for her crimes and when you look at the her return, it took Twilight much convincing, which included showing her how she would destroy the world with her actions, went back to her past and barely managing to convince her not to rip the time travel scroll after all that. I think its safe to say that her begging for forgiveness was only due to Twilight's help.

behavior could be explained

Discord saw ponies panicking and fearing him and the fact that they tried to stop him was more then enough of a clue that he was hurting them, but he didn't care because he enjoyed doing that and frankly, I'd say doing evil things for fun is worse then doing it for a goal.

Starlight, based on the way she treated her villagers and looked at the whole thing as HER ideal life, was clearly mostly doing it for herself, especially when she went against Twilight for the sake of petty revenge all because a friend of hers moved away when she was a filly. I wouldn't call either of their past selves well-intentioned.

You call them misguided? Try a literal child who misinterpreted friendship for manipulation and thought that having more friends then Twilight would make her an empress for power related reasons that Twilight never made her elaborate on or investigate further into the matter. The fates of other villains are irrelevant here, especially when one of them got reformed and the rest can be argued for a potential redemption as well.

chronic backstabbing disorder

Is that even a real disorder? She's not the only one who backstabbed others or betrayed their trust. Just look at Discord.

If Cozy had Discord's power, she would be much worse than him

First off, we don't know that. Second, she doesn't, which immediately makes her far less of a threat. As it stands now the only way she can cause any sort of damage is to either get a magical artifact or hope that no one catches on to her attempted manipulations, which as we've seen in Frenemies, could even come from some random old pony.

So no, Cozy was not more evil then any past villain and she certainly wasn't any more dangerous. The only difference is that she never got the same second chance others did in the show.


I think the real point is commentary about Equestria itself. It is simply incapable of properly handling this situation.

Yeah, that's possible. But I'm not so sure if that's fully supported by the text.

A Dark, Horror or Tragedy tag would clear that up right away, but even then, a story shouldn't be relying on tags to make its message clear.

As it is, unless I've missed some other clues, I'm having a hard time figuring out whether it's an accidental implication or deliberate theme of the story... :unsuresweetie:

This was great, a really insightful look into Cozy’s way of thinking and it has me going for a while there before Flurry’s reveal. The ending is so tragic, especially since Tirek and Chrysalis were also able to reform.
While I personally think there is hope for all three as we saw a glimpse of it in there episode, this fic speaks true in that a Villain has to want to reform for it to work. Cozy’s obsession with power will always get in the way of that.
Really awesome and can totally see why this won.

This story could have been good if they actually did not erase Cozy Glow's memories. Or are you purposely trying to portray Flurry Heart as a brainless idiot who never heard of the "those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it" quote?

Greetings. Your reading has been completed and can be found below. I hope you enjoy.

This was a great story, with a really clever twist that puts Flurry's initial reaction into perspective. The characters were written well, including the blank slate of Flurry Heart. Now, the entire memory-erasing business did strike me as a step too far, but I think you got enough debates about that.

“I’m not giving up,” Flurry Heart said. “We’ll figure something else out. I know there’s a good pony in you somewhere, and so help me Luna and Celestia, I’m going to find her. But until then… you chose this. You chose to stay exactly the same… angry, stone-hearted, frozen .”

"It’s hard to find the good in some people & It’s harder when there isn't any."

Mark Twain

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