• Published 5th Oct 2021
  • 2,422 Views, 60 Comments

Sunny with a Lasso - xd77

Lasso Lashes meets new friends, thanks to Izzy.

  • ...

Welcome My Prisoner

It was completely dark and motionless, but through Lasso's eyes, he was opening them. Once his vision adjusted, he saw himself in a place that did not look like any room in his house. Not only that, but he found himself not being able to move, he looked over and saw that he was tied to a chair, but not any regular chair, this looked like a throne chair of some kind. To make matters worse, he also discovered his mouth to be gagged with cloth wrapped around to his back neck!

Lasso tried to break free, but the knots of the ropes were tight enough to be unbreakable, his struggle to free himself was soon cut off by the sound of an evil chuckle.

"Well, well, well, good to see you awake my sweet." said a voice from within the shadows, Lasso turned to see a dark pony figure emerging out of the gloom. To his surprise and horror, it was none other than Queen Opaline, the same pony from his nightmares, shockingly they had come true!

Opaline and Misty approached him slowly, then took his gag off his mouth so he could talk.

"What's goin' on, where am Ah'!?!" Lasso asked quivering.

Misty chuckled wickedly, "You're in your new home of course."

Lasso shook in fear, "N-N-N-N-N-N-New home?!"

"That is correct, and since your poor parents or anypony is here to save you, you are trapped here."

"Ah' know you, you're that pony from mah' nightmares!"

"You are correct again." Opaline said, "I have the power to turn dreams into nightmares for my victims, no thanks to Princess Luna."

"As a bonus, it was me who poisoned your poor parents to their grave!" Opaline snarled, scaring Lasso and making him gasp in horror.

"But....But...WHY!?!" he screamed in shock.

Misty joined in with Opaline, "Well, let me explain for my mother the first part. All her life, she has been wanting to abolish friendship with equity and separation of all pony species. But your pathetic great great aunt, Twilight Sparkle, kept getting in her way!"

"Thank you for that introduction, Misty, now you are dismissed, I will finish everything here alone."

"Yes Opaline." Misty replied and leaving the room, now Lasso and Opaline were all alone.

"To continue, I could never accomplish my goals of dividing Equestria's population as long as she was around. What really drove me to the brig of anger was when she stored all the magic into those worthless unity crystals!"

Lasso showed more fear than bravery, especially when Opaline's facial expression changed to an evil angered look.

"I knew your parents were the last two descendants of Twilight, and I could never achieve equity. Not as long as those two creeps were in my way of it, so I simply decided to wipe out the last supporting group of friendship, which was them!"

Lasso was now even more frightened, especially over this atrocity she caused.

"I decided to kill them in the most unnoticing way, and that was by poisoning them in their sleep. Now that they are gone, I can now achieve my goals without any form of past friendship!"

Opaline released him from the ropes, but quickly forced him into her forehooves tightly, groping him in a locking position.

"Your pathetic family thought they outwitted me, but I am a patient alicorn, and little colts don't do well inside stone walls."

The evil alicorn then took a whiff of his mane, causing Lasso to tremble.

"What are y'all d-doin?" he vibratingly asked.

"I was just imagining a feather, tickling that cute little side of yours." she demonstrated by rubbing the edge of her hoof down his side.

"Ah' know what yer' imaginin'!" Lasso scowled, breaking free of her grasp.

"What a clever colt." said Opaline, "So typical of children like you to twist theories to cloud the mind with such negativity in thoughts. Well, no matter, you've chosen a magnificent new life, but it is a new life none less."

"Ah' didn't choose anything!" Lasso exclaimed.

"Oh, excuse me, I as in me chose a magnificent new life for you. A life I am about to show you."

Opaline used the moment to grab Lasso again and hold him, this time, he was not able to escape her grasp.

"It's time I showed you around your new home, I do believe you will love my castle." she said, leaving the room with her little prisoner in tow. However, before she could start, she had something else to say.

"Before we start, there is something I need to show you dear." Opaline took Lasso out to a balcony, showing a very dark and foggy horizon.

"Look out into the distance." she said, Lasso did what he was told and looked out, "Do you see any town or pony out there anywhere?"

Lasso looked and eyed every direction and corner, but clearly had no luck.

"Well?!" she said, after one final look around the horizon, there was no sign of any town or pony out there at all.

"No, Ah' don't see anypony."

"Exactly!" Opaline exclaimed; Lasso was now puzzled.

"What's yer point in that?"

"My point is this castle is miles from the nearest town. Therefore, it would just not be right for you to leave, so nopony knows where you are right now." Opaline stated, "Meaning I can pretty much do a lot of things with you, luckily, killing you isn't one of them."

As the evil alicorn left the balcony, keeping the still frightened colt with her, she carried him into the castle for her tour. The first place on the destination was the kitchen, it was a replica of a five-star restaurant, only there were no chefs. However, the place was enhanced with tons and tons of food and drinks. Food of all kinds from vegetables to fruits on one side, and gourmet meals on the other side, Lasso was rather impressed.

"This is the kitchen; I have a thing for serving myself and my daughter of rich foods. I do not suppose you would like to be added."

"Yes, Ah' would?" Lasso said in confusion.

"Good to hear, now let's continue."

The next place to be shown was the washroom, it had a spa like bathtub with steps, two beautifully crafted sinks, and a luxurious style shower with a ceiling mounted showerhead.

"This is my washroom, after a long day of my evil plans, I come in here to clean up my beautiful satire. Misty will also follow in as well; she prefers the shower while I choose the soothing spa. Since you will be in this area, I think you will do good when I give you baths in this nice tub."


As they continued the miniature tour, Lasso had something to say to Opaline.

"Queen Opaline?"

"Yes, little prisoner?"

"If you killed mah' parents, why didn't ya' kill me too?"

"Well, I figured since your parents were the remaining of the most powerful ancient ruler, I could not have them in it. Your parents inherited courage and faith from Princess Twilight, which they would use to deny any form of weaknesses. Weaknesses that I could have used to bring Equestria back to the way it was before, diversion and equity in control again!"

Lasso sneered at this; he was rather disappointed that a pony killed his parents just for a sign of weakness. Yet, he still feared the worst of what she could do to him.

"I did not kill you because you are just a colt, I decided I could use a child that would be easily manipulated into giving me what I want."

"Wh-Why me then?!"

Opaline chuckled wickedly, "Because you are pretty much the only one who was beginning to learn. Learn about your aunt's choices over that friendship and equality garbage, so I figured by kidnapping you as my prisoner, you would lend me info."

"But Ah' know nothing!" Lasso said in defiance, Opaline chuckled again, "Oh, but I believe you do."

On cue, a heavy wooden door came into view. Opaline used her magic to open it and in front of the door was a darkened staircase. Poor Lasso quivered with fear as she started down the stairs, glowing light soon showed, but it was sourced by two hanging lit torches. Opaline opened another door in front of them, and in it was shown to be a nightmare for someone: A TORTURE CHAMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"This room is where I manage to break the ones I take into giving me what I want." she said, showing an evil grin at her little captive.

"The best part of it all, my work has finished its renovation today. I will be using this room as a bait and switch to make you tell me what I want to know, the torture I will use is one you despise."

Lasso was really nervous now, "W-W-What is it?!"

Opaline scoffed, "Oh don't worry my dear, it will not be the painful kind of torture, I could never inflict harm on you. Rather instead, I will use a lighter form of torture for you, one I believe you will love."

The evil alicorn carried Lasso over to a restraining table, then placed him on his back. The little colt tried to get up, but Opaline pressed him back down to keep him at bay. After successfully getting the restraints locked on him, she then paced around the table in circles, chuckling wickedly as he panted in anxiety.

"Now don't worry my prisoner, this will be just a while lasting demonstration of what you will endure. And you will eventually tell me how I can bring Equestria back to what it was before!"

Opaline leaned into his face with bedroom eyes, then kissed him on his forehead.

"What was that for?" Lasso asked in confusion.

"Let's just say I have my ways of connecting with cute little colts like you, now how about some more flirtatious moments."

She leaned into his face again and kissed him a second time, then another, and another. Lasso cringed in disgust, the bearing moment for him was just too much. Even though Opaline mentioned that it would be a short demonstration, it felt like an eternity for him.