• Published 3rd Mar 2022
  • 1,149 Views, 6 Comments

You Are My Sunshine - HiddenEntity

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When Skies Are Grey

It was three days after the funeral. Sunny sat silently in her room. A length of rope seemed to stare deep into her soul. It sat across from her in the dresser.

How easy it would be to just hang myself from the balcony, she thought. I wouldn't have to live in this wretched world.

Three more days passed, and still the length of rope sat there. Sunny sat there, silently, tears brimming her eyes. Hitch was downstairs. Her heart screamed to end it, to let it all go. But she couldn't. She couldn't stop thinking about her father either. She loved him so much... and now? He was gone. All because of those idiots who said he couldn't do it.

A month ago...

"Like hell you could do it, Argie!" a grey pony called from the amassed crowd.

"Yeah, there ain't no place you could go to convince your lies to us!" another crowed.

Voices clamoured and Argyle felt his heart sink as his daughter looked toward him with hopeful eyes. They need to learn, Dad, she mouthed. Please teach them...

"Quiet!" Argyle bellowed. "You all refuse to change, don't you? You're all so caught up in your little fantasies that your brains refuse to accept the truth!" His voice began to crack. "You all need to learn, you damned fools! They ARE NOT our enemies! Please, don't let your children grow up in fear..." Argyle felt his heart sink as the crowd began to uproariously outrage.

"PROVE IT TO US, YOU COWARD!!" the grey pony raged. A chorus of agreements rang out, filled with anger and stubborn-headedness. Argyle knew there was nothing he could do.

"Very well," Argyle cried. "There seems to be no other way you could learn! I will travel to Zephyr Heights and bring back a true friend! Just you fools wait!!"

Sunny remembered that day all too well. She begged him not to go. But no, that damn bullheaded enthusiast just HAD to go running off! Sunny raged to herself. The anger welled up inside of her, damning her internal state. She felt something in her chest break. Like shattering glass, she felt her chest be consumed in a fit of blinding emotional pain. Sunny began to sob quietly, tears streaming from her eyes. Why did you have to leave me, Dad?" she looked toward the sky outside. "WHY????" she screamed, tears bursting free, racking sobs consuming her, as she bent over the railing.

Damn it, she couldn't take it!! She let herself feel helpless. There was nothing that could be done for her now. The rope that sat on her dresser maliciously beckoned her closer. She gulped.

"Come closer, give in!" it seemed to say. She took a step, and then another. And another, and just one more. The rope laid before her like some coiled snake ready to strike. She reached out, and began to tie it together...