• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.

Comments ( 65 )

When the guards took him, I was like "Oh no! He's gonna need a lawyer", but when Daybreaker arrived, he needed lots and lots of lawyers.
But lo and behold! Procedural error saved him. Funny twist! :raritywink:

Hm looks nice.
Don't really understand the downvotes on this.

See this is actually quite unique twilight is actually trying to kill her teacher and she wants her to and yet the dynamic between them hasn’t really changed much in the world is except the Fact. I can’t wait to see how well that will develops Where the story goes

Worked out pretty well! And now he can brag that he fucked both of them and lived, if anyone will believe him.

Yeah it's a nice unique dynamic, I'm glad the commissioner requested something like that. It's different from the other "Twilight wants to kill Celestia" things I've done.

Because it's by me. People are downvoting it without reading it because they assume it's a gore-rape-fest. When published, there were literally downvotes before anyone had time to read more than the description. At this point I think there are man-babies subscribed to me specifically to downvote everything I post because I guess they think it will stop me, or that bullying people who like things they don't like will get them points in the afterlife.

Thats pretty funny actually. Imagine takeing the time to downvote a story that just released. Also im surprised he is not steral after that treatment.

that bullying people who like things they don't like will get them points in the afterlife

Christianity actually costs you points for this, because judgment is Ol' Tetra's job.

That was quite the fun read, far better than expected by that voting.

Most downvotes on Headless Rainbow stories are purely for subject matter, rather than any indication of quality. Their "safe" account (can't call it a "main" because Headless Rainbow itself has way more stories on it) bears this out.

I'm surprised he's not dead after that treatment.

Most of my stories are far more extreme in content, so I think some haters just assumed this was one of them and voted it down, especially given how 'front heavy' the downvotes were, with some placed before anyone could have had time to read it. This story wouldn't be on my extreme account except for the rape in the first chapter, and I decided to keep rape or worse on this account.

Good job using the least-used name to confuse people and/or make them do research. :rainbowdetermined2:
At least I think it's the least-used, since I went to a religious academy and never heard it.

And just wait until twilight becomes an à la corn herself I wonder in that universe how will she get for cruelty or will the OC become an à la corn but then what happens if he’s abnormally week even for Alcorn standards but now that he can’t die will the two princesses be rough with him even more so will they use him To solidify the power even more I mean if he’s immortal and male they could kill off every other male in the world/their kingdom and now that they are the only one it The right to breed you might be able to make the reason why he’s a week Alcorn is because he becomes one without getting his cutie mark you could also make his cutie mark the infinity symbol will have infinite stamina but not strength maybe the infinity symbol can be two male symbols making the infinity and then you can explain or show how they will use even more control an even more over their subjects or even the world depending on how far you’re willing to write or the commission goes

Good job using the least-used name to confuse people and/or make them do research.

Quick runover of the research they'd have to do: I derived that nickname from "Tetragrammaton", literally "four-letter word" and usually used to refer to "YHVH" which is His personal name and therefore is supposed to have a lot of rules regarding his use. Like, I think you're actually supposed to stone me to death once it's erased by my navigating away from this page, and I'm basically taunting the Church with this comment's existence because technically they're erasing it when they navigate away too. Toss in the Jehovah's Witnesses (almost certainly trying to be the same word Anglicized, but they'd all have been executed as heretics if it had been successful) and you have hilarity ensuing. :pinkiecrazy:

It was hard to concentrate on your post because à la corn sound French and delicious.
There probably won't be that much, if any, actual (successful) murder in this fic though. Also I don't think he's immortal or as durable as the goddesses, just unluckily durable.

I actually studied theology when I was younger in hopes of becoming a minister, but going to a religious academy can sometimes be the biggest push away from religion that one can get. I still know a great deal more than most casual adherents though and I also did a good amount of study of other religions in my spare time just because the concepts in religion are fascinating to me.
In actual fics I try to stray away from actual religions and use the stand-in of The Church of the Inoffensively Vague Religion (CIVeR) who worships the Divine Unspecified Deity (DUD).

He's just built different.

What happens if a special talent is then regeneration not truly immortal just long as they don’t and definitely kill him just keep healing and coming back. It’s the reason why wolverine is always so angry he says he still feels pain and he’s unable to become immune to it because his body heals him before he can become resistant to it

I consider this relatively unyike actually. I think many would go through what Mocha did if it meant getting assigned as Twilight's mate and also probably getting to play O&O with Spike..

oh joy a new update

I know it may still be a fair bit away,, but how about Chrislis gets defeated at the wedding by beeing claimed from a more confident Mocha by then?

Hmm This leads me to think... If they really wanted you to stop writing this kind of thing... they could start commissioning you OTHER things, take up all your writing time and make you a lot of money... That should work, or not?

Thunderlane should just not get it and try again after he gets out of the hospital.

That'd be up to the commissioner, but I don't think they're planning on taking the story that far.

People do commission me other things, even if not nearly as many people, but those don't go on this account of course. This one is so borderline on the non-consent, that I could have put it on the other account, but that might have had the same result anyway since many people that watch there probably don't want to see non-consent. It doesn't much matter, it's more an observation about how trivial people are with fiction.

It would be pretty hilarious if every time they meet Rainbow she's messing up Thunderlane again. I mean one might not blame him for trying to toughen up and going for it again; Rainbow is a catch.

Yeah yeah I know... but it's a bit like the whole thing with the pro-lifer that are not really acting in the rational way to obtain their stated result...
The Prolifer says that what they want is to avoid abortion because life starts at conception... So the BEST way to avoid that is to fund as much contraception as possible, but they don't do that.
Here if the downvoter REALLY don't want the hardcore things to get written they could simply pay you to write OTHER things and commission enough things and pay you well enough that you simply don't take the hardcore commissions ^^;;

do you have an estimate of when the next chapter is out already, or do you not currently have enough written to make any sort of guess?

This is a commission so it largely depends on how quickly the commissioner can pay. It also depends on my load, which is rather high right now, and where the commission is in the queue, which the next chapter isn't yet. Though recently I stopped taking new commissions to get the projects I have done, so the current stories should speed up once I work a bit more through the list.

also I did not understand what she had did to Thunderlane at first so when twilight put RD to sleep I thought he was going to walk up and be like "do you mind if I finish what I started" and Twilight would be like "just hurry up" .

Oh was it not clear enough? Any way it could be clearer?

No I think it was clear, I just stopped reading it at the part were RD was put to sleep and had that thought in my head. I do that with all story's I read its stop and go stop and go and doing that some times makes me miss line or three. that is why the red book mark line is my favorite thing about about this site. that and like mocha i dint think the pain he was in was as bad at first.

This has to be the most wholesome grimdark story I've ever read. Kudos.

I could see rarity in this scenario pleasure her “partners” in ways that would make her partners dependent on her for pleasure like lust driven slaves. And for fluttershy I bet she would be into beastiality and finds pony dicks lacking.

I wasn't for a while, but am trying to pick myself up. I hope to start uploading again soon.

I almost feel like it's grimdark on a technicality.

have you tried eating a banana they are good for you, until you eat to many then you get radiation poisoning.

Please continue! I can... well, beg.

This was neat, rebooting the series with a more dangerous Twilight and her reluctant betrothed. I'll give this one a shot.

Somehow, this gave off anime vibes of building up the lead guy by showing how inferior all other males are. Though, I'm curious what will bring everyone together since both princesses are around.

Ay it's been up dated!
Very cool

All things considered there are probably worse ways to end up unconscious and with severe hip pain.

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