• Published 7th Nov 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 61 Comments

Catch Us If You Can - Miller Minus

King Sombra and Troubleshoes Clyde travel across Equestria to find Sombra’s missing horn. Twilight Sparkle follows their trail.

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6 - Home

Five months passed. Twilight allowed herself to be swept under the tow of her endless work once again, keeping her eye out for signs of King Sombra, and always finding none. Her reasons to believe he was alive had all faded and gone, one by one. Canterlot sensed no further shockwaves of crystal magic of any kind. Sombra’s horn, safe in its box, had stopped moving. And she’d even met the ghost of Discord’s mother. Lovely lady.

Twilight still visited the crystal fortress outside of Appleloosa. It was unoccupied now; ever since the trail went cold in Neighagra Falls she’d begun searching the place regularly, scouring it from its foundation to the highest gable, and always finding nothing. And when spring came it started to melt like a castle made of snow, to slouch and bow and dissolve under the hard Appleloosan rains. The door didn’t work anymore. You had to teleport to get inside, and sometimes she still did just that, to search for whatever it was she missed.

She’d considered calling a census for all of Equestria just to find out where Clyde had gone, try to make things right. But that felt a little too… nanny-state. She’d always maintained that ponies should have the right to disappear from time to time. Sometimes it was what they needed.

But, one day in April, a note appeared on the door to the fortress. Twilight’s heart gave a jump when she saw it, and she almost tore it in half taking it off the door. It read:

If you’re looking for ol’ Troubleshoes Clyde, you’ll be happy to know he’s moved on to the following address:

And underneath that, a Neighagra Falls address.

…And underneath that, written in scratchy, violent writing:

Unless you’re a solicitor, in which case he DIED.

Twilight grit her teeth and snorted like a bull. She crumpled the note in her magic with enough force to collapse it into a black hole.

Twilight approached the small two-story detached home as quiet as a mouse that was trembling with rage. Then she saw him coming over the far side of the roof: Troubleshoes Clyde, wearing his small hat and a belt full of tools. Twilight ducked behind the wall like an assassin and listened, thinking, Troubleshoes on a roof? That can only lead to…



From the sound, Twilight could tell he’d landed in the sharpest trees in the garden. Because of course he had.

She was about to come around the corner to help when she heard the screen door open, and she froze.

“Clyde! Are you alright?”

Twilight both recognized and didn’t recognize the new voice. And she noticed, too, that they had referred to Troubleshoes as “Clyde” instead of “Troubleshoes” like she’d been doing. She closed her eyes and listened.

“I think so,” Clyde groaned. “Yowch!”

“I told you I can do the roof.”

“I reckon you’re still in recovery.”

“Do I look like I’m in recovery?”

“Can’t be too careful. Another month or so, I reckon.”

The new voice sighed deeply.

“I’ll get the winch.”

The front door clanged against its frame, and Twilight peered around the corner. Clyde was suspended in the branches about a foot off the ground, picking twigs out of his forelegs with his teeth. His hat was hung on a branch high above him. When he met her eyes, his whole body flinched.

“Hi there,” Twilight said. “Long time no see, Clyde.”

Clyde swallowed. “Hullo.”

“Need some help?”

Clyde cast a quick glance at the front door. “Surely,” he muttered.

With a quick spell, Clyde was out of the bushes, turned right-side up, plucked clean of twigs, and set back on his hooves. Twilight placed his hat on his head and straightened it out.

“Much obliged,” said Clyde.

“Don’t mention it.”

The other stallion’s voice boomed from inside the walls of the house.

“Where’s the winch again?! Is it upstairs?!”

Clyde looked at Twilight with wide, terrified eyes.

What was the last place we had to fish you out of?!

Twilight smiled. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

Clyde swallowed again. “Reckon that’d be the most polite course of action.” He turned to go inside, and Twilight followed carefully behind, scanned the kitchen that they entered. She found no traps, only pictures everywhere. Landscapes, trees and waterfalls, close-up shots of small animals; they were on the counter, the wall, every piece of furniture inside. Clyde featured a lot. Including in one she recognized on a table next to the front door. The one of Clyde and his mother.

Clyde hung his hat on a rack, and called out, “Summer!”

The movement upstairs stopped abruptly.

Summer, noted Twilight.

“Reckon you’d better come on down!” Clyde went on. “We, ah… have a guest.”

The sound of hoofsteps came back, but slower. Quieter. ‘Summer’ was on the tips of his hooves.

A black-on-grey earth pony stallion stood crouched at the top of the stairs, hiding unsuccessfully behind the banister. He had blood red eyes. It took Twilight a moment to release herself from his stare and take in the rest of his features, such as the black mane coiffed with a sinister swoop. And the wrinkles in his face from a lifetime of laughing evilly.

But then he straightened up over the railing, and he looked different. He had a kind smile, a trimmed strip of beard along his chin. He wore a prim and disarming plaid shirt of purple and black. And he was fit. Certainly more fit than a certain evil king she once knew.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” said Summer. “My, what a pleasant surprise,” and his voice sounded both surprised and pleasant.

Nopony said anything. For the first time since she’d come in, Twilight noticed a clock ticking loudly on the wall, above a picture of Clyde and Summer together.

Summer cleared his throat and came down the rest of the stairs, squared his shoulders and raised a hoof to Twilight.

Twilight shook the hoof and nodded politely. “Nice to meet you,” she said.

“Yes.” Summer laughed awkwardly. “Nice to… meet you too.”

Twilight noted the stallion’s every movement, from his gait, to the weight of his step, to his smile at Clyde. She noticed him make a point of picking up a chair and moving it beside Clyde so that they could both face him from the other side of the table. Visibly, Clyde relaxed when Summer was near. His mouth twitched in a smile at a casual pat on the shoulder.

“How’d you meet?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, here in Neighagra,” Summer answered. “I was traveling for work, see. Er… I’m a photographer. And, well, I was doing a piece for the rodeo here, and that’s where we met, and… I just thought there was something about that clown! And I, heh…”

Twilight winced. It sounded rehearsed, yet he was still blowing it.

“Well, we hit it off well,” he finished lamely.

“Real well,” Clyde agreed.

Twilight nodded. “I was looking for you at your old place. Saw the note.” She glanced at Summer. “And the addendum.”

Summer laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. Clyde stared hard at him, and Twilight could easily read the look. I told you that was a bad idea.

“Right, Summer said, clearing his throat. “Well, I had to drag Clyde back to his old home to say hello to his old friends in Appleloosa. Introduce me to them.”

Twilight smiled. “Must have been a shock to some of them.”

They both chuckled.

“Yes,” Summer said. “What did Braeburn say again?”

Summer and Clyde looked at each other and said in unison: “So, is he your pardner? Or is he your… partner.”

They laughed and shook their heads. Even Twilight smiled. She could feel the tension lifting off of them. But within her, it was only growing heavier.

“So I never found that fugitive,” she said.

The laughing stopped.

“Oh?” said Clyde. “Maybe… he wasn’t returned after all.”

“I suppose not,” Twilight agreed. But then she hummed in disagreement and tapped the table. “Except, no, he must have returned. Because of the way his horn reacted.”

The clock ticked loudly in the background.

“Perhaps it’s broken,” said Summer. “Just a false alarm.”

“Could be,” echoed Twilight with a smile. “But, you know, that doesn’t make any sense. Because why else would it… Hey, I have an idea.”

She looked gravely at Clyde’s partner.

“Do you want to see it?”

Before either could respond, Twilight reached with her magic across the river, across the plains, through the snowy mountains to the Crystal Empire’s vault, and she beckoned the horn from its safe box. After a loud burst of magic, it was on the table.

Summer and Clyde both recoiled. Summer’s mouth fell open. Twilight could almost see it watering.

“It does the strangest thing when it gets close to its master,” she said.

The horn started to vibrate. Then rock. Then wobble. It rotated itself, and then began to roll towards Summer.

“Yep,” said Twilight with a heavy sigh. “Just like… that.”

Twilight shook her head, and she felt a tremendous sadness washing over her for Troubleshoes Clyde once again.

“I’m sorry, Clyde,” she said. “I really am.” She closed her eyes and readied a spell.

The rocking stopped. Twilight’s eyes sprang open. The horn was still, fallen over like a blood-red banana. It went dull and brownish. There was no sound in the room but for the ticking clock, and the pregnant hum of Twilight’s spell.

She relaxed. So did the other two. She picked up the horn and stared at it. It might as well have been a rock.

“Like I said,” Summer muttered. “Broken.”

Twilight opened her mouth, then closed it without speaking.

“Why did it stop?” she whispered. The stallions didn’t answer, and that was just as well, because the real question she wanted to ask was locked deep inside her.

What did I miss?

And then she saw it.

Clyde was holding Summer’s hoof.

Twilight followed the press of their hooves, up their forelegs, to their shoulders, then suddenly she was looking into Clyde’s kind green eyes.

He wanted her to leave.

“Well,” she said, and she spirited the horn back to its box. “This has been lovely, you two. I’m sorry I can’t stay.”

“Sure,” said Clyde. “Reckon you’re a busy gal.”

“Yeah. Heavy lies the crown and all that.”

“I can only imagine,” answered Summer.

Twilight found that amusing.

At once, and awkwardly, the three of them stood up. On the table, Summer and Clyde’s hooves were still entwined.

“Nice of you to visit,” said Summer. “Come back any time.”

And though he said that, Twilight could read something different in the room. The two stallions were eager for her to leave, but restraining themselves from physically pushing her out the door.

“That’ll be tough,” she said. “I still have to find that fugitive, after all. But when I do, I’ll be sure to come back and update you. How’s that sound?”

“In that case, Twilight Sparkle.” And Summer laughed an easy, relieved laugh. “Goodbye forever.”

Comments ( 30 )

All done :v

Good luck to everyone else in the contest!


They’re adorable together. It was a great story. I hope to see more of your work in the future.

Howdy, hi!

You have been successfully entered into the MxM contest! Thank you very much for your participation and we look forward to reading!

Je suis dans la système :raritystarry:

Just let them live their lives Twilight, it's not like you haven't let other tyrants walk free, after all.

This was really cute though! I'm so glad the original story got a sequel, these two are actually very cute together and I love this outcome and how things from previous chapters accumulated together in the end.

you can't spell slaughter without laughter

Twilight opened her mouth, then closed it without speaking.

“Why did it stop?” she whispered. The stallions didn’t answer, and that was just as well, because the real question she wanted to ask was locked deep inside her.

sombra set it from vibrate to silent


Bicyclette did not lie in saying:

i am at a loss how to praise this fic enough. can i just get away with describing it as "perfect"?

You have such wonderful prose that never stays a moment too long, that always says the right thing in the right way with a subtle weight that I adore.

Twilight approached the small two-story detached home as quiet as a mouse that was trembling with rage. Then she saw him coming over the far side of the roof: Troubleshoes Clyde, wearing his small hat and a belt full of tools. Twilight ducked behind the wall like an assassin and listened, thinking, Troubleshoes on a roof? That can only lead to…



Always superb. I would point to more examples but I feel like I'd end up copying down every line of your story. There's nothing wasted here. It's perfectly cooked. It's just—

It's like perfectly steeped tea, spiked with bourbon. It's elegant and floral and it punches you in the face and it kisses you and you get SO fucking drunk on it before you realize what's happened, and when it's over with you sit down on the ground next to the fire and you think to yourself: "Just one more, I swear."

And the pot—nor the bourbon—never empties. This story only ends when you're passed out unconscious on the ground, and even then I suspect more than a few of us who've read this will dream about it.

It's a criminal shame that this isn't among the highest rated stories on the site.

Poor Troubleshoes. Just his luck.

Congrats again on winning the contest. I'm incredibly proud of you.

Canterlot sensed no further shockwaves of crystal magic of any kind. Sombra’s horn, safe in its box, had stopped moving. And she’d even met the ghost of Discord’s mother. Lovely lady.

ha, love the payoff of mentioning Discord's lack of a mother way back at the beginning! and the horn only moving when Sombra had reuniting with it as a goal, ugh, love it so much

She’d considered calling a census for all of Equestria just to find out where Clyde had gone, try to make things right. But that felt a little too… nanny-state. She’d always maintained that ponies should have the right to disappear from time to time. Sometimes it was what they needed.

and i really like this characterization of the Equestrian state and Twilight! it just fits so very nicely

Unless you’re a solicitor, in which case he DIED.

hahaha, love it! ah, the witty tone of the first chapter coming back for the last is a great way to end it

With a quick spell, Clyde was out of the bushes, turned right-side up, plucked clean of twigs, and set back on his hooves. Twilight placed his hat on his head and straightened it out.

“Much obliged,” said Clyde.

“Don’t mention it.”

aww! nice echo of the previous time they met

A black-on-grey earth pony stallion stood crouched at the top of the stairs, hiding unsuccessfully behind the banister. He had blood red eyes. It took Twilight a moment to release herself from his stare and take in the rest of his features, such as the black mane coiffed with a sinister swoop. And the wrinkles in his face from a lifetime of laughing evilly.

But then he straightened up over the railing, and he looked different. He had a kind smile, a trimmed strip of beard along his chin. He wore a prim and disarming plaid shirt of purple and black. And he was fit. Certainly more fit than a certain evil king she once knew.

ah, i am loving this so much! Sombra gone domestic

I was traveling for work, see. Er… I’m a photographer.

aaaaaa i love it

Twilight winced. It sounded rehearsed, yet he was still blowing it.

echo and inversion of Sombra chewing out Troubleshoes for being bad at lying! ah so good

What did I miss?

And then she saw it.

Clyde was holding Summer’s hoof.

Twilight followed the press of their hooves, up their forelegs, to their shoulders, then suddenly she was looking into Clyde’s kind green eyes.

oof! really glad Twilight realized this but wow, was she really that fixated? i mean, yes, that sadly makes sense

“Yeah. Heavy lies the crown and all that.”

“I can only imagine,” answered Summer.

Twilight found that amusing.

as did i!

“That’ll be tough,” she said. “I still have to find that fugitive, after all. But when I do, I’ll be sure to come back and update you. How’s that sound?”

“In that case, Twilight Sparkle.” And Summer laughed an easy, relieved laugh. “Goodbye forever.”

perfect ending, and perfect last chapter. i love so much how it mirrors the first, and is not only just a perfect fluffy, happy ending for the unlikely pair, but also really brings together the growth that took place throughout the story.

i am in awe at this. it has been such a delight to read from start to finish, and i loved it so very much. it's not only one of the best entries i have read in this contest, but one of the best fics i have ever read period. thank you so much for this masterpiece!


Thanks again for running the contest. It was a blast!

Well this was a delight. Happy and funny, never getting too grim and ending with a lovely bow on top. Thank you for writing!

Howdy, hi!

I'm not sure what else to add that I haven't already said in the contest results. This fic was glorious, one of my absolute favourite MxM romances. You took these two completely unrelated characters and built-up such fantastic chemistry between them. The dialogue, the mannerisms, Troubleshoes being grade S himbo, was also stellar, fantastic, amazing, other words that are synonyms to this.

What really makes this story so great is Sombra's arc in this. The subtle changes he undergoes as the story continues, and he makes the ultimate choice in the end. He chooses Troubleshoes, and that is so damn heartwarming that it made me cry in joy at it. Every piece of this story is an absolute golden standard on writing a romance between two characters and I loved every second of it.

Thank you so so *so* much for this story. This one is going to stick with me for a long time.

not bad. not bad at all.

A really nice story! I would've never brought these two together, but it works well! I enjoyed this story a lot and it was exciting.

that was just brilliant. lovely. immaculate. absolutely adore your prose, and this piece is just exquisite. i’m amazed. so glad I found it!

I've been behind on my reading for a year now, ever since my son was born. I think this is the first multi-chapter fic I've read on here this year, and this story is the greatest way I can imagine to jump back in.

This story was supreme from beginning to end. Both Clyde and Summer had arcs that felt fleshed out, natural, and not at all rushed, which is SUPER impressive given the word count! I think you nailed it by keeping chapter 5 short and sweet. I was on the edge of my metaphorical seat wondering how it would end. A beautiful tragedy felt just as likely as a happy ending.

Some of my favorite moments:
- Clyde's initial fib that established how much he already cared for Sombra
- Sombra retaining his confidence despite his lack of power and his clear vulnerability
- The bonding over their childhoods
- The tea and bourbon moments
- Drunk queer ponies
- KISSING!!!! Oh, the catharsis!!!
- Everything about chapter 5
- In the end, their choices and their love matters, and it matters in a way that fits both the characters.

Huh. I've listed essentially the entire story as "favorite moments." :raritystarry:

Thank you so much for this fic. Years ago, I hoped I'd be lucky enough to read more about these two. You've granted my wish, given me *two* wonderful Hearthswarming gifts, and warmed my heart. Catch Us If You Can deserves all the praise it's gotten and more. I feel like the luckiest pony alive to have read this wonderful tale, but maybe I'm just the third-luckiest. :raritywink:

Oh thank you so much! It's wonderful to hear from you and I'm so glad you enjoyed the sequel. These two are so much fun to write together. ESPECIALLY THE KISSING

Congratulations on your newborn by the way, that's super exciting!!

This fic was absolutely wonderful! An incredible story for such a quick read!


An incredible story for such a quick read!

It's funny to hear you say that on this, the longest (complete) story I've ever written.

Thanks for stopping by!

Okay, yeah, I read it again, and it's still incredible. 🤎🖤

I like this fic, but... I feel like Twilight is a bit out of character. And because of that, the plot of the story falls apart.

If she's so paranoid about him coming back, why doesn't she call up the Guard to do patrols? Heck, why aren't they doing that anyway? You'd think at least the Crystal Empire would have patrols along their borders looking for him. And then Twilight doesn't talk to anyone, not even her closest friends, about all this?

It feels like a younger, less mature Twilight, like the one at her brother's wedding. She made a scene there as well. But was proven to be right, so that almost seems like she'd have more of a reason to investigate her suspicions. Though perhaps she would do so more delicately.

And I think that's what bothers me. She never once tries to get their side of the story. Someone who's helped more than a few villains repent, and witnessed some herself, yet she acts as if Sombra is irredeemable. And I can't for the life of me understand why. It just doesn't make sense to me. Not even if she's feeling the weight of her responsibility to protect her country. I was waiting for it in the last chapter, for her to finally say, "Why don't you tell me what happened. Off the record."

She never did. And I think the story is less for it.

I don't know why you made that decision. Maybe your story doesn't work unless you make her unwilling or unable to acknowledge that Sombra can change. But if so, then I don't think it's as good as others say it is. I think it could be better if she's just doing her duty while looking for signs of redemption. Without that, it just feels like it's setting Twilight back a few seasons just to create conflict. Which I feel is poor writing indeed.

I hate being the lone voice of criticism, but I guess I have to be. No story can be better if you don't point out its flaws. Granted, this may be somewhat subjective, so it may just be a matter of taste. Yet I stand by what I said. I only hope it's of some use to you, and can help you be a better writer.

You're not the first to dislike Twilight's characterization in this story. I appreciate the time you took to explain your reaction.

I stand by it, for what my opinion is worth. I wanted the "heroes" to defeat the villain without it feeling like she let them, which meant she couldn't be involved in his reform whatsoever, not even to give it her stamp of approval after it's been done. And that meant it wasn't going to be a good time for her.

Sometimes the people we love fall back into their old ways, and the best they can do is to walk away from a situation that they can't parse. I knew it would be a risk, but I'm glad I took it.

And I hate to play this card, but this is the same Twilight who turned three villains into stone without, in your words, "hearing their side of the story". Not that I was in charge of that decision 😤

Again, thank you for leaving your comment. Have a wonderful day.

As you wish. Just don't think your explanation satisfies me is all. But I don't know if it's really worth the time going back and forth on it. I have other things to do, some far more important, and I don't wish to harass you.

Good luck on your future stories. I hope you write some good ones.

A worthy winner indeed. Thanks for the lovely slow burn.

it works 👍 (Good job)

It all comes around and it’s a marvel to behold. I adore circular narratives - those that end where they began yet bringing with them fundamental change - and you’ve captured that flawlessly. I hope I’m reading it right that the newly dubbed “Summer” is meant as a reference to him longing to have been revived in that season. Because that’s the sweetest.

And he’s a photographer. Not a drop of story was wasted. It’s all here. It’s all so good.

After all the wrong he’s done, and all the implied wrong done to him, the fact that Summer chooses Clyde in the end is profound. His kindness didn’t ruin him at all, no sir. Clyde did it right.

I can’t fully express how thankful I am that the M/M Shipping Contest connected me to this story, just brimming with heart and joyous writing prowess. I’m so grateful to have been able to read something this fun, and romantic, and powerful in its messages. All that’s already been said about this story is more than earned and I am truly hoping I’ve contributed something meaningful in my own way.

It’s been said before and I’ll say it again: this is one of the best fics I’ve read on this site (and this will hardly be the last or only time I’ll be reading it!) Thank you so much for taking this audacious idea and turning it into gold.

:pinkiesad2: Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving all your thoughts in these comments. This really was such a fun story to write and I always love to see others enjoying it as well. Your commentary was so very insightful.

I'm sure I'll see you around again soon, friend, and no mistake :raritywink:

I feel like this is a bit of a false equivalency. Twilight isn't the one who turns them to stone nor the one who tells them to do it. Of course you could argue she could have stopped it but still. They were also literally in the middle of trying to take over Equestrian.

I feel Iike her characterization would have worked better if she had a reason to suspect he was still evil, even if it was a misunderstanding.

I do like this story for the record this minus Twilight anyways. It's an interesting take on his character :twilightsmile:

Oh huh you're totally right; it's the other three that turn them to stone. I had it in my mind that she did it cause it made so many people mad.

Anyways, thanks for stopping by and leaving comments on my stories. Ciao! ✌

I don't blame you given how many stories I see blaming Twilight for it. I've read so many, I had to double check to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

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