• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 1,386 Views, 44 Comments

Archangel Michael visits Equestria - Kama and Hallie

The Archangel Michael is sent to Equestria to help Twilight with her princess duties, but bad things start stirring up when he gets there.

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The Story of Satan

Heaven, sometime around the Beginning

"Mikha'El, c'mon! Are you really gonna kick us out because we said some bad things about them?"

The entity commonly known as Satan, in the form of a great red dragon, whose size is larger beyond any mortal comprehension, and has wings big and powerful enough to shift the cosmos and tail could shift the stars, stood directly in front of the Gates of Heaven, behind him was his army of the others who joined his cause, and behind them was the Universe, and they all looked defeated. In front of the wounded and nearly defeated rebels was the Army of the Lord, where a legion of angels stood in front of the gate looking down on them, inching closer toward them so they backed up toward the gate that lead down to the physical realm. Behind the army of angels stood their commander and chief, the Archangel Michael himself, glaring at Satan both angrily and victoriously, with his blue and purple wings flared out, his radiant light of the same color surrounding him, and the legendary weapon, said to be one of the most powerful artifacts to exist, the Flaming Sword, who's star plasma-like flames and supernova-like energy surrounded it that made it a force to be reckoned with, floated by Michael's side, being held by an unseen appendage.

"Yes, thou hast disgraced the name of our Lord! Thou hast refused to respect His creations and wishes, and thou hast let thyself be consumed by thy own pride and letting thyself believe that thou can go against Him and even let others follow thy delusional path. Thou art no longer worthy to stand before His grace and presence, nor art thou longer worthy to enter this realm of which He hath made His home! Thou shalt be banished to live a life of uncleanliness and shame!" Michael announced with anger in response to his enemy's protest. Behind him, Gabriel and Raphael came to witness the unfolding events, and while not as intense as Michael's, they also looked at him with anger and disappointment.

"Disrespected him?! Did you really expect me to go along with that ridiculous command?! They're organic, material, insignificant, they'll be gone in the blink of our eyes, and they're so unimportant compared to even the other smaller things the Lord has created! We on the other hand are powerful on a cosmic level, aren't limited to physical or dimensional rules as they are, and could pretty much erase them with a thought if we wanted to, so why should I bother bowing down to them?!" Satan continued to protest.

"Because disrespect against the Lord's creations is disrespect against the Lord Himself, and thou hast made that perfectly clear when thou decided to not show respect and show allegiance to them! And thou art wrong in thy reasonings as well, for one of the things the Lord hath taught me, is that even the smallest and insignificant of things can make all the difference." Michael answered, he and the other two archangels preparing an attack that will ward them off for good.

"But...actually, you know what? Why am I even doing this right now? I'm done talking with you. Screw you, Mikha'El! You were always an asshole anywaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!" the entity in the form of a red dragon shouted as Michael unfurled his wings revealing his blinding true form which would have incinerated any lower-level beings and blasted energy so powerful that it nearly burnt off Satan's dragon wings and blew off the dragon and his angels out of Heaven and down to the multiverse, where they resided for the rest of their existence.

The Garden of Eden, 4000 BC

Two creatures called humans named Adam and Eve were walking around the Garden of Eden, heading in the direction of the Tree of Knowledge, where Satan, now in the form of a strange serpent, watched and waited for them. When Adam and Eve arrived at the tree, the serpent slithered down.

"Why, hello, Adam. Hello, Eve." Satan greeted.

"W-Who are you?" the woman asked.

"I'm just a little friend just as curious about our universe as you are. You would like to know more about all the wonderful things the Almighty has created, don't you?" the serpent asked.

"Why I do, actually." Eve answered nervously.

"Well, that fruit over there seems to be a nice way of finding out, it seems. I mean, this is called the Tree of Knowledge, so what better way to learn about all the secrets that you're unable to find out at the moment than to get it directly from the source?" Satan suggested.

"But...we're not supposed to eat from the tree, God has forbidden it." Eve said.

"Did God really say 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Satan asked in a sneaky tone.

“No, we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'" Eve explained.

"'You will die' is right, die to know more! Just think, once you take a bite out of that fruit, you won't just be two ignorant creatures walking around a garden not knowing what goes on out there, but actually be wise to the workings of reality, you'll even have the knowledge to a strange thing called 'morality', or as some simpler folks call it: 'good and evil'." Satan persuaded the couple.

"'Good and evil'? What's that?" Eve asked, while Adam just stared with a confused look.

"Oh, I'm afraid it's a little difficult to put into words. It's an abstract concept that can't be put into words, and I'm afraid the only way of understanding it is to already know what it is." the entity disguised as a serpent hinted toward the dangling piece of fruit. But Adam and Eve still looked hesitant, so he decided to give one last push. "Just think, once you gain some of that sweet, juicy knowledge, you'll become as wise and immortal as the angels, you might even become as wise as...the Almighty Himself." Satan continued, his voice shifting to a very disturbing yet alluring tone at the end.

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to know. It would be nice to know just a fraction of what God knows." Eve said to Adam.

"Attagirl, now taste some of that wisdom. Sure it might only be just a small portion of wisdom out of the infinite ones the Creator can offer, but it will change you forever. And I promise, once you've gained a little teaching from that fruit, we're gonna have a lot of fun together."

Later on, after the Lord has banished Adam, Eve, and Satan from the Garden, Satan watched with amusement as Adam and Eve now walked the Earth on their own, their lives and the future of their kind changed forever. Suddenly, Satan got a visit from an unlikely visitor, the very being who cast him out.

"Mikha'El! How long has it been? Because I literally can't tell." Satan greeted with false warmth.

"What have you done here, Satan?" Mikha'El asked with anger in his voice, clearly already knowing the answer to his own question.

"Oh, I just suggested to those two lovebirds to get educated a little. The Lord wasn't happy, though I knew he was already aware of what was going to happen. I mean, why else would he put such a forbidden tree out in the open where anyone could just take that damn fruit." Satan jokingly answered.

"You have once again defiled the wishes of the Lord! It wasn't good enough for you to disobey him and disrespect His creations, now you have to ruin their perfect lives and set them down a dark path as well?!" Michael scolded.

"Damn, you didn't listen to a single word I said, did you? I think it's a good thing those two hairless apes gained a little knowledge, adds more colour to their lives don't you think?" Satan brushed off Michael's accusations.

"You still have ruined these perfect creations of God! And now they have to live millennia's worth of war and suffering all because of you!" Michael accused again.

"Oh, there you go again. Answer me this, your Lord is omnipotent and omniscient, is he not? So if that's the case, why did He put that Tree out where they could easily eat from it, or why didn't he stop me from encouraging those two creatures into doing so, when he could have done so at any time?" Satan dared the archangel to answer. Michael attempted to answer but ended up not knowing what to say. Satan could tell Michael knew he was right deep down, but refused to admit it. "Quite a headscratcher, isn't it? I'll leave you alone to ponder over it." And with that Satan disappeared, leaving Michael alone with his thoughts.

Heaven, 2100 BC Earth time

Up in the realm known to some as Heaven, the Almighty Creator watched one of His favorite creations to exist, a human named Job. The human had one of the best lives a creature of his species could ask for, a peaceful life, a big family, and he was loved by the people around him, and he kept thanking his Creator for everything he had. The Creator was rather proud of this particular human, there was barely anyone in his world like him. The Almighty was then joined by the Archangel Michael, and most surprising to the latter, Satan himself. God and the Devil then had a talk between them, mainly concerning the human in question, while Michael was left out just listening to them and glaring at the Devil with anger and caution.

"This human is really like no other, he has a perfectly good life for his kind's standards, nothing too bad, and he genuinely praises Me every day. That doesn't happen too often, you know." God said.

"Big deal, Sky Daddy. You really think that that little cretin actually believes and loves you unconditionally?" Satan shot at the Creator's statement.

"I don't think so, I know so." God simply stated. To anyone else, this statement doesn't seem all too impressive, but to someone like Satan and Michael, it says a lot about the Lord.

"Oh, really? I've seen this particular case millions of times, literally. Nothing is ever genuine or sincere when it comes to humans, there's always a catch when something nice happens. You might see him all happy and thanking you and praising you and acting like you're the best thing ever, but take something good away and you'll see him for what he really is, he'll start cursing your name and hating you and do an immediate one-eighty on his opinion of you and those around him. I know, I've observed married couples and wealthy individuals who lost all their riches." Satan taunted.

Contrary to how Satan anticipated, God seemed completely unfazed by his taunting, which he should've seen coming. Even after all this time, Satan still thought God would be as easy to break as any other mortal creature he came across, and he will never stop until he sees that moment unfold before his eyes. Michael on the other hand became curious as to where Satan was going with this accusation of his, knowing it couldn't lead to anything good. Unfortunately for Michael, unlike his Master, he wasn't all-knowing, so he won't be able to see what anything Satan does would lead to, that's good news for Satan, though.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to ask, what is he doing here?" Michael asked the Lord. "I thought it was agreed that he wasn't welcome here anymore!"

"Oh, come on. A little visit never hurt anyone." Satan said in a way meant to mock his rival.

"Except when the visits are from you!" Michael shot back.

"Calm down, Mikha'El. I invited him here, it's necessary for him to know what goes on as well. Anyway, what are you trying to propose?" God asked, knowing the answer.

"I wanna try and make that little ape's life miserable, I'll take away everything he has and cares about, slaughter his friends and family in front of him, and put him through pain unlike any he has felt or ever will feel again, and once all that happens and he starts to bad-mouth you and reject you as hard as I have, it will be a glorious moment for me." Satan announced.

"Ha! As if the Lord is going to simply agree to your little scheme! Do you really think Him so gullible that He would simply let you torment that man just so you can prove a point to Him?!" Michael scoffed at how the malevolent entity actually thought he was going to go through with his plan.

"Alright, I'll accept." God said.

"What?!" the Archangel shouted in disbelief.

"Excellent, now for the terms. When I win, I shall have complete control of the man's soul, and I could maybe use this as practice for the other prophets to come after." Satan proposed his plan.

"And when I win, I shall give him twice the fortunes and happiness that he has right now, and make sure he lives a peaceful and blissful life until the end of his days on Earth." God added to the deal.

"B-but, my Lord! You already know that Iyyob is loyal and faithful to You, why must You agree to this...to this...simpleton's deal?!" Michael pleaded, trying not to call Satan anything worse in the presence of the Lord.

"Look, Mikha'El. I already know that Iyyob will prevail, and Satan will not succeed in his plan. But sometimes you need to realize that sometimes bad things are just as necessary as the good things to happen because without bad things, nothing good will ever flourish. So yes, Iyyob is faithful to Me, but the bad things that'll happen to him can serve a good cause for others in the future of his world. You'll learn this someday, Mikha'El, and it'll make you wiser than ever." God lectured to the angel closest to him, which didn't comfort the latter all too much, but he accepted.

"I...yes, my Lord." Michael finally spoke, and the Lord left him alone, knowing he needed some space.

Then, Satan approached Michael from behind and whispered to him. "Looks like that's another point for me, Michael." Satan laughed sinisterly as he left Michael as well and went down to Earth.

Michael wasn't a stranger to the Lord doing things that the beings below him would consider bad such as punishing and taking lives, which Michael himself was never too comfortable with, but he knew would be for a good reason. But in this case, it was Satan who convinced God to let him torment those creatures, which Michael couldn't accept, and just left him furious at Satan even more.

The dark corners of the Multiverse, one day earlier...

Satan sat on his self-proclaimed throne where he watched everything going on in different worlds, different universes, different times, and timelines to pick out which one he or his legions of demons shall target next. He has sent millions of demons to each of them and has even placed some forms or avatars of himself throughout some of them as well, but he hasn't found one that was worthy of his full presence to come there. That is until he heard one of his demons come up to him and tell him some interesting news.

"My lord, we have heard some news concerning Michael that I think you'll want to hear." the demon said.

"Really? What is it this time?" Satan replied, feeling both curious and uninterested concerning news about his old rival.

"We've had word that Michael has been sent by God to the planet Equus to help some horse princess solve her personal and political problems." the demon said on the brink of laughter.

"Wait, seriously? Horses? Haha, what has gotten into the mind of old Man Upstairs this time? Equus...isn't that the world filled with tiny colourful ponies that have magic powers?" Satan asked.

"Yes, exactly that one!" the demon confirmed while laughing.

"Wow, I haven't heard from that world in so long. He's really tasked with helping with politics and inner whining? That doesn't seem like a duty the Michael I've known would perform, sounds more like something Raphael or a guardian angel would do, or maybe a demon would help out with."

"Have you actually been to that world, my Lord?" the demon asked.

"Not directly, I think. I've been involved with a few things here and there with it but nothing too major. Oh, I've got to see this for myself, this could be a perfect chance to fully explore that world, and torment Michael again. His duty obviously won't involve me anyway." Satan said, then disappeared from his throne and left the demon alone.


Satan arrived in the space outside of the planet he was headed to, and he saw Michael looking down at the world in front of him, and surprised him with his presence. After entering the planet and having a little banter, he abandoned Michael to go explore the world on his own. his eyes ever so watching anything he thought could make great temptation or torment material that could certainly cause some trouble, which is what he was hoping to see. The Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle was practically the center of the universe around here, and she was currently dealing with some political and personal issues, which would obviously cause a lot of stress, and from Satan's experience, stressful creatures are the easiest to break. If he caused trouble throughout the land, all that trouble would all lead back to Twilight Sparkle since she's heavily involved in the world's affairs and it'll dump a lot more problems into her mind, and he'll finally break the princess and cause Michael to fail his task. It was ingenious, he thought. Apparently, three incompetent buffoons had the same idea that nearly divided Equestria, but is now trapped in stone. But Satan was different, he was a one-entity-legion, and when he wants a job done, he'll get it done, even if the outcome isn't what he always wants.

As much as he was excited to see everything of this world, he was also sickened just looking at it. At least with Earth where the humans lived, it was at least perfectly clear they were just trying to pretend their world was nice and had a nice balance of being miserable and horrific for him to enjoy it. Here, it was so overly sweet, the inhabitants, well, most of them anyway, actually believed this world is a near-perfect place to live, and it seemed like they did everything in their power to hide the darker aspects and history of the world to make it seem as overly bright, colorful, and innocent as they could. Sure, he knew those dark aspects were there, but they didn't stand out as much as he wanted. Well, that was gonna change soon, because on the other hand, this world being as happy and cheerful as it is provided him with more things to work with.

First, he should decide who he was gonna go after first. The ponies were the most obvious candidate since they practically ruled this entire world, but maybe he should start a little small before he went after the biggest piece of the pastel-colored cake. The easiest ones to influence were the griffins and the dragons, after all, he did take the form of a dragon when he rebelled against God. It would be like playing a game, where every level got more challenging, which would add to the excitement.

Naturally, he chose the dragons first, since they'd be the easiest to figure out and tap into, they already had greedy, narcissistic, and violent tendencies anyway. He went down to the Dragon Lands, where he found out they were ruled by the Dragon Lord Ember, who was strangely enough, female. Must be one of those "rare occasion of a female in a male-dominated position and society" he saw so many times. Apparently, she became Dragon Lord after she befriended a little dragon named Spike who was raised by ponies his whole life, so she made an alliance between the dragons and the ponies who mostly avoided each other for millennia. While not completely accepted by everyone yet, the dragons did start to warm up to the ponies coming into their lives, even if it was at the cost of their typical tough and aggressive demeanor. Keyword being "not everyone", so there's still plenty of dragons he could persuade against what's happening to their culture. All he needed was to pick out one who would be able to set the domino effect in motion.

Then he spotted the perfect candidate, a loner dragon who was extremely hostile to those around her and disgusted seeing the dragons around her behave more and more like ponies. She clearly had a very hateful look toward ponies, having been harassed and abused by her family and the dragons around her for being weak and being avoided and nearly killed by the ponies she encountered when she was little. She also had a very strong sense of pride for dragonkind despite her upbringing, maybe seeing the authority other dragons had over her and how terrible ponies were might have caused that. But her backstory wasn't too important for Satan at the moment, all that was important is that she was already hateful enough for him to use her, so Satan got to work right away.

He saw the young dragon girl walking off to mope on her own in a barren rock field with a few lava streams surrounding it near a large cave, so he took the form of a smaller and less significant version of his red dragon form when he warred against Heaven and hid in the cave. When the young dragon sat down on a rock, holding her head up with a hand and her elbow on her leg, and did nothing but throw a few stones here and there while just thinking angry thoughts to herself, Satan spoke to her from inside the cave behind her.

"Hello there, Fang." Satan spoke in a loud, deep, whispering voice which made Fang jump and look behind her in fear but in an aggressive stance ready to fight. Satan then popped his head out of the cave.

Satan's dragon form was blood red with a light yellow-light red underbelly, he had black goat-like horns, a very snake-like tail, fangs and tongue, fiery eyes with pupils that looked like a deep dark abyss, and his body was large and strong but at the same time looked skeletal and on the brink of death after being put through torture.

The young female dragon calmed down a little after seeing the source of the voice she just heard but didn't make her any relaxed. "Who the heck are you?! I've never seen you around here before." she yelled in an angry tone.

"Oh, I'm just an old traveler who has been to many places. I might not be known around here, but there are some places out there who know me all too well." Satan answered purposefully vaguely.

"You know what, I don't care who you are! Get out of my spot and leave me alone, old man!" the drake commanded.

"Oh, don't worry, I will. But before I do, I couldn't help but notice your dislike toward ponies and the advancing dragon culture." Satan said with a calm and inviting voice.

"Yeah, I know! I hate how dragons are acting nowadays, so what?! Are you gonna be another one who lectures me on how the new ways are better and 'lead to a more peaceful life'?!" the young female dragon named Fang kept pushing the one talking to her away.

"Oh, don't be mistaken. I dislike the new ways too. I remember how dragons used to be a feared and powerful force with nothing that could stand in our way, priding ourselves in being such a mighty and awesome race that our names would be used as warnings or representing destruction and doom." Satan announced with pride dripping from his voice.

"Wait, really? You agree with me? Yes! Finally, some dragon who sees what I see! I am one hundred percent with you, we used to be so awesome. Now we've stooped down to the ponies' level and became a bunch of prissy losers who insist on making friends." Fang said with disgust at the end. She has significantly calmed down from how she was a minute ago and became someone you could actually talk to.

"Exactly, there should be a way you could restore dragons back to their former glory." Satan suggested, making sure her train of thought went exactly where he wanted it to go.

"There is, but the only way I can get the other dragons to take me seriously and actually listen to me is if I take the Bloodstone Sceptre and become Dragon Lord, but it's in that pony-loving bitch Ember's claws." Fang said, her hate and anger growing.

"You could take it from her." Satan suggested.

"Huh? I wanna, but everyone's got her back and she's a pretty good fighter from what I heard, I can't see a chance I'll be able to take it from her. It's pretty much hopeless at this point." Fang said, unsure if she could actually succeed.

"How dare you doubt yourself like that?!" Satan scolded loudly, which scared Fang so much she actually fell on her back. "You are a dragon! You mustn't mope about while whining about your unpleasant situation, you fight for what you want and you take it no matter what!" Satan motivated the teenager.

"Yeah, you're right. What am I doing? If fighting or even killing that pony-loving bitch is what it takes to make dragonkind as great as it was, I'll fight for it, to the death if I have to. No, I want too!" Fang got back up to her feet and stood confidently, contrasting her hunched and tired look from before.

"Exactly, and just think...once you get that sceptre and become the Dragon Lord, you shall be able to command every dragon with a single word and turn them back to the great and fearsome kind they once were. Hey, why stop there? You'll be able to destroy the ponies who caused your kind to stoop this low in the first place, and maybe you'll be able to expand your greatness to other kingdom's and species, then you can finally show those damned ponies and every other creature that dragons are the ones who's boss!" Satan said, as in a motivational speech.

"Yeah! We gotta show everyone, including dragons and especially ponies just how much we're capable of!" Fang announced loudly, her confidence growing dangerously higher with every word that comes out of Satan's mouth. "But first, I gotta figure out how to get that stupid stick."

"Well, you could try and get a few dragons to join you. There's bound to be some who think alike to you. Then there's getting rid of Ember, I think it's better you challenge her to a duel that every dragon will see, that way you can show your authority to them and you'll be able to get some on your side whether you lose or not." Satan planted more ideas in the young drake girl's head.

"You're right! I'm gonna challenge that bitch, and I'll show her and everyone what a real dragon is able to do and put the ponies' influence in its place! Right?" Fang announced, turning her back to the giant red dragon in the cave and toward the big mountainous rock where the Dragon Lord usually stood. But when she turned back to the red dragon, he was gone. She was just left wondering how something like that could disappear without making any noise but decided to forget about it and set her eyes on the prize.

From a distance, Satan had transformed back to his previous invisible-to-mortals form and watched the young dragon fly off from a distance above her. "Hehehe, and now we wait." And while he waited for the results, he decided to go and look for the next victim.

Later that day, Satan went to the other kingdoms and picked out the weakest and easily influenced individuals he could find, but that would still make a great impact. Tempting the creatures of this world was gonna be a little trickier than he initially thought it would be since they all had perfectly good lives and they all seemed nice to each other for the most part, which made the whole temptation thing a bit trickier to pull off when most of them have everything they could possibly want or need.

He initially thought the griffins would be as easy to tap into as the dragons considering how similar they were, but it turns out it was quite the contrary. The griffins had very miserable lives before this, now ever since they formed a proper alliance with the ponies, their lives and previously rundown kingdom had begun to improve, so they didn't have as many weaknesses as he thought they would. There is one glaring flaw they have that they and dragons have in common: greed. Greed is a sin that he and some other demons designed specifically for it has specialized in and is quite possibly the easiest one to tap into since it's easy to feed and difficult to escape from, once you feed someone's greed it will keep growing until it consumes not only the sinner but all those around them as well, which was a perfect option for Satan to use.

Satan took the form of a raggedy old griffin whose features were hidden by a tattered old black cloak and sought out the greediest griffin he could find. He found one who was down on his luck, barely able to do anything, and mostly just spent his time collecting any bits he could find or earn through his job that he barely even does. Satan approached him and handed him some of the rarest gems and most valuable gold and silver pieces in the entire world, which the sour griffin immediately took after a few seconds of simply staring in awe at them. Satan then suggested that if the griffin actually got off his tail and did something he'd keep earning more and more that he might become the richest griffin in Griffonstone since King Guto himself, and he might even expand to other lands and take all their riches for himself as well. This actually got the griffin moving, taking the riches Satan gave him and plans to put them to good use and kickstart his own empire. It would seem like a stretch at first that this seemingly unimportant griffin could do something so big so quickly, but it would surprise somehow much someone can get done in a short amount of time if motivated properly.

With that, Satan went off to the next kingdom, this time it's the hippogriff kingdom. The hippogriff kingdom was located at some giant rock by the sea called Mount Aris, it was also under it too. Apparently, the hippogriffs had to live underwater for a period of time to survive an invading tyrant called the Storm King, so they had their domain in both the land and the sea. The hippogriffs and later the changelings were going to be tricky to figure out how to bring out and exploit their darkest desires, but that was what made it fun. But what could he do with the hippogriffs? His first idea was to cause a civil war between those who chose to live in the ocean and those who chose to live on land, but there was absolutely zero tension between the sea-dwellers and the land-dwellers. He needed to cause something that was guaranteed to cause tension. But what? He observed the hippogriffs and the seaponies, barely able to find anything he could really use, they were all so peaceful and happy that there was barely anything negative to point out. He needed to make sure he could get as many kingdoms to ruin because if not, his plan to break Princess Twilight and cause Michael's task to fail would...well, fail.

Satan decided that the best way to cause tension between the hippogriffs and the seaponies is to cause that tension himself with a more direct approach. He possessed a group of pony royal guards who were stationed nearest to Mount Aris and burned down a large number of their homes and the trees around the mountain, and blew up a significant portion of the ocean below, and he made sure every single inhabitant saw what he was doing. Once he was done, he released his victims from afar and watched everything that happened afterward. The mountain and the sea surrounding it were in ruin, smoke and fire coming out from a lot of places, and many were injured from the ordeal. Naturally, this caused a lot of anger from both the leader and the citizens, furious as to how the ponies suddenly decided to attack and destroy their home. Some decided they should give the ponies and their princess a piece of their mind, but others thought it was merely a group of rogues and they shouldn't cause conflict from the acts of a few after the ponies have done so many good things for them. This lead to there being a division on how to handle the problem, with some even getting physical and violent when discussing which option they should take. Satan just watched with glee, for he has killed two birds with one stone, or in this case, a pony and a hippogriff with one stone. In all honesty, he wasn't actually expecting his plan to work all that well, but he was glad it did anyway.

Satan then headed over to the changeling kingdom, which was the last really important non-pony kingdom he decided to target. This one had the same problem as the hippogriff kingdom, in that their lives are too good to find any significant flaws, their lives actually improved from their previous unpleasant and almost miserable ones when the queen was in control, who he found out got turned to stone by the previous Equestrian rulers and some creature named "Discord", he'll have to find out more about him later on. He initially had the same idea of causing a civil war between those who chose the new ways and those who liked the old, but that plan was immediately thrown out the window since there was barely any "old ways" changelings anymore, so he decided to go with the other same idea he used on the hippogriffs and seaponies, which is cause conflict between the changelings and the ponies, that way the problems will all lead back directly to Twilight Sparkle. He possessed a group of royal guards again and burned down and destroyed a significant portion of the hive, making the changelings lose everything. They all turned to their leader, King Thorax (weird how an insect hive leader is a male) and all asked him to say what to do about the ponies, and then got quite angry when he didn't know how to answer since he's close friends with them.

Satan was quite satisfied with how much he got done in one day because soon enough all those little seeds he planted will grow into a giant poisonous oak that will consume everything and infect those around it. It was all coming into place. First, the surrounding kingdoms, tomorrow...the ponies.

Equestria, earlier that day...

After meeting up with Michael again and doing a little childish taunting to the Archangel, he decided to look into this "Discord" character. He was apparently the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony as he told Michael and was almost like a god among mortals, but he knew Discord wouldn't be a match for him. It was all just a matter of finding the creature, which was a little tricky since barely anybody knew where he lived, so he decided to call and summon this Discord himself. He sensed Discord's presence in the world, and Discord could sense his. Then Discord appeared before Satan, though none of them could tell if it was Satan's doing or Discord's.

"Greetings, Discord." Satan greeted sinisterly.

"It can't be...Satan?!" Discord couldn't believe who was in front of him.

"The one and only." Satan presented himself.

"B-but...what are you doing here?" Discord asked, a hint of fear creeping in his voice.

"Merely seeing an old friend of mine, actually enemy but that's not important. I've heard that you are quite the troublemaker here, ruled over the ponies like a god once. Wouldn't you like to relive that glorious feeling, of having no pony strings attached to control what you do?" Satan offered.

"Ah-ah, don't think I don't know what you're doing, Satan. I've foolishly accepted a deal like the one you're offering, and it did me no good. Doing whatever I want is not worth losing my friends again. So sorry if I wasn't as big a fool as you probably hoped me to be, but the answer's gonna be no. So why don't you go back to wherever you came from and torment some other fools in another world." Discord refused.

"Hm, such a pity. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this." Satan sighed, then opened a portal showing Fluttershy on the other side.

"What are you doing?" Discord said, getting worried again.

"Take a good long look at her, Discord. Do you care for her?" Satan asked.

"If you lay one wing on her, I swear I'll..." Discord attempted to threaten the Prince and Darkness but got interrupted before he could finish.

"You'll what? Stop me? Destroy me? I think we both know perfectly well that I'm way out of your range." Satan taunted, as Discord got grabbed, restrained, and choked by an unseen force, clearly coming from Satan. "In case you haven't noticed, there's conflict brewing in the other kingdoms, and once they grow big enough they will all lead back to Twilight Sparkle, which means it'll also involve her. And I'm sure there's a high possibility it could end in blood." Satan pointed at the yellow pegasus on the other side of the portal, oblivious to the fact she's being watched.

"I can make sure she stays out of harm's way and no danger will ever come near her, but you'll have to do everything I say until I'm gone. If you try to go against my wishes, the deal will be off and I'll make sure that every danger possible will hit her, I can make that butter-coloured little whore burn to a crisp with just a thought, and I'm sure you don't want that to happen. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?" Satan extended his wing burning with a black flame on it.

Discord was unsure what to do but ultimately decided that if Fluttershy survived she could still be a glimmer of hope if something bad happens, and he'll still have a friend left. So Discord extended his claw and shook on it with Satan, who's. black flames spread to Discord's limbs. "Just keep Fluttershy safe, and don't hurt her friends if you can."

"Oh, don't worry. As long as you don't screw anything up, she'll be perfectly fine."