• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Roger, local human, is weird, or at least is weird in Rainbow Dash's estimation, but he does appear to have some extra food and she knows he won't mind sharing with her.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

What's this, a double feature?

Later, once she’d calmed down a little and stopped sniffling quite so much, the three of them polished off the picnic.

Yeah, with Pinkie there, I'd imagine that picnic would've disappeared fairly quickly.

I think Rainbow Dash was pretty well written for having her thoughts described in second or third person. Not all your portrayals are so realistically detailed, but I think this one worked fairly well, all things considered. Pinkie was a gem, as usual.

You absolute bugger you've only gone and given me a case of the feels.

In all honesty I think you captured Dash quite well. Also I'm now tempted to channel my inner Pinkie and make a cruffin. Or have a sniff of beer and pass out. I'm not sure.

This comes to mind.

You can and you can't.
You will and you won't.
You'll be dammed if you do,
and dammed if you don't.

This is not what the little rhyme is addressing but I think it applies.

Today, this laziness had manifested in her working extremely hard and getting all of the things she needed to do (and a couple of things some of the others on the team had needed to do) done extremely quickly. After all, what is lazier than having nothing to do and what better way is there to have nothing to do than to do it all?

This is the way.

Oh dear poor Roger, he's a good egg he is.

I have many hours left. Many hours. The result of - well, this and that. A few things I did to draw my life out. It was initially so that I’d be sure to have enough time left to puzzle out the mystery of returning home. Seemed a good idea at the time.In hindsight? Perhaps somewhat hasty. But in my defense I wasn’t thinking my clearest at the time.

Counterpoint; If he hadn't extended his lifetime then he wouldn't be having a picnic and eating croissant-adjacent food, so it clearly wasn't a mistake.

It's a trick of the light.

Pinkie is, as I may have mentioned here or there, legitimately one of my favourites but I think I could only ever use her properly if I use her sparingly.

She is great though.

I'm a sly one. On occasion.

Not that I'd, oh, end anything on a super bum note ever or anything like that. I wouldn't do that.


He got dealt something of a bad hand, it seems

Well, maybe it worked out alright in the end

Well, whatever it was, it resulted in warm fuzzies.

As always quality work even when it's a one off

What is he, trapped in a myst style book universe?

Sounds like a perfectly good reason for a picnic to me.

So, how old is he supposed to be? If he's afraid he's outlived his kids then... 150ish? Or older? And how long will he live?


This was rather melancholy.


trapped in a myst style book universe?

Not quite. Long ago, he (and a unicorn associate) worked out how to return back to his home dimension. Apparently it is rather simple and he still remembers the method. His problem is two-fold:

  1. Something about travelling across dimensions can cause an extinction level cataclysm at the source world. If he were to depart home to Earth, Bad Things would happen to his pony friends and all Equestria (like Chicxulub levels of bad)
  2. Roger has no guarantee that his home Earth did not also suffer a similar catastrophe when he accidentally "pierced the barrier" to Equestria. For all he knows, his old home, family, friends, and acquaintances are mouldering bones in a shattered sea of radioactive glass under ash skies.


And how long will he live?

Well he is Roger and not Jack so hopefully not an eternity alone after the heat death of the universe


Well he is Roger and not Jack so hopefully not an eternity alone after the heat death of the universe

Recorded audio of CastleHornUnicorn™ Cackling reading a bedtime story to impressionable colts and fillies:

(Tom Waits - Children's Story)

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