• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,157 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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Sunset Steals the Crowns / Kion Goes Into the Other World

Sunset Steals the Crowns / Kion Goes Into the Other World

Later that night, as one of the guards is patrolling through the nearby hallway, a mysterious hooded figure crept through the castle waiting for the guard to walk off to another hallway before making her way to Kiara’s room. With some quiet and sneaky stealthy tiptoeing, she was able to obtain her crown placed on her night stand with her magic with her horn emitting a turquoise colored aura while she does so. One that has pink jewels a little similar to Twilight’s crown. Once she had it and secured it in her saddle-bag, she levitated a replica and placed it on her night stand in order to keep her from thinking it had been stolen for the time being.

She then made her way to Kion’s room where she do move to do the same, where despite nearly knocking over a lamp, she was able to repeat the same feat. But just when she was on her way to out of the room undetected, Bunga when he was asleep, rolled over and accidentally tripped her up. Along with accidentally releasing gas in her face leaving the mare to cough briefly as a result. She then quickly dashing out of the room knowing that her cover has now been blown since it woke both Kion and Bunga up.

“Huh, what?” Kion said as he woke up before spotting the mare running off with his and Kiara’s crowns. “My crown! Kiara’s crown! She's got our crowns!” He shouted before giving her chase while waking up his friends in the process. “Lion Guard! Pony Guard! Stop Her! She's stolen our crowns!”

The mare was able to run off ahead and away from Kion, before being suddenly intercepted by Twilight who teleported right in front of her in an attempt to cut off her escape.

“Stop!” She ordered of the thief to no avail as she simply teleports past her and continues running off ahead while leaving her cloak behind right in front of the mare’s face.

Twilight quickly removed the cloak from her face before flying off after the mare, a unicorn with yellow coat and a yellow and red mane and tail, teal colored eyes, with a yellow and red colored sun cutie mark on her flank, similar to Kion’s fur and mane colors.

Sunset just after turning the nearby corner smiled confidently thinking she has given both Kion and Twilight the slip only to see that the distraction gave her, Kion along with the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard time to catch up.

Of course as always, everyone was surprised to see that she is actually helping them try to chase down to Sunset, yet they all had to focus on ensuring that she doesn’t get away that they didn’t have time to question her along with whatever motives she has for doing this.

Fuli used her super speed to sprint up and cut right in front of the mare which tripped her up in her running allowing both Kion and Twilight to tackle her down to the ground just when they end up barging into the room the unicorn was heading into. But during the successful tackle, both crowns fell out of her saddle-bag and bounced all around the room before going through a mirror which acted as some kind of portal to another world.

All six ponies along with the six Lion Guard members all gasped at what just happened. All except for the smirking mare gasp along with the dark lavender coated mare narrowing her eyes at her.

“What did you do with our crowns?” Kion demanded of the thieving mare.

She simply and smugly smiled in response. “Sorry it had to be this way...” She said with mock remorse before teleporting to in front of the mirror. “ …Prince and Princess.” She added as she took her leave and disappeared through the portal with Twilight quick to follow after her.

“Not on my watch!” She declared before entering the portal a few seconds just after the unicorn went through the portal leaving Kion and the others to gasp again at what had just happened and who that villainous unicorn was.

“Who was that?” Fluttershy asked everypony. “Was one of those ponies, Twilight?”

“It was.” Kion replied while looking in the mirror portal’s direction. “But in regards to that pony we were all chasing I don’t know who that was. But I’m sure Princess Celestia might along with that mirror they both just when through.”

Both Ono and Bunga’s curiosity stirred with the sight in front of them. With a daring temptation the two both placed a claw and beak onto the mirror, and both ended up reacting in surprise when they both found themselves phasing through it before quickly retracting them.



Both Ono and Bunga expressed shock before wisely backing away from it.

“Poa! What is that?”

“It looks like some kind of portal leading to another world to where both Twilight and this unicorn both went through.” Kyoga analyzed while approaching and taking a close look at it but without touching it. “And whoever that unicorn was sure knows how to perform magic on par with Twilight.”

“No kidding.” Kion said in agreement just when all of the royals all came inside the room having been awaken by the commotion.

“Kion, what happened!”

“What’s going on!”

“We heard screaming and yelling!”

“What happened to my crown?!”

“Is that the magical mirror?!”

“Whoa, whoa!” Bunga quickly waved his arms around. “One at a time, ladies and gentlemen.” All five monarchs glared at him in response. “Your highness's.” He added with an apologetic bow and then nervously chuckled before slowly backing away from them upon realizing that his mistake in his approach to them. “What I mean to say is, we chased down a unicorn that had a yellow coat and a yellow and red mane kinda matches Kion’s fur and mane, into this room before she managed to escape through this here magic mirror portal along with both Kion and Kiara’s crowns in tow. Oh and Twilight was here and went after her.” He quickly added before he could forget.

“I see.” Princess Celestia solemnly said as she looked at the mirror.

“Do you have any idea who that unicorn we were chasing was?” Kion asked Celestia upon seeing that the mention and description hits close to home for her.

“I do.” Princess Celestia answered before explaining. “That unicorn you saw was Sunset Shimmer. A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your and your sister’s crowns.”

“She replaced Kion’s with this one.” Spike said as he held up the fake crown Sunset left behind.

“Along with this in place of mine.” Kiara added holding up the fake tiara she found beside her bed to which Celestia leaned down so she get a better look at them with narrowed eyes.

“I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours. And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crowns.” Celestia deduced.

“But I don't understand. Where did she go? Where did she take the crowns? What kind of mirror was that?” Kion asked still very confused of what had just happened.

“You'll soon know more about this place than even I do.” She said as she turned her attention back at the mirror.

“You mean this leads to some kind of place in another world?” Ono asked while Kyoga rolled her eyes feeling she just clarified that just a minute ago.

“Yes, for you see, this is no ordinary mirror. It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every thirty moons.” Luna explained as she approached the mirror herself.

“Sparkly!” Pinkie commented with the sudden need to touch the mirror to which Luna responded by levitating her in annoyance while rolling her eyes before continuing.

“It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. But when Princess Cadance took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for her to watch over.” Luna further explained as Celestia walks up with a sigh.

“I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. Obviously, this is not what has happened.” Celestia said with grimness in her tone of voice and closed eyes with the pain of two pupils turning evil. ”Nor what I expected shortly after Twilight became an alicorn.”

“Oh, uh, not trying to bring this up at a bad time but I forgot to mention the part where Twilight was here to give her a chase and went after her through this mirror portal.” Bunga brought up with a forced smile.

“Yes, you actually did mention that little detail, Bunga.” Simba remarked feeling while a bad time to even be mentioning her but useful to know that she is there as well. “But, it is admittedly useful knowing that someone is after her.”

“But since Twilight is now on Scar’s side, we now need to ensure that we are prepared for the day they both come here to try to take over all of Equestria.” Celestia brought up.

“But why?” Bunga couldn’t help but ask. “He already defeated us back in the Outlands.”

“All of the Pride Lands are under his control.” Rainbow added.

“And he even has all of the meat from the helpless animals he can have for himself.” Fluttershy added while struggling not to cry at the very thought to which Rarity and Fuli were quick to place their hooves and paws on her for comfort.

“He does…” The majestic lion with the large red mane acknowledged. “…but since he knows about Equestria and has access to dark magic and knowing that we are all still alive and well standing in a kingdom that could pose a threat to his reign, he won’t stop until he ensures that he keeps his control over the Pride Lands even if that means resorting to conquering more opposing kingdoms along the way.”

“Or massacring one.” Kyoga added knowing full well that Scar is ruthless and unstoppable in the face of danger and towards obstacles to his goals.

“Enough said…” Celestia then continued with more focus on the lion cub’s crowns with full focus on the leader of the Lion Guard while recalling a time she and Luna were speaking with Mufusa’s spirit in the Pride Lands shortly after Nightmare Moon’s defeat where the alicorns along with the past lion’s spirits were able to use a combined power of magic and roaring to send a surge of power into two crowns that would be destined to be Kion and Twilight’s. “When you formed the Lion and Pony Guard with Twilight, I placed some of mine and Luna’s magic from the elements into those new crowns with the hopes along with consulting with the Lions of the Past to work out a new spell that you would both be able to access both the elements and the Roar whenever you couldn’t get to the actual elements themselves and should Kion be unable to use the Roar himself.”

“Huh?” Ono was left feeling lost and annoyed now. “And for some reason this never got mentioned until now?”

“Because it was only for extremely dire circumstances should they end up getting destroyed since both crowns both contain an extremely dangerous source of power that only true masters of its magic can handle.” She explained.

“A master of magic like Kion?” Fuli asked.

“And Twilight?” Bunga again mentioned. “Even if she is a master of dark magic.” He nervously added while pleading not to harshly glared at again for mentioning her.

“Yes, even her.” Celestia said with a pained sigh.

“Okay so let me ask you this and forgive me for being so What the hay here…” Ono said before briefly going off feeling irritated by being kept in the dark with this information in light. “…but if these crowns are so powerful and dangerous to the point they are to be used for extreme emergencies only then why give them to both Kion and Kiara in the first place?!”

“Because I wanted them to be secure in the right hoofs paws should Twilight come around to try to steal them and ensure that she can’t use its power against us…” Celestia answered with shame and regret. “…but I never foresaw that Sunset Shimmer would return and steal them herself.”

“And with that said, someone needs to use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve those crowns. Without them, the other Elements of Harmony along with the Roar have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defense.” Cadance informed everyone of what must be done before turning to Kion. “And that someone is you Kion.”


“You and your sister’s crowns do not belong in the place Sunset Shimmer now calls home. And in her possession, Twilight’s Element of Harmony along with the power of your Roar will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have the power to defend themselves.” Luna further warned of what’s at stake if the crown’s power before levitating Kion’s saddlebag onto his back.

“You understand the importance of your task?” His father asked of him as he approaches him.

“Of course.” Kion acknowledged as he turned to face him.

“Good. Then you must go at once.” The king told his son who stepped forward towards the portal with a calm sigh before being cut off by Rainbow Dash flying in front of her blocking her path surprising him and the other Princesses.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's going, we're going with her.” Rainbow Dash firmly said as she turned to face the others girls along with the rest of the Lion Guard. “Right, girls and guys?”

Kion’s friends all nodded in agreement ready to join him.

“Oooh! I'm so 'nervicited'!” Pinkie cheerfully exclaimed.

“You do realize that's not a real word, right?” Applejack felt the need to point out as she briefly glanced at Pinkie as Kion feels touched by her friend’s support.

“Shall we do this?” Bunga excitably asked his friend.

Before he could answer Celestia quickly intervened “I'm afraid I can't let you go.” She firmly spoke against the idea.

“What?! Why not?!” Both Rainbow and Bunga questioned in unison.

“Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for Kion to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. This is something that he must do alone.” Princess Celestia explained still firm with her voice in the matter.

“But…” Bunga tried to speak before quickly shutting up to avoid being glared at again. “Never mind, shutting up.” He added motioning gestures to himself before doing so for good.

“Time is of the essence. On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return.” Princess Luna seriously instructed of Kion as she briefly used her magic to show the rising crest moon turning into a new moon.

“I’ll be fine.” Kion quickly assured before embracing his parents.

“Just please be careful and promise us you’ll be safe.” Nala implored of her while trying to stay strong.

“I will.” He vowed before making his way towards the mirror as her friends give her encouraging support while Bunga and Spike look on nervously.

He taps a paw into the mirror leaving him briefly taken aback a little as he looks back at both Simba and Celestia who both nod at him to go forward, before he proceeds to do so

Spike and Bunga both bit their nails before acting on impulse at the last second unable to resist leaving the unicorn turned alicorn and lion cub they have been by their side since day one behind before running after Kion in a mad dash for the portal.



”NO!” The remaining Lion and Pony Guard Mane Five exclaimed in their direction as they run towards the portal.

But it was too late, they have both committed to helping the leader of the Lion Guard no matter what even if they have to face both Twilight and Sunset at the same time in a world they have little to no knowledge of.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed in exasperation at their rash decision. “What the hay are they thinking.”

“Apparently, friendly love makes you do crazy things.” Kyoga remarked in reply.

“Uh-huh.” Cadance nodded having seen and been there before while turning her head towards the portal with the silent hope praying that they all make it back in time with the items in tow before it’s too late and they all are left at Scar’s mercy.

Inside the magical vortex, the three all scream as they are sucked into the new world before they finally emerge just outside of the portal from the other end with something new and unexpected surprises coming their way…

Author's Note:

In this part we have what kicks of the events of the movie, Sunset Shimmer's return and theft of the crowns along with history behind them. Mainly a combined work of magic from both the alicorn sisters along with the Lions of the Past.

Without much needed to be said, Kion is tasked in retrieving them and make it back in three days before he remains trapped there for thirty moons with two tag alongs accompanied him in this trip to an alternate world where we will get into that sometime later in this week when I release the next bit then so stay tuned.