• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,282 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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(Act 1 Finale) War On Three Fronts (Part 1)

Twilight walked through the doors of her throne room and walked towards her throne, sadly with her head facing down. She was feeling even more lonely than before and it showed. She raised her head, revealing tears that were threatening to burst. She looked towards the throne, which was was looking brighter than normal due to the sunlight shining through the windows.

She then thought about how much her and her friends had drifted apart ever since she became Princess of Equestria. It was official, she was starting to regret accepting the position. The way she saw it, the cons out weighed the pros in this scenario. She saw her friends less, and they started growing apart even further with every passing moment. She's stressing out more than ever with all of the duties of a Princess and all of the diplomatic problems that she had to resolve. Tears then began falling as she thought of the little time she and her friends spent together nowadays, she believes that every second that she spends as Princess, that's more time with her friends that she'll never get back.

Soon they'll grow old, but that's when her eyes widened in realization. Her friends will grow old and eventually die. But she won't. She's an alicorn. An immortal. She was going to outlive them. She was going to eventually watch all of her friends die. Tears were streaming down both of her cheeks as she was openly sobbing now.

She then looked up and saw the throne once again. Her anger built up more so than ever as she gritted her teeth and ignited her horn. She got into a crouching position and screamed in anger as she fired a beam of magic directly at the throne. The beam hit and the throne exploded into pieces. Twilight then levitated her crown off of her head with her magic and hurled it across the room and ran out of the throne room in a sobbing mess.

As Twilight sprinted down the hallway, she passed Spike, who was already making his way over to the throne room. He turned around as Twilight passed him and looked at her with worry evident on his face.

"Twi? What's wrong? TWI!?" Spike shouted as he flapped his wings and flew after her.

Twilight blasted the castle doors off of their hinges and ran out of the castle with Spike flying close behind her. Twilight then took to the air and flew high in the sky with Spike flying after her.

Twilight eventually flew for long enough that she started to feel tired and set herself down in a nearby alleyway. Spike landed behind her and ran over to her and embraced her in a hug.

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Spike asked, worry evident thanks to his tone of voice.

Twilight sniffled and wiped her eyes with her hoof and choked back a sob, "I miss my friends, Spike. (Sniff) I miss Ponyville. I (sniff) I miss being a unicorn, I miss The Castle of Friendship, I miss Sonic and Tails! I hate being Princess, Spike. I HATE IT!!!!" Twilight then broke down into tears once again as she fell into the young dragon's arms.

She cried into Spike's shoulder as he rubbed her back, shushing her, telling her that it was all going to be okay.

"Shh shh shh. It'll be okay, Twilight. It'll be okay." Spike soothed.

After a few minutes, Twilight had eventually calmed down, although she was still sniffling and holding back tears. Spike took Twilight's hoof in his left hand and led her out of the alleyway. They left the alleyway and found themselves in the middle of the street.

Spike turned around and saw that Twilight had calmed down a little bit. He smiled at her, to which she replied with a small smile of her own.

The nice moment between the two friends were interrupted by an explosion two buildings down. They looked over to where the explosion occurred and saw ponies running away in fear. Twilight then saw a horde of robots walk out of the flames.

These were the newly made Egg Gunners. A mixture of technology from both Eggman and Doc Ock.

Twilight readied her horn, but Spike gasped behind her, causing her to turn around. She then saw that even more Egg Gunners were walking towards the two with their guns readied. They were surrounded, with Egg Gunners in every direction. If Twilight wasn't nervous before, she certainly is now.

Meanwhile, while all this is going on, four figures are standing on top of Canterlot Castle. These figures are none other than Electro, Zavok, Metallix, and King Sombra. Sombra stepped forward and admired the destruction going on down below. He smiled triumphantly while Zavok crossed his arms over his chest.

Electro noticed this and turned to the Zeti.

"Hey, cheer up, why don't ya?"

Zavok scoffed at the electrified villain, "There is nothing to be cheerful for. My kind are being forced into servitude to aid these fools in their deluded dreams of conquest. You and your team are here of your own free will, you get a choice and a reward, while we get nothing."

Electro shrugged, "That may be true. But it don't mean you can't have fun with it. Cause a bit of chaos and destruction, it'll be fun."

Metallix's eyes glowed brightly as Electro said that.

Electro took that as a sign of agreement, "See? Even the tinker toy gets it."

(End song)

Sombra turned around to face the other villains, "Enough talk. It is time to enact the rest of the plan. I shall gather more warriors for our cause. The rest of you will head to Princess Twilight's sweet little home town, Ponyville, and destroy it."

Electro then face palmed, "Ugh, Ponyville, seriously? Is every city and country named after a horse related pun?"

Sombra then frowned, "Unfortunately, yes." Sombra then turned around to face the city, "Now, go to Ponyville, and leave nothing standing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Sombra laughed as he transformed into his Shadow Form and flew off into the sky.

Electro then took flight with Metallix flying right behind him. Zavok then sighed and turned his head to the left and saw his robot dragon flying towards him.

Zavok jumped off of the castle and landed on the robot dragon's back and headed towards Ponyville.

(End song)

Meanwhile, on Mobius. Sonic had just entered Amy's house, just in time for the party she was throwing. He dashed through the door and skidded to a stop right in front of Amy.

Amy had a deadpanned look on her face, "Sonic! You skidded dirt all through my house!" Amy complained.

Sonic raised a brow and looked down to his feet and sure enough, he had skidded dirt all the through the house.

He looked back up and chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his head, "Heh heh. Sorry, Ames."

Suddenly, he was smacked on the back by Knuckles. Sonic turned around towards him and the two friends shared a fist bump.

"So, I guess some things will never change. Like Sonic not knowing how to make a mess everywhere he goes." Knuckles joked.

"Yeah, kinda like you falling for Eggman's lies and letting him steal the Master Emerald." Sonic countered.

Knuckles' face then turned into a frown and he walked away grumbling, "It only happened eight or nine times."

Sonic then walked into the living room and saw who was at this party.

The party consisted of Tails, Knuckles, Cream & Cheese, Blaze, Silver, The Chaotix, Rouge, Omega, Vanilla, Amy, Big the cat, and of course, Sonic himself.

As the party went on, Sonic noticed Tails fidgeting with his Miles Electric. Sonic then walked over and sat on the couch with his best friend.

"What're you doing, bud?"

Tails smiled and turned to his friend. He then showed him the photo they took with the Mane 6 just after the race between Sonic and Rainbow Dash. Everyone was smiling, all huddled together, except for Rainbow, who was in the air pouting. The two friends then laughed together at the nice memory.

Sonic then wrapped his arm around Tails, "I miss 'em too. Maybe once we find that rift again, we can go visit them?" Sonic suggested.

Tails beamed at that, "I'd like that."

They then heard Amy walking over with a concerned look on her face.

"Sonic? Where's Shadow?" Amy asked.

Rouge heard this and walked over, "Brooding over in Station Square. Specifically the largest building in the city. It's his favourite brooding spot."

"How do you know that?" Sonic asked with a smirk on his face.

Rouge shrugged, "He told me so in confidence."

Amy frowned and turned to Sonic, "Sonic, could you please go and get him?"

"Amy, if he doesn't wanna be here, just let him be." Sonic replied.

Amy didn't look happy, "Well could you at least ask him?"

Sonic sighed and got off of the couch and turned towards the door.

"I'll be back in a flash." Sonic said as he zoomed out of the house and made his way towards Station Square.

Shadow watched over the city of Station Square from the ledge of the building with his arms crossed. It was quiet, which was what he wanted, just some peace and quiet. He was deep in thought as he closed his eyes and a smirk found its way onto his face.

He instantly frowned as he heard Sonic stomp onto the roof behind him.

"Hey, there's my favourite edgelord." Sonic quipped.

Shadow sighed and opened his eyes, "What do you want, faker?"

Sonic frowned slightly at that, "Well it's nice to see you too." He said sarcastically.

Sonic then walked towards Shadow, "I'd just thought I'd come and bug ya."

Shadow sighed again, "Well, you're doing a wonderful job."

Sonic stepped onto the ledge Shadow was standing on and stood beside him.

"Aw, come on. Don't be like that, edgey the hedgey." Sonic quipped.

Shadow just growled in annoyance, "How'd you find me, anyway?"

"A little birdy told me that this was one of your favourite brooding spots." Sonic replied.

Shadow arched a brow at that, "Rouge?"

"Rouge." Sonic smirked.

Shadow sighed in annoyance.

Sonic then turned his head to Shadow, "So, there's this party-"

"Pass." Shadow said blatantly.

Sonic frowned at that, "Seriously, Shadow?"

"Seriously." Shadow replied.

"Why?" Sonic asked.

"None of your business." Shadow stated.

Sonic growled a little bit.

"Could you just consider it?"


Sonic was getting frustrated now, "Look, if you could just-"

Sonic was then cut off by a nearby explosion that went off in downtown.

Both hedgehog's eyes widened and they turned to one another. Shadow then jumped off of the building and used Chaos Control to teleport to the ground while Sonic ran down the side of the building.

Shadow skated down the road with Sonic running alongside him. Shadow had a look of determination on his face while Sonic had one of concern.

"Shadow! We need a plan!" Sonic shouted as they made their way towards downtown.

"I have a plan. Eliminate all opposing forces that threaten the innocent." Shadow replied.

Sonic looked peeved now, "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE I'M ONE OF YOUR G.U.N OFFICERS, FAKER!!!"

Shadow loved talking that way to Sonic as it annoyed the hedgehog beyond relief. It was a rare occurrence, but it was one he enjoyed very much.

"Sorry, what was that? You're gonna have to speak up." Shadow quipped as he boosted towards the point of the explosion, downtown.

"SHADOW!!!" Sonic screamed in annoyance as he boosted towards downtown, following Shadow.

(End song)

Shadow and Sonic had arrived downtown and they both skidded to a stop. They saw Eggman floating in the air in his Egg Mobile with his arms crossed. He turned around to face the to hedgehogs.

"Ah, Sonic and Shadow! Just the rodents I wanted to see!" Eggman greeted.

Shadow then stepped forward, "It's over, Doctor! Surrender your forces and you won't be harmed." Shadow then clenched his fists and smirked, "Much."

Eggman then put his index finger to his chin in a mocking fashion, "Yeah, how 'bout no?"

Sonic then stepped forward, "So, EggHead? What robot are you using on us this time? The Egg Dragoon? The Egg Hornet? The Egg Golem?"

Eggman then smirked, "Oh? You think I'm fighting you?"

Both hedgehogs looked confused at that.

Eggman then laughed evilly, "I'm not fighting you two." Eggman then spread his arms out wide, "THEY ARE!!!"

Suddenly, The Vulture landed in front of the two hedgehogs, surprising them both. Scorpion then fired some acid from his tail towards the two hedgehogs. Shadow saw this and quickly tackled Sonic out of the way. Scorpion then jumped from the roof he was on and landed next to Vulture. Zor then walked out of the shadows with a dying flower in his hand and walked over and stood beside Scorpion. Zeena then jumped down from a building and landed next to Zor.

They all glared at the hedgehogs, who got into a battle stance and glared right back at the villains. This fight was gonna be a tough one.

Spider-Man swung through Midtown Manhattan in search of Otto and The Sinister Six, but so far, he's found nothing. He released his grip on his web and stuck to the side of a building and called Miles with his phone.

Miles answered the phone, "Yeah, Pete?"

"Miles, have you found anything?" Peter asked.

"Nothing yet, Pete. I'll keep looking though"

Peter was about to reply but was interrupted by an explosion coming from the top of Oscorp Tower. Peter's eyes widened in realization.

"Miles, get to Oscorp Tower. I think I found them." Peter stated.

"I'll get there as fast as I can!" Miles replied.

Peter then hung up the phone and swung towards Oscorp to stop Otto.

(End song)

(Play from 2:32 to 2:53)

Otto had Osborn in the grasp of one of his mechanical arms, tightening his grip around the businessman. Otto chuckled as he brought Norman towards the shattered window and hung him over the edge of the building. Otto then saw Peter swinging towards the building at a fast rate.

Otto smiled as he dropped Norman out of the building. Peter's eyes widened as he quickly dove down towards Osborn. He shot a line of web and pulled Norman towards him and grabbed the businessman and swung him to the ground below.

Osborn landed on the ground harshly and quickly sprinted off, without thanking Spider-Man.

"A thank you would've been nice!" Peter exclaimed towards Osborn.

(Start from 2:15)

Suddenly, his Spider Sense went off, alerting to something behind him. He quickly flipped over in the air as Rhino passed under him. Peter landed in a crouched position and saw Rhino come to a stop, right next to Mr. Negative, Master Zik, Zazz, Zomom, and Doc Ock as he climbed down from the tower thanks to his arms.

Peter's eyes then frowned as he crouched down further, ready for a fight.

"Well, this is gonna be fun." Peter quipped.

(End song)

Author's Note:

Part 2 of the conclusion to Act 1 is next.

Stay tuned.