• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Monday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


From the outside, she seems to be a very lucky girl. She has a loving family, lots of friends at school, a comfortable home to call her own.

In her head, things are different. Trapped in her own mind, surrounded by the ruins of her life, the only survivor of the death of her soul. She has no family, no friends, no home, nothing.

And one enemy.

Ruby Pinch is not alone. Ruby Pinch is never alone.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 13 )

The first nightmare...

I decided to read this story since the summary interested me and I was not disappointed. To me, this was a great first impression. There's only one issue I had with this first chapter, it was way too short. I can't wait to read the rest, impressive work.

Oh my goodness...

This story was incredibly sad, incredibly well-written, and I nearly cried at the end.

This story was phenomenal, Impossible Numbers.

Sure hope those two get on better terms, though.

The friend group us delightful, but Ruby's awake home life is somehow more insidiously dreadful than the nightmares. I suspect this is the point!

interesting. kinda reminds m e of how i void up nightmares for foreshadowing

nice touch with the description of ponyville's school and...Dinky!:pinkiehappy:

Was it confused? Zombies didn’t have any intelligence

depends on the type/kind and franchise.

But loved how Berry tries to be a good mother here

ithis will be interesting

poor ruby here, need a hug?

a nice ending! Now, I am unsure,if i should add it to my dinky bookshelf or not?

I was holding off on commenting until I could find something meaningful to say, but sometimes single word reactions say a lot. So: Jesus :rainbowderp:

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