• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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11) Reunions Through Space and Time

In Gravity Falls, Twilight was quite happy these days since she was finally able to meet and talk to her friends and family even if it was only in her dreams, meanwhile Stan had done Mystery Fair while the police were on vacation outside of Gravity Falls.

“There she is, Twilight and Mabel; the cheapest fair money can rent. I spared every expense”, says Stan proudly.

“Mr. Stan, you are really taking advantage of the fact that the police are not in Gravity Falls”, comments Twilight.

Suddenly she hears Dipper screaming and then a tram cart containing Dipper falls near them.

“I think the sky tram is broken. Also, most of my bones”, says Dipper.

Twilight immediately approached Dipper and was glad that Dipper wasn't hurt, she was also surprised that nothing had happened to Dipper.

“Ha ha, this guy. Alright, alright. I got a job for you three”, says Stan, then pulls out a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates with an A+ on them, then passes them to Dipper, Mabel and Twilight, immediately Stan says. “I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit”

“Grunkle Stan, is that legal?” Asks Mabel.

“This is obviously not legal”, says Twilight.

“When there's no cops around, anything's legal!” Responds Stan.

Stan then goes to where Soos was using a blowtorch on the handle of a dunk tank.

“Soos, how's that dunk tank coming along?” Asks Stan to Soos.

“Almost ready to go, Mr. Pines”, responds Soos.

Stan checks Soos' work knocks on the target and the seat barely moves.

“Ha, you got it rigged from here to Timbuktu! There's nothing on Earth that could knock me down!” Says Stan happily.

“Yeah, except for like a futuristic laser arm cannon”, says Soos.

“Oh. Hey, you haven't seen my red screwdriver, have you already? Darn thing went missing”, says Stan while searching in toolbox.

“Maybe some magical creature or paranormal thing-um took it”, says Soos.

"I heard! You've been spending too much time with those kids and that unicorn”, responds Stan as he continues looking for it and says. “Alright, let's see where'd I put that thing”

Behind some portable toilets was a person who is bald, with thick glasses and is dressed in gray.

“The mission is proceeding as planned. Over”, says that person through the communicator and then use Stan's red screwdriver to fix his camouflage suit, then walks away.


Those who were watching from Equestria were left with many doubts when they saw that person.

“I have a really bad feeling about that guy”, says Applejack.

“You think that because that guy stole Stan's screwdriver”, says Pinkie.

“Other than that I have a feeling he's going to have to do with something weird he's about to go through”, says Applejack.

“I think the same, Applejack”, says Rainbow Dash.

Several of Twilight's friends who saw that guy thought the same thing, but unfortunately they couldn't do anything to help, they could only warn Twilight when she was going to sleep.


A few minutes later they saw that Stan was inside the game he had modified.

“It's 12 o' clock! The Dunk Tank is now open!” Shouts Stan through a megaphone.

This caught the attention of the tourists who were at the Mystery Fair.

“Step right up, and dunk me folks!” Shouts Stan as he points to a tourist eating a pretzel and then shouts. “I'm talking to you, Cut-offs!”

Several tourists begin to gather around The Dunk Tank, seeing this Stan decides to annoy them more.

“That's right! Muffin-Top, High-Pants! Who wants a piece of me?” Shouts Stan at the tourists.

The angry tourists throw balls, but they don't knock Stan down.

“Ahahahaha! Come back anytime, folks! Ahahahaha!”, says Stan very happily.

Meanwhile Dipper, Mabel and Twilight had split up to explore more of the Mystery Fair, Dipper ran into Wendy by chance and they decided to eat corn dog shaped like question mark.

“How do they get them into this shape? It's unnatural”, comments Dipper to Wendy.

“But Dipper, they're so…”, says Wendy while she holds up corn dog to the end of the sign that says ‘DELICIOUS’ and then says. “Delicious?”

Dipper and Wendy laugh at that, but Wendy spills itself accidentally some mustard on her.

“Aw, boo! “I'll be right back”, says Wendy and then leaves.

Suddenly Mabel and Twilight appear to talk to Dipper.

“Look at you two! Getting all romantic at the fair!”, says Mabel.

“I don't know what you mean Mabel, I just met Wendy and we talked”, responds Dipper.

Twilight was a little upset by Mabel's comment, but was calmed by Dipper's response.

“Hey, do you smell a gallon of body spray?” Asks Mabel.

“I think so”, says Twilight hesitantly.

Dippper, Mabel and Twilight realize that that smell was coming from Robbie who was approaching them.

“Hey, have either of you dorks seen Wendy around?” Asks Robbie.

“Who wants to know?” Responds Dipper angrily.

Robbie takes some cotton candy that Mabel had.

“Hey!” Says Mabel to Robbie for taking out some cotton candy.

“Yeah, I got some new super tight jeans. Thought she might want to check 'em out”, says Robbie very arrogantly.

“Yeah! You know, I think I saw her in the Bottomless Pit. You should really go jump in there”, says Dipper.

“Yeah! You know, I think I saw her in the Bottomless Pit. You should really go jump in there”, responds Robbie.

Robbie leaves the place in a very smug way.

“He is such a jerk”, comments Mabel.

Twilight also thought the same thing about Robbie, she suddenly realized something and decided to leave the place. Mabel, seeing that she walked away, Twilight tells Dipper.

“I'll be there with you, brother. Whatever happens, I'll be right here, supporting you every step of the–”, was saying Mabel, but she stopped talking when she realized something and screamed. “OH MY GOD, A PIG!!”

Mabel runs and bumps into several people while trying to get to the contest to win a pig.

“If you can guess the critter's weight, you can take the critter home!” says the farmer named Sprott to the people who were at the Mystery Fair.

Mabel looks at all the pigs and suddenly she notices a specific pig and it makes the oinks sound.

“He said 'Mabel'! Either that or 'doorbell'. Did you say 'Mabel' or 'doorbell'?" Asks Mabel that little pig.

The little pig only makes the same sound.

“Oooooooooohhhhh!!!” Says Mabel and then asks to Sprott. “Sir, I must have that pig!”

“Ah, old 15-Poundy! So, how much you guessin' he weighs?” Asks Sprott.

“Um, 15 pounds?” Says Mabel doubtfully.

“Are you some kind of witch? Well, here's your pig”, says Sprott as he hands the pig to Mabel.

The audience applauds Mabel for having won the pig.

“And you’ll be needin’ these”, says Sprott as he hands her a knife and fork.

Mabel looks angry at Sprott for that suggestion.

“Nope? Well, suit yourself!" Says Sprott, realizing that Mabel didn't want that.

“Everything is different now”, says Mabel as she hugged the pig.


In Equestria they saw that Mabel won a little pig and then they saw that Dipper, seeing that Wendy wanted to get a stuffed animal in a game that had to knock down bottles with a ball, Dipper decided to try, but failed and the ball bounced and hit in the eye of Wendy. Dipper immediately went for ice, but when he arrived with the ice bag to relieve Wendy's eye he unfortunately saw that Robbie was already helping Wendy with the ice cream he had.

Suddenly the mirror changed what it was showing and finally those watching from Equestria saw what Twilight was doing. Twilight was talking to Pacifica that they were saying goodbye to her.

“Although I'm a little surprised you're in this place”, said Twilight, trying not to offend Pacifica.

“I must be present at various public events”, answered Pacifica.

Twilight, before saying goodbye to Pacifica, wanted to relax the atmosphere and suddenly saw a contest where you could win a little pig. Upon seeing it, Twilight was about to suggest it to Pacifica, but she saw that Mabel was there. Twilight decided to suggest another contest to Pacifica and saw one where you could win a chicken.

“Pacify why don't you compete in the game of winning a chicken”, says Twilight.

“Twilight, I think you're right”, says Pacifica as she leaves the place to go to the contest.


What those who were watching Twilight through the mirror did not know is that Dipper and Mabel had encountered a time traveler. Dipper decided to use the time machine to avoid hurting Wendy and Mabel to relive the moment the pig gets which she call Waddles.

Suddenly everyone watching from the mirror saw the day restart.

“What just happened?” Asks Applejack.

“Maybe the signal from the mirror is bad”, replies Pinkie.

“I think you should tell Princess Celestia”, says Rarity to Spike.

Spike immediately sent a letter to Princess Celestia, the others saw Mabel get the pig, Twilight talked to Pacifica, and Dipper ended up hitting Wendy in the eye with the ball by accident.

When Princess Celestia arrived and suddenly everyone saw that the day in Gravity Falls was repeated again.

“What's going on in Gravity Falls?” Asks Fluttershy to Princess Celestia.

“I think there's a time-controlling object in Gravity Falls and someone must be using it”, theorizes Princess Celestia.

“Like the Starwirl spell Twilight used”, said Pinkie.

“Pinkie, I didn't see anyone doubling up”, reply Spike to Pinkie.

“I'm going to Canterlot to see if it's something he has to do with Equestria, while you guys look at who could be the culprit of the day restarting”, said Princess Celestia.

Everyone there looked at Twilight with concern, Princess Celestia went to Canterlot to investigate what could be repeating the day, meanwhile Twilight's friends watched the Mystery Fair through the mirror to see who could be repeating the day in Gravity Falls.


It had already dawned in Ponyville, they saw that the day in Gravity Falls kept repeating itself and it seemed that there was nothing different in what was happening in Gravity Falls, Princess Cadance, the parents of Twilight and Shining Armor, had also arrived. Suddenly Princess Celestia arrived with information she had obtained as to why she could have done this.

“First of all Starwirl's time travel spell is still in Canterlot, the second thing that could have done this is the Time Twirler, which is a magical object that resets time and I understand to get rid of that object they sent it to another dimension”, says Princess Celestia.

Upon hearing Princess Celestia's description of the Time Twirler, everyone thought that that object was the culprit of what was happening in Gravity Falls.

“So Princess Celestia, are you sure it's because of the Time Twirler that the day is repeating itself?” Asks Princess Cadance.

“Maybe so”, answers Princess Celestia.

“What do you mean by ‘maybe’?” Question Rarity.

“I've seen a lot of unknown things in Gravity Falls and I wouldn't be surprised if it's because of something that has nothing to do with our world and magic”, answered Princess Celestia.

Suddenly everyone saw through the mirror that something different had happened, it was that Mabel helped Dipper with the ball throw and the ball didn't hit Wendy. Meanwhile, Twilight, instead of suggesting to Pacifica that she get a chicken, suggested that she get a pig.

“I'm sure Dipper and Mabel have something to do with us seeing this day repeat itself”, says Princess Celestia, seeing that they had done something different from the other repetitions.

Then they saw that Pacifica won the little pig that Mabel won in the other repetitions. Mabel, seeing that Pacifica had won that little pig, began to panic.


In Gravity Falls, more specifically at the Mystery Fair, Twilight noticed that Dipper and Mabel were arguing, she also saw that Dipper had a tape measure in his hand and Mabel was trying to remove the tape measure. Twilight decided to approach them to find out why they are arguing.

“What's going on here?” Wondered Twilight.

Meanwhile, Pacifica was pulling the pig's leash to make it move forward, she let go of the leash to regain energy and then continue pulling the leash, but upon hearing Twilight's voice, Pacifica decided to go see what was happening, forgetting that there was let the pig loose.

“Why are you two fighting over a measure tape?” Twilight asked.

Dipper and Mabel were surprised to hear Twilight suddenly. Mabel had finally grabbed the beginning of the time machine tape and started to pull it to travel back in time, but when she heard Twilight's voice she was surprised and ended up letting it go. This action caused Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Pacifica to travel back in time.

Twilight and Pacifica wondered what had happened, suddenly they heard Stan's voice.

“It's 12 o' clock! The Dunk Tank is now open!” Shouts Stan.

That made Twilight and Pacifica realize that they had gone back in time, and Twilight immediately used her magic to keep the time machine floating so that no one could use it.

“Dipper and Mabel can you explain to me, what the hell is going on?” Asks Twilight.

“I accidentally hit Wendy's eye with a ball and Mabel had won a contest to win a pig, then we met a time traveler and decided to use his machine, me to correct that mistake and Mabel to win the pig again. After many attempts, I managed to prevent me from hitting Wendy with the ball with Mabel's help, but Mabel couldn't win the pig wanted for helping me. We started fighting to see if we were going to use the time machine again, but suddenly you showed up Twilight and Mabel made us all travel at 12:00 in the middle of our fight”, explained Dipper.

Twilight, Pacifica, and those listening from Equestria were surprised at that explanation. Twilight was sure she didn't want to know how many times Dipper had tried. In Equestria, those who were watching were surprised that Dipper and Mabel were the culprits that the day in Gravity Falls was repeating itself, because it seemed to them that Dipper and Mabel always did the same thing.

Twilight's thoughts realizing that Mabel was trying to reach the time machine, Twilight realizing this immediately moved the time machine away from Mabel.

“First of all, before making any decisions you two need to calm down”, says Twilight.

Twilight was sure that the first thing Dipper and Mabel had to do was calm down before making any decisions, she was completely sure that Mabel was not thinking clearly why she had not realized that now that they had gone back in time and that she could win again the little pigg.

“Twilight immediately lets go of that time machine”, says Dipper, quite scared.

Twilight for a moment had doubts about why Dipper was suddenly scared, Twilight instinctively looked at the time machine and realized she was shaking from being surrounded by magic, before she could do anything the time machine went crazy and teleported Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Pacifica to another time.


Those watching from Equestria saw through the mirror that they had appeared in the middle of a dirt road.

“When are we?” Wondered Dipper out loud.

“The real question is: when are we? Oh wait, did you already–”, was saying Mabel, trying to correct Dipper's question, believing that she had made a mistake, but she stopped.

Mabel broke off when she realized that Dipper wasn't wrong in the question she asked.

“Yeah, I already–” Said Dipper.

“Alright”, says Mabel.

“It's the same thing”, says Dipper.

Then Dipper realizing there was a sound of something approaching.

“Do you hear that?” Asks Dipper.

“I don't have the slightest idea what that sound could be”, says Pacifica.

Twilight remembered that sound was the sound of a buffalo stampede that had occurred in Appleloosa.

“I think it's a buffalo stampede”, says Twilight.

Immediately after saying that they saw a stampede of buffaloes advancing directly towards them, they immediately began to run away from them and accidentally fell on a cliff, Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Pacifica fell through the roof of a caravan and onto some flour.

“Be on the lookout for mountain lions, travelers!” says the settler who was on horseback.

“Dysentery! Who wants dysentery?”, Asks the settler who had some canteens and who was walking next to the caravan.

“Forge ahead, mighty oxen, for a new life awaits us on this… Oregon trail,” says a settler who was driving the caravan named Grady Mecc.

Upon hearing that, most of them realized what time they had arrived.

“Where are we? The 70s?” asks Mabel.

Twilight was not surprised by Mabel's response, while Pacifica upon hearing that comment felt that Mabel did not learn anything from Pioneer Day.

“Us we travel back 150 years, genius, it's pioneer times!” Responds Dipper to Mabel.

“By Trembley! Fertilia, it seems you've given birth to three more children!” says Grady Mecc.

“It appears I have. More little hands to render the tallow”, answers Fertilia.

“Tallow? What?” says Mabel, somewhat confused.

“Obviously I'm not going to do that,” says Pacifica, very upset.

“Her mouth is filled with silver, mother!” says a child referring to Mabel.

“These are called braces”, answers Mabel.

Dipper and Pacifica just looked at Mabel in surprise at what she had just said and how little she cared about altering the past. While Twilight was not paying attention to what Mabel was saying, because she began to look at the children's mother and felt that she had seen her before, but upon hearing that her name was Fertilia, she remembered that she was one of the first inhabitants of Gravity Falls also has the record of having 42 children and is credited with creating the high-five.

“Mabel, we can't start messing with the past!” says Dipper.

“Oh, says the guy who messed with the past all day and cost me my pig?” Responds Mabel annoying to Dipper.

Then Mabel took Dipper's calculator.

“I'll mess with whatever I want! Check it out! A magic button machine!” says Mabel showing the calculator and immediately afterward you show her shoes that light up. “Shoes that blink!”

Twilight and Pacifica were surprised to see how little Mabel cared about changing the past.

“Hey, sister! Guess who gets to vote in the future! Ladies!! Up top!” says Mabel, then she shows Fertlia hight-five and says. “That's called a high five! Teach it to your friends!”

Dipper immediately tries to take the time machine, but before he did the time machine he sent them to another time thanks to the energy of Twilight's magic that he still had.


In Equestria they see how they are teleported back in time, after that fight that Dipper and Mabel had they saw that they were sent to the time of the dinosaurs where they were almost attacked by a Tyrannosaurus, then to an apocalyptic future where they were attacked by what It looked like a giant human baby, then they saw that they were at different times in the adventures they had had in Gravity Falls.

“Princess Celestia, why is the mirror now showing us Twilight's time travel?” Asks Applejack.

“Maybe it showed us the mirror as a repetition because Twilight didn't travel in time and it was also a very short trip, but now the mirror shows us the entire time travel because Twilight is involved with the time machine”, responds the Princess Celestia.

Immediately after Princess Celestia said that, suddenly the time machine began to shake very violently as lightning bolts came out of it and teleported them somewhere else. Instantly everyone was surprised by the place where they had arrived because it was the Castle of the Two Sister. Rainbow Dash immediately tries to go to that place but was stopped by Applejack.

“Why are you stopping me to go find Twilight? Did you not see that now she is in Equestria now?” Asks Rainbow Dash, quite annoyed.

“Look at what the sky is like in the mirror and compare it to what the sky is like outside”, Rarity answers.

Rainbow Dash looks at the mirror and realizes that the mirror showed that it was night while here it was day, that made her realize that Twilight arrived in another time of Equestria. Then everyone saw something they didn't expect to see and it left everyone completely surprised.


A few seconds ago Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Pacifica had arrived at Castle of the Two Sister, when Twilight realized where they were immediately, but Dipper stopped her and then indicated that they look in a direction. Everyone saw another Twilight with her friends launching a rainbow-colored beam towards a black Alicorn who was wearing armor.

“We are at the moment where my friends and I defeated Nightmare Moon using the Elements of the Harmony”, says Twilight in amazement.

Mabel was so happy to see more ponies that she forgot that she was angry with Dipper. While they were secretly observing what was happening, suddenly the time machine sent them to another time.

Twilight realized that she was in Equestria, in a lonely place and in the distance she could see Ponyville, although thanks to Twilight's last trip back in time she realized it was possible that it was not her time, so she did not go directly Ponyville to visit his friends and first she had to check what era it was in, although she felt that it was somewhat strange that Ponyville was so quiet.

“Do you know that town Twilight?” Asks Dipper pointing to Ponyville in the distance.

“That town is called Ponyville, it's where I lived with my friends”, answers Twilight.

“Twilight, why don't we go see your friends while we're here”, suggests Mabel because I wanted to see other ponies.

“With the last time travel there is a possibility that we didn't get to the right time”, answers Twilight in a slightly sad tone because she realized that she was in her world, but maybe she would never get to the time correct.

Dipper noticed this and tried to change the subject.

“Twilight, can you show us where you lived?” Asks Dipper.

“I lived in that treehouse that is also a library and is called the Golden Oak Library”, asnwers Twilight with happiness and nostalgia.

They could barely see Golden Oak Library from where they were, but suddenly that place exploded. Everyone was surprised by what they had just seen, especially Twilight and her friends who were seeing through the mirror.


In Equestria they were scared when they saw that the library exploded, but nothing happened to the library where they were.

“What the hell did we just see?” Asks Rarity.

“What we saw is that in the future this library is going to explode”, answers Princess Celestia, remembering that she had not heard anything about this library having exploded, which is why she thinks that Twilight came to the future.

“It doesn't comfort me to know that in the future Twilight's and my home is going to be destroyed,” Spike says.

They saw that Twilight was teleported to another time where it didn't stop snowing and in the sky there were 3 Windigos.

Those who were looking through the mirror when they saw the Windigos thought that the machine had taken them to the past. Everyone realizes that the time machine shook again and small rays came out.

“The time machine is doing the same thing when I take Twilight to Equestria”, comments Pinkie.

Everyone watching remembered that the time machine did exactly the same thing before teleporting Twilight to Equestria, then they saw that the machine teleported them to Ponyville.


Twilight was happy when she realized that it was Ponyville, but Dipper and Pacifica realized that the atmosphere of the city felt very depressing and in the distance they saw some houses with their doors and windows boarded up.

“Twilight doesn't feel like the atmosphere of this place is very depressing”, comments Dipper.

“It also seems that most of the houses were abandoned”, added Pacifica to the comment of Dipper.

Twilight just realized this, but before she could speak another Twilight appeared next to Spike, the other Twilight was wearing one of Mabel's vests. Twilight, seeing Spike, ran to hug him, forgetting why this Ponyville looked so different.

“Spike, I missed you so much”, says Twilight very happily.

Suddenly the other Twilight used her magic to separate Twilight and Spike.

“Although I know you are very happy to meet Spike in person, I have very important things to tell you”, said the other Twilight.

“If you're right, how is it possible that there are 2 Twilights?” Asks Twilight.

“You guys are traveling using a time machine, me and Spike are from the future”, replies Twilight of the future.

“This is the future of Ponyville, because I see doors and windows boarded up in the distance”, asks Dipper.

Twilight remembered the doubts she had about why Ponyville was this way and began to fear that this would be the future, but Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by Twilight of the future.

“First of all, where we are is not the reality where we come from, Twilight, and I'm not going to elaborate on how I got here”, said Twilight of the future to reassure the past version of her.

Hearing that response Twilight calmed down, but she also couldn't help but wonder how the version of the future of her came to this world.

“I remember you're wondering, Twilight, but the most important thing you need to know now is that you're soon going to return home and be with all your friends in Equestria”, said Twilight from the future.

Everyone was a little surprised by that statement Twilight gave.

“When is that going to be?” Asked Twilight quite happily.

“Soon, but first you are going to return for a few seconds to Ponyville before returning to Gravity Falls and to the rest of you, do not be sad about that information, I am just going to assure you that all this will end well in the future because after a while you will all return to Equestria ”says the Twilight of the future.

Everything was trying to process that information.

“Twilight, I think you should now warn him about the new enemy?” Spike said.

“New enemy?” Says Twilight doubtfully.

“If this enemy is more evil and powerful than any enemy you have seen so far, he is also a very manipulative being”, says Twilight of the future.

“Is that enemy the reason Twilight came to Gravity Falls?” Asks Dipper.

“It wasn't Entity that caused that”, said Twilight of the future, very upset.

“Who is Entity?” Asked Twilight, excited to know who had done this.

“In a creature that is always covered in black mist and the only thing that can be seen of Entity is a pair of red eyes, although it is a very powerful being, it is not an enemy”, said Twilight of the future in an annoyed tone.

Spike realizes that Twilight from the future had forgotten to continue talking about that enemy because she remembered to Entity. Just before Spike could speak the time machine began shooting lightning bolts and teleporting them somewhere else.


In Equestria, Twilight's friends felt many doubts when they saw and heard the Twilight of the future, but they were surprised to see that now Twilight was in Ponyville and in the background they could see the Golden Oak Library. Spike, upon seeing that, immediately came out and those who They were looking at the mirror they saw Spike, this confirmed that Twilight had arrived at the correct time of Ponyville and they immediately ran to meet Twilight.

Before Twilight realized where she was, her friends hugged her and Twilight, realizing that they were her friends, felt very happy to meet them.

“I missed you all”, says Twilight very happily to her friends.

Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Owlowiscious and Gummy were hugging Twilight while Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance and Twilight's family watched very happily that Twilight had returned to this world, while Dipper and Pacifica were happy to see Twilight returned to meet her friends and Mabel was happy to find herself in the pony world, but suddenly the time machine began to shake and shoot lightning, only Dipper and Pacifica noticed this and before they could speak the The time machine teleported them again.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack, realizing that the time machine had teleported Twilight again, ran to the mirror and saw that Twilight had returned to Gravity Falls, while the others took longer to react to what happened, but they still quickly arrived to see the mirror.

“This has to be a joke”, said Rainbow Dash, very furious that the time machine took Twilight to Gravity Falls.

“You're right, why did the machine take Twilight to Equestria if it was going to take Twilight immediately to Gravity Falls? It feels like it hasn’t changed from what it was before”, said Applejack.

Almost everyone present thought the same as Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“This time trip that Twilight had did change”, says Princess Celestia looking at the mirror.

“My sister is right, if you want to find out what she means, you just have to look in the mirror”, said Princess Luna.

Everyone looked to see what she was referring to, but everyone was left with their mouths open when they realized what Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were referring to.


In Gravity Falls, Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Pacifica realized that they had returned to Gravity Falls, Twilight became depressed when she realized that she could not return to her friends.

“It's 12 o' clock! The Dunk Tank is now open!” says Stan.

This made them know what date they had returned.

“Twilight, I don't know if what just happened is something good or bad”, says someone who sounded very surprised.

Twilight didn't pay much attention to what they told her because she was trying to think, but the next moment Twilight recognized her voice and turned to look at his face.

“Spike is you”, says Twilight, surprised why she didn't notice those around her.

“Twilight not only Spike came to Gravity Falls, but also Rarity, Owlowiscious, Gummy and me”, says Pinkie very happily.

At this moment Twilight didn't know how to feel, because she was happy that her friends were now there, but she also felt guilty because now some of her friends had arrived at Gravity Falls and she couldn't think of return to Ponyville.

“Don't worry Twilight about us being here”, said Pinkie happily.

Everyone looked at Pinkie in doubt because of what she had just said.

“Why Pinkie?” Asks Twilight.

"Did everyone forget that the Twilight of the future said that you would return to Ponyville for a few seconds and then return to Gravity Falls, and she also said not to worry because you would return to Ponyville soon", answers Pinkie.

Everyone else had forgotten about what had just happened, but thanks to Pinkie who mentioned it, they remembered. Dipper and Pacifica remembered something else.

“Twilight from the future said that there is a dangerous enemy in the future”, said Dipper worriedly.

“I feel like the worst thing is that we don't know her name”, said Pacifica.

Twilight began to feel afraid, but suddenly Spike spits fire and a letter appears, Twilight upon seeing the letter realized that it was from Princess Celestia. Spike, seeing the letter, decides to read it aloud.

My dearest, most faithful student Twilight and to everyone who is in Gravity Falls, my sister and I will find out how to bring them back and we will investigate who this enemy that the future version of my student warned about is, that's why I want you to calm down” read Spike.

Everyone calmed down except Dipper and Pacifica, but they decided not to voice their doubts because they didn't want to make the others nervous.

“I'm going to go to that contest to get Waddles”, says Mabel happy and leaves.

“Dipper, are you going to try again to win the stuffed animal for Wendy?” Asks Twilight.

“I think it's best if I don't try to win that stuffed animal so as not to hurt Wendy”, replies Dipper.

Shortly after, Mabel arrives with Waddles in her arms.


Immediately Waddles says oink.

“He's saying thank you in Pig! Aren't you, Waddles?” says Mabel.

“Hey, so that you would win that stuffed animal without hurting someone, you needed someone's help and that's why you asked Mabel for help?” Asks Pacifica to Dipper.

“You're right”, responds Dipper hesitantly.

“Then why didn't you just ask someone other than your sister to help her win that pig?” Comments Pacifica.

Dipper realized that he simply had to ask Twilight for help, immediately after Dipper looked at the time machine and felt hesitant to use it again, but before he made a decision, Blendin appeared and took his time machine.

“ALL OF YOU!!”, Blendin shouts to everyone.

The sudden appearance of Blendin made everyone scared, Twilight and her friends realized that this person had to be the time traveler.

“Do you have any idea, how many rules you just broke?!” Says Blendin angrily and then says. “I'm asking; I wasn't there with you… it was probably a lot, right?”

“I'm sure there were many rules broken, sorry, I used magic to lift it up, that made the time machine act strangely and that made us start traveling randomly through time…” was saying Twilight, but was interrupted by Blendin.

“Do you not know that it is a very delicate device and it occurs to you to surround it with energy! Also, I'm surprised that you guys have returned to your correct time without the time machine being destroyed!” Shouts Blendin.

Everyone looked at the time machine, they saw that it was very damaged and looked like it would be destroyed at any moment, they all decided to skip what Mabel had done. Twilight decided to continue telling what had happened with the time machine.

“The time machine teleported me to my original world, I was able to reunite with my friends for a few seconds”, says Twilight.

“It is almost impossible for the time machine to take you to another reality, and if in reality you had arrived from another reality I or my coworkers would have been detected as an anomaly”, responded Blendin while using a device.

When the analysis that Blendin did with the device was finished, he saw the results, Blendin, upon seeing the results, refused to believe them.

"This is impossible! According to this device, you, the other horses and the lizard come from a reality very far from this one, this fact is impossible because someone from the organization where I work would have detected you to capture you and it also makes it a lie and impossible for that you would have arrived at that reality for a few seconds”, explained Blendin refusing to believe that Twilight comes from another reality.

Everyone was surprised to hear Blendin's explanation that they didn't pay attention to the rude way he described the ponies and Spike, but they doubted that explanation why what Blendin said was impossible happened.

“There's really no chance that could have happened?” Asks Dipper.

"Of course not! Unless someone has made a portal of gigantic power to connect both worlds, you have crossed it and then somehow the time machine has managed to connect with the portal by coincidence”, responds Blindin.

“Is the portal like a crack that appears out of nowhere and takes you to another world?” Asked Twilight.

“Not a crack, but a door and for you to be able to return for a few seconds that portal had to be kept open and on”, said Blendin annoyed.

Everyone realized that it was impossible for that to have happened.

“The last other option is that something or someone has made an anomaly so big that it has connected both worlds because it is impossible for that to have happened naturally”, said Blendin and then says. “But both options they are impossible because the organization I work for would have realized that”

With what Blendin said, everyone realized that it had to be the second option because that coincided with what had happened and what said Twilight of the future about Entity, but suddenly 2 time travelers who work at appear Time Paradox Avoidment Enforcement Squadron near where they were talking to Blendin, when Blendin saw them he forgot what they were talking about.

“Blendin Blandin…” says the officer named Drundgren.

“AAAAGH! The Time Paradox Avoidment Enforcement Squadron!!”, Says Blendin scared.

“That's right, and our phones have been ringing off the hook! There's high-fiving settlers in the 1800's and calculators littered through eight centuries!” says the other officer named Lolph.

Twilight remembered that according to what she read at Pioneer Day, Fertilia was the one who invented high-five, but now she knows that Mabel was the one who taught that to Fertilia.

“You are under arrest for violations of the Time Traveler's Code of Conduct”, says Drundgren as he handcuffs Blendin.

“It was those kids, those horses, that giant lizard! And their leader, Waddles!” says Blendin.

“Those are ponies, a dragon and a pig”, responds Lolph.

“I'll get you for this! I'll go back in time and make sure your parents never MEET!!”, says Blendin angrily, then Drundgren and Lolph take him away.

“Well, we're still here”, comments Dipper as he looks at his hands.

“Guess he forgot to go back”, says Mabel.

Twilight did feel a little afraid of the threat that Blendin had just given because he is a time traveler, but she quickly calmed down because she had some friends here in Gravity Falls so she believed she could stop any threat and Pacifica also felt a little afraid of Blendin, but it was because he looked like a lunatic.


Meanwhile Stan continued making people angry on The Dunk Tank.

“Ha, you suckers! Your pockets are empty and I'm still sitting high and dry!” says Stan.

“BOOOO!!!!”, says the crowd, very angry for Stan.

“Boo! Ha, boo! I love it! Hey, biceps! I'm talking to you, haircut! Take your best shot!” Says Stan to Drundgren and Lolph who were passing by while Blendin was being taken away.

Drundgren and Lolph got angry at Stan's mockery, Lolph use your gun the target and knock down Stan, the entire crowd was happy, also those who observed it from Equestria, except Princess Celestia and Princess Luna who with that act were They realized that time travelers did not care about altering the past.


Meanwhile in another part of the Mytery Fair were Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Spike, Pacifica, Owlowiscious, and Gummy.

“So I guess we never found out who was causing those time anomalies Blendin was looking for”, comments Mabel.

“Wait, Mabel; I thought it was us”, says Dipper.

“Ugh, my brain hurts”, says Mabel as she touched her head.

“With that information it seems that we had a very similar situation at the time I used the time spell” comments Twilight very annoyed while she said it to Spike and Pinkie.

“Oh, geez, I gotta deal with this all summer?” says Dipper, very upset when he sees Wendy with Robbie.

“I'm on it”, says Mabel.

Mabel leaves Waddles on the ground and then points out to Waddles the caramel apple that Roobie had. Waddles, seeing caramel apple, starts to run towards Robbie, realizing that Waddle is running in his direction, gets scared and drops caramel apple. Then Robbie trips over a table causing a pot that was full of hot water to fall onto Robbie's pants.

“My pants! They're shrinking!” says Robbie.

Everyone laughs at what happened to Robbie when they see that.

“That'll do pig, That'll do”, says Dipper as they watched Waddles.


Afterwards it was decided that Pinkie, Spike, Owlowiscious and Gummy, meanwhile Rarity stayed with Pacifica.

In Equestria everyone was happy thanks to the news that Twilight gave about the future, but Princess Celestia and Princess were now a little worried because of what Blendin said that the anomaly was much more powerful and that the culprit of all this was a being called Entity.


In the future, Time Baby held Blendin in the air, to give him a punishment.

“You have broken the eternal laws of space time!” says Time Baby.

“I beg your mercy, Time Baby!” Begs Blendin.

“You now must clean up all the anomalies!”, answers Time Baby.

Then Blendin begins to pick up all the things that Dipper and Mabel dropped while they were traveling in time, suddenly Blendin was observed by a Gnome.

“What are you looking at?” Says Blendin and then disappears.


In a crack of dimensions there was a being that observed everything that was happening, his appearance was grotesque and impossible to describe, that being was the Entity that Twilight of the future had spoken of.

“It seems that now in this reality they know of my existence, but this is not going to change anything I have done, so I should not worry”, reflected Entidad.

Entity start theorizing why Pinkie and Rarity had arrived at Gravity Falls.

"The reason why Pinkie and Rarity came to Gravity Falls was because Pacifica and Mabel were there, Spike, Owlowiscious and Gummy came to Gravity Falls because they are smaller, and if some of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in that hug also they would also have reached to Gravity Falls”, said Entidad to himself and then says. "It is also not at all surprising that those time travelers have not realized the existence of the anomaly. Neither does Blendin refuses to believe that this is happening, at least for the moment"

Entidad felt very satisfied with the answers and paid attention to what he was most curious about.

“Knowing what the original timeline is like, it is very easy to know how that timeline originated where that Twilight was and also who is to blame for this”, says Entidad to himself and then says. “That Twilight seemed a little upset by talking about me and considering that she forgives others very easily, in other words I made her angry recently.”

Entity also realized that Twilight from the future, being angry, could not tell them everything she wanted to tell them, Entity was also sure that he could use he abilities to know more details about that future, but he does not like to do so because she loves to see how they develop the things in the present in the world where he has intervened.


In a few seconds after they left that world where Twilight from the future was with Spike from the future.

“Twilight was just going to let you know that you forgot what you were talking about”, comments Spike, seeing that they had disappeared.

“I got distracted talking about Entity”, said Twilight.

Twilight and Spike remembered that a few minutes ago when they arrived that Applejack from this world gave us details and when she left, Entity appeared and gave us more detailed information about all the changes that had occurred, but before leaving Spike asked why nothing happened to he and Entity explained that the alterations in time do not affect him, so Twilight and Spike asked him for help to fix everything that happened, Entity refused and said that he was only giving information immediately after he left. Twilight and Spike were a little angry with Entity, but Twilight realized that she could use the Cutie Map to fix everything, but when she took the scroll out of her backpack, Mabel's vest that she had inside her backpack fell off, this made them remember some time ago they met its future versions in this place. Twilight and Spike decided that not only were they going to do what their future versions did of telling them that they were returning home, who had brought them to Gravity Falls and giving very little warning of a dangerous enemy, this time they were going to give more details about that enemy named Bill Cipher and how dangerous he could be, but unfortunately they didn't have time to tell them that.

“Now we know that they didn't give us details about Bill Cipher not because they didn't want to, but because they ran out of time”, said Twilight.

“Twilight, before I met Bill Cipher I had begun to think that enemy that you warned was not so dangerous and was simply a misunderstanding like the one you had with your first time travel”, said Spike.

“Although I wish I had found out about Bill Cipher sooner, I have no regrets about having told my past self that I was going to return home because that information gave me a lot of hope that the problems we had could be solved”, said Twilight.

“You're right”, said Spike.

They took out the scroll again and went to the Cutie Map.

Comments ( 1 )

Nice with the time travel, and looks like they had a bit of future details and now twilight is reunited with some old friends. Nice job on this chapter, looking forward to the next

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