• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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07) Dipper VS. Manliness

At the Mystery Shack, Stan was serving a customer named Tyler Cutebiker.

“I like to get my Christmas shopping done early. Do you have anything that's in the spirit of the season?” Asked Tyler.

“Uh, how about these crystals?” Suggests Stan showing her a bunch of crystals in a bowl.

"Haha! Looks like broken glass,” said Tyler.

"What are you, a cop?" Said Stan.

"Ooh! What is that new thing?” Asked Tyler without paying attention to Stan.

Suddenly Dipper appeared, Mabel and Twilight appear in front of Stan.

“Grunkle Stan?” Asks Dipper to get Stan's attention.

“an we go to the diner? We're huuungry”, Asks Mabel.

"Yes, please Mr. Stan," said Twilight, a little tired of being in the Mystery Shack, because no tourists were showing up and the only customer had been trying to decide what to buy for over an hour and hadn't bought anything.

“Yeah, sure. Soon as this yahoo makes up his mind”, said Stan, also tired of waiting for Tyler to make up his mind.

“Do you have this in another animal?” Said Tyler, pointing to a hairy trout.

Stan, remembering that Tyler never made up his mind what to buy and hardly paid attention to him, Stan decided to simply leave the Mystery Shack.

“I'm fine locking him inside if you are”, said Stan because he was already fed up with Tyler.

Dipper and Mabel immediately agreed, but Twilight doubted that and so did several of those watching from Equestria, but everyone deep down knew that Tyler wouldn't realize he was alone and locked up here so they agreed with him. Stan and they left.

“Puma shirt, panther shirt. Puma shirt, panther shirt. Puma shirt… panther shirt. ”, Tyler said that he still couldn't decide what to buy, without realizing that he was left locked up and alone.


In Equestria they saw the cafeteria Greasy's Diner had a lot of people and also animals like a woodpecker and a beaver, although Fluttershy liked that there were those animals.

“Lazy Susan! There's my little ray of sunshine! Where were you yesterday?” says Stan.

“I got hit by a bus!” replies Lazy Susan.

“Ha ha ha ha! Hilarious!” says Stan.

“You do split plates, right?” Stan said.

“Maybe…”, Lazy Susan says after with her hand she makes the eyelid that she can't use for a wink and says. “Wink.”

“Great! We'll all split a one-fourth of the number seven, plus a free salad dressing for the two ladies and a small plate of ketchup for the boy,” says Stan.

“But Grunkle Stan, I want pancakes!” Mabel said.

“With the fancy flour they use these days? What am I, made of money? ”, Stan said after realizing that a bill he had up his sleeve almost fell off and Stan immediately hides it.

In Equestria they were a little upset with Stan for what he had just been through, but at the same time they weren't surprised. Dipper seeing that there was a manhood tester.

“Don't worry guys, pancakes are on me. I'm going to win some by beating that manliness tester,” Dipper says confidently.

“Manliness Tester?” says Stan.

“Beating?” says Mabel.

Mabel and Stan started laughing and also teasing Dipper that he thought he was manly.

"Que? What's so funny?” Asks Dipper.

“Oh, no offense Dipper, but you're not exactly "Manly Mannington." He ha ha ha!” says Mabel.

“Look, face the music, kid. You got no muscles, you smell like baby wipes, and let's not forget last Tuesday's... 'incident.'” said Stan.


A few days ago Dipper while he was in the bathroom began to sing a song from the BABBA group, suddenly he realized that Stan was standing behind him. The people of Equestria also saw that.


Back in the present Mabel laughed at Dipper and says.

“You were listening to girly Icelandic pop sensation “BABBA”?” asks Mabel.

“So that's the name of that song you were singing,” Twilight said.

"Wait, Twilight, you knew about that," Dipper said.

"Yes, I knew, when you sang that day I was reading a book and I heard that you were singing very happily," said Twilight.

Mabel and Stan laughed at Dipper again.

“Fine, ‘family of little faith’ Get ready to eat your words. And a plate a delicious pancakes”, said Dipper and then Dipper said to himself. “Alright, Dipper. Time to manhandle this… man handle…”

Dipper gets up and goes to the machine to get the pancakes.

“And a one and a two…”, said Dipper to himself.

“Quit stallin'!” said Stan.

“Mabel can't understand why you're making fun of Dipper,” said Twilight.

"What's your problem Twilight? I find it funny that Dipper thinks he's manly," replied Mabel.

“According to your Mabel, you think Dipper is not manly, right?” Twilight said, a little annoyed by Mabel's teasing of Dipper.

"Yes," said Mabel as she nodded.

“But you didn't end up dating Gideon, because you said Dipper was too manly,” said Twilight.

Mabel upon hearing that was confused, because she realized her contradictions in her opinions. Stan got a little upset when he heard something about Gideon.

Dipper used the manliness tester, but it came out that it was not manly and a card came out that said it was 'You are a cutie patootie!'.

“Oh what? This thing must be broken. It's totally broken, guys. It's like a million years old, probably ran out of steam power or–”, was saying Dipper.

Dipper realized that there was another person to use the manliness tester, he saw that he was Manly Dan and began to prepare to use the manliness tester.

“It's rickety man, you shouldn't even–”, Dipper began to say.

Manly Dan just pushes the lever of the manliness tester with his little finger, it reached the maximum and then it exploded.

"Forks! Pancakes for everyone!” Yelled Manly Dan.

Almost everyone at Greasy's Diner celebrated what Manly Dan said, except for Dipper and Twilight. Twilight couldn't help but wonder how this machine could possibly measure how manly someone is.

"Dipper just forget about it, plus I don't think you like being very similar to Manly Dan," Twilight said trying to make Dipper feel better and also because he thought it wouldn't be ideal to be manly just like Manly Dan.

Dipper then decided to leave Greasy's Diner, but as he was leaving he almost fell over because he tripped over a beaver.

“I'm fine! Heh heh! Everything's fine!” Said Dipper and left.

“Yeesh! How am I related to that?” Said Stan with disgust.

Twilight looked at Stan angrily and immediately decided to go see where Dipper is. Several in Equestria also didn't like Stan and Mabel's attitude.

“Come on, Grunkle Stan. I'm sure deep down you have a soft side too”, says Mabel.

"Ha! Nothing in here but a cold, dark, empty soul”, replies Stan.

Suddenly Lazy Susan appears with the food Stan ordered and places it on the table.

“Food!” says Lazy Susan.

“Thanks there, sugar pot. I-I mean, I mean uh honey wasp, kitten baby, b-baby cow,” replies Stan.

Lazy Susan starts laughing and then goes to continue serving the restaurant.

"What was that about?" Asks Stan.

“Nothing. I don't wanna talk about it. Talk about what? Why is this table wet?" Said Stan nervously as he tried to ignore the question.

“Wait just a second. I think I have an idea happening here. You…”, Mabel was saying.

“No!” Stan tries to interrupt.

“And her de ella…”, Mabel continues, very thoughtful.

“Stop it!” Stan says, still trying to interrupt Mabel.

“AAAHH!” Mabel yells realizing that Stan was in love with Lazy Susan.

“Oh boy,” Stan says, discouraged that Mabel has noticed.

“You have a thing for Lazy Susan! You do have a soft side!” Mabel yells.

Stan covers Mabel's mouth to shut her up.

“Keep it down, will ya?! Right. I admit it, okay? It would be nice if she liked me. But I've been out of the game for so long I wouldn't know where to start. I mean, look at her. She's so classy,” says Stan.

Lazy Susan was hitting the spinning trolley foot to get it working again.

“Grunkle Stan, you are a cranky, gross, weird old man. But we will get Lazy Susan to like you because nothing is stronger than the power of–”, said Mabel.

“Love?” Stan says as he tries to guess what Mabel was going to say.

"Mabel. To victory!” Mabel says and then drinks the salad dressing.


In Equestria everyone saw that something strange what was happening.

"I don't know why but that we shouldn't try to see what's going to happen to Stan," said Rainbow Dash.

They all nodded and decided to see that he was doing Twilight.


Meanwhile Dipper was walking around the city very upset about what happened at Greasy's Diner restaurant.

"Not manly enough, stupid diner, stupid lumberjack...", says Dipper.

Suddenly something splashes water on him and he sees that he is hydrant destroyed.

“Another hydrant destroyed. It's a gosh dang mystery,” says Sheriff Blubs.

“Wanna take off our uniforms and run around in circles?” asks Deputy Durland.

“Quit readin' my mind”, answers Sheriff Blubs who had already taken off his uniform.

And the two start running around the hydrant. A woman bumps into Dipper, the woman tries to apologize, but all of Dipper's insecurities make him despair and escape into the woods.


In Equestria they saw Twilight arriving at the Mystery Shack to talk to Dipper, but she realized she wasn't here. She also saw that Tyler was still thinking about what shirt she was going to buy and she didn't realize that they had left him locked up in the Mystery Shack.

Twilight saw that Journal 3 was in the Mystery Shack. She thought that Dipper wouldn't get into trouble since she didn't have Journal 3. As soon as that thought came to her quickly she decided to dismiss it because Gravity Falls seems to be full of all kinds of problems so she went to try and find Dipper in town.

When she came out of the Mystery Shack she saw that Mabel, Stan, Soos and Wendy had just arrived.

In Equestria they also decided to see where Dipper was and saw that he was in the woods and was carrying a bag of jerky. Suddenly they saw that a lot of animals started running away from something.


A few moments before Dipper was trying to train, he realized that he couldn't do it.

“Is it physical, is it mental, what's the secret?” Dipper wonders.

Look at the bag of beef jerky he had and the image of a person saying: 'You're inadequate!'.

“You said it brother. I need help”, said Dipper.

Suddenly there was a roar and immediately a small tremor was felt and then there was a stampede of different animals fleeing in the opposite direction of the roar.

“For the love of all that's holy, run!” Says Manly Dan running away.

A tree was going to fall on top of where Dipper left his hat, but Dipper removes his hat before the tree falls on him, then he hears another roar and a shadow of a creature heading towards Dipper.

Dipper screams in fear, but he realizes that his screams are too high pitched and decides to try to shout with a deep voice.

Dipper and the people of Equestria saw a being called Chutzpar that is very similar to a Minotaur, but much bigger, muscular and also seems more aggressive. He suddenly yawns, he picks up a deer that was hiding and uses his antlers to scratch himself, after scratching he throws it at the deer, the now free deer immediately runs away. Chutzpar then takes the log Dipper was using to hide and throws it away, revealing Dipper.

“Please don't eat me! I haven't showered! In like a week! And, I'm all elbows! Elbows, and gristle!” Says Dipper fearfully.

“YOU…!” Chutzpar starts to say as he points to Dipper.

“Ah!” Dipper yells in fear.

“Gonna finish that?” Chutzpar asks.

Dipper realizes that he wants the jerky he had and tells him no, he immediately starts eating it.

“I can't believe it, part animal, part human. Are you some kind of Minotaur?” Dipper says in surprise.

“I can't believe it, part animal, part human. Are you some kind of Minotaur?” replies Chutzpar.

“So did I, like, summon you or–?” Dipper begins to say.

“The smell of jerky summoned me! JERKY!” Chutzpar says, then knocks down a tree and breaks a stone with his head and continues to speak. “YEAH!! Haha! Heh”

Suddenly Chutzpar starts sniffing the air to find the source of a smell and realizes that the smell was coming from Dipper. And he starts to sniff Dipper closer.

“I smell… emotional issues!” says Chutzpar.

“I have problems, Manotaur. Man-related problems,” replies Dipper.

Chutzpar sits up and motions for Dipper to rest his head on his leg, Dipper places his head on Chutzpar's leg and begins to tell him about his problems.

“Well, my own uncle called me a wimp… And I kind of flunked this manliness video game thing… Hey, you know, you seem pretty manly. Maybe you could give me some pointers?” says Dipper.

While Chutzpar nodded his head to everything Dipper told him.

“Hey, you know, you seem pretty manly. Maybe you could give me some pointers?” says Dipper.

“Very well. Climb atop my back hair, child!” says Chutzpar.

“Uh…okay,” replies Dipper.

Dipper climbs on Chutzpar's back, then Chutzpar starts running through the forest.


Shortly after Dipper was scared because Chutzpar had run destroying everything, suddenly Chutzpar charges and crosses the side of a mountain and the two arrive at a cave called Man Cave where the Manotaurs live.

Dipper saw the Manotaurs playing and doing manly things in the Man Cave.

“This place is amazing!” says Dipper.

“The gnomes live in the trees, the merpeople live in the water, 'Cause they're losers! But we Manotaurs, crash in the MAN CAVE!”, says Chutzpar describing this place

Immediately afterwards, Chutzpar sounds a gong to get the attention of the other Manotaurs.

“BEASTS! I have brought you, a hairless child!” says Chutzpar.

“…S'up,” says Dipper.

“This is, uh, Pubetor, Testosteror, Pituitor, and I'm Chutzpar,” Chutzpar says as he gestures to the Manotaurs to introduce them and then looks at Dipper and asks. "And you are?"

“My name's Dipper…”, Dipper was saying but was interrupted by a booing Manotaurs. “The…uh, Destroyer?”

"Yeah. Yeah that's better”, the Manotaurs said as they nodded.

“Dipper The Destroyer wants us to teach him the secrets to our manliness,” says Chutzpar.

"I need your help!" Dipper was saying but was interrupted by a noise.

Dipper and Chutzpar see the noise of a bush outside the Man Cave near the hole where Chutzpar had entered the Man Cave.

“I don't remember there being a bush where we went in,” said Chutzpar.

“Can you leave me alone for a moment?” Asked Dipper.

"Hey? Sure, I don't see why not," said Chutzpar, leaving Dipper alone.

“Who's there?” Asks Dipper, looking at the bush.

It is revealed that hidden in that bush was Twilight.


A few minutes before Twilight went looking for Dipper in town, she suddenly saw Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland running in circles in a destroyed hydrant.

“Why do the police destroy a hydrant to run circles around the hydrant and get wet?” Twilight wonders aloud.

Sheriff Blubs hears that question from Twilight, stops and looks at Twilight to answer.

"First of all we are not playing, second we are in full investigation that someone is breaking the hydrants in Gravity Falls", Sheriff Blubs replies and immediately after saying that he continues running in circles in the hydrant.

Twilight now didn't understand how she benefited from the investigation of the two policemen running circles around the hydrant, but she decided to ask where Dipper was.

“Have either of you two seen Dipper?” Twilight asks.

"Yes, I saw it. I think he was talking about how he wasn't manly enough and then he ran into the woods,” Sheriff Blubs replied without stopping his run.

“Thank you,” Twilight says.

When Twilight is in the forest of Gravity Falls she was going to start looking for where Dipper was, but she suddenly heard Dipper's scream in the distance.

Twilight immediately tried to teleport to where Dipper was, but when she heard the scream where she realized she wasn't there.

Twilight saw that Dipper was on the back of a being that seemed to be a Minotaur and she was running Dipper somewhere. She then sees that the being carrying Dipper crashes down the side of a mountain to reach a cave where the rest of her species were and immediately teleports into the entrance to find out what was happening.

She finds out that these beings are called Manotaurs and that they were very manly, she finds out that Dipper is in that place because he wants to be more manly. Twilight couldn't help but remember that the situation Dipper was currently in was similar to the one Spike had when he wanted to know more about dragons and left to find out more. Twilight was worried that Dipper would make a similar decision to Spike's and decide stay here. Twilight was so worried about it, and also attentive to what Dipper and Chutzpar were saying, that she didn't realize that a rock that she was standing on began to give way. When she gave way to that rock she managed to keep her balance, but several in the Man Cave noticed that noise, Twilight decided to hide in a bush to hide from the others. Then came Dipper and Chutzpar.


Back in the present Dipper seeing that it was Twilight.

“Twilight, what are you doing here?” Asks Dipper.

“I wanted to know what you were doing, Dipper,” replies Twilight.

Dipper explains to Twilight how he met Chutzpar and why he is here. Twilight then explained how she got to this place.

"Twilight, why don't you teleport away to hide?" Asked Dipper.

"I didn't think about it very well, because I was already worried paying attention to what you were talking about with the Manotaurs," replied Twilight.

"Now I'm sure I won't be able to convince you to leave until I leave," Dipper said, realizing that Twilight wouldn't leave to make sure he left the place.

Twilight nodded and she too was relieved to realize that Dipper had no intention of staying here, but she was still worried that something would happen to Dipper. Dipper decided to go back to Chutzpar to talk again and get them to help him.

"What was that noise? And before you only smelled sentimental problems and now you also smell that you are worried about someone”, asked Chutzpar.

Chutzpar also noticed that the smell of worrying about someone was also coming from another place, but before he tried to find the origin Dipper answered his questions.

"It was nothing and don't worry about it," Dipper told the Manotaurs to divert the conversation and then asked. “Can you help me with my problem that I mentioned before?”

“I must confer with the High Council”, answers Testostetaur.

Later Testostetaur and several Manotaurs meet up and start talking to each other.

“So… teach him our man secrets or what?” Testostetaur says to the other Manotaurs.

“He's a human; I don't like him”, replies Pituitaur.

“I DON'T LIKE YOUR FACE!” Testostetaur says angrily.

All the Manotaurs that had gathered start fighting each other.

"I like these guys," says Dipper.

While Twilight was more worried about Dipper seeing the attitude Manotaurs have.


In Equestria they were seeing all that and suddenly they saw what was happening in the Mystery Shack. Where Mabel was going to try to make Stan more presentable for Lazy Susan to be her girlfriend, the first thing Mabel did was take a surprise photo of him, which scared Stan and he later put the photo in her album.

“Bleep. Let's start out with some roleplaying. Soos will play Lazy Susan,” says Mabel introducing Soos that she was dressed as Lazy Susan.

“I'm soft, like a woman,” says Soos.

“Grunkle Stan, show me how you approach a woman. Remember this is a safe, non-judgmental environment. I'll just be right off to the side judging you on a scale from one to ten,” says Mabel to Stan.

Stan gets up from the couch, after facing Soos he spits to the side.

“Can I borrow some money?” asks Stan.

In Equestria they didn't know what to say when they saw how Stan would treat a woman. In Gravity Falls, Mabel immediately blows a whistle in clear disapproval of Stan.

“This is going to be harder than I thought,” says Mabel.

In Equestria everyone agreed with Stan, Rarity was the first to speak.

"While I don't like the idea of seeing a bunch of brutes and Dipper trying to act like them, I'm pretty sure that's better than Mabel trying to get Stan to be a gentleman, for a number of reasons, the main one being that I have a bad feeling about what's going on." that we will end up seeing”, said Rarity, believing that it was not good to see what was going to happen.

They all agreed with what Rarity said and decided to keep checking on Twilight.


In Cave Man the Manotaurs had made a decision.

“After a lot of punching, we have decided to deny your request to learn our manly secrets,” said Testostetaurs.

“Denied!” Added Pituitaur to what Testostetaur had just said and then punched himself in the face.

Twilight was relieved that the Manotaurs weren't going to train Dipper because she didn't like the Manotaurs, but then she decided to see Dipper and looking at Dipper's face, Twilight had a bad feeling.

“Denied? ok fine. That's okay with me. Obviously you guys think it would be too hard to train me. Maybe, you're not man enough to try,” Dipper told the Manotaurs.

“Not MAN enough?!” Testostetaur said angrily.

“Destroyer…”, Chutzpar was saying, but he was interrupted.

"Not MAN enough?!" Testostetaur says again, interrupting Chutzpar.

“He didn't mean it,” said Chutzpar, trying to reassure everyone.

“I have three Y chromosomes, six adam's apples, pecs on my abs and FISTS FOR NIPPLES!” says Testostetaur.

Twilight realized what she was trying to do Dipper, she felt that Manotaurs were very easy to manipulate and also that Manotaurs had very strange biology.

“Seems to me you're scared to teach me how to be a man. Hey, do you guys hear that? It sounds like… Bock-bock. Bock. Oh, that's weird–Bocock, bocAW! Is that?–BACAWK! That sounds like–BACAW! Yeah, a bunch of chickens!” said Dipper mocking the Manotaurs.

The Manotaurs meet again to decide if they were going to train Dipper.

“I feel all weird”, comments Testostetaur.

“He's using some sort of brain magic!” replies Pubetor.

The Manotaurs then decided to tell Dipper the decision they had just made.

“After a second round of deliberation, we have decided to help you become a man!” says Testostetaur.

"Man! Man! Man!” all the Manotaurs say.

Dipper was going to say something, but he didn't say it because he was distracted when he realized that Twilight was hiding watching everything that was happening.


Then the Manotaurs took Dipper to a place where there was a hole in the ground, next to that hole was a sign that said "Pain Hole".

"Being a man is about conquering your fears," says Chutzpar.

“For your first man task, you must plunge your fist—INTO THE PAIN HOLE!” says Testostetaur.

All the Manotaurs tremble in fear from the Pain Hole.

“The what…?” Asks Dipper doubtfully.

Testostetaur suddenly reaching into the Pain Hole.

“Pain hole, schmainhole-WAHHH!! AHHH!!! AHH! ”, Testostetaur was saying, but he couldn't continue speaking because of the pain he felt, he started slapping himself to ignore the pain he felt, but he couldn't hold it and ran from the place grabbing his arm.

“Are you sure this is really necessary?” Asks Dipper with some fear.

“You want to be a man, don't you?” replies Chutzpar.

"Man! Man! Man! Man!” the Manotaurs say to cheer Dipper up, while saying that Pituitaur punches another Manotaur in the face.

Dipper sticks his hand into the Pain Hole.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” Yells Dipper after reaching into the Pain Hole.

Twilight didn't try to stop this, because she thought the Pain Hole was just a simple test of courage, so she didn't try to stop it. Twilight worried about Dipper, but she saw that he was safe. Twilight decided that if Dipper tried to do something dangerous, she would step in to stop him.


After some time in the Man Cave, Dipper was happy because he had managed to pass several tests. While Twilight was watching she was wondering why Dipper had decided to only be in a loincloth, Twilight was sure that humans didn't like to be naked in public and being in a loincloth is practically being naked.

“Guys, I just wanna say that these last few hours have been… I-I feel like there's really been some growth,” Dipper tells the Manotaurs.

“I have a growth!” says Glurk.

“Glurk, you are hilarious today!” Dipper and Glurk reply, Dipper then keeps talking. “It's just you guys took me under your wing, and have just been so supportive”

“Oh stop,” Chutzpar says, stopping Dipper with his hand.

“No, you know what? You really have been. I think I feel like I'm finally becoming a man here”, says Dipper.

"Not yet, Shredder," Chutzpar was saying to Dipper, but was interrupted by a strange noise.

That sound was from the Walkie-Talkie that Twilight had, she kept watching and eavesdropping on what was happening in the Man Cave until she rang the Walkie-Talkie, that's why Twilight teleported as far away from the Man Cave.

The Manotaurs heard the sound of the Walkie-Talkie, but paid no attention to it. Dipper also heard the walkie-talkie, but didn't care as he realized that Twilight had teleported away from the location.

“As I wanted to say before the sound interrupted. One final task remains. The deadliest trial of all”, says Chutzpar.

“I've survived forty-nine other trials. Whatever it is, bring it on!” Says Dipper as he clenches his fist.

All the Manotaurs are happy about what Dipper said.


In Equestria they see the Manotaurs decide Dipper to see their leader. All Manotaurs bow.

“Behold our leader, Leaderaur!” says Chutzpar.

Suddenly an old and hunched over Manotaurs appears.

“Is he like the oldest, or wisest, or…?” asks Dipper.

“Naw, he's just the offering. That”, says Chutzpar and then points up and says. “is Leaderaur.”

Dipper and the inhabitants of Equestria see that the leader of the Manotaurs called Leaderaur, is a gigantic black Manotaurs and swallows the old Manotaur. Seeing that Leaderaur ate the old Manotaurs, many people in Equestria felt afraid of Leaderaur.

“You - You wish to be man?” Leaderaur asks Dipper.

“HUUUAAARRRRGGHHH!” Dipper says as he thumps his chest to show that he was going to do it.
All the Manotaurs are happy with Dipper's answer.

“Then you must do heroic act, go to highest mountain”, says Leaderaur.

Leaderaur then reaches into his own chest and pulls out a spear, immediately throwing it in front of Dipper and continuing to talk to Dipper.

“and bring back head of… the Multi-Bear!” says Leaderaur.

All the Manotaurs gasp at the last test.

“The Multi-Bear? Is that some sort of bear...?” Asks Dipper with some doubts.

“He's our sworn enemy! Conquer him and your mansformation will be complete”, Leaderarur tells Dipper.

“Conquer? I don't know, man”, Dipper replies doubtfully.

Chutzpar starts going through Dipper's backpack and finds a BABBA band case.

“Destroyer, is this yours?” asks Chutzpar.

"Oh no! Ha ha, I don't know whose that is, just borrowing it, friend's, not mine,” replies Dipper as he snatches the case from Chutzpar.

“Mmm, I don't know about this…”, said a Manotaurs doubtful about Dipper's answer.

Dipper, seeing some Manotaurs with doubts, grabs the spear that Leaderaur gave him and raises it over his head.


All the Manotaurs are happy for what Dipper said and while Leaderaur shoots fire from his nose and one of those sparks falls on Dipper and immediately Dipper puts it out.

“I'm okay!” says Dipper.

Then Dipper went to find the Multi-Bear.


In another place, a little far from the Man Cave, Twilight answer the Walkie-Talkie and to talk.

“Twilight can you help me,” says Mabel over the Walkie-Talkie.

"What's wrong?" Asks Twilight, a little tired and annoyed because she was sure that Mabel was going to ask her something stupid, she just wanted to hear what Mabel had to say and immediately tell her that she was busy.

"Twilight, I need you to use your magic to make Stan more presentable," said Mabel.

“What?!” Replies Twilight, very surprised, because it wasn't a usual call that Mabel would make to Twilight.

Mabel later explained to Twilight that she wanted to make Stan more presentable because Stan was in love with Lazy Susan, but she realized that this was more difficult than she would have imagined, so she decided to call Twilight to see if she had a spell to help Stan. Twilight was a little surprised that Mabel was calling about something that wasn't as big of a nonsense as she usually did, suddenly Twilight remembers that she was making sure Dipper was okay and spent a few minutes listening to Mabel's problem.

"Mabel, I can't think of any spell to do that and I also don't have any ideas to make Stan more presentable, I'm not like my friend Rarity, because she could do it very easily," said Twilight because she had realized that she couldn't do anything about the problem that Mabel had.

Rarity was flattered by Twilight's comment, but she also felt that it wouldn't be easy for her to do that.

"Mabel, I'm busy at the moment doing something very important and besides, I don't know how I can help you, so don't call me for now until I let you know I'm free," said Twilight and ended the call.

Twilight went to check on Dipper in the Man Cave.


When Twilight arrived at the Man Cave she couldn't see Dipper anywhere in or around the Man Cave, she only saw the Manotaurs and their leader Leaderaur. Twilight not finding Dipper she felt she began to worry. Without thinking, she went to ask the Manotaurs where Dipper was.

“Where's Dipper?” Asked Twilight.

The Manotaurs were shocked when a small mare appeared in front of them in the Man Cave. Chutzpar was the first Manotaur to react to Twilight's sudden appearance.

"You mean Destructor, he went to do the last test," says Chutzpar.

Twilight decided to ask where the place of the last test was, but before that Testostestaur speaks.

"Wait a minute, you're a unicorn, since when do unicorns worry about other species, plus you don't seem to be so narcissistic", says Testostestaur, very surprised.

All the Manotaurs were so surprised by how unusual Twilight's attitude was compared to the other unicorns they had seen that they forgot that Twilight was different from the other unicorns they had seen.

Chutzpar explains to Twilight that Dipper went to the mountain to defeat Multi-Bear.

“What?!” Yells Twilight, and immediately after she's gone up the mountain to help Dipper.

When Twilight left to where they said Dipper was, the Manotaurs were pretty sure that Twilight wasn't the same unicorn species they knew.


Then Twilight immediately went to see if Dipper was okay and also to stop Dipper from trying to finish off Multi-Bear, because Twilight didn't like the idea of someone attacking a living being and she was sure Dipper decided to try to do this to receive the approval of the Manotaurs.

When Twilight was near the cave where the Multi-Bear lives, she heard two voices singing the song Disco Girl, Twilight recognized that Dipper was one of the ones who was singing, but the other voice didn't recognize the other voice.

Twilight immediately enters the cave where the Multi-Bear lived, when she entered she saw that Dipper had managed to subdue the Multi-Bear, that surprised Twilight and also that Dipper along with the Multi-Bear were singing Disco Girl.

“This is crazy! Finally someone who-who understands- uh… Oh yeah. I guess I'm supposed to kill you? Or I'll never be a man?” Said Dipper.

“I accept my fate,” said Multi-Bear.

“No!” Says Dipper, then asks in surprise. "Really?"

“It's for the best”, replies the Multi-Bear.

“I'm not gonna do it,” says Dipper.

Twilight was glad Dipper decided not to take down the Multi-Bear, though she was surprised that Dipper managed to defeat the Multi-Bear single-handedly and she was also going to stop Dipper if he tried to harm the Multi-Bear to prove himself male.

“Can someone explain to me, what's going on here?” Asks Twilight.

Dipper explained to Twilight what had happened. Twilight was surprised that the Multi-Bear wasn't a dangerous creature. Suddenly Multi-Bear who had been quietly listening to Dipper's story to Twilight asks Twilight a question.

"Where are you from? Because I'm sure you're not one of the unicorns from Gravity Falls”, asked Multi-Bear.

“Are you saying that because my personality is not the same as the other unicorns?” Asks Twilight, remembering that the Manotaurs used to say that unicorns are arrogant.

"Not only that, but your appearance is not the same as the unicorns I've seen in Gravity Falls", replies Multi-Bear, which surprises Twilight a bit, then the Multi-Bear continues talking. "The unicorns I've seen are much taller, with bigger eyes, and use the power of their horn to speak instead of their mouth."

Twilight with the information from Multi-Bear was now sure that the unicorns in Gravity Falls are of a different species.

"Multi-Bear, do you know where the unicorns in Gravity Falls live? Maybe they have some information that can help me?" Asked Twilight.

"I don't know, they don't like to talk to any race, plus I'm sure there isn't any race or being they like and I doubt they have any information you need," said Multi-Bear.

Multi-Bear remembered that the unicorn he found she said it was the last of its kind and also told Multi-Bear that he was not pure of heart, Multi-Bear immediately realized that the unicorn was lying, because he sniffed that recently the unicorn had been with more unicorns, Multi-Bear left and went to the place where he sniffed that they had other unicorns were and the Multi-Bear decided to observe that place secretly, after a while he saw that the unicorn met with other unicorns to talk evil of him and among the things that said that unicorn tells the other unicorns that another stupid creature believed the lie that they can see if someone is pure of heart, after making fun of the Multi-Bear the unicorns went home. Multi-Bear didn't want to get together with those unicorns again.

Twilight realized that the unicorns in Gravity Falls were not very nice, Dipper and Twilight left that cave.


Later Dipper and Twilight arrived at the Man Cave where the Manotaurs were waiting for them.

Dipper told the Manotaurs that he was not going to kill the Multi-Bear. The Manotaurs were not happy to hear that Dipper was not going to complete the last test. Twilight upon hearing this realized something.

“I have some questions for the Manotaurs”, said Twilight.

Dipper and the Manotaurs looked at Twilight curiously.

“There's only ever been one Multi-Bear, right?” Asks Twilight.

All the Manotaurs nod at Twilight's question.

“And the last test for being extremely manly is to take down the Multi-Bear, right?” Asks Twilight.

All the Manotaurs nod again, Dipper also realized what he wanted to verify with his questions.

"In other words, no Manotaurs have completed all the tests to prove his manhood", says Twilight.

All the Manotaurs were upset by what Twilight said, but at the same time all the Manotaurs in knew that they were afraid of her to fight the Multi-Bear. Suddenly Chuztpar realized something.

“I think the last test was something else”, said Chutzpar.

The Manotaurs began to discuss the tests to be a man. Dipper and Twilight realized from what they heard that they recently decided to make a rule, but no Manotaur was able to complete it for fear of the Multi-Bear.

Finally the Manotaurs told Dipper, although it was not necessary to kill Multi-Bear to be someone masculine, they were still disappointed in Dipper for not killing Multi-Bear.

Hearing that, Dipper and Twilight left the Man Cave.


While Dipper and Twilight went back to where Mabel and Stan were.

“I wanted to ask you this a long time ago and now that it's just the two of us I'm going to ask you, why are you dressed like that Dipper?” Asks Twilight.

“I'm dressed like this to complete the Manotaur trials to prove manhood”, said Dipper, trying to defend himself.

"It looks to me like you're almost naked", replied Twilight, and then she realizes something. "But maybe Manotaurs like to dress that way because they like saunas and thermal baths"


After Dipper and Twilight went to the Mystery Shack, Dipper changed into his usual clothes and that's where they found out that Mabel and Stan went to the local Greasy's Diner, Twilight immediately realized that Stan went there to talk to Lazy Susan.

As Dipper and Twilight were arriving at Greasy's Diner, Mabel, who was inside Greasy's Diner, saw Dipper and Twilight through a window.

“DIPPER!! TWILIGHT!! It's me, Mabel! I'm looking at you through this glass! Right here! This is my voice! I'm talking to you from inside!” says Mabel.

Dipper nods and motions for Mabel to calm down, then Dipper and Twilight walk into Greasy's Diner and sit next to Mabel and Stan.

“Did you see me through the–?” Mabel was asking, but was interrupted by Dipper.

“Yes”, Answers Dipper, interrupting Mabel's question.

“What's wrong?” Asks Mabel, noticing that Dipper seems a bit depressed.

“I don't want to talk about it”, said Dipper.

“Good”, says Stan with clear disinterest in Dipper's problem.

“It's just these half man half bull humanoids were hanging out with me…”, Dipper begins to say.

“Here we go”, says Stan, irritated that he doesn't care about Dipper's story.

Twilight and the others in Equestria were a little annoyed by how little interest Stan had from a relative of he.

“But then they wanted me to do this really tough, horrible thing but it just wasn't right. So I said no”, said Dipper to finish talking about his problem.

"You were your own man and you stood up for yourself", replies Stan, still with little interest in Dipper's story.

Dipper and Twilight were surprised by Stan's response.

“Well, you did what was right even though no one agreed with ya. Sounds pretty manly to me, but what do I know?” Said Stan.

Dipper smiles at Stan's words.

“That advice would have served Dipper a lot sooner”, said Twilight, then whispered. "And also to Spike when he wanted to know more about dragons"

Twilight decided to write that piece of advice she gave Stan as the lesson she had learned today.


Meanwhile Stan was very worried near a phone.

“Oh, not again”, said Stan.

Lazy Susan kept calling Stan and that made him start to be afraid of her and Stan tried to keep as far away from her.

“How do I get out of this?!” Says Stan.