• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.9: A Welcoming Wrap-Up

The Mane Six and Spike appeared on the countertop with Bob and Larry to end the video.

"Wow!" admired Bob, "that was really neat how God protected Daniel along with five of you seven from those lions." Bob then turned his head towards Larry. "And you did a very good job."

"Why, thank you." said Larry, "it was my finest hour."

"Yes," said Twilight Sparkle, "it was very uncanny that we saw you portray Daniel without even recognizing you."

"By the way," said Rarity, "be sure to thank Archibald and Lisa for me for their drama abilities."

"Question," said Pinkie Pie, "did they really have pizza that long ago in the Bible?"

"No," said Bob, "that is just some humorous features we added in."

"Whatever happened to the wise men in the Bible?" asked Rainbow Dash, "did they get caught?"

"Oh, more than that," said Larry. "King Darius was furious his advisers would deceive him into having his friend executed. So he sentenced them to be thrown into the lions' den as well, and they were immediately devoured before they even touched the ground."

"Yikes!" exclaimed Fluttershy, "last I saw those lions, they looked like they would cuddle with lambs."

"We couldn't add that in," said Bob, "since this is a children's video. But I also saw extra scenes I didn't see before you joined the adventure. From the wise men performing spells to the angel delivering pizza."

"Oh yeah, about that," said Spike. "Daniel said he couldn't eat pork because it was unclean according to his diet. Do you two also avoid pork?"

"Nope," answered Bob, "Daniel lived 500 years before Jesus came to Earth—the stories in the Bible before Jesus are included in the Old Testament. During the Old Testament, God's followers lived under specific laws. But 500 years later, during the New Testament, Jesus proclaimed a new set of laws focusing more on faith than religious works."

"So, what are we doing here back on the countertop?" asked Applejack.

"This final segment is where we address the viewers back home on how they can relate the lessons of this video to their livelihood," said Bob. "We're over here by QWERTY the computer to talk about what we learned today."

(Pause at 0:08)

"Where the hay did that song come from?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"As I was saying, we're..." Bob said before being interrupted.

(Continue Music)

"What a catchy, cute little ditty," said Pinkie Pie.

"Ahem!" Bob cleared his throat, looked side to side to ensure no further interruptions, and addressed the viewers. "Well, Junior Asparagus learned that God is bigger than anything in the whole world, and because God loves us so much, He's always looking out for us, so we don't have to be afraid."

"I believe we also learned that it is better to be invited or invite somepony over if you want to discuss the Bible with them," explained Applejack, "instead of just manifesting out of nowhere into their home."

"Yep," responded Larry. "And in the Bible, Daniel learned that God was taking care of him, even down there with those big scary lions."

"I also think we learned to avoid faking alliances with rapscallions while undergoing an undercover investigation," said Spike.

"That's right!" said Bob, "Now let's see if QWERTY has a verse for us today."

"Okay," said Larry.

"Oh, that's what QWERTY is used for," said Twilight.

QWERTY began to load up and displayed a recipe for a "yummy meatloaf" on its screen. "One pound of ground beef, three slices of..." Bob began to read.

"Wait, what do ingredients have to do with what we just learned?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"QWERTY, this a recipe for meatloaf; that's not a verse!" said Bob, annoyed.

"Ha," laughed Spike, "I guess that would be the main function of a computer right in the middle of a kitchen."

QWERTY frowned in embarrassment as Fluttershy comforted it, "Now QWERTY, there is no need to feel bad; you made an honest mistake."

"Oh, it's fine," said Larry, "QWERTY isn't sentient; that was just a humourous effect we put on QWERTY's hardware."

"Sorry about that," Bob addressed the viewers. "Okay, here we go. And God said in Isaiah 41:10."

"What is with the name and numbers?" asked Rarity.

"Isaiah is the name of one of the books in the Bible," explained Larry. "41 is the chapter number of the book, and 10 is the chapter division which consists of the verse."

"Yes, and it says:" Bob read, " 'So do not fear, for I am with you.' Hmm. So, the next time you get scared, just remember that verse. And tonight, before you go to sleep, why don't you pray with your Mom or Dad and thank God for always looking out for you."

"Yeah, that's a great idea," Larry agreed.

"You can also giggle at the ghostly and crack up at the creepy," said Pinkie Pie. "My grandmother taught me that things that can scare you at night are, in all actuality, just laughable."

"Not bad, Pinkie Pie," said Larry.

"Well, that's all for now, until next time," said Bob. "Remember, God made you special, and He loves you very much. Bye!"

"Bye," said Larry as he and Bob walked off the countertop, and the setting faded to black.

The Mane Six and Spike found themselves in the inactive simulator in the basement under the studio.

"Welcome back, everybody," said Larry, "how did you enjoy the simulation adventure?"

"Wow! I never thought I would go on such a voyage in a video cassette tape," said Twilight Sparkle.

"I'll express my gratitude toward Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel when I have the chance," said Pinkie Pie.

"Speaking of which," said Bob, "let's go back upstairs; I'm sure Borlaug and Mendel have got QWERTY all fixed up for you to return to Equestria."

Bob, Larry, Spike, and the Mane Six returned to the countertop set to meet with Borlaug and Mendel, who just got QWERTY up and running.

"Thank you, Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel. You wonderful wizards for taking us on a trip we will never forget," said Pinkie Pie as she gave them all big hugs.

"Oh, it was nothing," said Borlaug.

"Yeah, no problem," said Mendel.

"By the way, those were some cool cameos we saw in the video with you," said Rarity.

"Yep, we've always wanted to try our hands at acting," said Mendel.

"Even if it is for only a minute's worth of footage," said Borlaug. "Anyways, Mendel and I looked at the situation with QWERTY. The lightning bolt that struck the antenna broke a branch into the multiverse, which resulted in the penetration of your world. What did you Equestrians eat before you arrived?"

"Some tomato and cucumber sandwiches I fixed up," said Spike.

"Well, that was no coincidence," said Mendel. "The number of tomatoes and cucumbers you ate, plus the presence of Bob and Larry here in this world, caused a connection with both realms due to the mutual quantities of the same food item."

"Wow, that is some space-time science that even I can't wrap my hoof around," said Twilight.

"There is more about this in detail, but we don't have too much time," said Borlaug.

"It gets way too complicated," added Mendel.

"Well, anyways, we moved a ladder next to QWERTY's monitor," said Borlaug.

"Just jump into the monitor, and you will be sent home," said Mendel.

Borlaug and Mendel exchanged goodbyes with the Mane Six and Spike as they left the studio.

"Before you leave, I have Bible verses to share with you based on the elements you embody," said Bob.

"Applejack: Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.
Ephesians 4:25."

"Thanks, sugar cube. Dishonesty is something I detest."

"Rainbow Dash: A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24."

"Awesome! I'll always stick my neck out for my friends."

"Rarity: Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.
Luke 6:38"

"How beautiful! That reminds me of the importance of benefitting others with your gifts."

"Fluttershy: Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12"

"How could I thank you enough for your sweetness."

"Pinkie Pie: A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22"

"Yay, I knew it! The Good Book does mention the healing powers of humor!

"Spike: Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12."

"I should remember to think about that before I become a full-grown adult dragon."

"And Twilight Sparkle: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
Romans 13:1"

"I don't understand exactly what you mean?" Twilight asked.

"What Bob is trying to say," said Larry, "is that God put you in the position of Princess of Equestria. Since you are the kingdom's upcoming ruler, your subjects should respect you because you have been placed by divine intervention."

"That's right, Larry," said Bob, who then began to look at Twilight in the eyes. "Remember, you felt nervous taking on that role? You don't have to panic because God knows how you will benefit Equestria. Which is why you deserve to be honored as its monarch."

"Oh, now I understand. Thank you, Bob and Larry, for your comfort and encouragement."

"We also have a gift for you, Twilight," said Larry, bringing over a Bible, "this is everything you need to know about Christianity. Since you love books, I thought this would be appropriate."

"Again, Thanks."

"Well, Larry and I have to leave and get some mail orders we need to organize and send out. Just remember, yet again, that God made you special, and he loves you very much."

The Equestrians exchanged their goodbyes with Bob, and Larry walked into the portal inside QWERTY's computer screen back to Equestria.

Bob then bowed his head and closed his eyes with Larry as he began to pray, "Dear God, we thank you for the opportunity to meet with seven new friends. Let you guide their steps and let them come to know you, Father."

"Give Twilight Sparkle the strength she needs to rule as Princess of Equestria," said Larry. "May your loving hand be there always for her, Lord. In Jesus mighty name, Amen."

Author's Note:

Just a reminder I will go on a short hiatus, until I start on Part II sometime next year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And a wonderful 30th anniversary to VeggieTales that released their first video exactly 30 years from today.