• Published 3rd Dec 2021
  • 10,439 Views, 43 Comments

Reaction - Rated Ponystar

Princess Luna tries to comfort Princess Celestia after she learns what an alterante version of her did in a war that killed billions of lives

  • ...

She Could Have Been Me

Former Princess of Equestria Luna had rarely ever worried about her sister if she was sincere. Celestia was always the adventurous and brave type Luna looked to whenever she was scared or unsure about herself, even when they were children. Her sister had always seemed to be in control of her actions, thoughts, and behaviors. Sure, she was much more mature than she was a thousand years ago, but there was little if any difference between the Celestia of the past and the Celestia of today. Which is why, five days ago, Luna found herself entirely at a loss of what to do.

Princess Twilight Sparkle barely had the heart to tell her, out of sorrow and guilt, about what conversation happened that made her sister lose her self-control for the first time in centuries. All that Luna knew was that it involved Princess Twilight visiting alternate versions of herself in various dimensions and timelines throughout the multiverse. While not as versed in time magic as others, Princess Luna knew of the concept of such theories, and it seems they were true. Free will was not an illusion, it seemed, and Luna's mind was open to the possibilities of such possible worlds, such as one where she didn't become Nightmare Moon. Naturally, not every world was going to be a pleasant one. Princess Twilight had told her of the numerous dark futures where she and her friends didn't become the Elements of Harmony, including one where all life was extinct.

Yet, Luna was baffled by what kind of world existed that caused her beloved older sister to not only teleport out of their new retirement castle, land far away into the mountains, but explode in a near-volcanic eruption of sorrow and rage. The entire landscape had become cinder, and the air was so filled with ash that it was near impossible to breathe. After her sister had spent nearly several hours unleashing her power, she teleported back with her mane almost grey and her eyes covered by the darkened hair.

And then she ordered the servants to get her alcohol.

Lots of alcohol.

That was when Luna knew things were severe since her sister told her she had remained sober ever since she was banished, refusing to drink again.

Luna stared at the closed double doors of her sister's room all alone as none of the servants could stand to hear Celestia's sobbing anymore. It was too disheartening for all but the hard-hearted like her. Luna slowly opened the door with a soft sigh and winced at the smell of beer, whiskey, wine, and other hard liquors that flooded the air. Thankfully, alicorn biology was highly resistant, or else the scent of the putrid drink indicated Celestia would have been dead from alcohol poisoning seven times over. After casting a quick air freshener spell around her, the night alicorn walked inside, where the entire room appeared to have exploded from the inside. Her sister's prized possessions, clothing, and furniture were scattered and in pieces with many burn marks on the floor, ceiling, and walls. There were bottles everywhere, with most of the crates empty save for a few—all for the disheveled and grim-looking mare laying on her bed.

Celestia slowly levitated a purple bottle of wine and drank the whole thing before letting it drop to the floor. Moaning, she slowly got up and looked at Luna with her bloodshot eyes before looking down. "Leave me alone, Luna. Just get out."

"No, sister," Luna said as she sat down next to her older sibling. "You've been in here for five days trying to drink yourself to death. I think it's time we talked."

"There is nothing to-"

"Don't give me that, Celestia!" Luna harshly demanded as Celestia winced while rubbing her head. "You nearly nuked the entire mountainside outside of our home, which caused everypony in a hundred-mile radius to panic! You have our former subjects and servants worried to death over you! Twilight feels nothing but guilt for whatever she said, and she cannot even bring me to tell me what it is! So tell me what happened and stop acting like a little filly who found out her crush loves another!"

For a long time, the two sisters stared at each other until the older one finally lowered her head in shame. "I'm a monster."

Luna tilted her head. She wasn't expecting such an answer. "Monster? What do you mean by monster?"

"...Well, I guess not as much as me as the other me..." Celestia muttered as she slowly got up and growled. "That bucking bitch who doesn't even deserve to be a princess. Let alone even a follower of harmony and what we stand for. She perverted everything we ever believed in and dragged our people into the worst of the worst. Even if these humans were flawed..." She covered her face with one hoof and wept. "None of it should have happened. To even think that somewhere, out there in the multiverse, there is a demon that wears my face."

"You are beating yourself up over something another version of you did in another universe?" Luna asked in disbelief. "Celestia, how could you judge yourself for something someone else did?"

"Do you not judge yourself for what Nightmare Moon did?" Celestia pointed out, which made Luna wince. "She might have corrupted you, but she was still you. This Celestia might not have been me, but she was still me!"

"...What did she do?" Luna asked as she sat down.

What Celestia told her was one of the most nightmarish things Luna had ever heard of in her entire life. The whole nation of Equestria, all her subjects, teleported to a different dimension under a lie that they needed to save a race of billions from self-destruction by showing them the magic of friendship. Only it later became a war to genocide an entire planet's population by either wiping them out or turning them into ponies against their will, using a foul alchemic substance that changed their bodies, minds, and souls into mindless slaves who worshiped Equestrian culture like a cult. It was a war that led to billions dead in the end from both sides, and it was all orchestrated and manipulated by that Equestria's Princess Celestia.

The Equestria that Celestia described was more like a nation of hated zealots than the one she knew. A population of blinded patriotic foals willing to kill and die for the sake of their nation's ideals to the point that they rather perish than surrender. They even worshiped all alicorns as living gods. They created an entire religion around them with outright propaganda that made a single race sound like something that came out of Tartarus and was inferior to their way of life. Those who resisted or questioned were silenced in often permanent ways. The lies that the government proclaimed, the secrets kept from the public, and the lengths this Equestria went to win the war were mindblowing. A potion that could turn a single being into a pony and erase their personality, the utter destruction of cultures and ideals out of fear of them poisoning Equestria, a deadly canon capable of wiping out cities, not to mention occupying taken land from an energy shield that was all but fatal to those without magic.

Luna tried to imagine it, but she couldn't. It sounded so wrong. So alien. Halfway through the story, even she needed a heavy drink as the tensions between humanity and Equestria rose to the breaking point and resulted in a war that left so many dead. This included that world's Luna, who had fallen in battle thanks to humanity's powerful new weapon that could disable all magic in whatever form. Such a thing was scary on its own, but even more terrifying to Luna was how she died. Her death was so violent that not even the most talented morticians couldn't make her look completely peaceful at her funeral.

Of course, humanity didn't win it alone. Some ponies sided with them and helped win the war. It was a relief to learn that some ponies kept their heads and hearts despite being outcasted as traitors. However, it was surprising to learn that dearest Fluttershy defected with Discord while the other Elements stayed loyal to Equestria and either died in the war or went rebel when Twilight surrendered after that world's Celestia went into a coma. Now she could see why Princess Twilight was so heartbroken after meeting her alternate self. Learning that you willingly partake in such horrible actions would break anyone even if you were utterly ignorant of the truth.

Just when Luna thought it couldn't get any worse, her sister revealed something that the other Celestia told the other Twilight. The truth behind the entire war. The sun back on their Equus was dying. With no other means to save it, that world's Celestia chose to abandon the entire planet to its fate and teleported Equestria away.

At first, Luna thought this twisted version of her sister abandoned their world's population to save themselves from finding a way to protect themselves, but Celestia revealed they were already dead.

Because the Equestria of that world had nobody else that could raise the sun and moon.


It was then that Luna realized why her sister was drowning in such sorrow. Long ago, both the two sisters of this world shared the knowledge of how to keep the sun and moon going should anything happen to them. They were powerful and long-lived beings, but not gods. Illness, accident, or battle could have taken either sister at any time. So both sisters created various means to keep the sun and moon working like the amulet that they gave Twilight when they went on vacation.

These two sisters in this other world did no such thing.

This meant that the moment Equestria left their world, the fate of all life in Equus was doomed. All of the other creatures, from griffins to changelings, had died. Burned to death or frozen in eternal darkness.

All thanks to a single alicorn princess.

A single Celestia.

Luna wondered if her alternate self even knew of her sister's lengths to create this pony-only utopia. Because if it was her, that had been there instead? She would have killed this Celestia to end this madness. Sister or no sister.

"...The Twilight of that world told our Twilight she had spent so much time trying to fix everything they had done that even in her deathbed, she feared she didn't do enough," Celestia said as she shed tears. "I cannot help but weep for her. A mare so sweet and talented ended up betrayed by somepony she loved as a mother. Somepony who is like me and yet not like me."

"Sister, I understand this disheartens you," Luna whispered, nuzzling her. "But you should not feel guilty for the actions of this...other you. She is dead if what you are telling me is true, and I pray that she burns in whatever hellish realm sinful ponies go to in that dimension."

"I know that, Luna, but I cannot help it! This witch could have been me!" Celestia said as she got up and looked in a half-broken mirror. "I cannot even begin to think of how I could have ended up as such a horrible monster! Did something happen in my youth? Did events spiral around me that led me to do such actions? Or was I born with a madness that led me to become such a demon? I am willing to do a lot to protect my ponies, but I would never sacrifice the entire population of other creatures nor wipe out another one just for survival! I would never want to be worshiped as if I am Fausticorn herself! Nor would I dictate the lives of everyone like a tyrant!"

She then growled and punched the window with her hoof, shattering the rest of the glass. "But the one thing I cannot forgive this Celestia for is what she did to those I loved! My family! She used you, Twilight, Spike, their friends, and even Cadence's family like pawns! If I were to even meet this Celestia in life or death, I would stop at nothing to make her suffer for every single horrible action she has ever done and end her miserable existence by cutting off her head!"

Celestia took a few deep breaths before slowly reaching for another bottle with her magic, only for her sister to stop her. Luna slowly hugged her sister from behind her and whispered, "And that is why you are foalishly beating yourself up, sister. If you were a monster, you would not be weeping for all these lives lost. You would not realize that these actions the other you took were wrong. More importantly, you would not care at all for any of this. You show sympathy, which shows that you are a thousand times better than this other Celestia. Please, do not blame yourself for her actions. This is not the Equestria that sought to wipe out an entire race of beings. You and I, along with Twilight and her friends, created a beautiful and just nation out of true friendship and harmony."

"...What if it's not enough?" Celestia whimpered as she turned around, glassy eyes meeting sympathetic gaze. "What if Equestria falls one day? What if we forget friendship and harmony? What if everything we've done gets undone?"

"... indeed, nothing lasts forever," Luna sighed as she held her sister's hooves. "There will be a day you and I will die. Twilight and her friends will die. Perhaps Equestria will fall and no longer exist as it is now. Be it a hundred or a thousand years. There is always a day when the light fades into shadow."

She then smiled and gently patted her sister's cheek. "However, others will remember our deeds. Our actions will have an impact. And I feel that whatever happens from here until the end of time itself, our legacy will remain in some form. I have hope that such a legacy will be there to help those in the future build a better world should the worst come to pass. That is all we can do, sister, because we all have built a better world for today and maybe tomorrow. You were part of that building, sister. You ruled Equestria for a thousand years when I was on the moon. You helped train the greatest hero Equestria has ever seen, who now rules with love and fairness. You are still by my side as the best sister one mare can ever have."

With a smile and nuzzle, she wiped the tears off Celestia's face and kissed her on the lips. "So be at peace, sister. We are fine. You are fine. You are no monster, nor should you feel like one. You are the truest and honest Celestia in the entire multiverse, and I will challenge anyone, mortal or god, with this statement."

Wiping her tears, Celestia smiled at her sister and hugged her. "And you are the greatest little sister anyone in the universe could have, Luna. Thank you."

"'Tis no big deal, as they say," Luna said with a smile before backing away. "Now, I believe you should take a shower and clean yourself up. You stink like a brewery, and I believe there are some ponies out there worried about you."

"Y-Yes, I suppose I should clean myself up and my room," Celestia whispered with a blush. "I...I think I should also talk to Twilight again. Let her know I am well and make sure she doesn't blame herself for my state. Could you write a letter letting her know I will visit tomorrow?"

"Of course, sister," Luna said before slowly leaving the room.

Once she did, Celestia let out a heavy sigh before walking towards her broken tea table that she had nearly shattered despite being made out of hard marble. There was a letter hidden in the rubble that her precious student had left behind that she said was from the other Twilight who wanted her to read it.

She slowly opened it and read with sorrow in her heart,

Dear Princess Celestia,

You know me, and yet you do not know me. Just as I maybe know you and yet never knew you. I am Twilight Sparkle but from another world. Another Equestria, though not the one you know. I was raised and taught by another version of you that I thought was wise, caring, and gentle, but, no doubt, as your Twilight has told you, this was not true. My Celestia was a tyrant, cruel and hateful. Although I believe she once ruled with kindness and a gentle heart, something happened, and she was soon led by paranoia, ego, and anger to the point that she was willing to let us all die before surrendering to a race we wrongfully tried to wipe out over lies and fear. I do not know where everything went wrong in her life, and maybe I'll never fully understand. What I do know is that she led us to become a nation that has fallen so far that, even decades after the war, I feel that it will take generations to redeem us.

When I learned from my other self and what had happened in her world, I felt jealous and angry. I was not too fond of the entire universe at that moment because I suffered and lost everything in life while she got a perfect ending. My family. My friends. Most importantly, my self-respect was all ruined by mindlessly following a madmare in her quest to create a pony-filled world built on the bones of billions. I am dying from cancer, but the truth is I died a long time ago, and I want to rest and feel no more. Yet, my hatred soon left me because I was filled with relief. Relief that there is a good version of you—a version of the Celestia I worshiped and believed in for so long. Knowing you exist is some comfort to me, and I wish that you had been my mentor in the end.

I wish my entire life had been different in the end, but I can do nothing to change this. I will die soon, perhaps the moment I return to my world. Yet, I am okay with that. I'm so tired that I want to sleep and never wake up. Perhaps I'll go to Heaven, or whatever afterlife exists. Maybe I'll fade away into nothingness. Or perhaps I'll burn in Hell because of my past sins. Even if Celestia deceived us all, I still followed and ruined the lives of so many because I failed to think for myself.

I suppose that is a final friendship lesson I can tell you I learned. To never let one be so blind to the faults of others and accept that even the most paragon of ponies can have dark sides. That you must think and do what you know and feel is right in your heart rather than what society, books, or your mentors tell you. And that no matter how different people may be, nor how much they disagree, trying to wipe the other side out is never an option, even if you cannot peacefully coexist.

I feel that my time here is slowly ending with your Twilight. I hope that no other Twilight goes through what I have gone through. I hope she warns all future Twilights of my tale and the bitter lessons I have learned. But I have written enough. It's time for me to go.

I only wish that my Celestia had been you in the end.

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

I want to thank Joe Toon again for not only adding the NegotationsVerse into his story, but also letting me create this story. I always kinda wondered what I would do if the Canon Show was to ever meet or learn about the NegotationsVerse and I got a chance to write something based on that mindset so yay! Yes, I consider this canon to the NegotationsVerse.

You can find more information on that universe I've created, as well as links to the stories both canon and non-canon, here at the TV Tropes Page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse

Comments ( 43 )

You're Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.
I'm pretty sure this should be "Your".

This is a good follow up story!

Nice story. It does capture Celestia's fears well.

But I do think she is overreacting a bit, because ultimately these two Celestia's are just too different in the end. Ultimately it would have been far more terrifying for her if she could imagine doing these kinds of things herself.
It's a bit contradictory if she says it could've been her, and then immediately her next line is about how she can't imagine how she would ever do the same things.

Don't get me wrong, it's just a little nitpick of mine. I still enjoyed it.

Bendy #6 · Dec 3rd, 2021 · · ·

Nice, and heartwarming. Seems like what close to canon Celestia's reaction would be the Negotiations-Verse.

Now... I wonder how she would react to seeing Celestia from Friendship is Optimal?

I daresay, even worse. If she's strong enough, she would probably try to fight her. Or get allies (from other universes) to take her on.

While she can't imagine doing those things herself, there's probably a lot of things in common between the two Celestias that the good Celestia feels like she is (or was at some point in the past) milimeters away from becoming the tyrant. It's probably similar to the feeling you get when you discover that you very narrowly avoided a disaster.

Maybe if the Sun was dying on this Equestria, this Celestia would also have tried to save at least some ponies and become the tyrant (instead of just doing nothing and waiting for everyone to die). Maybe the dying Sun and Sunset's death were the only two differences between this Celestia and the other one...

Well... shit. Now I want a sequel where this Celestia finds Negotiansverse Twilight and gives her a big freaking hug.

I'm not familiar with "NegotationsVerse" but it definitely sounds like some flavor of ACB, Anti Conversion Bureau.

I just thought I'd remind everyone that there was, in fact, a CB before there was an ACB, and somewhere out there should be a universe where ponies took action on heroic scale to save what they could of human civilization from a cosmic natural disaster.

Yeah its an Anti-Conversion universe I created from multiple stories

Thanks for this chapter mate. But you still owe me a tissue box.

Ooh, that's a great idea!

alterante version of her did in a war that killed billions of lives

Damn so you mean the star versus the forces of evil finale?

Finally! Canon Celestia's reaction to TCB Celestia! Celestia would never do such a crazy ass thing. TCB is indeed a horrible genre.

Bendy #15 · Dec 4th, 2021 · · 2 ·

I don't see even then, canon Celestia doing that. She would probably use diplomacy and enter an alliance with humanity. Rather than kill them. She and her ponies could use their magic to help humanity. Cure diseases. Increase human lifespan. Earth ponies help them get better crop yields. Cleaner energy. Human x pony romance, and stuff.

If somehow she is forced to declare war if she had no other choice. (let's say she is stronger than humanity) But once the dust settles, and humanity is on its knees begging for peace. She would show mercy. I think it would be inconceivable for canon Celestia (or canon-like) to wipe out an entire species. After that, she would try to repair relations with humanity.

I don't think Celestia would wipe out humanity down to the last child. She would pull back her forces, once she knows humanity is clearly defeated. And she would pursue peace.

Sane Celestia probably would do as you say.
However. the other Celestia went through (as far as we know) some awful stuff

The impending death of the sun hanging over her head for centuries. Celestia (and probably very few trusted mages) were doing research on how to repair the sun with no results. Running out of time, Celestia decided to teleport everyone to some other dimension.
That has its own problems - finding a suitable dimension and figuring out how to teleport the entire planet there. Not wishing to cause mass panic, this has to be kept completely secret, so not many ponies can be trusted to do the research. Even ponies like Twilight had to be deceived about the true purpose of the research - Celestia couldn't just say "dedicate everything for this - the Sun is about to die", which means the research progressed slower, probably too slow.
At some point, Celestia made a big decision - abandon all the other races and teleport only ponies, because it was not possible to save everyone. Still, the decision probably undid some screws in her head.

People try to rationalize their decisions. Maybe thinking that all those innocent creatures are going to die because Celestia could not figure out how to save everyone was too much and it morphed into a rationalization of "only ponies are worthy of saving".

Not finding a suitable uninhabited dimension, Celestia finds an inhabited one, for some reason she takes the pony she loves as her daughter, Sunset, giver her a red shirt and sends her to meet the locals, who kill and eat her while Celestia gets to watch ans is unable to do anything.

People are more inclined to blame others than themselves. Maybe the guilt of sending Sunset instead of some redshirt on a first contact mission (which was a really stupid idea) was also too much to bear, so Celestia started to blame the humans. Combine that with the previous damage and now the screws are really loose.

So, while Celestia in this fic cannot imagine doing this at her current state of mind, she probably recognizes that since she's so similar to the other Celestia, there would be circumstances under which she would do it.

Imagine someone came from another dimension and said that the "you" of that dimension was almost exactly like the real you (same hobbies, same friends) and then in 2018 or whatever, decided to run for office and became Adolf Hitler v2. Tat would probably make you think...

This was a great read, I'm happy to see how regular Celestia reacted to the atrocities that NegotationsVerse Celestia caused. Still the lovable sunbutt we all know


I believe the main difference between both Celestias is their ego.
In this verse, both she and Luna shared the secret of Sun and Moon to make sure the world would continue even without them. Xenolestia didn´t, because she refused to trust anyone else.
Xenolestia kept most secrets to herself and only listened to her own counsel. And after centuries surrounded by subjects telling her how wonderful, infalible and perfect their goddess was, Tia ended believing her own hype.

Remember, the main reason Xenolestia hated humanity and their technology was not because their violent History , or even the death of Sunset Shimmer. It´s because she couldn´t accept humans had archieved so much in comparation with Equestria that even her faithful subjects had started absorbing their ideas rather than the ones provided by their beloved ruler. Tia´s ego couldn´t handle the possibility of her little ponies outgrowing her.

Ooooh, kinda late for that, buddy. See, Negotiations-verse Twilight is... pretty much dead at this point. Canon!Twi found her right at her deathbed. She writes the letter, hands it to Canon!Twi, and then dies shortly afterwards. It's in "Rest", if you're wondering, also by Rated Ponystar.

1) Sunken cost fallacy is a big, big motivator. Negotiations-verse Celestia was kind of trying to justify her ever-growing list of sacrifices and unholy deeds. First, she couldn't trust the other sapient races of Equus with the knowledge about the Sun's imminent death, because they might panic and invade Equestria for the Elements of Harmony to save themselves. She spent so long trying to research a solution on her lonesome that she only found one solution; teleport a very limited territory, at which point the other races would have absolutely invaded Equestria to save themselves. Then she tried converting humanity to protect the snowglobe in which she trapped Equestrian society in, because if she had teleported to a new world then let her ponies get subverted by corrupt ways, it would have been all for naught, no? And then the Humans refuse conversion, and her own ponies start questioning her decisions, so to protect her ponies she wages war on the humans and tries to silence oppositon.

Basically, all throughout the time from the discovery of Equus' sun's mortality to the end of the Conversion War was Celestia making several bad decisions at the start and then her increasing desperation to avoid paying the piper until it all caught up to her with the invasion of Equestria, culminating in the Siege of Canterlot and the final humiliating surrender. She kept throwing good money and resources after bad just to assure herself she didn't screw things up from day one.

2) Canon!Celestia wouldn't be offering an extinction choice if she was forced to declare war. That's what made the humans keep going no matter how bad it was. It was literally the Axis trying to exterminate everyone between Warsaw and the Urals, and then not expecting the people you're trying to wipe out to fight back and fight back hard. Also, I'd like to believe Canon!Celestia at least do her homework regarding another species. Negotiations-verse Celestia was basically a lazy, stupid student, cherry-picking what she wanted out of a course, make up the blanks in her knowledge, and then act surprised and blame everyone else when the teacher inevitably gives her an "F". She may have watched humanity and their wars, but she clearly didn't understand a thing about them.

Plus, never assume humanity couldn't just turn the tables. Admittedly, it took the help of the Resistance to provide the Thalmann Reactor project with the necessary help, but I doubt the humans would have simply submitted, even if they were in the wrong. Celestia would have to pursue a war with humanity to its bitter end, or risk a future wave of resenters and revanchists. Basically, the only winning move is not to play, and Celestia would need to be a master diplomat to talk humanity into seeing reason. And thank Faust she is a master diplomat.

Basically this. "There but for the grace of Harmony I go". It's not "why did she do this and taint my opinion of myself", more "Are there conditions under which I would be the one doing all this horrible stuff?"


Remember, the main reason Xenolestia hated humanity and their technology was not because their violent History , or even the death of Sunset Shimmer. It´s because she couldn´t accept humans had archieved so much in comparation with Equestria that even her faithful subjects had started absorbing their ideas rather than the ones provided by their beloved ruler. Tia´s ego couldn´t handle the possibility of her little ponies outgrowing her.

So, in short, Xenolestia was envious (a deadly sin among others she committed) of humanity? Wow. She really hasn't grown up.

"...What if it's not enough?" Celestia whimpered as she turned around, glassy eyes meeting sympathetic gaze. "What if Equestria falls one day? What if we forget friendship and harmony? What if everything we've done gets undone?"

*looks at Generation 5*

About that...


Comment posted by HumanSVD deleted Dec 5th, 2021
Comment posted by Ilya_Rysenkov deleted Dec 5th, 2021

Nothing Celestia did was justified. If the humans struggled so much against the barrier without the thalman gens, why would the other species of Equis fare better in an invasion? And them being a far less technologically advanced and numerous opponents?

Answer: they wouldn't.

Celestia took her frustration and anger out on a species that she saw didn't deserve what they had, a home. She was bigoted, made no attempt at peaceful coexistence and sought to maintain power and absolute rule and cultural control to the bitter end. She's no different than the many dictators of our past and present.

Make humans see reason? What reason, it's their planet, not the equestrians. This was all about taking it out on humans, bar none.

Gen 5 is garbage. Typical woke revisionist non sense that's polluted every fandom and good entertainment. Star trek was first, then Star Wars, then mlp....now Netflix will be making a TMNT series on how angsty the teen turtles are.....

You can't stop it sadly

This definitely isn't canon Celestia, since this one is in a universe a bit darker from the show, alcohol, swearing, etc.
Though it is a realistic Celestia which I admire.

👍👍👍 I know it wouldn't add much, but I kinda want to write a conversation between the two Celestia's. Feel like it would be interesting in a few ways.

Late reply but this is entirely accurate. It's incredibly hard to see Canon!Celestia doing an actual genocide or having so much fear and contempt for Equestria's other races that she'd let them die without even telling them. As if somehow the sun and moon only rose and fell for the sake of Ponies alone and she had no duty towards them otherwise. I don't really think she was evil the whole time, but she was by nowhere near as moral, empathetic, or intelligent as her canon counterpart and never would have had qualms about doing something like this. Whether she was just born screwed in the head or differences in her childhood in that universe shaped her into what she became I have no idea, but it's clear she had been an egotistical sociopath during the majority of her reign even if she wasn't aware of it.
Under the same planet ending desperation and stubborness on her part, I could see Canon!Celestia attempt to recreate what she did in Equestria when it was still a war-torn hellhole, by aiming to remake earth's culture and rule as an (in her mind) benevolent monarch. But she would never resort to brainwashing or the barrier. She'd chalk it up due to a lack of guidance rather than inherent flaws in the species as ponies were in almost exactly the same place once. She'd also be smart enough to understand that she could get quite a few humans on her side just by showing them how nice the Equestrian way of life was instead of giving them a convert or die ultimatum.

While I doubt canon Princess ‘everybody’s mother/quirky aunt’ Celestia would react this strongly to learning about Bureaualestia, she probably would want to go have a little drinkie in private for a bit.

It wouldn't have the swearing and alcohol yeah, but Tia would definitely lose her shit/have a mental breakdown.


What Celestia told her was one of the most nightmarish things Luna had ever heard of in her entire life. The whole nation of Equestria, all her subjects, teleported to a different dimension under a lie that they needed to save a race of billions from self-destruction by showing them the magic of friendship. Only it later became a war to genocide an entire planet's population by either wiping them out or turning them into ponies against their will, using a foul alchemic substance that changed their bodies, minds, and souls into mindless slaves who worshiped Equestrian culture like a cult. It was a war that led to billions dead in the end from both sides, and it was all orchestrated and manipulated by that Equestria's Princess Celestia.

Its just absolutely horrible.😰


Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Sep 6th, 2022

Just when Luna thought it couldn't get any worse, her sister revealed something that the other Celestia told the other Twilight. The truth behind the entire war. The sun back on their Equus was dying. With no other means to save it, that world's Celestia chose to abandon the entire planet to its fate and teleported Equestria away.


Is that the canon reason for everything?
I"ve now seen it 3 times.

"...What if it's not enough?" Celestia whimpered as she turned around, glassy eyes meeting sympathetic gaze. "What if Equestria falls one day? What if we forget friendship and harmony? What if everything we've done gets undone?"




I suppose that is a final friendship lesson I can tell you I learned. To never let one be so blind to the faults of others and accept that even the most paragon of ponies can have dark sides. That you must think and do what you know and feel is right in your heart rather than what society, books, or your mentors tell you. And that no matter how different people may be, nor how much they disagree, trying to wipe the other side out is never an option, even if you cannot peacefully coexist.

There is more than what meets the eye.

Now THAT is something I'd LOVE to see!

It would also be TOTALLY awesome to see how the other characters would react to hearing about or meeting their Negotiationsverse counterparts and no doubt being horrified at the actions of that Celestia and many of their other selves. Foe example, Cadence and Shining would probably be horrified at Negotiation Cadence's destruction of holy cities and that their daughter and Crystal Ponies are dead in that universe because of their actions; AJ and Rainbow would be disgusted at how racist and bigoted their counterparts are, as well as how far they would be willing to go or forego to have Equestria win (I even imagine they would get into brawls with them if they met in person and the two mad madponies would consider themselves the TRUE AJ and RD), Fluttershy and Discord would be proud of their other selves for staying true to their morals and defecting as they did, etc.

Is this and words-of-advice-from-the-many-worlds-of-twilight cannon to the Negotiations verse?

Thanks for answering

Indeed. While we can feel sad it ended, we should then feel glad it happened while we were there to witness it.

I thought everything went downhill with G4 MLP since Lauren Faust left it in Hasbro's hands.

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