• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 59 minutes ago


Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY


Shining comes home to a surprise from Flash Sentry.

This story contains LGBT themes. Emphasis on the G.

Written for Apple Bottoms for Hearthswriting.

Prompt: M/M holiday sweetness (no sad please!)

Thanks to The Sleepless Beholder, Bicyclette, and The Red Parade for prereading.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Hello Otter, this was such a cute story to read. It is filled with so much geniune emotions and heartfelt love. I also really enjoyed the comedic tone here too. It was really cute of all the things that were thought of in order to make the perfect SPOILERED for Shining. Just ahgoaghowgha.

But isn't Shining married to Cadence?


That is fair. I forgot to add the alt tag like a roob. That has been fixed, apologies.

Aaaah this was adorable as all get out. Goodness I loved the way in which Shining and Flash related. Just... everything about it. You make them seem so perfect.

Also this cover art is magical and precious and I love it.

TWO! I get TWO FICS! for my swap! I'm gonna die of happiness!! :raritycry: And they're both SO GOOD!! I'm so happy you picked these two to write for, because frankly, the world NEEDS more Shining Armor/Flash Sentry!!!

He gripped the door handle with his magenta magic and stepped through into what could be generously described as one pony trying their best.

It was here that the Apple Bottoms knew she was in for the ride of her fucking life.

Glitter was also used liberally on all decorations and Shining was not looking forward to having it in his fur for the next six months.

I'm sorry Shining, are you planning on rolling on the carpet any time soon? ... point taken, carry on.

Shining peaked behind the theater from his position at the door and noticed the wag of a short blue tail and a Cutie Mark of a shield with a lightning bolt through it on the rump of a massive orange pony.

This is SO CUTE. There's so many cute moments, but this is like - the beginning where you think, oh gosh. I'm gonna get a cavity reading this, aren't I?

Shining didn’t date Flash Sentry because he was rational .

HA, this is such a good point to make; Flash is a doof, but Shining Armor picked him knowing this! :rainbowlaugh:

I was going to go through the story again and pick out every single line that made me laugh or made me sigh dreamily, but I rapidly realized that I would be quoting almost the entire story in the comments. And while I'm sure everyone would love that (/s), I just want to say that I laughed my way through the whole story, and I loved every moment!! I loved the loving little details, like how Shining Armor's Ogres and Oubliettes obsession is still going strong, how Flash Sentry has his own competing collection of horror goodies (why does Flash love horror?! I'm so curious, and yet it sort of makes sense too!!), all of the care he took in setting up this cute dungeon-crawl for a proposal, and the silly comedic details like the way the eyeballs pop off of the last monster puppet!! :rainbowlaugh: You're such a talented writer, and clearly you can do romantic schmoopiness as easily as you can do comedy!! This was the perfect blend of both, and I loved every word of it!! :raritystarry:

I loved both of your stories, and I appreciate so much that you took the time to write for both prompts, and that you even drew the cover art for both yourself!! I'm sorry I haven't commented sooner; I read them the day you published, and then I ran a fever until today, and was afraid any comment would be "dkjghdfjgdkdjfh" while my brain cooked. :rainbowlaugh: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :heart: I will treasure them fiveever! (Because das even more than forever!)

“Would you marry me?” Flash asked in his usual voice.

Gay gay homosexual gay

Parker #7 · Feb 8th, 2022 · · 2 ·

This was super adorable. Flash had just the perfect level of clueless goofball to him--not enough to make him feel like a total idiot, and just enough to make us believe he'd go through an elaborate, silly quest for love.

“Well, anyways, Sir Knight, you have completed this quest,” Flash said through the puppet.

I nearly died laughing at that sudden redirect. So thanks for that.

past the hallway of ‘ran out of ideas’


Flash pouted which caused Shining to flinch. “But, Shining ,” Flash whined. “I wanted you to have fun and slaying the monster was supposed to be the final battle. The big finish!”

flash complaining about shining bypassing his dramatic finale is hilarious

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