• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 2,915 Views, 76 Comments

"Sprout's Sentence" - SonicandMLPFan

Sprout gets two months worth of community service, Izzy Moonbow is there to supervise, shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Enter Izzy (RE-WRITTEN)

Sprout trembled in place as he looked at the entrance to the sheriff's office, the day of reckoning has finally arrived, the day that his eight week community service starts, and more importantly, the start of a living nightmare.

Sprout released a breath he did not know he held in. "It's only two months, Sprout. Only two months, two months of her, and then you're free. Free to do whatever you want that is in the boundaries of the law, free to be away from her."

Sprout sighed. "Okay, here goes nothing." he said, before opening the twin doors of the office.

Sprout closed his eyes shut while opening the doors, unable to bear even the slightest chance of Izzy being present in the sheriff's office. He opened his eyes and saw Hitch on his desk making small talk with a certain lilac unicorn.

Sprout gulped as he saw Izzy on top of Hitch's desk, beginning to dread the possibilities of whatever Izzy might do to annoy him.

"U-Um, H-Hitch, Izzy, I'm here..."

Hitch and Izzy's conversation was cut short when they heard Sprout's voice. The both of them turned around to see him just slightly peeking out of the doors and entering the station.

Izzy gasped at the sight of him. "Sprout!" she cried.

Sprout lightly cringed at Izzy shouting his name aloud, before getting tackled by her into an extremely tight bearhug.

Hitch chuckled at the sight. "Well, well, well, I didn't expect you to show up early, Sprout." he smirked as he continued to watch Izzy squeeze the living life-force out of Sprout.

Once Izzy's "assault" on Sprout was finished, he gasped for air after a minute of being nearly hugged to death. "I-Izzy, next time you try to hug me, could you give me a little warning next time."

"Okie-dokie, Sprouty." Izzy innocently replied

Hitch smirked once more at Izzy's response. "Okay, Sprout. I got most of your equipment ready. You start from main street all the way up to the entrance of the CanterLogic factory, and no cutting corners, you hear me?" Hitch said as Izzy used her magic to pull out most of Sprout's equipment from under the desk.

"Yes, I hear you loud and clear, Hitch." Sprout unenthusiastically replied as he got outfitted into the green trash picker outfit.

Once the outfitting was done, Izzy took a step back to look at Sprout in his new suit. "Hmm, looking good, Sprouty."

"Would you please stop calling me that." Sprout mumbled under his breath.

Izzy then decided to tackle Sprout into another crushing bear hug, "Oh! You're so cute in that outfit I could just eat you up!"

Sprout's eyes widened in horror at the statement. He frantically waved his hooves to Hitch, who was taking in the hilarity of the situation. "Hitch! Help me!" he whispered.

Hitch hopped of the chair of his desk. "Welp, I think it's time to get to work, Sprout. Those streets aren't gonna clean themselves." Hitch lightly pushed Sprout out of the office an into the streets.

"And Izzy, make sure to keep an eye on him."

Izzy saluted with a determined grin. "Yessir, Sheriff Hitch!" she said before bouncing her way off of the sheriff's office.

Izzy playfully bumped Sprout's side and giggled, causing Sprout to tumble to the ground. When he picked himself up, he groaned. "I'm in a living nightmare."

Litter. All Sprout could see around him, was litter. It was everywhere from the street ponies trotted on, the nearby parks and beaches, to even the most unexpected places like the gum under dining tables.

And despite all the efforts from Hitch and Sprout (mostly Hitch) to clean up every piece of litter the two could find around Maretime Bay, littering was still a rampant issue that never seemed to cease.

Sprout shivered as he continued to look at the litter that laid before him, practically frozen on the cobblestone road he was standing on.

"Hello? Equestria to Sprout? Equestria to Sprout? Are you there?"

Sprout was snapped out of his trance when he heard Izzy call him, also noticing her hoof lightly waving at his face to grab his attention.

"Shouldn't you be working?" Izzy asked awkwardly, hovering Sprout's trash picker and trash bag for him to see.

Sprout sighed. "Oh yeah, right." He then took the equipment from Izzy's grasp. Sprout sighed, looking at the streets before him. "If this is the only way to redeem myself for everything I did, then I seriously need to talk with Hitch for better punishments. But, the sooner it's done, the better." he thought.

He then slowly, but surely, started to pick up the litter, one by one.

As Sprout continued his duties, Izzy watched attentively. "So...is this all a supervisor does?"

Sprout stopped and turned around. "Yes, that's all they do. They just keep an eye on somepony to make sure that they doesn't slack off on the job." he said. He lowering his head and continuing his duties.

Izzy watched very attentively as Sprout continued to pick up each litter carefully. As Sprout trotted across the street to clean more litter, Izzy started to move closer to him step by step. If she was gonna keep an eye on him, she needed to be as close to him as possible.

By the time Sprout reached the entrance to the CanterLogic factory, Izzy was practically at close eye contact with him.

Soon, Sprout lifted his head up to stretch his neck, as to not give himself neck pain. He was immediately greeted by Izzy's face extremely close to his. This made him flinch on the spot. "I-Izzy! You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you doing?!"

"Keeping an eye on you, that's what a supervisor does right?"

"Well, yeah. But they aren't this close. Could you please just move a bit so I could focus?"

"Oh, um, okay. If that's what you want Sprout." Izzy replied

Izzy moved one step away from Sprout. "How's this?"

"Um, maybe a little farther Izzy."

Izzy moved away from Sprout again. "How about now?"

"Uh, a little more."

Izzy moved again. "How about now?"

"Um, I think we both need a little more space than that. How about a few more steps?"

"Okie-dokie-loki," Izzy then moved two steps away from Sprout, "Is this okay?"

"Um, a little more, Izzy."

Izzy complied and moved two more steps away.

"Just a little more, and then we're done."

Izzy then moved two more steps away from Sprout.

Sprout smiled. "Ah, that's perfect. Just keep that much distance away and I'll be fine." he then went back to picking up the rest of the litter on the ground.

Izzy continued to watch Sprout from afar as he picked up each and every piece of litter on the ground, one by one.

The process lasted for hours. As each piece of trash got picked up, the more tired Sprout became. Constantly groaning from the heat of the sun, and his legs began to become wobbly. He was so tired that he wasn't looking where he was going, until...


Sprout froze when he heard the noise. He looked down to see he stepped on something very soft, sticky and squishy. He lifted his hoof, and a pink trail of chewing gum along with it. Sprout shuddered. "Gum, why did it have to be gum?" he thought.

Sprout tried to move, but the gum on his hoof was firmly stuck onto the ground. "Come on! How old is this gum anyway?!" he groaned as he tried to pull the gum away, the sound of it stretching filled his ears.

He pulled as hard as he could, but the efforts were futile. Soon, after much pulling, Sprout was suddenly pulled back, falling onto the pavement with an audible thud.

Izzy gasped and ran towards Sprout in an attempt to help. "Don't worry, Sprout! I'll help you!"

Sprout's eyes widened as he saw Izzy charge towards him. "No! Nononononono! Izzy, don't! You'll get yourself-", but just as he was about to warn her, she bashed headfirst into him, causing the both of them to tumble.

When the two of them stopped tumbling, Izzy lifted her head. She lifted her hoof and her eyes widened at the thing she noticed on it. It was the same gum from before now stuck onto her hoof as well, "stuck with me..." Sprout finished.

Izzy awkwardly laughed as she continued to stare at the gum on her hoof. "Oops, hehehehe, sorry about that." Sprout could only roll his eyes. "D-Don't worry, Sprout. I can fix this." she then tried to pull the gum off of Sprout's hoof and her own.

"Please don't." Sprout groaned, before getting dragged along with Izzy as she tried to pull the gum off. For the next few hours, the two ponies tussled as they both of them unsuccessfully tried to get the gum off of each other, lasting all the way until the night.

"Just hold still!" Izzy shouted, now trying to pull off the gum using her mouth.

Sprout pulled and chewed with his mouth harder on his end. "I'm trying, Izzy!"

After much biting, chewing, and pulling, the gum recoils, dragging Izzy along with it towards Sprout. The velocity from the gum, and Izzy's momentum from said velocity caused her to crash into Sprout again.

The crash caused the both of them to tumble down the hill that lead to the Canterlogic Factory. The two of them made audible groans as they rolled down the hill, concluding with the two of them falling head-first into the pavement, causing Sprout to crash on top of Izzy.

"Ugh." Izzy groaned. She hadn't felt this much pain in a long time.

She slowly opened her eyes, expecting to see a bright orange hue in the sky as the sun sets, only to be greeted by the face of Sprout Cloverleaf. Izzy blushes at the sight of his face near her own, his eyes meeting hers (albeit closed), she looked down to see his body touching hers. She blushes harder, realizing that Sprout landed on top of her, in a very suggestive position no less.

Izzy began to panic, what should she do? Should she try to lightly remove herself from the situation, stay there and stare at Sprout's face until he wakes up, take him to the nearest hospital?

Suddenly, her brainstorming stopped. She didn't now why she stopped, but her attention became focused to another thing, Sprout himself. As Izzy continued to stare at Sprout, she found herself admiring his looks.

From his yellow curled up mane, his surprisingly defined eyebrows, his bright red coat, to his surprisingly pincheable cheeks, Izzy found herself blushing again, not out of embarrassment, but out of fondness for Sprout, she even smiled to herself as she looked at him. She didn't know how to publicly say this but she found Sprout to be...cute.

Eventually, Sprout's eyes slowly started to open. Izzy noticed and retracted her smile. As Sprout's eyes fully opened, his eyes widened as he saw Izzy below him. He looked below and saw his body pressed against hers, and blushed redder than his own red coat.

For minutes, the two said nothing as they just stared at each other in shock, and embarrassment.

Sprout groaned. "Ugh, I think you broke my neck."

Izzy sheepishly laughed. "Sorry."

"Okay, Sprout. I think that should be it for today. Hope Izzy didn't give you many proble-" Izzy and Sprout widened their eyes when they heard the voice. They turned around to see Hitch Trailblazer, frozen in place, looking just as shocked as they are.

Hitch blinked, taking in the image he's seeing, before rubbing his eyes with his left hoof. "Uh, Sprout? Izzy? What in hoofness's name just happened?"

Sprout blushed. "Well, I-"

"We got gum stuck on our hooves." Izzy sheepishly replied.

Hitch said nothing as he looked at Izzy and Sprout in their "suggestive" position. He slowly trotted away backward.s "Okay then, let's just pretend we didn't see anything."

"Agreed." Izzy and Sprout said in unison.

Hitch continued walking backwards, trying to remove the image from his head, until he was out of sight.

Sprout sighed. "What have I gotten myself into?" he thought

"A sticky predicament" Izzy replied.

Sprout groaned, fearing what the next day might bring. Suddenly, he felt his vision getting messy, the foreground getting blurrier, and the details becoming less defined. Soon, other parts of his body started getting the same treatment, from his hearing getting less clearer, to his legs starting to lose their balance.

"Sprout? Sprout, are you okay?"

Izzy received no response. Sprout's senses continued to get worse and worse, the world around him starting to fade from his vision, before he finally fainted onto the ground.

"Sprout!" Izzy cried, rushing to his lying body on the pavement.

The last thing Sprout could see was Izzy shaking his body, before everything faded to black.

Author's Note:

Hey, sorry for this belated chapter. I had a bit of writers block, and I had to revise the last section of the chapter, but I persevered.

And if anyone's wondering, yes, Izzy read Sprout's mind at the end of the chapter but Sprout was too tired to notice or care at the moment.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in Chapter 3.