• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 7,962 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

Trouble At The Coronation

Celestia's sun shined bright down onto the city of Canterlot, and what a perfect day for it to do so. Today, ponies from different parts of Equestria have gathered in front of Canterlot Castle in celebration. The celebration of a new princess of Equestria.

As the ponies waited in anticipation, Celestia and Luna were standing in front of a gathered crowd inside the castle with the Element Bearers standing on either side of them, all with tears in their eyes and dressed in formal dresses for the occasion.

As they all waited for the ceremony to begin, Luna leaned towards Celestia and whispered, "We should not be here, we should be locating the Multiversal Trespassers. You know what will happen if they remain here and what effect it could have on our world."

Celestia frowned at her sister and whispered back, "I am aware of that, sister. We will find them, but for now, put on a happy face and be happy for Twilight's accomplishments."

Luna sighed in defeat, "Very well. I should be happy that my friend has achieved such an achievement, and I AM. But I'm more focused on the matter at hoof. But for now, I shall drop it and enjoy the celebration."

Celestia smirked, "Just try not to fall asleep during the ceremony."

Luna frowned but then grew a mischievous look on her face, "Very well. But YOU have to try and NOT stuff your face with cake at the party after the ceremony."

"Watch it, Lulu."

Luna chuckled as Celestia cleared her throat, signaling the start of the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville. She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

The doors to the room opened to reveal the newly titled, Princess Twilight Sparkle, who was wearing a beautiful dress for her coronation ceremony.

As she walked in, a choir of ponies walked behind her, each singing in unison....

The Princess Twilight cometh
Behold, behold
A Princess here before us
Behold, behold, behold

Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess Twilight cometh
Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess is
The Princess is here!

As Twilight and the choir walked through the room and out onto the balcony, the ponies on the ground cheered happily as Twilight giggled nervously and waved her hoof as she smiled.

As Twilight was waving, Celestia walked up behind her and whispered in her ear, "Say something, Princess."

Twilight turned to her mentor, "Oh. Um..." she cleared her throat and began to speak, "A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship," she turned back to her friends, "which is something I didn't really care much about. But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say," she waved her hoof to her friends, gesturing for them to join her, to which they happily accepted as they approached her on the balcony, "I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful." As she smiled to her friends, who each had tears brimming their eyes, she turned back around to face the ponies down below, "Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!"

As her speech concluded, everypony cheered in celebration as Twilight and her friends waved to the crowd below, each of them smiling and feeling the happiest they have ever felt.

Only that happiness didn't last long, as a violent tremor shook the ground, gaining everypony's attention and putting the ceremony to a stop. As everypony looked around confused, another tremor shook the ground, more violently than before. As the tremor continued to shake the foundation, Luna's eyes widened as she approached her sister.

"Celestia! I feel the presence of....!" She was interrupted as a mechanical tentacle shot out of the ground below in the middle of the crowd.

The ponies screamed as they backed up away from the metal appendage. It was then that another tentacle burst through the ground, and then another, and another. Through the smoke, a figure was rising out of the ground, he appeared to be male and bipedal.

The tentacles stomped on the ground with each step they took. As they moved, the figure moved out of the smoke and revealed himself.

The doctor is in.

As Doc Ock looked around at his surroundings, he noticed the civilians were not human, they were in fact, pastel colored horses.

He raised an eyebrow as he muttered to himself, "Where the hell am I?"

Celestia looked to her sister with a stern expression, "Is that...?"

She got her answer as Luna spread her wings and took flight down towards Doc Ock. Celestia then followed her sisters example and flew down after her.

Twilight and her friends watched with widened eyes as they approached the edge of the balcony to watch the situation unfold.

"What the hay IS that thing?!" Rainbow asked.

Rarity shook her head, "I don't know, darling. But I DO know that THAT trench coat is horrific!"

Everypony looked at her with deadpanned expressions, except for Twilight, who continued to watch Celestia and Luna confront Octavius.

The Royal Sisters landed down in front of Otto as he continued his approach. He only halted as Luna flared up her horn and used the Royal Canterlot Voice.


Otto, however, didn't look intimidated in the slightest. In fact, he just raised an eyebrow as one of his tentacles raised itself beside Otto's head, "Equines. Talking, pastel colored Equines. What madness is this?" Otto looked around for a moment, noticing all the terrified expressions on the ponies' faces.

He turned back to The Royal Sisters and got down to business, "Look, I'm on a very tight schedule and you're holding me up. So I'm only going to ask this ONCE," the tentacle beside him opened its claw as he asked, "What have you creatures done with my machine?"

Luna and Celestia looked each other with confused expressions before turning back to Otto.

"Machine?" Celestia asked, "What are you referring to?"

"The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand. It's gone."


Otto scoffed in return to the accusation, "I highly doubt that."

Celestia stepped forward, "Sir, we do not not what you are talking about. But if you come with us, we can help you and possibly find your machine."

Otto smiled a devious grin, "Heh. You wanna play games?"

Otto used two of his free tentacles to tear two pieces of the ground from the foundation and threw it at both Celestia and Luna.


Luna and Celestia both got to work as they both took to the air and fired beams of magic from their horns directly at Otto. Ock saw this coming and used his tentacles to leap out of the way of the attack. As Luna and Celestia flew forward, Otto sent two of his upper tentacles towards the two Alicorns as he lowered him self to the ground.

While the two sisters swatted away the tentacles with their wings, they both failed to notice Otto's lower tentacles shoot forward beneath them and grip them by their back legs. Otto smirked as he dragged the two sisters down and smashed them onto the ground. He then raised them up and used the tentacle gripping onto Celestia to swing the Alicorn into the outer wall of the castle, releasing her as he slammed Luna to the ground once again.

Otto then raised Luna into the air and threw her into the crowd of ponies, causing them to scatter as she landed. Otto smirked as his two lower tentacles planted themselves onto the ground and raised him into the air. Otto then made his way towards Celestia and gripped her by the neck with his upper left tentacle.

"Should've told me what I wanted to know when I gave you the chance."

Otto was then pummeled into the wall by a cyan blur, freeing Celestia. As Celestia shook her head, she saw who had saved her from danger. It was Rainbow Dash.

She offered Celestia a helping hoof, to which the sun monarch accepted. As the Alicorn got back to her hooves, Rainbow crossed her forelegs and glared at the hole in the wall.

"Not so tough now, are ya?"

She was immediately silenced as a mechanical tentacle shot out of the hole in the wall and gripped her by the neck. She was then slammed into the ground multiple times. Before Celestia could cast a spell to help the rainbow maned pegasus, another tentacle shot out of the dark and gripped her horn, threatening to break it off.

Rainbow was then tossed far into the distance as Otto stepped out of the darkness with an angry look on his face. He turned to Celestia and glared, "Disgusting abomination!"

Before Otto could attack, his tentacle was blasted by Luna, who was panting in exhaustion with bruising and sweat visible on her. This attack caused Octavius to release Celestia. The sun monarch took the chance to dash forward and tackle Otto into the castle.

As they both flew through the other side of the wall and through multiple walls, Otto shielded himself with his two upper tentacles while his two lower ones were busy trying to ward off Celestia's attacks. Celestia then shot upwards, taking the doctor with her.

The two crashed through the floor of the ceremony room, alerting the Mane 6 of their presence. Celestia then kicked Otto to the floor with pure force. Otto landed safely thanks to his lower tentacles planting themselves on the ground. As Celestia charged forward, Otto sent forward his tow upper tentacles while his right lower one lifted itself off of the floor and opened up as a giant blade shot up from the center.

"Heh, checkmate."

But before Otto could send it forward, a lasso wrapped around it, preventing its movement. He turned around and saw the Mane 6 standing before him, ready to fight.

Applejack had her lasso held between her teeth, gritting as Twilight stepped forward, "Don't touch the princess!"

Otto shrugged, "Okay," he then sent his lower left tentacle towards Celestia and grabbed her right back leg. He then slammed her down onto the ground, all the while smirking at Twilight, who was gritting her teeth.

Otto then gripped onto Applejack's lasso with his upper right tentacle and pulled her over to him. Once she was close enough, Otto wacked her with his lower right tentacle and sent her crashing into the wall. The other tentacles then shot forward towards the Mane 6.

Fluttershy screamed as she fell to her belly and covered her eyes, scared out of her mind. Rarity jumped over to defend her friend, igniting her horn as a tentacle approached. Rarity tried to cast a shield spell, but she was too slow as the tentacle grabbed her by the throat. The tentacle shot upwards and slammed her into the ceiling. The tentacle let go, causing Rarity to fall to the ground.

Pinkie laughed as she bounced around, avoiding the tentacle, much to Otto's annoyance.

"You're getting on my nerves."

Pinkie laughed, "I have that effect on people."

Otto smirked as she spoke, using another tentacle, he gripped her back leg and swung her into a nearby pillar, taking her out of the fight.

"PINKIE!" Twilight shouted in alarm.

"HEY BUB!" A sudden brash voice shouted from outside.

Twilight turned to see Rainbow Dash charging in towards Otto.


As the cyan Pegasus approached, Otto side stepped as she flew past. He quickly grabbed her rainbow tail with one of his tentacles and threw her against a wall.

Twilight had had enough and lit up her horn as she spread her wings. She charged forward and leaped into the air, flapping her wings....only to fall flat on her face.

She might have forgotten that she didn't know how to fly.

Otto took this chance to grab Twilight by her back leg and hold her in front of his face.

"You creatures are more annoying than I initially thought. I underestimated you," he raised his lower left tentacle and took out its blade, "But now you die."

The tentacle shot forward, aiming right for Twilight's head. Her eyes widened as her horn lit up. Just before the blade hit her, she conjured up a shield spell, protecting her from the blade.

Otto looked baffled as he took a good look at his blade. It bent. The blade went back into the tentacle as Otto moved Twilight closer to him.

He studied her for a moment before speaking, "What is this? What are you creatures?"

Twilight had nothing to say, so Otto continued.

"You horses have wasted enough of my time. So I'll ask once again. Where is my machine?" He leaned in closer to her muzzle, "And where is Peter Parker?"

Before she could answer, she noticed that Otto's tentacles were suddenly covered in a blue aura. She leaned her head to the left and saw Rarity with a smirk on her face. Otto turned around and noticed this too.

"What is this? What's happening?"

Suddenly, Otto let go of Twilight, not by his intention though.

He deduced that Rarity was the cause of this and glared at one of his tentacles, "You don't listen to her! You listen to ME!"

Otto's tentacles then proceeded to wrap themselves around him, encasing him in a hold that cannot be broken.

"Hey! HEY! LISTEN TO ME!!!" His tentacles continued to wrap around him, "NO, NOT HER! ME!!!"

Once they were completely wrapped around him, it was obvious that this battle was over.

(End song)

As everypony recovered from the fight, they all approached Rarity with smiles on their faces.

"Way ta go, sugarcube!"


Oh...I hope you weren't hurt."


"Well done, Rarity!"

Rarity blushed at the attention.

Twilight then turned her attention to Otto, who was glaring at the ponies. As she approached him, Celestia got to her hooves.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Her student turned princess turned to her, "Step away from him."

Twilight looked confused, "But princess...."


Twilight nodded quickly and did what she was told. As Luna flew in from the balcony, she rushed to her sister, "I got Everypony evacuated. There were no casualties, thank Faust."

Celestia nodded as they turned their attention to Otto.

Clang Clang Clang

Applejack's ear twitched in the direction of the sound. She looked to her friends, "Do ya'll hear that?"

As the noise got louder they all turned and saw an orange bomb roll in the center of the room. When all the light lit up, it exploded, which sent everypony back into the wall.

As Twilight opened her eyes, she saw sinister yellow eyes in the smoke. Then the figure flew out of the smoke as he flew into the room slowly.

The Green Goblin has come to play.


Otto's eyes widened, "Osborn?"

Twilight turned to Otto frantically, "Wait.... You know....?"

Suddenly, the spikes on Goblin's glided protruded out. Goblin then flew forward at high speeds, intending to stab them all.

Twilight braced herself. But the next thing Twilight knew....

she and her friends were teleported into the Canterlot Dungeons.

Author's Note:

I really enjoyed writing this battle.

And things are only just getting started.

Thank you so much for the positive comments and the reception of this story so far.

There's more to come.

Stay tuned.