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#4 Fight or Die part 1

As we continue the story, marasmus sits in his castle, curious and still wondering, it felt like he’s missing something, and he doesn’t know why, he got out of bed walking around in circles around his castle, still wondering what is it forget it. Did he pay back the Chinese and Russian mafia, yes he did they got rid one of his fingers, it isn’t the two mafias no, he’s forgetting something, something that is troubling him, something that makes him worried at night.

“Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something and why am I worried.” He said

He looked around his castle, it is still raining outside the raindrops almost sound similar to running, he looked around violently like someone is stalking him, The more and more he looks around and rain keeps falling mimicking the sound of running. After a couple of minutes, he stand up in his full height with glowing green eyes filled with rage, he realize something he was paranoid.

Marasmus took a deep breath, he looked around and realize, he,s alone in his castle he thinks about what he’s experiencing. The more he thinks about the more he started to grow angry it wasn’t paranoid it was those Mercs, he got rid of the Mercs, teleport them in a different world, even he doesn’t even know where they went.

He smiled realizing that he’s all alone a world full of possibility with no interference, marasmus raise his hands up in the air filled with evil green glowing magic a fire,

“This world is mine, and mine to take, but to release the stress, I should go see a movie.”

Back at the Equestria

After Ponyville started to calm down and more of its citizens are coming out of their homes, not in fear anymore but still nervous about their new visitors. Some people say it’s a good opportunity to show these people the good kindness of Ponyville, but others not so much they don’t know these creatures, sure there are other creatures but they haven’t seen them before.

As the Mercs continuing following twilight towards the castle, they were a bit surprised of the architecture of the castle, engineer asked twilight “did you ponies build this castle, it’s very impressive.”

“No.” Twilight reply as she continue speaking, “The castle was made by the power of the elements of harmony, well it used to be a tree, then the power of friendship and the elements of harmony expanded turning into a castle which is now my home.”

Everyone was amazed, magic built this castle, they seen magic back in their world, but they haven’t seen anything like this before.

Some of the Mercs tilter they’re head in confusion and Curiosity, they heard what twilight said, the magic of friendship the elements of harmony, scout whisper next to heavy, “why does it sound like a Saturday morning cartoon.”

As they entered in twilight castle they were surprised that the architecture inside, sure it was made by magic, but magic knows what it was doing. Everyone continue looking around still amazed of the inside of the castle, while they were doing that, Twilight friends came down and finally saw her, they ran towards her hugging her they were relieved that she didn’t get hurt, but yet they still don’t know what these creatures are.

A couple of minutes have passed, everyone was in the room you wanna look at each other still surprise of seeing these creatures. Twilight was the one that broke the silence.

“Well let me introduce you to my friends, Rainbow Dash, applejack, Fluttershy, rarity, pinkie pie, starlight, Trixie and spike. Everyone these are the Mercs, team fortress.”

Heavy waved his hand, all the Mercs introduce themselves, some of the ponies are little scared but we got over when they introduce themselves, everyone started talking to each.

Scout: “Wait this isn’t going to be like one of those stories that the main characters hang out with the other characters and experience their lives right.”

Everyone got confused they didn’t understand what scout is saying.

Upstairs where The rubber ducks are at, they’re eyes glow bright red, and they started multiplying and multiplying, they started jumping like that trying to move and continuing multiplying. Downstairs where everyone is talking to each other, demoman touched his head and started to have a headache.

The ducks continue jumping and multiplying so much that the room is starting to get full of rubber ducks, the furniture around the room started to get destroyed and smashed, Demoman headache is starting to get even worse, so much that it’s obvious that he’s having a headache.

Everyone turn and looked at demoman, he started screaming in pain. “Hey demoman you ok!” Said engineer

“Ah, is your friend OK why is he screaming.” Said starlight

Demoman eyepatch where his Eye used to be started glowing green, Green magic started flowing out of his eyepatch, everyone started questioning what’s happening to demoman, everyone turned around when they heard a squeaky noise, it was hundreds and hundreds of rubber ducks with glowing red eyes, the Mercs eyes widen like a dinner plate they remember the rubber ducks and it looks like they have entered in Equestria as well.

The green magic of the ducks and demoman left Eye started colliding, the magic starting combining, everyone turned back a demoman questioning what’s happening to him.

“Somethings happening to my socket, ah, aaahhhhhhhh.” Said demoman. An eyeball came out of his eyepatch, demoman and everyone else looks surprised “, demoman knows that he doesn’t even have an eyeball where his eyepatch is at, the eyeball floated and started absorbing the green magic it grew and grew reaching the same size of a person.

The Mercs instantly know who it is, it was monoculus it’s back, but it’s not done yet the rubber ducks multiply even more release even more green magic the green magic form together and be coming into one giant skeleton like creature the Mercs also know who it is.

Scout: “is that, is that!”

Sniper: “it’s the Horseless Headless Horsemann.”

The creature picked up its giant sword and slamming on the ground causing a big explosion pushing everyone outside, separate from each other. Everyone open their eyes, as everyone looked in horror.

Horsemann vs Everyone else.

monoculus vs demoman, starlight, rarity.

Rubber ducks vs scout, rainbow Dash.

As everyone trying to get up from the ground they turn and saw the giant skeleton crawling out of the castle from the giant hole it created, it grinned and smiled and started laughing, heavy shouted for everyone to take cover, The horsemann jumped out of the castle swinging his giant sword in the ground with a strong impact on the earth a little bit.

Everyone took cover, twilight look closely at the giant skeleton, questioning what is that thing.

“The horseless headless horsemann.” Said spy as he started reloading his gun while Twilight looked at the ammunition.

“What are you doing, what are those things.”

Spy finish reloading and looked at twilight he explain to her in a short way, they’re called bullets and ammunition they’re very useful to keep our guns loaded and help them kill their enemies. Twilight face was utterly shocked, of how the metallic cones were used for weapons as projectiles.

As everyone was taking cover, most of the Marcs scattered around firing their weapons at the giant skeleton some of the pony looking at each other.

“Hey goggles, you got another weapon we can borrow to help you guys out.” Said applejack yelling at engineer because the loud gunshots. Engineer looked at applejack and looked at his gun, and he looked back at it applejack.

“Do you have any fingers to fire the trigger?”


Sniper stopped and looked around realizing they’re missing a few members, he wasn’t the only one twilight looked around and realized some of their friends are not with them, she starts to grow even more worried, while Applejack, Trixie and spike looked at Twilight full knowing she can just use her magic to help them Mercs out.

Scout and rainbow dash woke up realizing they’re on the other side of the castle, both of them heard the gunshot loud and clear. Rainbow dash jumped when she heard the gunshot.


Scout looked at the castle full knowing what’s happening, he looked at rainbow Dash telling her not to go to the noise or she would end up dead. Rainbow Dash was angry at scout, worrying about her friends, she doesn’t want them to get hurt from that, whatever that thing is.

“what are we doing we gotta help them.”

“wait don’t go straight into that bullet wall, unless you end up dead before the thing is!”

Rainbow Dash turn her head looking at Scout, she was so angry she flew straight into scout face.

“Got any ide-.”

Rainbow Dash was interrupted, scout and her turn their head at the castle seeing the rubber ducks jumping out of the castle, still with the red glowing eyes filled with hatred. The only words that scout said was. “Ah Oh.”

Scout and Rainbow Dash looked around seeing more rubber ducks surrounding them and blocking the path to reach their friends. The rubber ducks looked at them menacingly, All of them jump try attack them, they both Dodge in trying to escape from the ducks.

As they run through Ponyville scout and Rainbow Dash try to grab anything and throwing it at the ducks to make them slow down, but they were completely horrified and shocked, anything that goes underneath the ducks will get destroyed or vaporize, like a bunch of piranhas except instead of eating you, they just instantly stomped on you until you’re nothing but just a mushy puddle.

“HOLY SHIT THIS ISN’T GOOD!” Said Rainbow Dash


Scout and Rainbow dash started screaming while still running though ponyville.

On the other side of the castle a little bit far away, demoman woke up seeing rarity and starlight with him, he looked around and instantly remembered he grabbed his eyepatch and he stick his finger in his eye socket where his eye used to be.

“oh thank God my eye is gone, that’s the first time I said that.”

Demoman looked at myself realizing he’s going to glow blue until he was push towards a tree, he can’t even move his own arms and legs, he was frozen someone is using magic to hold him.

“Hey who did that!”

Demoman looked in front of him seen starlight, her horn was glowing she was not happy.

“why did you bring those creatures!”

“What I didn’t bring those bloody creatures.”

“But you summon them.”

“I didn’t do it.”

Starlight and demo man went back-and-forth arguing with each other, while Rarity looked at them like A bunch of children arguing. It didn’t take that long for Rarity to stop the arguing, She continues talking trying to get starlight to calm down although, rarity does not know what’s happening and why did those creatures came out of nowhere.

demoman keeps defending himself, saying that he doesn’t know how to do magic, demoman revealed that it was his eye, as he continued on explaining telling them that his eye was cursed, by a magic book, while he was cleaning an old wizards castle when he was just a young boy.

Starlight and rarity looked at each other, and looked back at demoman in complete confusion. Starlight started questioning demo man about, well about everything what he just said, like everything, demoman replied saying that he will tell them everything that is happening, before starlight let go of demoman, they heard a growl, they turned around seeing the giant eyeball, looking straight at them filled with anger and hatred, monoculus face grown even more angry when he looked at demoman before gave a big insult which pretty much doesn’t sound like words at all.


Starlight looked at the giant creature still confused, until she said her own words that you can understand.

“What the fu-?”

Before she finished her word, monoculus flew towards at them trying to hit them, starlight started to use her magic to make a barrier and letting go of demoman, he instantly grabbed his weapon ready to fight the giant eyeball that used to be part of him.

The two teams separated each of them are fighting one powerful magical creature from another world, some are struggling, some are cornered and others is just straight up don’t know what to do, but this isn’t the end of our favorite and beloved team. They will defeat these creatures from another world and once they defeat them, they will defeat marasmus, as he is just watching a movie in the theater, (the f@@k is he doing?).