• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.



This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S7

Twilight and her friends are preparing for a Friendship Festival, a day when ponies from many places and backgrounds can come together, meet, learn and grow thanks to the Magic of Friendship.

But friendship is the last thing on the minds of those looking to take what they believe is Equestria's greatest magic for themselves. Defeated and on the run while constantly being hunted by an evil force, Twilight, Flash and their friends must work together to find a way to save their home. Along the way, they'll meet new friends, new enemies and have their friendships put to the test. And if they want to save their home, it's a test they'll have to pass.

Edited by KingJoltik


Chapters (9)
Comments ( 116 )

not a bad start, I can not wait for the next one action starting

Finally! The movie have arrived! This is going to be Flash and others' craziest adventure so far!

I can't wait for the next chapter as they are dealing with Tempest Shadow and The Storm King's army!

Here's highlights

"Except for Flurry's," Flash spoke up. "She was able to destroy Trial-T's power source in a single blast."

"Outshined by a foal," Cold added, "That's embarrassing." He turned to Flash, "Especially since you've basically fought all of them."

"Oh, shut up!" Flash barked back.

BURN!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

"Anyways," Script interrupted, "If you had a way to combine your magic, you could have merged it into a single blast and completely vaporized the Trial. And thus, I invented these. If they work, I could also make some for the Royal Guards since they usually end up getting overpowered by...pretty much everything."

DOUBLE BURN!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

The Royal Knights raised an eyebrow at this as the gems all vanished. "Well," Ruby spoke up, "Since you can't see them, I guess we can leave them where they are until after the festival is finished. We're all supposed to be on guard duty for this."

"She's right," Grand added, "And I doubt we'll need these for the festival, but it's better to have them and not need them." They all nodded and began to make their way out of the training area. Heart and Jaden running ahead for the festival.

Oh, you better need them cause there's a storm coming 🌩🌩🌩

Before anypony could say anything else, they started hearing something. Music. Springer rolled his eyes at this, "Sounds like we're missing a musical number."

"I'm not in the mood to sing anyways." Flash commented, "Come on, let's go see how the festival is right now."

Oh… you guys will be singing a lot since this is a musical movie. :ajbemused:

The others nodded at this, Heart's eyes going wide at this. "Well, he's a lot like Flash was as a kid," Grand spoke up, this making Heart's face drop.

"You think I'm a loser?" The others turned to him, Grand grimacing at this.

"I didn't mean...what I meant was-"

Oh! You could've pick better words when to describe him and Flash, now he's going to be angst about it.

Way to go, Grand. :ajbemused:

"Visual confirmed," the other nodded, "Go for cleanup." He reached up and flicked the cake off of her, Flash trying not to break out into laughter. Luckily, or unluckily, something occurred that made his laughter completely vanished. A crack of thunder.

The storm is coming! 🌩🌩🌩

Everypony grimaced at this, wondering what the heck was going on. The Knights continued glared at the ship, none not realizing that the arrival of this ship could spell the end of Equestria as they knew it.

Will our heroes able to to defend Canterlot from invading forces?

Will Heart go through his angstness situation regarding Flash?

And why I am doing Dragonball Z narrates?!

Find out in Flash Sentry Chronicles!

Oh boy, we have finally arrived at the movie! Too bad we missed out on such a fun musical number, but there will be plenty of other opportunities for fun songs later and I was still interested in Script's crystals that let the Royal Knights combine their magic. Maybe that will come in handy, unless they get taken out in the initial attack and turned to stone, then they might be a bitter harder to use.

I am looking forward to seeing how this goes. I'm excited to see Tempest in action next time!

OH MY GOD, yes finally it is here, I can't wait to see the next chapter !!!!!!

And here we go, too bad we missed out on the fun opening song though! :fluttercry: Other than that it was a good first entry, not to mention those gems that store powers between the Royal Knights, that was a cool addition & pretty sure it will come in handy for whatever Faker has in store after his windup toys got smashed! :rainbowkiss: Looking forward to see Edgy Fizz showing up next chapter & to see what else they have in store for our heroes cause, let's face it Fizzy would get curbstomped if she tried taking on both the Alicorns & the Royal Knights at once by herself, no matter how tough she is!:twilightsheepish:

Hey Spike, you dropped this scroll that has today's Highlights! :

The main street was the very center of the party, where ponies were adding the finishing touches to the party. But as a pony placed a large jelly castle on a table, something flew down and bounced off the delicious desert. "Whoa!" The young dragon named Spike yelped as he landed next to the table, his arms full of different scrolls. "Scuse me!" He said as he ran through the crowd, "Dragon on the move!" He accidently dropped a scroll and blew some fire at it, the flames morphing into a claw shape that picked up the scroll without burning it before returning it to the pile. "Important princess documents comin' through!"

Good to see Spike getting really *handy* with his powers! :moustache:

"Yes. I started working on them after...Lightning's birthday." Script slowly said, most remembering what had happened then. It had been several months since the last Trial monster had been destroyed, and there hadn't been another attack. It seemed Flash's message he had got from the future was true, though he hadn't told them about it. "When I heard about the other battles, I realized the reason they were so hard was because your attacks weren't strong enough to do enough damage in a single hit."

"Except for Flurry's," Flash spoke up. "She was able to destroy Trial-T's power source in a single blast."

"Outshined by a foal," Cold added, "That's embarrassing." He turned to Flash, "Especially since you've basically fought all of them."

"Oh, shut up!" Flash barked back.

Ooohhhh Freeze Burn by the ice knight! :rainbowwild:

Before anypony could say anything else, they started hearing something. Music. Springer rolled his eyes at this, "Sounds like we're missing a musical number."

"I'm not in the mood to sing anyways." Flash commented, "Come on, let's go see how the festival is right now."

Song Snatcher *Curses, foiled again! I'll get you yet before this fic's over Flashy boy....and your Not-So little Jackhowl too!*:raritywink:

"Pinkie!" She screamed, turning to a massive cannon. As she did this, a lit candle suddenly fell from the sky and landed on her horn.

As it did, Pinkie's head suddenly popped out from the cannon. "Oopsie!" She yelled as she saw what had happened. "Guess my easy bake confetti cake cannon needs a little bit more fine tuning!"

Twilight let out a horse-like neigh before groaning, only for Flash to help her out of the cake. "Things seem to be going well."

lol per the norm I see! :rainbowlaugh:

"Oh!" Pinkie cheered, "I bet those are the clowns I ordered!" But then the zeppelin came to a stop and began to float downward, looking ready to land on the very edge of the city cliff. The Royal Knights all rushed forward, several of them realising what the ship was about to do. The bottom of the zeppelin crushed some of the columns and other structures as it landed, the knights knocking away any debris that flew towards them, a piece of the column falling onto the balloon animals Pinkie had made. "...Or definitely not the clowns I ordered."

Everypony grimaced at this, wondering what the heck was going on. The Knights continued glared at the ship, none not realizing that the arrival of this ship could spell the end of Equestria as they knew it.

Cue bad guys arriving, gonna be quite the rumble next time around! :rainbowdetermined2:

Good first entry for the movie Banshee, till the next one! :twilightsmile:

With the dark tag, I wonder how dark will this story actually get. Like 'is Flash gonna lose a limb, get his back broken, etc' dark, or 'is the colt wonder finally met his Nemesis (as in the one force he cannot overcome that he is creator off/demon coming home to roost) and finally pay his due' dark, or 'things just go wrong until the villain makes an otherwise inconsequential mistake and then everything is Sunshines and rainbows' dark?

BTW Flash, you really should get some aloe vera for that burn Cold gave you, the longer it goes on treated the worst it will get.

Also, I get skipping the first musical number, did it myself in my My Little Mages AU equivalent, it was nothing more than padding.

Can't wait to see their reation when they see what's in stro for them!

Will Flash ask Twilight to marry him?

It was a good start, i bet Flash can defeat Tempest so easily, unless, she was more poserful than the knights, in that case, we are doomed.

We all know Tempest is going to win the first battle, because there would be no plot otherwise.

One of those orbs she threw around would suffice.

This is an incredible second chapter you wrote. I am really starting to like where your version of the movie is going so far.

The stakes are set high! The princesses, Mira, and Ace turned to stone, the knights vanished to who knows where, the other ponies captured. You even seemingly nerfed Flash with Corrupted Shadow! I am really going to enjoy how Flash will have to struggle with this injury and how this affects Twilight and the others.

And I love how you addressed Discord's absence in this story. That was Hilarious 😆.

"Ah," Springer kicked the ground, "this is just great. Discord sure picked a bad time to go on that interdimensional vacation."

Seeing Armalum return and introducing Void by helping kick the heroes' asses without overshadowing Tempest was great. Kind of hope it will be the same for the Storm King.

I wonder if you will expand on the characters from the movie in this story. Maybe have it influenced by the prequel comic. I liked them in the movie but I feel the weren't fleshed out enough.

Can't wait to read the next chapter. Keep up the good work 👍.

Well, things sure aren't looking good. Of course the Royal Knights had to be taken out of the picture, given how easily they would have wiped the floor with Tempest and her army. Now our heroes have been determined, so now it's up to them to save the world. If they can.

The more daring thing you could have done was literally petrify Flash... I like Flash as much as the next guy, but he really needs to go back to doing his own things separate from the Mane 6.
I ain't letting the fact that Flash is a '7th Element' throws all the dramatics of the main group off go. It's what tripped up the first entry into this series right at the finish line, and still fucks things up.


I wonder if you will expand on the characters from the movie in this story. Maybe have it influenced by the prequel comic. I liked them in the movie but I feel the weren't fleshed out enough.

Read this while you wait.
(My Little Mages: Amicitiae Tempestate)

If they do, it won't be a long marriage if the Future Heart Two Parter is anything to go off of.

It was rather more intense compare to the canon and it even more intense when Armalum is part of the Storm King's army.

This won't be easy fight for our heroes.

I knew you would take them out but I wonder where did he sent Royal Knights and Lightning to?

I glad you give every characters including your OCs to do things in the movie including the one who didn't appear in the film like Starlight and Trixie… I was worried characters like Rogue would be a voiceless cameo role but I glad he got to do things.

But it was the second figure that made many of them gasp, especially Flash, Springer, Ruby and Cold. For though he appeared different in design, they could never forget that armor. "Armalum..." Flash whispered at the sight of a pony-shaped figure in black and red armor.

Oh crap! That would explains Teen rated and dark element in this story. :twilightoops:

Armalum then held up a hoof, the armor around his leg reshaping into a crossbow-shape. He pointed it at the light cocoon and fired a bolt, a shadowy mist covering it as it struck the cocoon. "GYAH!" Flash screamed as the light exploded off of him, his armor fading as his clutched the space just below his chest. He fell to his knees and clutched the spot, now feeling the bolt digging into his flesh.

OH NO!!!! Flash!!!!!

She pulled out an orb and threw it towards the youngest of the alicorns, "SOUL!" Mira cried as she quickly shoved Soul to the side, the jakhowl getting hit by the orb instead.

"RAAAAH!" He roared with his claw pulled back. But Tempest simply smirked before throwing another orb at him, Ace unable to dodge it as it hit him, covering him with mist. Springer's eyes went wide as he saw Ace hit the ground, only to turn to stone as Heart called out to his friend.

OH NO!!!! They got Mira and Ace!!!!!!

"Armalum shot him with something," Twilight frowned as she stared at the wound, now seeing the bolt. "This is gonna hurt," he told him before using her magic. The wound glowed as something began to float out of it, Flash crying out until Springer grabbed a twig and put it into his mouth.

He gritted his teeth as the others looked away, his cries making them all flinch until Twilight managed to pull the bolt out. "Gyah!" He screamed, crushing the stick in his mouth as Twilight stared at the piercing.

This is why Twilight is best girlfriend for Flash and she's not letting her man to die, not on her watch! :rainbowdetermined2:

"Ah," Springer kicked the ground, "this is just great. Discord sure picked a bad time to go on that interdimensional vacation."

Thank you for that hilarious explanation of why Discord is not in the movie. :rainbowlaugh:

The filly shivered, Heart putting his hoof around her as Flash let out a sigh, "Scootaloo...I can't believe we left her." The others grimaced at this, knowing they had all abandoned members of their family who had been at the festival. But before they could say anything else, Twilight spoke up.

Oh…. :fluttercry:

Twilight and Flash were at the back of the group, Twilight taking one final look at Canterlot. "We'll free them," Flash assured her. "Once we've got the help we need, it'll be our turn to launch a sneak attack." Twilight did a slow nod as Flash added, "Besides, we should try and look on the bright side." Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, "We're lucky Flurry Heart caught that cold when she did. If she hadn't, she and Shining would have been at the festival and..."

And thank you for the explanation of why Shining Armor and Flurry Heart didn't appear in the film.

Wow, this was intense! I can see the ponies put up much more of a fight here compared to how they did in canon, where it seemed all they did was run away once the action started. But that was mostly thanks to the Royal Knights and now they're gone. I hope they're okay. They vanished due to that machine, but the question is where did they go? At least a few other characters got to help too before being captured, like Starlight, Trixie, Soarin, Rogue, Wild, and Script. Not to mention Ace and Mira were turned to stone. It was also nice that you included an explanation for Flurry Heart, Shining Armor, and Discord being absent unlike in canon. Most people say Discord could have handled the whole thing if he was there, but I personally think he would have just been dealt turned to stone again via an Obsidian Orb like the princesses.

I have to admit, Void was a badass in the fight. He could absorb each of the Royal Knights attacks and send them back. It's clear he's going to be tough to beat. Plus Flash is in very bad shape because of that Corrupted Shadow infected cross-bolt.

More accurately, it was something around the same size as Spike, maybe a few inches taller, staggering out of the ship carrying a large box with a strange symbol on it. When it reached the bottom, it dropped the box and stepped out from behind it to reveal a gray rat-like creature with a white mohawk that ran from its head all the way down its back. It wore a kind of black armored t-shirt with the same symbol as the box.

I personally thought Grubber looked more like a hedgehog than a rat.

But it was the second figure that made many of them gasp, especially Flash, Springer, Ruby and Cold. For though he appeared different in design, they could never forget that armor. "Armalum..." Flash whispered at the sight of a pony-shaped figure in black and red armor.

YES! I called it! I knew that armored figure was Armalum! Since none of the cultists have been seen since the end of the war, it is pretty cool to see one of them again. It might be interesting if we see flashbacks of how Armalum joined the Storm King.

"I am here to claim my vengeance on those that led to my master's death,"

I know you already confirmed that Shadow Corrupter was dead some time ago, but it is cool to now have official confirmation of his death in-universe.

"We've gotta send word to the dragons." Flash grumbled as he sat himself up. "The changelings too. They'd wanna come help if they knew we were under attack."

They all nodded and turned to Spike, but the little dragon flinching, "Well...I want to, but I don't have anything to write the message on."

"So we'll find something," Flash staggered, Springer helping him up.

I know most of the quest in the film is to find the hippogriffs and get their help, but it would be so awesome if they also got backup from the dragons and changelings. How hard could it be to find something to write on?

Hope Flash will be OK and Twilgith as well

Welp, that went from zero to sixty right away! :twilightoops: Was wondering how the Royal Knights were gonna be taken out of the fight cause no matter how badass Tempest was, she was still gonna be curbstomped if she tried taking all of them plus Flash & the Mane Six all on her own!:ajsmug: Also seems Junkpile's back & still salty about his master's death, hope he gets his just desserts this time around! :twilightangry2: As for Faker I hope we get to see who he really is behind that mask before this tale's over (I have a suspicion about who he really is, we'll see if I'm right or not:raritywink:)

Highlights for this chapter include :

But it was the second figure that made many of them gasp, especially Flash, Springer, Ruby and Cold. For though he appeared different in design, they could never forget that armor. "Armalum..." Flash whispered at the sight of a pony-shaped figure in black and red armor.

Oh great, Junkpile's back! :twilightangry2:

"I was hoping you'd choose difficult." Tempest replied as a pair of bipedal creatures walked out of the darkness of the ship. They looked just like the Storm King, only bulkier and appeared to lack horns. Instead, they had metal helmets covering their faces as they carried a large shield and spear. A moment later, more ships suddenly appeared out of the darkened sky, all flying above the city and before anypony could think about running, more of the creatures began to rain down.

The heroes gasped and the knights instantly leapt into action, charging at the incoming army. And as the Storm Guards attempted to attack ponies, the knights intercepted them. "Flash Force!" A laser shot down and struck a beast before it could grab a mare, sending it crashing into another.

"Cold Lock!" Cold slammed his hooves into the ground and caused ice to grow, quickly trapping the creatures. He then formed a sword and charged, quickly disarming them before trapping them in ice.

"Gatling Spark!" Lightning roared as he unleashed a barrage of electric bullets, zapping the beasts.

"Iron Lance Fury!" Iron fired several metal projectiles that broke the beasts' armor, slashing through them before one dodged and charged at Iron, only for its foot to suddenly be wrapped up in a chain.

"I don't think so!" Heather yelled before pulling the Storm Guard back and then using her Earth Pony strength, lifted it up before swinging it into some of its teammates.

"Say adios!" Tidal laughed as he unleashed a wave of water, washing several beasts away before Cold froze them with ease.

"Aid Force!" First yelled as he used his magic to power up Ruby, Grand and Skybreaker, the three charging and disarming a full group of beasts.

Springer then used his increased speed to zip around, blasting the Storm Guards with Aura Blasts and disarming them with Bone Breakers. "Is that the best you can do?!"

Tempest frowned at the sight, making her growl, "Annoying Royal Knights."

lol sorry Fizzie, not so easy this time around! :rainbowkiss:

Armalum then held up a hoof, the armor around his leg reshaping into a crossbow-shape. He pointed it at the light cocoon and fired a bolt, a shadowy mist covering it as it struck the cocoon. "GYAH!" Flash screamed as the light exploded off of him, his armor fading as his clutched the space just below his chest. He fell to his knees and clutched the spot, now feeling the bolt digging into his flesh.

"FLASH!" Twilight ran over him at this, gasping when she saw the veins around the bolt turning black. "What?!"

Whoa, that's not good! :pinkiegasp:

Tempest glared at them, only to notice something behind them. "Oh, I don't think so." The ponies spun around and saw a bunch of Storm Guards carrying a giant dome-shaped machine covered in wires and dials. They put the dome down and as it began to power up, Void leapt onto it and held up a staff. Armalum threw him the orb from before, Void then attaching it to the top of the staff, the claws of the staff wrapping around it as it lit up.

"Sorry knights," he cackled before holding the staff up. "But your time is up!" With that, he thrust the staff into the top of the dome and the energy from it flew into the relic. Void leapt off the dome as the staff lit up, the orb glowing brightly, only for light the burst out as the markings Armalum had placed on the knights glowed. Then, Ruby, Grand, Cold and Skybreaker simply vanished.

Oh boy, the hits keep on coming! :twilightoops:

"We've gotta send word to the dragons." Flash grumbled as he sat himself up. "The changelings too. They'd wanna come help if they knew we were under attack."

They all nodded and turned to Spike, but the little dragon flinching, "Well...I want to, but I don't have anything to write the message on."

"So we'll find something," Flash staggered, Springer helping him up.

That's actually not a bad idea, hoping it gets put to use later! :moustache:

And we're off to the races next time around, till then Banshee! :twilightsmile:

If you need an OC for this, let me know.


Well, look like the subplots will be about Starlight, Trixie, Script, Wild, Gorgenia, Soarin and maybe Rogue as they are trying to figure out of setting the rest of Royal Knights free as they are trapped in void-like dimension.

I wouldn't be surprised by the time they got to the last musical number, Flash will be sick and tired and be like "NO MORE MUSICAL NUMBERS!!!!" :rainbowlaugh:

Not change much in Klugetown beside a Shark guy asking for Lightbringer, Spike writing a message to Ember and Thorax (I hope) and fight between Springer and Armalum.

Here's highlights:

"We just have to hold out," Starlight reminded them, "Twilight and the others will return soon, and when they do, they'll have a plan to finally beat these creeps." The ponies nodded as Starlight watched a guard snap the string of some balloons, which floated up into the air. "I hope."

Oh….. 😬😬😬😬😬 they do return but not in a way you expect.

"Last time I was stuck feeding off the powers of the creature I inhabited!" Armalum roared as he swung his blade, Springer blocking it with his staff. "This time, the power I'm wielding is far greater than you can imagine! A parting gift from my master." Springer stared at the blade at this, only to notice that it wasn't made from the same material as the armor, but the black rock substance that had poisoned Flash.

"Corrupted Shadow."

"Exactly," Armalum cackled as he attempted to slash him again.

Oh great! More Corrupted Shadow stuff! :twilightangry2:

Glad that we got to see how the others are doing while Flash & the others are getting help, course I'm not a big fan at what that little troll tried to do to a petrified Ace! :twilightangry2: On our heroes side it was dicey for Springer against Junkpile, glad that we got a hint at what this arrogant creep weak point is, looking forward to see him be taken down....FOR GOOD!!! :flutterrage:

As for Highlights :

"Come on!" They all turned to see Grubber carrying the stoned version of Ace over to where Derpy and Mira had been put out of the way. "Why'd I hiff ta do this?!" he grumbled. "Not my thaalt those ponies got ta-way." He put Ace down and wiped his brow, "Dis is all Void and Armalum's thaalt. If they's never showed up, I'd be a lot higher up on the ladder right now." He then turned to the statue and smirked. "Maybe if I break dis sing into smaller pee-sees, it'll be easier to carry."

I see a snotty troll getting a beat-down before this tale's over! :twilightangry2:

Script stared at the staff, the distance making deciphering the marks on it difficult. But after straining his eyes, he let out a hiss, "Definitely rune magic. But it's not like any I've seen before. A few of the symbols looks familiar, but they're very old. Actually...I think they're the same runes Twilight showed us a while back. The ones she found at Ponhenge."

Starlight went wide-eyed at this, "are you saying the knights have all been sent to limbo?"

"Possibly," Script replied, "But it might also be just a similar type of magic. My best guess is that Lightning and the others have been taken out of time. They're still exactly where they are, but have simply been shifted into another plain of existence where time doesn't move." He looked up at the dome covering the city, "As long as this dome is around the area they were in, they'll stay there. Days, weeks, even years could pass and it wouldn't even be a second to them."

Hmmm good bit of important info there! :rainbowhuh:

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "You knew it was gonna be hot when you heard that lonesome sky guitar and hawk's cry." The others turned to him with raised eyebrows, only to then hear a guitar rift followed by a bird screech. Clearly, the heat was getting to them.

*someone shouts in the distance* JANGO!!!!! :raritywink:

The cat nodded as Rarity added, "And quite charming." She let out a giggle while the others nodded. Flash noticed Spike cross his arm, wondering if he was still carrying a torch for the mare until he heard him say.

"Lightning probably wouldn't think so."

"Now now Spike," Rarity chimed in, "I still love Lightning, but I'm allowed to compliment a rather dashing creature who helped us out.

Dragon Paladin's looking out for Rares while Lightning's indisposed, awesome!!! :moustache:

"How are you doing that?!" He yelped as Armalum summoned a blade on his right leg and charged. "You couldn't do this the last time we met!"

"Last time I was stuck feeding off the powers of the creature I inhabited!" Armalum roared as he swung his blade, Springer blocking it with his staff. "This time, the power I'm wielding is far greater than you can imagine! A parting gift from my master." Springer stared at the blade at this, only to notice that it wasn't made from the same material as the armor, but the black rock substance that had poisoned Flash.

"Corrupted Shadow."

"Exactly," Armalum cackled as he attempted to slash him again.

Oh yeah, so nice to show us your weak point Junkpile! :rainbowkiss:

"Hey!" Soul saw a bunch of paper on a nearby table along with a quill, grabbing them and seeing the paper was entirely blank. "Can we borrow this?"

"Sure sweetheart," Capper replied, "Draw all the pretty pictures you like."

"Oh," Soul gave it to Spike, "it's not for drawing."

"Great idea," Spike responded as he started writing, "We can send a message to Ember and Thorax. No doubt they'll wanna send us support in stopping the Storm King."

Sweet, hoping we get some dragon/changeling assistance this time around! :raritystarry:

"Yeah," Springer huffed, "You're right. It would be." But as he said that, something happened their caught both their attentions. A large windmill propeller a good distance away suddenly spun like crazy before ripping off the tower, the five bladed device flying through the air before bouncing off the ground several times. Springer just knew that had been caused by his friends, causing him to smile and dig deep. As he did, the spikes on his chest and arms glowed. "But the easy way...isn't always...THE RIGHT WAY!" As he screamed that, he swung his arms and the light to flew out of his spikes and into the shield around him.

The barrier suddenly exploded into a wave that blasted Armalum back, the living armor crying out as he crashed into a nearby wall. "Gyah!" He moaned, pushing himself back up.

"RAAAAAH!" Springer roared as he summoned a pair of Steel Paws and slashed at him, Armalum not able to turn to shadow quick enough. Springer then slashed him again and again, turning into a complete blur that Armalum couldn't escape. And before he could counter those slashes, Springer dealt an upwards kick into Armalum's chin, knocking him back again.

Hey Junkpile, ground taste good? :ajsmug:

Things are heating up again, looking forward to the next chapter Banshee! :twilightsmile:

Wow, this keeps getting more and more interesting and intense!

I like how we saw the perspective of some of the ponies at Canterlot. They might be captured, but maybe they can still do something to help, like destroy the machine and get the Royal Knights back. I think it is also interesting that since Void and Armalum are here now, Grubber has essentially been demoted and is stuck doing grunt work instead of working by Tempest's side as her sidekick. Too bad, since I kind of liked his antics to contrast him from Tempest.

What's also interesting is what Tempest said to Armalum. She said that he needs Flash to save himself. But the question is from what? Armalum already revealed he has the Corrupted Shadow, a gift granted to him by his late master, so how would the Sacred Light help him? Questions I hope we will learn the answers to later.

The adventure with the Mane 7 and the others is good so far. Springer's fight with Armalum was awesome, and hopefully Spike was able to send his messages to Thorax and Ember before they had to run from Tempest. Getting backup from the changelings and dragons would be awesome. Now they can head to Mount Aris, and we'll get to meet more hippogriff!

"Nope," he sighed. He was hot, but not as blisteringly hot as the others. "Hotter. I could really use a drink right now though." He looked over at a nearby cactus and licked his lips, only for Flash to grab him.

"Don't even think about it. I'm tired enough without having to suffer through you singing a song about it being quenching."

I like that reference! Though I have to agree with Flash. Sokka drunk on cactus juice was hilarious, but not very helpful. Plus if Heart ended up like that he would be even more dangerous given his fire powers.

lash heard this and his eyes went wide. "Ahh, of course." He slammed his hoof into his head, "How did I miss that? I've actually met a hippogriff." The ponies all remembered Wingill, the strange half pony half eagle creature that had been a part of Shadow Corrupter's entourage.

"Couldn't he also transform into a fish?" Rainbow asked.

"And he could control water," Rarity nodded. "If we had an entire army with that kind of power behind us, the Storm King wouldn't stand a chance."

This is awesome. We're finally going to get to see more hippogriffs for the first time since Wingill. It is going to be interesting, with everyone knowing about their ability to transform into seaponies beforehand. Though unfortunately for Rarity, Wingill could only control water due to being experimented on by Shadow, and it is not a natural ability his kind possesses.

So no attempt to flush out Capper, just gonna use only the film info, not gonna use anypony other than Rarity as the basis for his Heel to Face turn down the road?
Banshee, you're slipping.
Nice use of Armalum to hold Springer off, but you could have actually done something bold and add Springer to list of the captives.
Also massive missed opportunity with Grubber.


What's also interesting is what Tempest said to Armalum. She said that he needs Flash to save himself. But the question is from what? Armalum already revealed he has the Corrupted Shadow, a gift granted to him by his late master, so how would the Sacred Light help him? Questions I hope we will learn the answers to later.

She's talking to Void not Armalum

If you're expecting a thanks for pointing that mistake out, don't hold your breath.

The fact that you're so bent on denying any sign of gratitude, says volumes more about you and your character than me.

I just don't want to congratulate the "local bully" and encourage your bad behavior. You're the one that can't tell how unpopular he is. One good deed doesn't make up for the dozens, if not hundreds, of rude comments you have left.

I embrace that I have a different opinion then others and i am well aware that they are not popular. I am not attacking you or anyone, all I am doing is pointing to what I think is a mistake or misstep that Banshee made in the only way people seem to respond.
Also, people respond to incentives, if you want some to behave a certain way, give them an incentive. So if you want me to not be in your words 'the local bully' give me an incentive not to be.
Again you're refusal of a simple 'thanks' says more about you than me.

Rant all you want asshole, it won’t change the fact that you are a bully and everyone knows it. Nobody should need to give you any “incentives” to not be a jerk. Don’t blame me that your actions have consequences and nobody wants to thank you when once on a blue moon you decide to not be an asshole.

Who's ranting? I take it upon my self to do the Christian thing to help you understand something you didn't and you elect to withhold the smallest form of gratitude. I point out that such actions say more about you than me and you call me a 'bully', I point out that I am well aware that I am not in the majority opinion and I point that you can try to encourage behavior you want from me in a different way then you're trying and you leve accusations. I am not the one butthurt that someone took the time to correct an error I made in understanding what is going on. So you might want to pull out of the drive-in theater.

Yet I am not without mercy, I forgive you of your misplaced ire and your lack of demonstrated gratitude. May God Bless you all the days of your life, may they fruitful and your endeavors succeed in all counts. May He count among the Elect and may you be with Him in Heaven in the fullest of time. Amen.

Really? That's all the highlights you've got for this chapter?

Well, there are so many of them that I didn't want my comment to be overcrowded and I did give my thought on stuffs.

I'm curious what he's done to be a bully when you're the only one here cursing and calling people names lol. All he did was point out that they were talking to a different character than the one you said.

Read enough of his comments from across the series. You'll understand fast. Besides, he just used God's name in vain as a petty insult to act all 'holier than thou' and insult my faith. As far as I'm concerned that's an unforgivable sin.

I don't really care enough to read all of his comments on other stories, but saying 'God Bless' isn't using his name in vain.

It is when he's being smug, superior, and sarcastic about it. Now please drop it.

lol I always love the "please drop it" when you could have just ignored that guy's comment to begin with. Choosing to engage with someone you dislike is funny to me. But sure, you have a great rest of your day :)



Guys Guys, let's not fight we are all fans of this fic ate we not? We shouldn't act like bullys online, and we shouldn't say mean and hurtful things. We are here to enjoy this fic not picker of who is right or wrong. To quote Transformers "till all are one."

Asking God to bless someone even if they might be an enemy is following Christ's commands, Luke 6:28 'Bless those that curse you, pray for those who mistreat you'. And if obeying Christ by asking God to bless one who cursed me is taking the Lord's name in vain in your eyes... well... um...
Well I again I choose to bless you and forgive you, and may God be with you.

May you will help me pray for him, he needs God's blessing more than I.

Can't say I disagree and I will try to establish that better future of us all as one by praying and asking the Lord to bless SuperSonicHeroes.

And I forgive you for your wrath towards me and may God be with you, and may you be blessed by Him. Amen.

Dude! Enough with the fake prayers already! I don't care if you are a troll or whatever your problem is, but you do not bring religion into arguments! Stop acting you are above me because you pray or like your "prayers" make you 'holier than thou'. All you are doing is insulting my own faith, which as far as I am concerned is an unforgivable sin itself and will damn you! I don't need or want your false forgiveness, especially since you are only saying it as a backhanded insult towards me, and I am never forgiving you for insulting my religion and my own faith. Burn in Hell, sinner!

Just shut up, stop spamming in these comments, drop it already, and leave me and my friends alone!

Again I forgive you of your wrath towards me and all your other trespasses against me.
And again I ask God to bless you.
May His peace be with you. Amen

I didn't say anything hurtful lol
I'm not interested in your pissing contest with him. He asked me to drop it and I am because I'm not a dweeb.

There is no pissing contest, I am just done fighting with him and I choose to start moving on by forgiving him and asking others to pray for him.

things are heating up big time

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