• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 57 minutes ago

Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh


Having a baby is easy (or so they say). It's raising the baby into a spectacular member of society that's the challenging part. Every parent has hopes for their offspring. Every parent has fears for their young's safety. Yet the bulk of that stems from those first few days and nights with a newborn. This is Halo's story with her first night as a mother.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Ya know something? If I'm not mistaken, this is the first ever fanfic reading of one of my works (that I'm aware of). I am absolutely in awe.

Be sure to let the narrator know that 👋

This was cute and somewhat interesting to read.
Please take out the twenty baby bottle icons though, because text to speech reads every single one as "image description baby bottle." Literally.
Other than that, I enjoyed this short read and wouldn't mind a little more.

🤣 perhaps it was best to leave the "text-to-speech" off then?! 🤣 I only did that to break up my scenes. Nonetheless thanks for the input.

A [ hr ] or a couple bottles would do fine, even without TTS, it's a bit gratuitous. I just hope you write a little more like this, it was fun few minutes.

While I agree that it can be tedious....and that I tend to forget to edit that out usually (I typically copy/paste from my Google docs and I use emojis as my scene breaks usually). I am glad you enjoyed it. With the last few months being some trying times for me, not to mention the pregnancy, it still astounds me that I managed to publish this when I did.

Congrats on writing and finding inspiration! I have had my own rough time and just started dabbling in writing again after a long hiatus. Keep going and stay strong!

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