• Member Since 31st Dec, 2018
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Sorry for being a Starlight Glimmer apologist


Sunburst never talked about his family, and Starlight never asked, but when she sees a letter from his father her curiosity was peaked—especially when it's confirmed that he was coming over for a visit, something that Sunburst is less than enthusiastic about.

But the million-bit question is why, after all this time, is he suddenly concerned about his son's welfare? Is it because of simple fatherly concern, or does Sunspot have something more devious in mind?

Either way, he's about to put Starlight and Sunburst to the test, let's see how much of his meddling can these two handle.

Spoiler alert, not a lot.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 56 )

Upvoted with no hesitation because there’s no doubt of its quality

If this is the kind of stuff you put out as a stop gap, I don’t know what I’ll feel at your next big project! It’s about time Sunburst got to experience the panic, you have me hooked, Sunspot’s motivations remain very… suspect… 😉

hehe thanks! Hope you enjoy the ride!

Sunburst sighed and closed his eyes, his ears folded against his head. “It was fine, at first, but I quickly lagged behind…I hated it, I knew I had no talent, but my dad wanted me there, and I desperately wanted to make him proud. So I stayed. I studied as hard as I could and pushed myself every single day. And he would smile at my bad grades and tell me I would do better next time, that if I just hang on for one more semester he would let me drop out, but it never happened, he lied to me.”

I've seen many parents like that in my time in education, sadly. The key question in that case if is they genuinely want what is best for their child, or (as I suspect is the case here) it gives them something to boast about.

Ummm Sunburst I think any connections your dad has pale in comparison to YOuR connections! Effectively family too all the princesses, by being Flurry Heart's godfather in effect. Vice-headstalliion of the School of friendship, good friends with the Changeling King.
That does how ever mean his dad wants something from him still, his dad doesn't have the pull to force him back to Canterlot or Magic School, but he can still try to use Sunburst's political and academic standing to his advantage.

This looks really fun! Gonna be following this one closely!

Consider me hooked.

This entire first chapter was a treat. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

On a side note, are Starlight and Sunburst a couple in this story? Also, we are talking about Twilight’s castle in Ponyville, right?

Thanks! I hope you enjoy the rest as well!

To answer your questions: no, they're not together in this story, and yes, they're living in Twilight's castle.

Ah, I see. I’m excited to see what the [Romance] tag is for, then. Don’t tell me; I don’t wanna be spoiled.


If you need to borrow a character for a background bit, let me know.

Ooh, Sun, what are you hiding? :trixieshiftright:

All I can say is: Star better be prepared for whatever revelation he’s going to make.

Should I strap myself in for a bumpy ride?

Anyone else want to beat the living snot out of Sunspot?

“One way or another, you will be coming home with me and fulfill your duties as my son and heir.”

Now careful, Sunspot--these two know a couple of princesses that would be more than capable of...oh, I don't know...vaporizing you, sealing you in stone, yeeting you to the moon, or the sun...because you know, the sun has sunspots, doesn't it? So what would be just one more, eh? :trollestia:

Also, they know Discord. Who generally isn't bothered with ethics or protocol. And could probably come up with something even worse than what I all just listed if so asked. :trixieshiftleft:

You wanna be the one to hold him down for it, or should I? :pinkiecrazy:

Why not both of us hold him down? Because I'm sure that we both want to beat him.

I wouldn't call it bumpy, but more like twisty curvy like a rollercoaster

Oh dear, can't wait to read your reactions for the next chapter :pinkiecrazy: (just three more and we're done)

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. Raises family friendly juice box in cheer

I'm not sure if Sunspot's goal is for Sunburst to father him a grandchild, but if it is he is shooting himself in the hoof here.


He made my favorite pony cry.
Nobody makes my favorite pony cry!:twilightangry2:

I knew it! I so totally knew it!

The [Romance] tag is for Starlight and Sunsburst!

Oh, and yeah. Sunspot is screwed.

I got you. Reinforcements will come soon.

Mm. I have a thing or two to say, but I'll probably just wait for next chapter.
What the hell's a Zenith though?

HIT HIM WITH THE CHAIR :flutterrage:

Sunspot is lucky that the fourth wall is protecting him...

Hehe, what can I say? I love these idiots so much.

By the next chapter, we (and Starlight) will have the whole picture. And Zenith is the family name I usually use for Sunburst (his full name being Sunburst Zenith in my headcanon)


I love these idiots so much.

I love those two idiots so much, too. They’re the only MLP couple I ship.

“I won’t leave her…nor my work here.” Sunburst’s eyes hardened, raising his chin in defiance. “But you already knew that.”

His father stared at him for a moment, expression unreadable, before he nodded curtly and turned on his heel to follow after Starlight. “Yes, Sunburst, I already knew.”

Can't seem to take the hint, then.

(what the hay was shilay in nogada?)

Well, Google doesn't seem to know, so I couldn't tell you, Starlight.

“That’s good,” Sunspot took a sip of his drink. “Because I do have many plans for Sunburst. Plans that have been in place for years. Plans that cannot be changed.”

Tough--they're gonna get changed anyway.

Sunspot leaned forward. “Do you? Then tell me this, Starlight, what was Sunburst doing all the way in the Crystal Empire? Why did he leave a prestigious magic school to become some glorified librarian?”

Because he didn't like it in the prestigious magic school. Whatever bombshell you're planning to drop here, Sunspot, that much still isn't in debate.

"Yes, he may not be powerful, but—and I mean no offense, dear—overpowered unicorns are a dime-a-dozen these days."

Well, okay, I gotta give ya that one. How many Twilight clones did we have by the end of G4 again? No wonder poor Ember couldn't ever seem to tell them all apart. :trollestia:

“Is he coming back home with me and leaving you important enough?”

Well, apparently not, because he's already made it clear he's not doing that, so...

Sunspot’s smile widened, like a cat who caught the canary. “Sunburst didn’t drop out, Starlight, he was expelled.”

And the sky is blue. Not exactly any great big revelation there, Sunspot. It's not like Sunburst didn't basically imply as such already in the show itself, so we've even got canon more or less backing this up already.

“He burned down a classroom,” he sighed, “and the fire spread. No pony got hurt, but the damage was extensive, enough for the school board to kick him out."

Yeah, still blaming you for that, Sunspot. You backed the poor lad into a corner, hadn't left him much other choice, and it doesn't matter how docile a critter one might be, because that's still usually when the teeth start getting used out of sheer self-defense and a lack of alternatives. It's usually justified at that point too.

And you already know that--I can tell from how you're telling this whole story, phrasing it in such a way that you're craftily skipping every other line of it...but not craftily enough, Sunspot, because I can still see in-between those lines. You're deliberately trying to spin Sunburst as the bad guy here when you know full well that's not really the case.

Sunburst would seek his fortune outside of magic school and make something of himself out there, and when he did, he would return home to fulfill his duty as a Zenith. And now thanks to you, I can finally take him home.”

No. No, you can't have him. We want to keep him forever, we like him too much, and we definitely don't like you, so...we're also keeping him so to spite you, and rub it in how much you can't have him. Because you can't.

And if that causes you problems, that's tough, because now that's solely your problem. And we're quite happy to keep it that way, thank you very much. :trixieshiftleft:

"He will be cared for, he will have everything he could ever want, he will reach his full potential."

All lies. Because he's already got all that here. And everything he wants, which he won't have wherever you want to take him, so...yeah, I don't see this ending in your favor, Sunspot. Heck, telling Starlight about all of this might actually have been a bad idea, because she's not so afraid to cross certain lines that others wouldn't...and this time she'll have the advantage of having the higher moral ground to justify it with. :ajsmug:

Plus, don't forget what I said before about these two contacts with certain other very powerful creatures. Making you the sun's latest sunspot is still a very tempting and very much a still on the table kind of option after all... :pinkiecrazy:

"Would you selfishly keep him here when he would be better off elsewhere?"

Yes. Note my lack of hesitation saying that, Sunspot.

"And why, pray tell, would he stay here with you over what I can offer him?”

Because what you're offering him isn't actually the better offer here. Or really an offer at all, seeing you're trying to not even give anyone a say in this except yourself, so who is it really "for the better" for here? Because it's certainly sounding more like something that's better for you than it is for anypony else, much less Sunburst. And that right there is the detail that'll unravel the whole thing for you.

This guy thinks he's so clever and manipulative, but what he's really doing here is putting a pretty trash hand of cards on the table and then trying to bluff his way to victory, hoping nobody will ever notice it's all talk. And it's not going to work. I can see that coming already from a mile away, it's not going to work. This plan hinges entirely too much on the cooperation of its victims, and he's obviously never going to get that, not to the degree he needs to keep this crazy plan glued together. And acting all smug and like he's already got it in the bag anyway isn't going to change that.

“Oh, really? Do you still trust him? Even after hearing all this?"

Well, yeah! That bombshell you've been trying to drop has thus far been a pretty anti-climatic dud, so unless you've got a hidden back-up in reserve that's got some actual oompf to it, we're pretty much done here already.

“I would say that you’re a little past trust, dear. It would seem that you’ve fallen for my son.”


No, seriously, so what? I don't see how that helps you any, Sunspot. If anything, it's only going to make this more difficult for you. Power of love and all that. :raritywink:

It wouldn’t do to blast the stallion through the window and into another dimension, no matter how much she wanted to

Meh, I think we could forgive you for this one, Glimglam. You'd probably be doing the world a favor anyway, so blast away! :trollestia:

“Starlight,” Sunspot called out, stopping the young mare. “Don’t you want to know what prompted Sunburst to turn his back on his family? To try and give up everything? To change?”

No need. That reason already invited her out to lunch, his treat, but instead is currently very lucky he hasn't gotten blasted into another dimension at the moment, and is now going to have to pay for a meal which didn't get eaten.

Hope you like eating alone, Sunspot. Because I expect you're going to be doing a lot of it in the future.

(Eesh, no wonder even Stellar Flare apparently left him--he makes her seem tame by comparison)

Dude, all you're doing is giving me more reasons to NOT hold you back. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm pretty sure the dimension is not the human world but instead one that was a desolate wasteland.

You say that like that would be a bad thing. :trixieshiftleft:

Actually I was going to say a dimension of hellfire and brimstone. I was trying to be merciful by leaving him somewhere he could suffer and die.

I have a feeling that those plans are an arranged marriage for Sunburst which is why he found it good that Starlight isn't that interested. The"plans that have been in place for years" that can't be changed? And how he's trying to drive Starlight away from Sunburst? WHAT OTHER DIRECTION IS THIS GOING!?

I think that might the case too (or at least in the right ballpark), which makes Sunspot's handling of it all the more laughable, because, again, I don't think his approach for addressing the problem is working. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's backfiring, and was always doomed to--whether Starlight was told or not, she was likely always going to interfere.

But if this is the case...you'd think he wouldn't have been so quick to let Starlight go, especially when she seemed more resolute to defy him than before...if he's expecting Sunburst's revealing of the rest of the tale will finish the job, that's idiotic, as Sunburst is clearly the victim in all of this, giving no reason why Starlight wouldn't still take his side over Sunspot's.

Really, the best thing Sunspot could've done was the exact opposite--do everything in his power to keep Starlight from learning the truth. But fortunately, he's too sadistic for that. :ajsmug:

Right now I just need to find my rusty meat hooks, chains, serrated and dull knives, slow working acid, all of the telletubbies episodes, am I missing anything?

Sunspot's moral compass is pretty much non-existent
gettin some 120 Days Of Blueblood flashbacks here(DO NOT LOOK UP THAT FIC)

There is one way to break off that engagement... :pinkiehappy:

I totally called it.

“Wait a minute…” He cringed as he heard Starlight gasp. Guiltily, he looked up to meet her wide-eyed gaze. “You’re engaged!?”

Well...not by choice, so...that oughta count for a whole lot. Honestly, it shouldn't even count if the other party not only didn't agree with it but doesn't actually want it either.

Sunburst made a choking noise before shuddering. “It was Princess Celestia’s idea…”

Ha, it would. :trollestia:

If she did it out of fondness for him or for more practical reasons, or maybe even to stick it to Sunspot, she couldn't say.

Why not all three? :trixieshiftright:

Sunburst hummed in agreement, nuzzling the top of her head and taking in the scent of lilies in her hair. “It’s not over though, he’s going to come for me no matter what, and I don't know what stunt he will pull to do so.”

Eh, I'm not worried. Sunspot might have connections, a block of ice for a heart, and no sense of ethics...

...but, Sunburst, you've got a Starlight Glimmer. That alone just about trumps everything else in the right circumstances. I mean, if it came right down to it, have Starlight challenge him to a magic duel for it, Trixie-style. She'll beat Sunspot easily, I'm sure. :ajsmug:

Next time: Sunburst and Starlight confront his father, will they succeed?

Well yeah. Honestly, I never seriously thought Sunspot even had a chance from the start, but that's why I wanted to read this fic so much--so to relish how badly it'll ultimately go for him in the end. :pinkiecrazy:

Here! *tosses you another skunk* Make it 501 rabid skunks!

Would you like a hot dog to go with that relish?

He went silent, his hooves pulling at the roots of his hair, gathering the courage to say the last piece of damning truth. “At first, I could convince my dad to pass up on those offers, that I could always get another one, or a better one. But there was one family that didn’t give up, they owned some merchant ships or something…and then, when they made an offer, my father realized that this was his last chance to make something out of me, so he agreed.”

Did Sunspot actually get the agreement written down? If so, at least some good will come of this debacle of a scheme; creatures will always need toilet paper. How someone supposedly politically-minded thought that a coerced contract (which is one way to describe the engagement) would be upheld as valid is beyond me.

Ooh, this is gonna be amazing! I can’t wait Sunshit to get his comeuppance. Yay for revenge!


I don't get it. What exactly can his father actually do? Sunburst is an adult, he doesn't have to obey him. He can't kidnap him, that wouldnt accomplish anything. Brainwash him? Starlight can break the spell. The only way i can see is if he had some major blackmail material on his son. Other than that, Sunburst should just be able to tell his dad to buck off and file a restraining order on him, end of story. Am I missing something? How exactly is this old geezer a threat?

Alright, I don't think whatever happens in the next chapter will change what I'm about to say, so here goes (also spoiler alert, whoever bald enough to read comments first).

Let me start off by saying that I really, REALLY like the concept of this fic, how it fits into the little bits of canon we know, how Sunspot was handled and even the inclusion of Celestia's influence on the matter.
However, the dynamic between Starlight and Sunburst is messy and all over the place.

Reading the previous chapter, I was left with the feeling: "okay, so Sunspot's revelation wasn't too too bad, Sunburst kind of overreacted and Starlight obviously takes his side", which was a little tame for all the build-up it had but still sensible. But now in this chapter she comes back home... crying? What happened there?
Not only that, she seems to go back and forth between forgiving or upset multiple times in this chapter. And the big big revelation: Sunburst's engagement, brought imo her worst reaction of all for one simple reason:

It's an appropiate reaction for a pair in a commited relationship, NOT for just close friends.

Starlight literally called him a cheater, despite the fact that earlier that morning she didn't even know she had feelings for him for Celestia's sake. From the perspective of two people who are just friends, Starlight is acting hella melodramatic and possesive and Sunburst uncharacteristically self-deprecating.

Read this fic again imagining that they are already in a relationship, maybe few months old. Doesn't the revelation of Sunburst's engagement suddenly hold a lot more impact then? Don't their behaviours and reactions suddenly feel much more justified and relatable? That's because this story is treating them, for all intents and purposes, like they have a romantic relationship, but the moment it is brought up directly? They're suddenly platonic.

Alright! A comment I can answer without getting into spoilers!

At first, Starlight's upset that Sunburst never shared the details surrounding his expulsion from magic school, when she had laid her cards on the table from day one, especially considering the severity of her crimes. She had to learn it from his father, a second party, when Sunburst had ample opportunity to tell her before Sunspot was even a thought on their minds. Granted, Sunburst's "crimes" weren't that severe, but the fact that he kept it from her when she thought they were already past keeping secrets from the other, is what upsets her.

As for her reaction to the engagement, if they were only close friends, well yeah, it would be overreacting (but even if they were only friends I could still see her being upset, engagements are a big deal after all, and not telling it to your close friend? that's a little shitty if you ask me), but Starlight has feelings for him, even if she just realized them.

She's upset at him for not telling her sooner, and at herself, for falling for a guy that's engaged (yes, she didn't know, but emotions are illogical like that), besides I always seen Starlight as being a little...territorial when it comes to Sunburst, which has probably kicked up a notch now that she realizes her true feelings.

And if they had been in a romantic relationship at the start of this story...I think readers would be calling for Sunburst's head as well :twilightoops: it's one thing to hide your engagement from a friend but from your girlfriend? Yikes...


the fact that he kept it from her when she thought they were already past keeping secrets from the other, is what upsets her.

That's what I figured, however her behaviour seemed much more in line just previous chapter. She was surprised mostly and a little disappointed, but didn't seem to judge Sunburst too hard for it, nor did she think for a second that he intended to leave her or the school, whereas this chapter there's been a significant shift in her mood since the very first paragraph. It still feels way over the top.

If they were 100% platonic and you showed me Sunburst telling her about the engagement, I'd imagine Starlight being far more concerned for his compromised situation than mad about keeping the secret. This is that, except Starlight has kinda started fancying him for about an hour tops. True that such an emotional rollercoaster could cause her to react wrongly, but remember three things:

  1. After years of seeing Sunburst platonically, it's difficult to believe, for me anyways, that she would fall for him so hard, so fast to cause this
  2. This is post-canon Starlight, the most mature version of herself, it takes more than back at season 6 to push her emotions over the edge
  3. And most egregious: she doesn't even know whether Sunburst reciprocates her feelings yet

It's like she realises she likes him and she's already making plans for the wedding before even a confession.

it's one thing to hide your engagement from a friend but from your girlfriend? Yikes...

In Sunburst's ideal world, the engagement is forgotten forever and Starlight never has to find out, as he said she doesn't need to know. I could believe that he didn't have the courage and willingness to confess it at first, more so considering he didn't think it would come back to bite him, and as time passes bringing up the subject only gets harder.

Idk, this chapter just seems surreal to me considering the context.

Can I take back everything I said? I just realized that he was testing them.

That was a nice ending! Thanks for the story!

And with that, you have earned your 155th follower!

This was a wonderful ride. Short, sweet, but an emotional rollercoaster. Great work as always, Fool! See ya around!


I can't decide whether this turn of events was underwhelming or wholesome, and my mind right now is like two deers having a buck fight.
I think the latter is winning tho.

Sunburst wanted nothing more than to slam the door in his handsome face, but Starlight’s gentle hoof on his shoulder kept him still. “Please, come in Mr. Sunspot.”

She's showing more restraint than I expected--I would've just said "no," and motioned for him to move on to his reason for being there.

Or just slammed the door in his face, like Sunburst wanted to.

Sunspot’s smile never faltered as he turned to Starlight. “And you still want him? After all that?”

I still don't see why you thought so strongly that she wouldn't, Sunspot. Regardless of its details, I'd imagine knowing the whole story would've only made Starlight sympathize all the more with Sunburst, even if there wasn't the romantic tension, because that's just who she is. Really, you would've been better off trying to keep her out of the loop instead, not pressuring for her to learn all.

Sunspot grinned. “Because your mother made it a point to mention just how truly happy you are living and working here, even more than when you were in the Crystal Empire. I came all this way to see that for myself and I’m happy to report that she was right.”

Well. Guess that explains that. Look at me being wrong. :rainbowlaugh:

He's still a manipulative twit, though--he made this waaaaaaay harder than he needed to, and it was still a problem of his own creation, so... :trixieshiftleft:

“When I’m gone, I won’t be leaving you with much, or not as much as I would like you to have. At first, I wanted you to finish magic school so I could put you in a comfortable job with one of my colleagues, but then you got expelled and marriage seemed like the only way to guarantee you a comfortable future.” He shook his head. “I let you go with the expectation that a taste of reality would make you come to your senses, but you are stubborn like your mother, and you succeeded when I was sure you would fail.”

Yeah, see, it's comments like that which make me not want to let him off the hook all that much. I won't throw him out the window or anything like that anymore, but I will still definitely say he mishandled this almost entirely from start to finish.

"Though, I admit now that my view of success was very narrow at the time.”

Very, VERY, narrow. Like, suck-it-in-and-just-pray-you-don't-get-stuck-anyway sort of narrow.

“You have gone above and beyond all of my expectations and, all things considered, you hold all the cards here."

Well, he's right about that--that much was obvious some chapters back. Even if he was everything he initially seemed to be, he never would've won that fight, and it would've been foolish to try.

“I have always been proud of you, from the moment you were born, and it was that same pride that made me do what I thought was best, not what was best for you…I know it sounds like an excuse..."

That's because it is. I know, I know, his intentions were (more or less) in the right place, and even I never really doubted that...but yeah, that still doesn't change how badly he'd handled the whole affair, arguably more traumatizing his son than doing anything to actually help him, and thus doesn't excuse that his execution of it all was rather poor.

I mean, sure, I'd hope the two can eventually make amends at some point in the future, now that they're on the same page again...but it's going to take awhile, and there's probably always going to be that emotional baggage lingering in the corner that they just can't get rid of, and that's sad, because it never needed to be there in the first place.

Aw, but I'll let him have his bonding moment in peace regardless, I guess. :derpytongue2:

"...and do visit Stellar more often, your mother misses you terribly and likes to take out her frustration on me.”

Heh, I can just imagine. :trollestia:

To be honest, I'm sort of disappointed in myself for not considering that he was testing them sooner, especially as that provides much more air-tight motivations for Sunspot than the alternative, so credit to the author for successfully keeping me off that trail until the appropriate time. :raritywink:

Eh, I don't know if I'd take back all of it myself...but I will have that rabid skunk I loaned you back. :rainbowlaugh:

Even if his heart was in the right place, he was a jerk about it, he deserves at least a smack on the back of his head and a kick in the knee.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks a bunch! :heart:

I can see that, but this was always the intended ending, I guess a lot of people wanted to see Sunspot get dunked on

Your comments are always so elaborate and insightful, thank you!!

And yeah, maybe I did let Sunspot off the hook easily, but it's just that I don't see Sunburst as the kind of guy to hold a grudge, he loves his old man despite everything. And Sunspot to, even if he has the "my way or the highway" attitude dragging him down. Their relationship will always be somewhat strained, but maybe it can heal.

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