• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 6,695 Views, 153 Comments

Whether You Want It Or Not - Roserado

Sunset Shimmer comes back to Equestria and discovers that she became an alicorn while she was away. It creates some problems. Hopefully Starlight can help.

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2.Volunteered (Whether You Want To Be Or Not)

The city is in chaos. Starlight runs in the direction of the castle, with Sunset following right behind her. Amidst the panicking residents, abandoned carriages, and stray guards fruitlessly attempting to calm the crowds, her destination seems very far away.

An earth pony runs into Starlight, nearly knocking her over, and continues past her without even noticing the impact. She stumbles, but a quick hoof from Sunset to support her prevents her from falling over.

"Are you okay?" asks Sunset, looking out at their surroundings for any more possible obstacles.

"Uh-huh." Starlight grunts in response, shaking off the hit.

"Are you sure? That stallion was going pretty fast-"

"I'll be fine," insists Starlight, already beginning to move towards the castle again. "I'm not going to let something like that stop me when everypony might need our help."

Sunset continues after her, the fear of being left behind stronger than her uncertainty. In the distance, the castle looms, and the plume of smoke she saw earlier continues to rise into the sky. Their hooves stomp against the ground, masked by the panicked clamoring of ponies all around them.

Starlight moves a few paces right, avoiding a fancy carriage with a broken front wheel. Her eyes shoot back and forth between the space in front of her and her destination, which seems to not be getting any closer, despite how fast she runs.

How long is it going to take us to run all the way to the castle in this mess? Ten minutes? Twenty? Half an hour? How bad could things get while I'm not there? Can I afford to leave things be for that long?

A split-second dodge to the left from a speeding unicorn shrieking their lungs out tells her all she needs to know. Without stopping, she turns back to Sunset, still just a few paces behind her.

"Sunset!" she shouts, "Can you teleport?"

A surprised Sunset replies immediately, "I used to, but now I have no idea! Why?"

Starlight stops in her tracks, leaving Sunset to slowly skid to a stop a couple spaces ahead of her. She turns and moves back to Starlight, expecting an explanation to her question.

"We don't have any time to waste. Do you think you can teleport to the castle?"

Sunset's eyes expand, and she looks side to side, her front teeth beginning to chew on her bottom lip. She nervously scratches the back of her ear with her hoof and speaks, just loud enough for Starlight to hear her over the background noise.

"Maybe, but I'm so out of practice, I might end up somewhere completely out of the way, or high up in the air! Do you think we have to?"

Starlight nods, and looks into Sunset's eyes as she says, "It'll take a bit out of me, but I know I can do it. But, I don't want to leave you behind, either. If you really don't think you can do it, then I can teleport us both, but it'll really tire me out. Moving both of us that distance will mean I can't do much when I get there. So, I need to know if you're willing to try to make it."

Sunset looks into her gaze, a feeling of certainty emanating back at her. It settles her nerves just enough for her to respond, "I don't know if I can do it, but I'll try."

Starlight exhales, steps back, and straightens her back, still looking at Sunset. "Then let's not waste any more time. I'll see you there."

Sunset nods at her, and after a moment to close her eyes, Starlight tries to drown out the sounds of the ponies around her. Blocking out the hooves pounding against pavement, the commands barked by a nearby royal guard, and the clack of wooden wheels of a distant carriage.

Envisioning the entrance to the castle in her mind, Starlight channels her magic, feeling it pulse in her horn. She sees her hooves against the ground there, the etching of markings on the doors, and the grand height of the castle that almost stretches into the sky. Her own magic envelops her body, and her gut is twisted as she's moved through space.

The sounds around her shift, and she opens her eyes as the feeling in her stomach leaves as quick as it came. In front of her is the gate, just as she saw it in her head, albeit with the huge doors opened instead of closed, each with several holes blown through them. Two unicorn guards, each one either side of the entrance, quickly ready their weapons and point them at Starlight.

"Identify yourself!"

Starlight backs up a step, and slowly says, "Starlight Glimmer, of course. I've been in and out of here all this morning! What's all this about?"

The two guards look at each other, and put away their weapons at the same time. The one on the right turns back to Starlight, and his words freeze her in place.

"We apologize, ma'am. We had to make sure you weren't Chrysalis in disguise."

"You - what? How-"

Before she can finish her question, a pop behind her causes Starlight to turn her head. A red magical aura fades five feet in the air, and a surprised Sunset Shimmer falls sideways onto the hard stone below.


Another groan escapes Sunset as she tries to bring herself back to her hooves. Not bothering to turn back to the guards, Starlight gallops over, immediately giving Sunset support as soon as she reaches her side. It takes Sunset a moment to stand back up, her expression looking dazed.

"I'm okay, I think! Forgot how hard teleporting is." she says, the weight on her left side supported by Starlight. "What do we do now?"

Starlight looks back to the pair of guards and proclaims, "We're here to help. Where are the princesses?"

The two take steps away from the doors, and point their hooves inside. Taking that as permission to enter, Starlight, still supporting Sunset, begins to guide her to the entrance of the castle.

After only a moment, Sunset lightly shakes her off. "I'm good now; thanks for the help. Now, let's find Twilight and figure out what's going on!"

Starlight nods, and the two of them gallop inside without any hesitation. The doors pass them by, and the interior of the castle greets them. It seems almost untouched by the disorder outside, with only a few blast marks made from magic here and there. All the fanciful decorations for the coronation still adorn the pillars and walls, somehow spared from the conflict. Bits of purple, gold, and silver are sprinkled across vast swaths of white and red, making the castle interior look even more decadent than it usually does.

Royal guards are scattered around, giving them a glance and nothing more before resuming their duties, though Starlight can't spare a thought to what those might entail. Her thoughts are occupied by questions, assumptions, and dread for what the guard earlier said to her.

There hasn't been a huge fight here, or at least not a massively destructive one. Hopefully that means no pony was attacked. Oh, I'm not kidding myself, those beams we saw from when we got here were huge! If they were from who I think they're from…

Looking ahead at the split path before them, Starlight realizes she needs to make a decision. Left, towards the throne room, or right, towards the great event hall? It only takes a moment of deliberation to decide.

"Follow me!"

After going up the stairs as fast as she allows herself, she banks left, taking the path to the throne room, hoping to find her friends there. A quick glance behind her reveals that Sunset is still right on her tail, and with that confirmation, she redoubles her efforts, galloping even faster.

The two make it to the long, wide hallway that separates the entrance hall from the throne room. The bold red carpet softens their hooves against the floor, but their running doesn't slow down from it. Ahead, the doors are closed, and another pair of guards remain in front of them. Seeing the pair of unicorns approach, they begin to open the doors, which Starlight mentally thanks them for.

They rush inside, only slowing down when they see the ponies they came here for. Not so far away is Twilight Sparkle, head adorned with a crown, and hooves covered in gold. Behind her, Celestia and Luna face each other, though the noise of the doors and the sound of hooves against marble makes them turn to Starlight, as well as the apparent unicorn behind her. Next to Twilight are the other five Elements of Harmony, who notice the new arrivals as well.

Thank Celestia they're okay!

The first to announce their presence is Pinkie Pie, with a resounding celebratory squeal that bounces all around the room.

"They're heeeee-rrrrrre! We thought you two were gonna miss out on all the festivities, but instead you just missed out on all the other crazy stuff that happened!

The others now noticing their arrival, Twilight smiles in relief and turns to greet them. "Starlight! Sunset! You made it, and you're both okay!"

As she approaches Twilight and the others, Starlight asks the question that's been on her mind since she arrived. "What's going on? The whole city is in a panic, and it looks like something awful happened while I was away!"

Luna steps forward and speaks to the two directly. "We know not the exact cause, but the three villains that my sister and I, with the aid of Discord, turned to stone, have been freed!"

Starlight gasps, and the mare beside her grimaces. Sunset, half out of genuine want to know and half in a bid to not have to look at Celestia, turns to Twilight for answers.

"Do we know what set them free? Anything that can tell us how this happened?"

Twilight shakes her head, a frown present on her face. "We don't, and the only thing we have as a lead is a sudden surge of magical energy we detected from Ponyville. It occurred right around the time Starlight should have arrived there to pick you up. Was there anything strange the two of you noticed after Sunset arrived?"

Starlight and Sunset turn to look at each other, both of their faces in a frown. Starlight sighs.

This is what I get for hoping for a break.

Sunset doesn't think she can get more stressed out than she currently is. Her legs are locked in place and her muscles are as taut as a rope being pulled from both ends. On top of her secret alicornhood, she's nearly face to face with Celestia, who she's trying very hard not to look at, not even a little bit. Oh, and her ascension may have freed a trio of villains she barely knows anything about.

Why does everything have to happen at once? Why can't I just deal with one problem at a time like everypony else??

As if on cue, Twilight starts to ask Sunset a question, causing her head to turn towards her as fast as physically possible.

"You're sure you don't know anything about the strange magic we detected? You two were the closest ones to its source when it happened."

Immediately, Sunset replies, "Nope! Don't know a thing about any of this, Twilight. Right, Starlight?"

Starlight turns to Sunset, her expression betraying her surprise.

Come on, Starlight! Back me up here!

After a second of thought, Starlight says, "Right! Right, we don't have a clue about whatever magic happened. Nothing at all!"

Immediately picking up from Starlight's statement, Sunset continues, "All that happened was this: I came out of the mirror, Starlight showed up, we went to Rarity's boutique to pick up my dress, boarded the train, and arrived to the city like-"

"Sorry darling," Rarity chimes in, "but did you manage to bring it with you? I'd hate for you to lose it in all this mess!"

Somewhat taken aback by the unexpected question, Sunset slowly replies with "...I think I left it on the train?"

"Oh, well that's-"

She's cut off by Applejack, who covers Rarity's mouth with her hoof.

"We ain't exactly got time for that, Rarity! There's bigger issues than one a' yer dresses goin' missing!"

She glares at Applejack and lowers her raised hoof, but doesn't say anything else. Attention falls back to Sunset, who concludes her previous statement of obliviousness.

"Yeah, basically, we don't know either."

Real convincing, Sunset!

Despite the uncertain tone of her voice, it seems to have convinced the others. Rainbow Dash looks annoyed, and Fluttershy seems to curl inwards just slightly more than she already was. Twilight looks back and forth between Starlight and Sunset before turning back to the rest of the group.

Eager to shift the focus onto something less incriminating, Sunset opens her mouth to speak. Starlight, however, beats her to it, already beginning an inquiry.

"So, I'd like to help, and I'm sure Sunset does too, but we still don't know what the plan of action is here. What are we doing to deal with the villains? Surely just standing around isn't going to fix everything?"

A quick "That's what I'm saying!" from Rainbow Dash is hushed by Applejack, and Celestia steps forward to answer her.

Oh no, it's her, she's here, she's talking, she can see me, please don't look at me-

"You are correct, Starlight Glimmer. Nothing will be solved if we do not act - thus, Twilight has, with the aid of my sister and I, crafted a plan to deal with two of the three villains."

Her voice isn't any louder than Luna's, but to Sunset, it booms with an authority that shakes the very ground she stands on. It takes all of her willpower to look directly at her former teacher, but even so, she can't manage to look into her eyes.

Celestia continues, "Tirek is the only one of the three we know the current location of, and he is also our biggest threat. Every moment he rampages through Canterlot is a moment he grows stronger. Neither Luna nor I am able to directly face him, and as it stands, the Elements of Harmony, in whatever capacity they exist within their six holders, are still the only things that can defeat him directly."

Well, there's nothing I can do about that.

Sunset quickly glances at Twilight, who is in rapt attention despite already knowing everything her mentor is saying. The urge to snort in amusement is quashed by the overpowering need to not draw Celestia's attention.

"We do not know the location of either the changeling queen Chrysalis, nor the pegasus Cozy Glow, but we have a measure to find one of them. As soon as she broke free, Chrysalis disguised herself, and we lost her soon after. However-"

Her horn dimly glows a brilliant gold as she brings something to the center of their group: a small stone, barely bigger than an eye, with some of its edges chipped.

"With this remaining piece of the statue she became, we've been able to put together a tracking spell of sorts that should lead any unicorn directly to her. They must simply supply the stone with magic, and they'll see what direction Chrysalis is from their current location."

This sounds more doable.

"However," she continues, "in our haste to put this spell together, we cut corners, and a limitation was necessary. Once the stone from the statue is paired with a unicorn, they'll be the only ones able to use it. So, whoever claims the stone must follow through and aid the search for Chrysalis until her capture."

Okay Sunset, this is your chance to get out of here, make up for your mistake, and go home. You need this.

I need this.

"I'll do it!"

"You will?" asks Starlight, face scrunched in confusion.

Everypony then turns to look at Sunset, and she tries to put the knowledge that Celestia is one of them as far out of her mind as possible. Despite the eyes she feels boring into her, her next words are spoken with confidence.

"And Starlight will come too!"

Starlight's eyes bulge out of her head, and only a single phrase escapes her mouth to convey her shock.

"I will?!"

Luna steps forward and speaks to Sunset directly, the tone of her voice inquisitive, but free of suspicion.

"Are you certain, Sunset Shimmer? I know you were a powerful unicorn, but much time has passed since you last practiced magic."

Confidence, Sunset. Confidence.

"I'm positive. I know we can-"

Her assertion is cut short by Starlight moving right up to her, and in a voice sharper than Sunset remembers her having, Starlight says, "Sunset, do you mind if we speak in private for a moment?"

Before she can answer, the mare wraps her foreleg around Sunset's neck and practically drags her away from the other ponies. After they get out of earshot, she removes her leg and puts it back on the ground, her agitation clear.

In a quiet but angry hiss, Starlight asks "Are you out of your mind? We only just got here, and you want to go off and fight the queen of the changelings?!"

"What else did you want me to do? I only have so many options here!"

Starlight rolls her eyes. "Oh, and your best one involves making me go along with whatever crazy plan you come up with, no matter how dangerous? Chrysalis hates me, you know! Once she realizes I'm after her, she won't let me out of her sight!"

Without missing a beat, Sunset replies, "Oh, that's great! We can totally use that to our advantage!"

Starlight groans in response, hanging her head low for a few seconds. Bringing it back up, her expression looks more inquisitive than agitated.

"No offence Sunset, but I've known you for all of two hours. What makes you think I'd be okay to go off on a changeling hunting mission with you?"

Sunset begins to tap a hoof to the ground, the noise it creates not reaching her ears.

"I thought you said we were friends! Isn't this the kind of thing friends do for each other?"

Frustration biting at her, she responds, "Yes, I did, and we are, but this and that are different things! Most friends don't willingly endanger themselves by trying to defeat villains with each other on a whim!"

"Really? I do this kind of thing with my friends all the time." replies Sunset, face neutral.

Starlight stares at her, saying nothing. After a moment, Sunset scratches behind her ear with her hoof, looking away from Starlight's stare.

"Ok, yeah, I see your point."

She looks back as Starlight, her stare remaining unbroken. A few seconds pass, and Starlight breaks it off, eyes darting this way and that, gears visibly turning in her head. A sigh escapes her, and she looks back.

"Look, Sunset, just why did you think I would go along with this, no questions asked?"

Sunset casts her gaze downwards, sheepishly muttering "Well, you said you wanted to help…"

"I-" Starlight starts, pausing herself. "I guess I did say that, didn't I?"

She turns her head towards the other eight ponies, all waiting for them to finish. Twilight notices, and turns to wave her hoof at Starlight, who smiles in return.

Turning back, she asks, "Were you going to do this regardless if I came with you or not?"

After a few seconds, Sunset replies, "...Probably? I guess I was just 'trusting things would work out', as one pony put it."

Sunset looks back up, eyes hopeful. Starlight sighs, cocks her head to the side, and, after a moment of thought, the expression on her face softens, her eyes betraying her resignation.

"Fine. You got me! I'll go along with your featherbrained plan. Just let me take care of this kind of thing from here on out, alright?"

A grin immediately spreads to Sunset's lips, her joy obvious.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I'll make sure you won't regret this!"

Starlight scoffs, a smirk now present on her face as well.

"Pff. Yeah, I'm sure you will."

The two turn to walk back to the others, who start to notice their return. Unable to contain her excitement, Sunset yells out, her elation clear to everyone.

"She said yes!"

Pinkie Pie pops out from behind Luna and asks, "Ooh! Are you two getting married?"

Starlight plants a hoof against her face.

Twilight takes a deep breath, the look on her face determined.

"So we're all clear on the plan, then? Me and the other Elements of Harmony go after Tirek to take him down with the magic of friendship, Starlight and Sunset track down Chrysalis and defeat her with their magic, while Princess Celestia and Princess Luna take care of things here in Canterlot to prevent things from getting worse. Everypony got it?"

"Er, one last thing, Twilight dear-" says Rarity, "What about the other one, that Cozy Glow? Were we simply putting her off?"

Twilight nods. "On her own, she won't be able to last long, especially if we deal with the other two before she can get to them. We can think about her after Tirek and Chrysalis are dealt with."

Rainbow Dash hovers over from one to the other, excess energy moving her around. "Yeah, she's for later, but we've got butt to kick now! What are we waiting around for? Let's get going already!"

The other nine ponies present all nod in affirmation, with varying levels of energy. The group of six consisting of the Elements gather together and move towards the exit, their hooves stampeding against the ornate marble floor. In just a few short moments, they're gone, the sounds of their movement already fading in the distance.

Wasting no time, Starlight nudges Sunset, dragging her gaze away from the doorway those six just went through. She points her eyes to the stone, trying to remind Sunset of what they need to start their mission.

Come on Sunset, don't tell me you forgot we needed that already?

Luckily, her efforts were not for nothing, and Sunset focuses her attention on the stone. Luna and Celestia seem to pick up on this, and each steps forward, an equal distance away from the stone as Sunset.

Luna turns her gaze towards Sunset, her voice calm but assertive. "Are you prepared for the spell, Sunset? Remember, once the stone is paired to you, none other than you may use it. You are certain this is what you want?"

Sunset turns to Starlight, who backs up a few paces, shaking her head.

This one's all you, Sunset.

She bites her lip, and turns back to the two princesses. After sharply inhaling, she declares, "I'm ready when you are."

The horns of the princesses glow, a deep blue and bright gold, and the stone begins to float in between them, an equal distance away from all three. Two thin beams of magic emerge from the sisters' horns and merge at the stone, enveloping it. The blue and gold merge, melding and separating as they shift around each other, before firing out from a single point.

The beam, now a synthesis of color, hits Sunset directly on her horn, the force of the magic almost pushing her back. She pushes her hooves into the ground as the magic completely covers her horn. After only a couple seconds, it ends, and the magic ceases, leaving behind an orange static around the stone. Sunset's eyelids flutter before opening completely.

Wordlessly, she levitates the stone with her own magic, and with nothing more than that, a transparent red arrow emerges from the stone, pointing left from Starlight's perspective.

Luna breaks the silence. "Seems Chrysalis is headed northwest. Perhaps she aims to return to her hive, though it has not been hers for some time. You two now know where you must go."

As if there was never any doubt, Sunset nods, and brings the stone close to her, the arrow from it disappearing. She glances at Starlight before quickly turning towards the exit, already beginning to make her leave.

You're that ready to get out of here, huh?

Before following after her, Starlight turns to the princesses.

May as well be polite while they're still in charge.

"Thank you for your help, princesses. We won't let you down."

Without waiting for a response, she turns her back as well, a slight skip in her step as she tries to catch up to Sunset. She's faster than she looks, Starlight notes to herself.

Celestia calls out to them, her voice stopping the two in their tracks.

"Good luck, you two. I have faith in the both of you."

Starlight glances back, smiles, and nods, satisfied with the orderly fashion they managed to execute that order of events in.

That was very tidy, all things considered.

"And, Sunset?"

Or not.

Celestia calls out to them again, her tone slightly different in some way. Sunset freezes in place, her invisible wings stiffening, and after a second, cranes her head around to look at her former mentor.

Their eyes meet. A gentle smile spreads across Celestia's face, her gaze softer than Sunset ever remembers it being.

"It's good to see you again."

Sunset smiles back, just for a moment. Starlight sees her turn around, facing straight ahead, and matches her pace as she runs to the exit, away from the princess of the sun.