• Published 11th Feb 2022
  • 224 Views, 3 Comments

The Comfort Zone - Miro MM

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Here sits a blank room, small room. The walls and floor are yellow colored. A yellow door is in the corner of the room, a mirror lays up on the wall against the wall center placed from the middle of the room. not far from the door. Twilight Sparkle is sitting in front of the mirror staring at it, she has no wings. she seems to be have a staring contest with her own reflection trying to keep her eyes open for a long as possible.

"Aw.. Fuck.." She whispers to herself closing her eyes and rubbing them for a second.

She laughs for a couple seconds and sits up straight again and starts the staring contest again.

"Ok.." She whispers positioning herself a little more better, she moves her hooves and hind legs slowly over the small graveled up floor that is torn slightly, a small piece of concrete loosens and breaks up from the main part of the floor but Twilight only shrugs it of and keeps staring.

She tries not to smile and grins and fails again trying not to laugh.

"Shit.." She mutters dusting herself off and rubbing her snout, she straightens up again and stares once more. Just then knocking is heard at the door. Twilight's smile turns into a frown and she seems even a little scared. She looks down and then over at the door seeming to have a mix of emotions of fear, embarrassment, and nervousness. The knocking stops for a moment and continues again. The knocking continues then stops for a moment and continues again.

Twilight stares at the door blinking a couple times with racing thoughts in her mind. mostly fear. She looks down onto the floor passing a glare at the mirror sighing and almost sweating she shakes her head side to side, before looking back at the door as the knocking stops.

She nods her head and exhales, She rubs her eyes again and starts to stare at the mirror again. She smiles after a couple seconds and then stands up. She goes over and pulls onto a string attached to a light on the ceiling and the room goes dark.

She lays down on the cold hard floor, Trying to fall asleep but unable and she moves her body trying to find a good spot to fall asleep in frowning where her eyes closed. She turns from left to right trying to fall asleep on the uncomfortable flooring. She opens her eyes for a moment and is turned facing the mirror, the reflection of her laying on the floor is reflected through. She looks at it for a couple seconds before closing her eyes again, she slowly starts to fall asleep.

The knocking starts again. She pulls her head up in fright starting at the door more scared than before. She breathes for a moment before looking below the door where the small crack is underneath the door. A soft purple light is below the door, coming from whatever is behind that door.

Twilight looks at the mirror before standing up slowly, The knocking persists and continues. She walks over to the door and hesitated on opening the door. She stops for a moment but then turns the knob and opens the door fully and quickly. She steps out onto the frame of the door not walking in. there seems to be nothing but darkness and a purple light coming from somewhere. nothing and no pony is there. The purple light does not shine into the room only at the door frame and on her.

Twilight looks around seeming scared but not as scared as before. She closes the door and walks back into the yellow darkened room and stares at the mirror but standing further away. she thinks hard for many minutes, hesitating to open the door. She rubs her neck and eyes for a moment and then looking at the door again. The knocking is not occurring at the door it is silent.

She exhales loudly and recoils her thoughts and walks over back to the door and opens it again. She steps into the darkness, a small purple light shining upon her, nothing else but darkness all around. The very soft and barely audible noise of wind is all around her, flowing softly through her ears. She walks more into the darkness straight, Breathing hard but she is able to pull through, she walks slowly looking around ever so slightly with her eyes moving back and forward. sometimes she turns her head fully and keeps walking.

She begins to run through the darkness faster and faster, panicking and her heart beating faster, she tries to calm herself every time and keeps running and slows down for a moment before picking up again. She slowly starts walking again and breathes normally calming herself down, trying not to let the pressure get to her. She looks back all the way where she came from, she exhales again and continues walking forward.

Every step she takes she exhales but brings herself back up and calms herself down, after a little while she is able to walk normally and fine. She stops for a moment as she feels she stepped on something. She's scared and looks down slowly her heart beating fast for a moment before she looks confused and then fully looks down at what is below her. She kneels down to get a closer look. She sees that she has stepped on a fuzzy purple carpet. She smiles and breathes heavily for a second and even laughs for a moment, she feels the pressure go away and feels relief.

She picks the carpet up and rolls it up, she turns back and the door is right behind her not far, she opens it and quickly turns on the lights in the yellow room. She closes the door and Rolls down the carpet fully and places it where she was sitting before in front of the mirror. She sits down brushing her hooves through the carpet smiling and more relaxed this time. She exhales and smiles as she stares at the mirror once more looking much happier.

...The End...

Comments ( 3 )

Here sits a blank room, small room. Walls and floor are yellow colored. A yellow door is in the corner of the room, a mirror lays up on the wall against the wall center placed from the middle of the room. not far from the door. Twilight Sparkle is sitting in front of the mirror staring at it, she has no wings. she seems to be have a staring contest with her own reflection trying to keep her eyes open for a long as possible.

1. Put 'The' in front of 'walls'.

Apart from that, this was great!

Oh wow I didn't even notice that one, nice catch!

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