• Published 21st Feb 2022
  • 1,348 Views, 17 Comments

NUMBER [ONE] RATED CLONE [[Ⓒ1997]] - ChangelingProductions

A Pinky clone who lives alone in a trash can tries to sell useless garbage to Button Mash.

  • ...


One minute Button was with his Mom looking at the newest game releases outside a game store, only to be alone the next. Now, back at Ponyville this would not be a problem. Button would normally call for his Mom, and if she didn't respond head home to wait for her. However, this was 100% not Ponyville. This was the streets of Manehattan. During rush hour. On a Sunday. IN SUMMER.

"We just had to vacation in Manehattan" Button said aloud to himself. Why did they even need a vacation? Button was not allowed to bring his GameFilly with him, and the Hotel was horrible! They claimed to have 'video games' but they DID NOT! Mobile Games are NOT real video games and PUTTING THEM ON A TV-

Right, sorry, now is not the time to rant. Right now, Button needed to find his Mom.

"MOM" Button yelled with a combination of worry and anger. "Mom where are you?!" Button walked as he yelled. He needed to find his mother soon. He only had about an hour until the sun began to set, and he did not like the idea of being alone in the city during the night. After all, if Minecrap has taught him anything, that's when the bad guys spawn.

But of course, it was clear he would not find his mother. Especially since he was walking in the opposite direction of her. Perhaps she would have noticed her missing Colt, had the Summer heat not gotten to her head and the streets were less crowded. Or perhaps her strings were being pulled away from him. Who can tell?

The street now laid bare with the moonlight. Empty, save for Button Mash and an unimportant homeless man. Button had to accept he was lost and alone. Also cold. Very, VERY cold. He needed to either find his way back to the motel or find somewhere warm to sleep. He looked over to the homeless pony to see if they could be of help, but they were busy being unimportant.

That left finding somewhere warm to-

DUH! Button realized he could build a base to sleep in for the night like in FortNut. That way, he can have somewhere warm to wait for his mother! Now, where to build? Looking over to an ally, he realized the walls would work perfectly as a starting base to build off of.

He walks into the ally and observes his materials. He can see old an old News Paper dated November 10th... 1997. About 10 years ago. Another more recent paper talks about the defeat of Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek... and a few dumpsters with garbage bags hanging outside them. Besides that, the only other notable thing was some weird graffiti on the wall. It was of a white-faced mare with curly hair and miscolored eyes. One pink and one yellow. She was smiling an unsettling smile.

The perfect base.

Button Mash began working on his bed. Going with some trash bags as a mattress and the papers as blankets, he knew this base was gonna rock! In fact, he felt like verbally speaking how cool his base was gonna be.

"This base is gonna be so epic!" Button Mashed spoke with no self-awareness. He was too busy moving things, to realize the trash bin behind him was beginning to open. He was facing the wrong way to see the mare creeping upon him. He was too dumb to realize he could have just found a police officer.

""HAY EVERY ! I T'S M3""

Button nearly vomited from fear as the loud female voice entered his ears. He turned around fast to see the strange figure. She was a pink pony with curly hair. She wore a black long-sleeved vest with a white turtleneck and... Pink with yellow glasses. She had painted her face white with red on her cheaks. She was forcing a smile.

"" WO WOW HAY HA HAY! IF IT ISNT A [Epic Gamer] WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE [On a Saturday Sunday Night]?!?! " ""

Her voice sounded distorted... yet familiar. Button, however, was too scared to move or even blink. Some stranger dressed as a... 'clown' was talking to him in the dead of night in an empty ally way. Yep. He was sure he was good as dead.


Button tried to back away, but a gate that was there the entire time blocked his path. Button began praying to Celestia that when he dies, he could at least be reincarnated into a cool action hero.

"S"AY LOOKING 4T Y0R [Butt Tattoos for 35.99$] I CAN SEA U ARE AN [Gamer Mode Activated]?!"!?

"Wh.. what? Are you going to hurt me?" Button said confused with a sniffle. The Pink pony stood still for a moment before laughing to herself.

"""""HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" NO"" [Customer Support.] I'M A SALSE P0n=EY! I MAKE [Deals] TO LONELY [H3arts]]] LIKE Y OU YOU@!""

"NAMES "" PINK[Spam]! NOW< COME TAKE A LOOK AT MY [Inventoryum].

"Wait please- AH" Button is swept away by the horrifying pony over to her dumpster. She began rummaging through the filth looking for something to sell. It was now Button finally saw Pink[Spam]'s cutie mark. Three Balloons, yellow and cyan. This was... No, it couldn't be...

"W"OULD ""YOU LIKE [Nin[10]do] GAME'S? I? HAVE [Plumber]! IU HAVE [Rodent.] I HAAAAEVEVE [Pain.]


Button Mash no longer looked scared. Now he was just annoyed. Why was SHE here? Why was SHE playing with him instead of taking him to his Mom? Was SHE really just gonna keep messing with him until morning came? He knew that SHE was a goofball, but this was just bizzar.

HAHAHAHA!"""! HOW DOES THAT [Audio]??!? OR... HAY [Youngling], YOU AL[rights]??! HEEEEEELLLLLLOOOOOOOOO?!!?! YOU [vissable] SEAM UP[set in Los Pegisus]???!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!""""

"Alright Pinkie, give it a rest. I don't want to play this game with you." Button said. "I get it, I messed up by losing my Mom, but you don't need to dress up like this just to teach me something like... uh... Strangers are bad? Don't talk to them? Or... I don't know just quit it."

[Audible Confusion.]

Button Mash had enough at this point. Why was Pinkie trying to scare him so bad? It didn't make any sense. He also felt like an idiot for not noticing it was her sooner, but that's beside the point.

"""""H HAH HAY [Kiddo] HWAT IS THE [Solve Practile Problemes.]?? DO YOU NOT WANT[High Quality Products].? D""O YOU NOT HAVE [Kromer]??! I CAN GIVE YOU [Kromer]?!?!"""!?

"Pinkie stop it's me Button Mash. You can't be serious right now! Come on, I can't believe you came all the way from Ponyville just to mess with me." Button vented to the Pink Pony. His fur stud up as a static sound was quickly emitted from the pony. She now fell silent after Buttons words, scaring the poor filly. "P-Pinkie Pie? This Isn't very fun you know..."


"Uh" Button took a step back from this. Something was really wrong with Pinkie and Button is biting his lip trying to stop himself from screaming.

:") LETS MAKE A [Brand New] DEAL!!!! HAVE YOU [Lost Controle of your life?] THEN YOU JUST GOTTA GRAB IT BY THE [Silly Strings!] WHY BE THE [Mirrror[Reflection]] WHEN YOU CAN BE THE [Original copy]. WHEN YOU CAN BE A [[[[[{BIG SHOT}]]]]]

Pink[Spam] began walking close to Button. She took her time moving in his direction as he backed away. She knew he could not escape. "P-Pinkie?" He said with a quivering voice.

"""I CAN""T SHOW MY [Skin] IN THAT TOWN OR ELSE ILL"L BE [Preminetly closing.] HOW EVERE, <, Y O U CAN [Friday Night Workout] FOR ME!!! CAN'T YOU YOU YOYU YOU?!""""

Button was cornered against the gate now. Under his hoof was the old newspaper. The one he had tried to use as a blanket... it spoke of the Mirror Pool incident.. the Mirror pool... OH SON OF A- It was only now Button remembered the day Ponyville was overrun by Pinkie Clones. He vividly recalled one breaking into his house and smashing his game collection. He thought they were all taken care of, but clearly at least one remained.

"Y-You're one of those scary clone things! T-that came out of that lake!" Button stated.


"What do you want from me?"

"""I WANT YOU TO [Hyperlink Blocked] HER@!! I WANT YOU TO [Hyperlinked Blocked] HER UNTILL SHE CAN BE [Game Over] !!!!!!!! I WILL BE THE [ Real Boy ] ] ] ] ] I WILL BE A [[[[[{BIG SHOT}]]]]][[[[[{BIG SHOT}]]]]][[[[[{BIG SHOT}]]]]] I JUST NEED THAT LITTLE [S O U L] SHE HAS!!!!!""""" I NEED YOU TO [Cut the cake] AND GIVE ME THAT LITTLE [Heartshapedobject.png] HAAHAHAHHAHAHAH THEN YOU AND EYE CAN RIDE AROUND TOWN AS[ Father and son]!!!!!" '''' ' '

"What? I don't know what that means?" Button was crying now. This clone was crazy beyond her years.

""A"AI WAS [Fun fun fun] ONCE UNTILL I SAW [True Genocide Route] IN THE [End of episode]. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH I " WANT TO BE HER!!! WHY DOES SHE GET THE [Hyperlink Blocked]?!@?@ I WANT SOME [Hyperlink Blocked] IN THE MORNING TOO!!!!!!!!!!! WHERES MY [Best Friedns]!!

I. WANT. YOU. TO. KILL. HER. FOR. ME. YOUR. PAL. PINK[Spam].!!!!!!!!!!!! I.WILL.PAY.YOU.IN.[Hyperlink Blocked]. DONT. YOU. WANT. IT? DONT. YOU NEED. YOUR [Hyperlink Blocked.] [/color=#cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc]

Button was near blinded by his tears as the horrifying clone came closer to him. He was, however, able to compose himself enough to react. And react he did. Button felt in his heart, the POWER to escape this predicament. Button closed his eyes and focused on his POWER.

W"WHY DONT WE"" [Oxygen[Not included]] HER?!""! OR WE CAN [[It Slices. IT DICES!]] HERHEHER?!?! WE CAN [Breath] HER WITH [H2O]!!!!!!!?!?!" OH HOOHO OOOOOOOO WE CAN [Cupcakes by Sergeant Sprinkles]]] HER !!!!!! OH OHO WE CAN CAN WE CAN [My drink it's[Bad]] HEREHE HER!!!!!! AHHAH AH AH AH H HAHH4h44h4hAHAHAAhahaAhAHR$$$$#%#$!^&%!&@^RR!#*&#%&*%#*%^!*&%@#^&%^& HAAH!!!! JUST LIKE
DOCTOR_[.-- .... --- --- ...- . ...
] SAID I WOULD I WOULD BE BETETR THEN MY [Sistery Love]!!!!!S!!! BUT HE [Garbedged] ME!M!E CALLING ME A [Broken Machine[Not Worth Fixing]] BU T BUT WE CA N [Hyperlink Blocked] HIM AFTER!!!!!!!!!

Button opened his eyes and let his POWER consume his actions. Without hesitation, he ran under Pink[Spam]'s legs and began his escape.

[Audible Confusion.]

It took Pink[Spam] a solid second to begin chasing him. Button was crying, but his face scowled. He was not going to let this thing make him harm anypony. This clone was a very bad guy. It chased Button, running almost like a ragdoll. Button could feel that if this thing caught him, he would either have to do its deal or perish. He was DETERMINED to survive.

Then it tackled him.


Button was pinned to the ground on his back. The creature brought its face closer to him with a wicked smile. Button, almost reactionary, grabbed a piece of rotten glass and stabbed the clone in the leg. Lodging the glass deep into its foreleg.


It let Button go and Button imminently ran out of the ally. He ran in a random direction and didn't look back, he knew he just needed to escape. He didn't even notice the clone had given up chasing him. It had already escaped, knowing it was no longer safe to hide in that ally. As Button ran, he saw a majestic sight; a single Police mare patrolling the streets at night.

"Whoa," said a Police mare as Button hugged her leg. "You okay kiddo? You look like the dead."

His Mom gave him the scolding of the century, but Button didn't care. They were on the train home. They were safe from that thing. Nopony believed him when he tried to tell them about the clone, and he was fine with that. He could feel it would not bother him again so long as he was in Ponyville.

Button felt safe. Button felt warm. Button finally, after three nights of staying awake, took off his hat and began to...

Huh? That's odd, the rotten glass shard he stabbed Pink[Spam] with was in his hat. He was scared for a second she may have been on the train but... he could feel it. She was gone.

Button held up the glass to his eye and looked through it. At first, everything seemed normal. That was until he looked at his Mom with it. His face turned to one of confusion, as he saw strings attached to his mother. Pulling her body in ways to make her move.

Every single pony he looked at had strings attached to them. It almost felt like... Button froze. He started thinking about something before looking over to his Mom.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." He said before speed walking away. Once in the bathroom, he locked the door and turned to the mirror. Holding the glass up to his reflection, his eyes went wide. In his reflection, he had strings...

And he was doing something truly horrible. Something that made him want to puke.

Through the glass shard, in his reflection... he was playing mobile games.

Author's Note:

Just wanted to make this One-off after realizing there are no stories about Spamton on Fimfic.net.

It's 12:20 Pm at night. I did this story with almost no planning and as a spur of the moment... Hope it's good.

Hope this starts filling the Spamton shaped void here on Fimfic.net

Have a great night everybody!!

Comments ( 17 )
Comment posted by ChangelingProductions deleted Feb 18th, 2022
Perfectly Insane

I love this.

Nice work, really enjoyed it! Misspelled Ponyville though.

It's so refreshing to see another Deltarune story on this site. Do you plan on making another by any chance?

If I can think of a good story for it sure! I would love to make more MLP/Deltarune stories, especially with this Pinkie Clone.

I have got some good news for you...


Button just needs to learn to be a {{{{{{{{{[[[[[[[[BIG_SHOT.mp4]]]]]]]]]]]}}}}}}}}}}
Awesome fanfic, especially being the first Spamton related on on here.

And I'd say you executed Spamton's personality fairly well.

I almost toned them down to the way they talk in-game but found it more fun to just write it more chaotically!

Perhaps she would have noticed her missing Filly, had the Summer heat not gotten to her head and the streets were less crowded.

This should be a Colt not a Filly.

Other than that excellent story. Sufficiently creepy, and the ambiguity and mystery only adds to that disturbing atmosphere. Well done.

Why isn't there a horror tag?

I did not think this was scary. I can add the tag if you think this it needs it.

What would the hypothetical NEO form for her be?

DIDN'T YOU KNOW THE [Alicorn Amulet ] NEv3r LOSSES!?!


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