• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 7,009 Views, 131 Comments

My Hero Academia Meets Equestria Girls - TheShadowKnight

12 students of Class 1A transfer over to Canterlot High for three weeks; and during that time, they meet and befriend the Rainbooms.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Calm Before The Storm

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. Here is the 3rd chapter of MHA meets EqG.

Meanwhile at the Los Angeles International Airport.

A private plane had just pulled up at the airport and was coming to a slow and steady stop. After that, two passengers stepped out of the plane. The first one was Mr. Aizawa and next to him was a sweet, innocent, adorable little girl with white skin, a tiny horn on the side of her forehead, sparkling ruby eyes and long, winter gray hair.

The little girl looked like she was tired and had just woken up from a short nap. She rubbed one of her eyes, yawning. "Mr. Aizawa, how far is it?" she asked, tired.

"Just a little longer, Eri. I promise you, you can rest once we catch our ride." Mr. Aizawa assured

Exiting the plane behind the two is a young man with messy, indigo-colored hair that flares out in large tufts around his head. His eyes were purple; and were half closed with dark eye bags underneath them. He also wore a UA uniform. This was Hitoshi Shinso.

The young general studies student; who is currently on his path to be transferred to UA’s hero course, observed his surroundings, with his tired and lax expression unfazed.

"Isn't this city a little too fancy to start my training as a hero, sir?" Hitoshi asked, looking out the window, seeing Los Angeles.

"Los Angeles is a fancy and rich city, but we've got a long way to go. Your training exercise is in another state where the other members of Class 1-A are currently staying." Aizawa replied.

“Does it involve my training with the binding cloth?” Shinso asked.

Aizawa looks towards the young man in silence before responding. “While you have grasped your ability to master the binding cloth at your own pace; however, it's still a long way. But not just that, you would also use this training exercise to better build your direct combat abilities.” the underground hero explained.

"I understand. I'll be sure to train hard in that category as well," Hitoshi nodded. “Though I must ask, Mr. Aizawa. Why is this young child coming along as well?” He asked.

Aizawa remained silent to the student’s question as he looked over to Eri as he recalled a discussion with Principal Nezu back at UA.

= Flashback =

Inside the Principal's Office, Principal Nezu and Aizawa were having a chat over some tea. "I know this is a little sudden, Mr. Aizawa, but I'd also like for you to fly Ms. Eri to America, as well as young Shinso for his hero training. I will be covering the expenses so you'll have no issues during your trip." Nezu said.

“While I’m not against having this be an opportunity for Shinso’s training. But when it comes to Eri, I can’t help but be concerned.” Aizawa spoke in a skeptical tone.

"Well, this decision was a really tough one to make for me and the teaching staff.” Nezu replied. “However, recent events as of lately had the UA board believe that its best to have Eri move off campus for just a few weeks until we’re sure that there isn’t any-”

“Does this have to do with the Dark Reapers?” Aizawa asked in suspicion.

Nezu was silent at first, but soon after, he nodded in reply. "While I'm not sure what their next plan is or what they're after, I'd like to take extra precautions to make sure Eri is safe from harm. Her safety is our #1 priority."

“And what does the Hero Public Safety Commission have to say about this?” Aizawa asked.

“I proposed the solution to them and they humbly agreed to the idea. Apparently, they had suspicion that the Dark Reapers were targeting Eri for her quirk and what it could do. While they don’t have the evidence for this theory, they believe it must be for the same reasons as done by another individual in the past. You may know whom I refer to.” Nezu explained.

"Overhaul," Mr. Aizawa guessed, glaring down at the floor. "If that's the case, how soon should I take Shinso and Eri to America?"

“Immediately.” Nezu responded. “And once you’ve accompanied them there. You must also immediately return here. If an attack from the Dark Reapers should happen, we'll need you with us in case their quirks become too powerful for us to handle. The Dark Reapers are strong individually, but as a group, they're close to unstoppable."

= End of Flashback =

Back to the present, Aizawa turns towards Shinso, who looks back at him, waiting for a reply.

“Principal Nezu, along with the rest of the UA staff believe Eri should get to learn more about the outside world first hand. And lucky for her, her friends are in this country, so they can show her around to see what else America has to offer. It's rare that a girl her age gets to go anywhere, let alone a foreign country," Mr. Aizawa explained.

"My friends? Including Mr. Deku?" Eri asked, her eyes sparkling with joy.

“Yes.” the underground pro hero replied to the little girl. Eri's smile grew wider as she gasped happily and giggled to herself. Even Aizawa couldn't stop himself from smiling a little. Though he keeps it hidden underneath his binding cloth, cause well, he doesn’t show it. "Alright, enough standing around, we have a ride to catch."

Mr. Aizawa guided Eri and Hitoshi towards the exit of the airport where their bus driver was waiting by the door with a sign that had Mr. Aizawa's name on it. The driver turned to the exhausted UA teacher and was a bit perplexed.

"A-Are you… Mr. Aizawa?" he asked.

"Yeah, I take it you're taking us to Canterlot, am I right?" Aizawa replied.

"Y-Yes, that's right. Follow me and we'll get there within a few hours." the driver instructed. Hitoshi and Eri followed Aizawa with the bus driver outside where this big bus was parked. Eri gasped at how big this vehicle was. She felt so tiny just staring at it from where she stood, not knowing if she could make it inside.

The door to the bus opened up and Mr. Aizawa helped pick up Eri and brought her inside the bus with him. Her adorable little legs dangled above the floor before she was put down.

"Take a seat anywhere you like." Mr. Aizawa said. Hitoshi sat on the left side near the front and Eri sat on the right near the front as well… right next to the droopy teacher.

"Very good. Now, if everybody is seated, we will be leaving shortly as soon as I've warmed up the engine. In the meantime, take this time to relax or have a quick nap if you'd like." said the generous bus driver.

Right away, Eri felt her eyes getting heavy since she still felt a little tired from the trip here. She leaned in next to Aizawa and snuggled herself into his side, lightly snoring away. Luckily for Eri, Mr. Aizawa remembered to pack her little blanket, so he took that out of his suitcase and wrapped it around Eri's little body, keeping her nice and warm. She sighed happily in her sleep, then moments later, the bus began to move.

Next stop: Canterlot.

Meanwhile, back at CHS, it was feeding time and most of the students had gathered there for some lunch. Class 1-A was intrigued to find out how different the food was compared to the ones Lunch Rush made for them back home. But one thing's certain, the food was just as tasty as it was back home.

Kaminari was taken back by how delicious the pizza was.

“So this is what pizza tastes like? I can get used to this!” Kaminari commented as he took another bite of his pizza.

"You guys should try this apple sauce, it tastes much more fresh and tasty," Tsuyu said.

"Hmm, not bad. How do they do it?" Shoto asked, eating a scoop of his applesauce.

"That there applesauce is actually made straight from mah family's farm. T'aint no place greater than Sweet Apple Acres!" Applejack said proudly.

"Oh, so your family not only grows apples, but they also harvest and sell them?" Momo asked.

"Eeyup. It's how we keep the roof over our heads and food in our bellies. We're real proud o' the way we handle our crops," Applejack replied.

"That's wonderful to hear." Ochako said.

"By the way, you guys are in the hero course, right?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Kirishima asked.

"Do you think you can tell us why you all chose to want to become heroes?" Rarity asked.

The hero students were a bit hesitant on answering that question, well except one.

“I’m gonna be the #1 hero! That's all you need to know!” Bakugo replied without care.

“Don’t mind him, he’s always like that.” Uraraka stated. “But if you girls wish to know. My reason to become a hero, originally, was for money.”

“MONEY?!” the rainbooms responded in disbelief.

“Yeah, that was our reaction too,” Midoriya commented, with Iida nodding in agreement.

“Well, I wanted to become a hero so I can help afford a better life for my parents. You see, my family owns a construction business that is having difficulty in business. So I hope that being a pro-hero would allow me to earn enough money to help my family and our business.” Uraraka explained. “But that has changed ever since the Shie Hassaikai raid; and with some inspiration from a good friend,” She silently gestured to Deku. “I now wish to become a hero that saves and protects people, no matter what.” She spoke with determination and confidence.

"That's beautiful, deary. We hope you excel as a hero," Rarity said.

"Yeah, you have our support," Twilight said. "So, Iida, what about you? What's your reason for becoming a hero?"

"I'm striving to restore the name Ingenium after my brother was critically injured and had to retire from hero work because of the Hero Killer, Stain. I still haven't gotten close to that goal yet, but when I do, I will make sure not to stray from that goal like I did when I sought out the hero killer out of revenge," Iida explained.

"Hero killer?! You fought against him? I thought the papers said that Endeavor beat him," Sunset brought up.

"Shhh, keep it down. No one's supposed to know about this. You see, Midoriya and Todoroki came to rescue me when Stain almost killed me. We managed to beat him, but we got a visit from the chief of police. He said we were unlicensed heroes at the time and therefore we were unauthorized to use our quirks to harm anyone, villain or not," Iida explained.

“Hey, none of you were surprised by this information?” Rainbow asked the rest of Class 1A minus Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida. “So how did you find out?” she asked.

“Ever since we got our provisional hero licenses, greenie here accidently spilled the truth on all of us while he was doing one of his mumbling moments.” Jiro commented.

“Come on, guys, I don’t mumble that much.” Midoriya claimed while blushing in embarrassment.

"Anyways, after the chief explained the gist of how the law works for heroes, he went to explain how grateful he was to help capture Stain. We chose to let Endeavor take the glory so we could avoid any backlash from the cops. Since then, we held off on using our quirks to fight villains until we got our provisional licenses." Iida said.

“Well that hasn’t stopped us from fighting villains in the past. There was the USJ, the quirk training camp, Camino, I-Island, the Shie Hassaikai raid, and Nabu Island.” Kirishima shared.

The Rainbooms stared at the hero course students with disbelief and bewilderment written on their facial expressions.

“Yeah, we tend to get attacked by villains a lot.” Kaminari claimed.

“Why do they do that?” Pinkie asked.

“I dunno know. They just wanna kill us.” Kaminari replied.

"Because All Might was weakening before he officially retired after beating All For One in a rematch once and for all." Deku explained.

“My word, we saw a battle on international news. That All For One character must be dreadful in person.” Rarity commented.

"After the damage he caused and the lives he put in danger, of course he's dreadful," Momo commented with a shiver, thinking of his nasty grin.

“The darkness that the villain embodied was as if he was an evil incarnate.” Tokoyami exclaimed.

"You can say that again," Mina agreed.

Dark Shadow emerged from Tokoyami and appeared in front of everyone. “Fumi thinks that he’s way beyond evil incarnate.” Dark Shadow spoke. “Oh, also Fumi thinks you Rainbooms are really good friends.” He complimented.

"Okay, Dark Shadow! No need to tell them everything that I'm thinking!" Tokoyami said through his teeth, elbowing Dark Shadow. He laughed a little before retracting inside of Tokoyami.

Everyone else laughed at this enjoyable moment that they witnessed, well except Bakugo.

“Hehehe, does that happen to you all the time, Tokoyami?” Fluttershy asked out of curiosity.

"From time to time, yes," Tokoyami replied, slightly blushing while he took a sip of his apple juice to play it cool.

“Yeah, Dark Shadow complimented me on my smarts once, which was very nice of him.” Midoriya said.

"And I can recall how Dark Shadow told me Tokoyami thought I was cute, ribbit," Tsuyu winked at the dark hero. Tokoyami hid his face through his hands.

And Dark Shadow emerged in front of the group once again. “And he still does~” Dark Shadow teased.

“CEASE THIS BEHAVIOR AT ONCE!!!” Tokoyami shouted, feeling more embarrassed than ever. The Rainbooms and most of Class 1-A had a good laugh from this. After a while, the laughing dies down and then…

"So, what about you, Deku? Why did you want to become a hero?" Pinkie asked.

"Well… it's kind of a long story, but… from the time I was a little boy, I would watch All Might rescue hundreds of lives, fighting off countless bad guys single-handedly and he'd always have a smile on his face. From that point on, I wanted to become a hero just like him. A hero who smiles, even when things look bad. A hero who isn't afraid to risk his life to save others for the sake of peace. I want to protect the innocent and become my own Symbol of Peace just like All Might did." Deku explained.

The Rainbooms were astonished and awed by Deku’s reasons to be a hero.

"I'm surprised. It's rare you find someone who's got the most noble intentions, especially when it comes to being a hero," Twilight said.

"Izuku, darling… I am truly moved by your ambition!" Rarity added.

"I shouldn't be surprised. With all the hard work you put into becoming what you are today, I have no doubt you'll be a fantastic hero." Sunset nodded in approval.

"Ya got a good head on yer shoulders, sugarcube. That's for sure," AJ said, tipping her stetson hat to Deku.

"It's definitely way better than Mr. Cranky Pants over here," Rainbow pointed to Bakugo.

"You wanna say that again?!" Bakugo asked, causing mini explosions in his hand.

"C-Calm down Kachan, I'm sure you'll be a good hero, too," Deku tried to calm down.

"I don't need you to defend me, Deku!" Bakugo dismissed.

"Well, I hope you do well as a hero, Izuku," Fluttershy said.

"And when you DO become the next Symbol of Peace, I'll throw you the BIGGEST party you've ever seen!" Pinkie added.

"Look at you, getting so much praise. You might as well be an All Might Jr," Jiro teased.

“You’re not far off, Jiro.” Todoroki replied.

“Todoroki! I told you it wasn’t like that!!!” Midoriya exclaimed.

“Wasn’t like… what?” Fluttershy asked.

“No matter how much he denies it, Midoriya is All Might’s secret love child.” Todoroki responded.

“I keep denying it because it's not true!” Midoriya rebutted.

"He practically hangs out with you for the most part when none of us are around.” Uraraka commented.

"Just a mere coincidence, that's all," Izuku tried to dismiss.

“And there was that other time where All Might invited you along with him to I-Island.” Yaoyorozu reminded Deku.

“Uhhhh… That was…” Deku tries to dismiss that one.

“And every time he’s around when we’re in training, he always pulls you to the side and the two of you would have a conversation about something.” Uraraka added.

“Sounds like you know a lot about what goes on with Midoriya, eh Uraraka.” Mina teased the gravity heroine.

“Oh like you and Kirishima are any different, right?” Uraraka responded back in retaliation.

"I-It's not what you think! Kirishima and I are just good friends! Oh, why do you have to embarrass me, no fair!" Mina hides her blushing face behind her hands. The two proceeded to glare daggers at each other.

Everyone can’t help but stare at the two, while chuckling a bit from seeing the two interact this way.

“Well, we never saw this back at UA.” Jiro commented.

“Nope. Ribbit.” Tsu replied.

Fluttershy giggled a little bit. "I still like it when you make those "ribbit" sounds. It's just so cute. It suits you, Tsu," she stated.

Tsuyu blushed in embarrassment as she made another “ribbit” sound. Tokoyami, while looking unfazed, blushed and thought about how cute the frog girl is. And to his dismay, Dark Shadow emerged from his body, trying to expose his thoughts yet again. Although Tokoyami refuses to have that happen and gives his dark companion a harsh knock on the head.

“OW!” Dark Shadow winched in pain before retracting himself back into Tokoyami’s body.

The little noise caused everyone to look towards their dark bird-headed classmate with confusion and curiosity.

“Uh, Tokoyami? Did something happen?” Midoriya asked.

“Nope.” Tokoyami responded with a calm and blank expression; without hesitation.

Later on, the school day had come to a close and everyone was coming out of the building about to go home. For the rainbooms, it was an average school day. But for the transferred Class 1-A students, the day was too normal for them. All Might had them informed that their hero training would start tomorrow since CHS was in the middle of installing or setting up their new hero training systems. So today… was kinda boring for them.

"Alright guys, not a bad start for your first time in America. Everyone head on back to your selected living quarters and we'll begin your training tomorrow." All Might instructed.

“Wait, what about you, All Might?” Midoriya asked.

“Well, I have some school paperwork that I need to sign off. Also, I’m having a meeting with Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna after hours.” All Might explained.

“Sensei! Does it have to do with our hero training tomorrow?” Iida asked while having his hand in the air.

“Yes, young Iida, it does. Now run along, children. And enjoy the rest of your evening.” All Might instructed before turning around and walking away from the Class 1-A students as he headed back towards the school building.

"Thank you, sir!" Iida called out, bowing.

"Well, guess we'll see you guys tomorrow," Kirishima said, leaving with Applejack.

“Well, catch you guys later!” Mina proclaimed before leaving with Pinkie Pie.

"I shall see you all tomorrow morning. Shall we head back, Twilight?" Iida asked his lavender-colored friend.

“Sure thing,” Twilight replied. And soon the two head for home.

“Bye guys. Ribbit.” Tsu waved goodbye.

“Bye.” Fluttershy waved goodbye to everyone as well before she and Asui walked away from the group.

"Hey Deku! You'd better not slack off on your training. You still owe me a rematch when you've finally can make that quirk all yours," Bakugo whispered before leaving on his own to the apartment complex with Todoroki, Kaminari and Tokoyami.

"Guess I'll see you all when I see you all. Hey, Rainbow Dash, what do you think your parents will cook for dinner tonight?" Jiro asked.

"I don't know, but I got a feeling you're gonna love it. As crazy and annoying as they are, my mom can still cook up a really mean dish," Rainbow stated, leaving with her music friend.

“So Rarity, do you wish to discuss our day with afternoon tea?” Yaoyorozu asked her fashionista roommate.

“Oh, that would be splendid, Yaoyorozu.” Rarity replied before she and Momo left the group and headed back to her place.

And all that is left of the group of friends is Midoriya, Uraraka, and Sunset.

"Well, shall we head off to my place? I'm getting kinda hungry myself." Sunset said. “Also Ray feels lonely when I’m not at home.”

“Who’s Ray? Is he a friend of yours?” Midoriya asked.

“Or boyfriend, perhaps?” Uraraka added.

Sunset chuckled from her idols’ guesses before she corrected them. “No no, Ray is my pet leopard gecko. My little Ray of sunshine.” she said.

"Aww, that's cute," Uraraka said, smiling brightly. "I'd love to meet the little guy."

"What was it like when you first got him?" Izuku asked.

“Have you guys ever seen romantic movies where two couples looked at each other and you know that is love at first sight…. Yeah it was like that.” Sunset replied.

"Gosh, that has got to be the most adorable way for her to put it," Izuku muttered to himself.

“Awww, that’s even cuter!” Uraraka commented happily, with her bright smile growing even wider.

"Heh, yeah. He's like my adorable little Ray of sunshine," Sunset almost wanted to burst from how cute her pet is.

"I don't know what's cuter, Sunset fangirling or the way she described her pet," Izuku said, which ultimately made Sunset blush a little.

“Yes.” Uraraka replied to Izuku’s question.

'Oh wow… he actually thinks I'm cute? Heheh, how nice,' Sunset thought. "A-Anyways, let's keep going."

Midoriya and Uraraka nodded in reply. But before they could walk any further, a couple of police cars came rushing down the road.

“What’s happening?” Midoriya asked.

“Another police chase? But seeing every last police car in the city in the chase is alarming.” Sunset replied.

“I’m sure the Pro-Heroes can handle this.” Uraraka stated.

“There are no Pro-Heroes in Canterlot.” Sunset responded.

The two hero students looked towards the bacon-haired girl in disbelief and shocked expressions on their faces.

“WHAT?!” They both shouted. “What do you mean by that?” Uraraka asked.

“Canterlot City’s population is mostly quirkless. Because of that, it’s never had a Pro-hero in years.” Sunset explained.

Izuku and Uraraka stood in silence before they looked at each other for reassurance before nodding in agreement.

Uraraka makes herself weightless using her quirk and holds onto Izuku. "All set. You know what to do, Deku!"

"Right!" Izuku nodded. He stood where he was and powered up his quirk. 'One For All, Full Cowling: 8%!' he shouted in his mind.

“Hey wait! What are you guys…!” SWOOSH! Before Sunset could finish her question, Deku took off at fast speeds, with Uraraka holding onto him. Leaving the bacon-haired girl all by herself. “... doing?” she finished.

After being left behind, and also seeing her roommates/idols run towards the direction where there might be trouble. So with that in mind, without hesitating for a second, Sunset immediately dashed after them, or at least, headed towards the direction where they were going.

= A few minutes later. =

The police had arrived on the scene where the villain was spotted. The cops each got out of their cars, aiming their guns at the suspect.

"This is the police! We have you surrounded! Put your hands in the air or use of lethal force WILL be authorized!" said the chief of police.

As instructed, the fiend turned around with his hands in the air. The individual looked to be a young man with dark brown eyes and matching dark brown hair, long and unkempt. He had on a long, thin, black coat over his red shirt and faded green pants. His creepy smile sent shivers to anyone who would dare look directly into his eyes.

“Sorry, old man. But lethal force… already is authorized.” The young villain replied before he brought his arms down to form a cross before swiftly swinging his arms outwards, which unleashed two powerful gusts of wind; heading straight towards the unprepared police force. The force of his attack sent a few of the cops and their patrol cars flying backwards. The fiendish young man had himself a laugh. "You morons don't have what it takes to stop me! What's to stop me from having more fun with this city?!"

Each of the cops got up, dusting themselves off before readying their weapons again.

"I dunno what the hell that was, but something ain't right about this kid," Cop 1 said.

"What the hell was that, anyways? It's like he just… blew us away with a wave of his hands." Cop 2 said, just as shocked.

“We have a quirk situation on our hands, boys! Hold your ground.” The Police Chief informs his men.

“Sir, do we have any protocols to handle this situation!?” Cop 3 asked.

“Unfortunately… No.” The Chief silently said to himself.

"Then how are we gonna stop this kid? We can't just give up!" Cop 4 said.

“We must evacuate the area of civilians to avoid casualties!” The Chief ordered.

Soon another gust of winds was sent barreling towards them, knocking all the police officers to the ground. Then the young villain displays his power by sending a powerful gust of wind towards a police car; and sliced it in half! After that display, he approaches the police chief, who was lying on the ground, trying to reach his gun.

“Sorry. Don’t want you to spoil the fun.” The young man stated before raising his hand towards the helpless Police chief, ready to end his life. “Now face death at the hands… of the Wind Master.” He spoke with a devilish grin.

But just before the villain could finish the job… “SMAAAAAAASH!!!!” Mind Master felt a massive blow to the side of his face before he was set barreling towards one of the buildings and crashing through the windows.

Just when the chief was ready to accept his fate, he watched in shock as this young man with messy green hair appeared out of nowhere and saved his life. His whole entire body emitted sparks of electricity, the likes of which he's never seen before.

The young man turned around and offered the chief his hand. "Are you alright, sir? You're not too injured, are you?" he asked. The young boy brings his hand forward towards the chief. The police chief takes the young man’s hand and is pulled up from the ground and onto his feet.

“Yes, I'm fine, young man. Thanks.” the police chief spoke. Soon he is met with the sound of one of his deputies calling to him.

“Sir! Sir!” the deputy called to him. The police chief turned around to face him. “You’re not gonna believe this.” The deputy said while pointing over towards where a young lady had arrived on the scene. The chief watches as she touches some of the patrol cars, causing them to float in mid-air while helping the downed officers stand back up.

"Is everyone okay now? Can any of you still walk?" Uraraka asked.

“Yeah.” Cop #1 spoke.

“Thanks.” Cop #2 added.

“Hey, we got wounded over here! His legs are messed up!” Cop #3 called to the other officers.

Soon the two officers, along with the young lady, rushed over to where a cop was kneeling next to another officer, whose legs looked to be crushed under one of the patrol police cars.

"Hang in there, I've got you," Uraraka said, putting her hands on the car. The patrol car floats in the air and then she puts her hand on the cop's shoulder, lifting him off the ground and his fellow officers carry his weightless body away from the scene and towards the sidewalk.

“I can’t feel my legs! I can’t feel my legs!” Cop #4 screamed in agonizing pain.

“Hey man, you’re gonna be fine. Be glad it wasn’t your head.” Cop #2 assured him.

Cop #1 was on the radio, calling for an ambulance as the other officers were tending to the injured officer. As for the young lady, she leaves them, knowing that they were safe, and approaches the police chief and the young man next to him.

"I appreciate what you two have done for my men, but there's no time to celebrate just yet. Have a look over there," the chief pointed to the self-proclaimed Wind Master as he came out from his little hole in the wall, now looking more pissed than amused.

"You're gonna PAY FOR THAT, YOU LITTLE TURD!!! I'll SLICE YOU TO RIBBONS!!!" the Wind Master shouts, ready to wave his arms again.

But before he could unleash his attack again, the green-haired young man, surprising to the chief and the officers, sped towards Wind Master at supersonic speed, and when he was extremely close to the villain, who was shocked by his speed, the young man reels his arm back for an uppercut before he cried out: “DETROIT SMASH!” Then the young man delivers his powerful attack to Wind Master, sending the villain flying 30 feet straight into the air.

"Aaaagggh!!! Damn YOU!!! TAKE THIS!!!" Wind Master then launched another attack from above, throwing powerful gusts of wind at the young hero. But Deku worked his way around by running and jumping between the building walls and then finally launched himself into the air just above Wind Master.

"This is it for you!... (OFA Full Cowling 8%)... ST. LOUIS SMASH!!!" Deku kicks the Wind Master down to the ground with such force, creating a crater into the street below. And as the smoke cleared, The Wind Master is seen knocked unconscious and clearly humiliated by the future Symbol of Peace.

Soon Deku was soon free falling towards the ground, but to his luck, Uraraka leaps towards him, using her quirk to float herself up to him, and then touches him to make him weighless. And slowly the two floated down to the ground.

And once they were a foot from the ground. “Release!” Uraraka said, deactivating her quirk and allowing both her and Midoriya to land on the ground.

“Thanks for the help, Uraraka.” Midoriya said to his best friend.

“Oh, it's no problem.” Uraraka replied, while hiding her blushing.

As the two were talking, they were unaware of the police chief approaching them. Until he called out to them.

"You two. I dunno how to thank you for what you just did for me, my men and the citizens. You have my gratitude as the Chief of Canterlot Police," the chief said.

The two young heroes were flustered by the praise and tried to act cool in their response. And they didn’t do a good job on that.

“O-Oh, it's nothing, really. Just wanted to help out, that’s all.” Midoriya responded.

“Yeah, surely anyone would do the same as us.” Uraraka claimed.

"Well, I understand what you mean, but… unfortunately for us, that's not possible," the chief shook his head left and right.

“Oh right, sorry.” Uraraka responded, feeling a bit stupid for that statement she made.

"Why do you say that, chief?" Deku asked.

"Well, young man. To put it simply, nobody in this city was fortunate enough to be born with a quirk of their own," the chief briefed.

“Oh, yeah. A friend of ours told us about that. Sorry to hear that.” Deku said, in his mind, he knew what it was like to be quirkless and having to be tormented by others because of it. However, he knew that the town was different because the majority of everyone in the city was quirkless; so they didn’t have to deal with the treatment that he went through. Though they did have to deal with being defenseless to quirk users and villains; to which they had no idea how to handle.

"Well, in any case, I hope you and the police get better soon. Maybe we'll help out again if you're ever in a tight spot," Deku offered.

“We might like that, young man. You two take care.” Police Chief said before he leaves the two and tends to his men.

After Uraraka and Midoriya were left to themselves, they were greeted by a familiar voice calling to them.

“MIDORIYA! URARAKA!” Sunset’s voice can be heard behind them. They turned around and they saw their bacon-haired roommate running towards them.

"Sunset! Hey!" Midoriya called out before running towards her. Uraraka soon followed.

And as soon as they meet up, the two young heroes can clearly see that Sunset was extremely exhausted from chasing after them. The poor girl was breathing and gasping for air.

"Do you… have any… idea… how long… it took me… to find you?!" Sunset said between breaths, panting heavily.

“Uh… sorry.” Uraraka spoke sheepishly.

“Yeah, sorry.” Izuku said, while also being sheepish himself.

"It's… it's alright. But… what happened here?" Sunset asked as she looked at the destruction in the area.

"We'll tell you once we get back to your place. In fact, why don't you and Uraraka hold onto me and I'll carry us back to your apartment easy-peasy," Midoriya offered.

“Alright, I’ll appreciate that very much… Cause I’m too tired to walk back to the apartment.” Sunset exclaimed.

"Alright then. Hold on tight," Midoriya then carries Sunset bridal style while Uraraka makes herself weightless while she holds onto his shoulders. 'One For All, Full Cowling… 8%!' he shouts in his mind before taking off at high speeds.

Midoriya quickly arrives at Sunset's apartment in just under a minute before deactivating One For All. Uraraka releases herself while Izuku puts down Sunset.

"So, how was the ride?" Izuku asked with his innocent smile.

“Well, at least I won’t have to push myself to complete exhaustion.” Sunset replied.

"I know that feeling all too well," Midoriya said as Sunset went to unlock the front door.

“Me too. Back at the Sports Festival, when I was in a combat match with Bakugo, I kept pushing my quirk’s limit and went all out on him that I pushed myself to exhaustion and lost the match.” Uraraka said.

"I heard about that match. That Bakugo is such a jerk." Sunset said disapprovingly.

"Kaachan has always been a hot head, but he works harder than anyone else in our class to become a hero," Izuku pointed out.

"While I understand he's your friend, I don't approve of his methods, or his mentality. He needs to mellow out some more before I can actually see him as hero material." Sunset said. "But, changing the subject, would you two mind telling me what happened back there?"

"Oh, okay. Well… we followed the police to a part of the city where we found this guy and saw that he was destroying everything. He had some sort of quirk that causes powerful gusts of wind to blow his enemies away. He almost killed the chief had I not stepped in." Izuku explained.

“And I used my quirk to help the wounded officers and get them to safety.” Uraraka added. “And soon that villian, who calls himself ‘Wind Master’, got up and tried to unleash a massive attack if Deku hadn’t gotten him far away where he won’t cause any more damage.” She explained.

“And where’s that?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, he used his super-strength quirk and punched him straight into the air.” Uraraka proclaimed.

Sunset's jaw dropped at what she was hearing. Her idol was actually fighting crime. "Really?! What happened after that?" she asked, getting more excited.

"Well, he was getting desperate and tried to attack me with some more of his wind attacks, but I had to maneuver by running along the buildings and jumping from wall to wall before I was high enough to jump over him and deliver a downwards kick, knocking him out in a crater. After that, Uraraka saved me using her quirk as I was falling and then landed safely on the ground." Izuku finished.

“WHOA! Sounds like that guy didn’t even stand a chance!” Sunset proclaimed, with her eyes sparkling from what she was hearing.

"Yeah. And on another positive note, there didn't seem to be any casualties. So, yeah… that's what happened back there," Izuku said.

"It feels amazing to use our provisional hero licenses," Uraraka said.

“Yeah, I'm also surprised we didn’t get any punishment after stepping in. I guess prohibited quirk usage laws don’t apply to Canterlot; most likely due to the town’s quirkless population.” Izuku commented.

“Yeah. Though what was someone like Wind Master doing here?” Uraraka asked before she took a guess. “Probably because a town filled with quirkless people was an easy target for him.” she said, not liking the thought of it.

"But if this city is completely quirkless, then how come he has one? You don't think he might've come from another city or state… or possibly even another country, even," Izuku said, trying to piece this together.

"It's possible he could be from out of town, but we're not sure where exactly. For now, you guys should just rest easy, you've already done a good job taking down that power-hungry windbag. The least you can do is relax and have a bite to eat," Sunset suggested.

"Heh, now that you mention it, I am kinda hungry. What should we have for dinner?" Uraraka asked, rubbing her belly.

"I was thinking we'd have some hamburgers for dinner with a side of garlic fries. What do you guys think?" Sunset asked.

"Mmm, sounds good." Izuku said, his eyes sparkling.

“I never tried that before! Let's do it!” Uraraka proclaimed, with her eyes sparkling as well.

"Okay, some juicy burgers and crispy garlic fries are coming up!" Sunset proclaimed before going into the kitchen to prepare their dinner.

= Over at Twilight’s residence =

Twilight was over in the living room, going over some of the stuff she learned in school today and was even giving Iida a hand as well. Mostly, she helped him on English Lit. But when it came to mathematics, Iida was a pro and even gave Twilight some tips and pointers on how to do each fraction. Needless to say, the two got along well like best friends.

“I must say, Twilight. Your intelligence is admirable and impressive. I’m confident you’ll receive a great scholarship and education in the future.” Iida complimented.

"Thanks, Iida. Truth be told, I'm actually hoping to get into Canterlot University. It's one of the best universities I've been dreaming of getting into. At first, I wanted to get into Everton, which was an independent study program. But after what happened at… the, uh… the Friendship Games, I had a change of heart thanks to my friends." Twilight said.

“Mmmm, I am curious about what you meant, but I shall not pry into your privacy.” Iida stated.

"That's very thoughtful, Iida. But I don’t mind sharing my experiences. You see, to make a long story short, I was blackmailed into participating in the Friendship Games just so our school could keep their perfect win streak. I practically knew everything there was back at Crystal Prep, but it wasn't so popular. If our school did win, I'd be guaranteed a spot at Everton. However, things didn't go as planned. Not only that, but I chose to transfer to CHS since everyone there is more welcoming and friendly."

"Hmm," Iida nodded in understanding. "So you transferred from this… Crystal Prep to CHS because they betrayed you by using your intellect to achieve victory at an event called the Friendship Games." He looks down, disappointed. "I cannot condone what those hooligans have done to you. It wasn't right for them to take advantage of you like that. But I am glad you found friends in a better place."

"Thanks, Iida. And for the record, a few of the girls at my old school, they're slowly turning over a new leaf. And also my sister-in-law is now the Principal of Crystal Prep; so hopefully things are changing there too.”

"Your sister-in-law? What's she like?" Iida asked.

"She's very kind and humble. She's the polar opposite of my old principal. And another fun fact you should know, she used to be my babysitter when I was little. To this day, we get along so well like actual sisters," Twilight said.

“That sounds like she’s a good-hearted person. My brother is also like that; compared to me, my brother was more even-tempered and informal. And he was always joyful when I admired his hero work.” Iida shared his relationship with his brother.

"It sounds like we have a lot more in common than our academic achievements." Twilight chuckles a bit.

"Hey, what's this sight that I'm seeing?" a male voice said. The school rep and the adorkable nerd looked down at the carpet and saw a cute little purple and green dog.

“Huh? I could have sworn I heard someone talking?” Iida spoke in confusion. “Although, I didn’t know you own a dog, Twilight?”

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you that. This is Spike, my dog. He didn't always speak. He only made the usual dog sounds, like rapid panting, barking and growls and stuff like that. But after an… accident that happened some time ago, he's now got his own voice. Though, I try to make sure he keeps it on the down low." Twilight explains.

Iida stares at Twilight with confusion as to what she was talking about. His eyes turn to Spike, then back to Twilight, then Spike, then Twilight and back and forth.

“Uh… Twilight… I do not understand what you are saying? Cause it sounds ridiculous.” He responds.

And after Iida said that… Spike replied.

“Oh, she’s just explaining how I can talk.” The dog spoke casually.

Iida let out a yelp and readied a chop or two. "H-H-How… How is this even possible?! Last I checked, normal dogs do NOT have the ability to talk so efficiently!" he ranted, making his chopping motions.

Spike and Twilight stare at Iida with calm expressions as the Class Rep. from UA was literally questioning life right now.

“Huh? You had the same reaction Shining had.” Spike commented.

"Please… Please… Please tell me this is just a dream! If so, I need to wake up… right now!" Iida said, his mouth trembling and his forehead dripping with sweat.

“Hey, that’s what Shining said too.” Spike replied.

“Spike! Stop giving our guest a heart attack!” Twilight instructed the talking dog in the room.

"Oh, alright. Still, this guy sure is funny. He's definitely a LOT more funny than that buffoon you tend to hang out with sometimes," Spike said before jumping on his owner's lap.

"Buffoon?" Iida asked, slightly recovered from the shock.

“SPIKE!” Twilight sternly responded to Spike; who said something that she wants to keep private… for eternity.

"I'm not sure what he's talking about, but I won't pry for the sake of your privacy. Has your pet always been this mouthy ever since he could talk?" Iida asked.

“Sometimes, yes. In fact, It took me weeks to get used to having my dog talk like a person.” Twilight spoke.

"I wouldn't doubt that. I'd probably have to take longer to adjust to a talking pet. Well… except for a parrot, since it's common for them to learn how to speak," Iida said.

"Of course, no one's scared of a parrot talking, but a talking dog'll drive the big wigs crazy enough to kidnap me," Spike said, moving off Twilight and slumping onto the couch.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight giggled, scratching him behind the ears. Her little pooch then rolled onto his back and showed off his belly. She rubs his belly and he kicks his little puppy-feet rapidly.

Iida was rather awed by the scene between owner and pet.

“Mhmm, once you see past the ‘talking dog’ part; the little fella is, well, adorable.” Iida commented.

“Well of course he is. He’s my little pup.” Twilight replied. “Do you wanna pet him?” She asked the Class 1-A Rep..

"Hmm. I suppose… one little pet couldn't hurt," Iida then slowly reached over and rubbed Spike's green underbelly slowly, then sped up in a ticklish manner, making him kick his feet once again. Spike's tongue lolled out while he smiled and panted rapidly.

"Hehehhe… he's a real keeper," Spike giggled as he was being tickled.

Meanwhile, over at Sunset's house, everyone was all dressed up and ready for bed, but Izuku was sitting on the couch, lifting weights to keep himself in shape.

"So, aside from the hero work, what else happened in your lives?" Sunset asked.

"Let's see… OH, there was the UA Sports Festival. We had 3 different main events. One of them was an obstacle race, then the cavalry battle and lastly, the UA tournament. Izuku took first place in the race, despite not using his quirk," Ochako explained.

"This was back when I wasn't in full control of my quirk. I couldn't risk using it at full strength and break one of my limbs, so I had to improvise," Izuku said.

“Wow! You went through an entire race against many students with powerful quirks… with no powers at all?! That’s an amazing feat!” Sunset complimented, while trying to control her inner fangirl.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, winning the race made Izuku a primary target in the cavalry battle. Because he finished 1st, his headband was worth 10 million points." Ochako said.

"Aaaand, I lost my 10 million points. But, thanks to my friends, Ochako, Tokoyami and Mei Hatsume, we scored just enough points to make it into 4th place. This allowed us to qualify for the final event." Izuku said.

"Wow… even most of your friends turned against you? That's just cold. I thought at least 6 or more of them would at least side with you. Just like… like. . ." Sunset then paused as she had some minor flashbacks to the traumatizing incidents that happened to her.

Seeing Sunset being awfully quiet and her facial expression showing small signs of discomfort, made Midoriya and Uraraka feeling concerned and rather confused of what she was thinking right now to make her like this.

“Uh, Sunset? Are you feeling alright?” Midoriya asked out of concern

“Is something wrong?” Uraraka asked as well, also feeling concern for their roommate.

Sunset sat quietly with her thoughts for a moment before Midoriya and Uraraka speaking to her, brought her out from her inner thoughts. And with that, she stared at the two hero students in front of her for a while before she got up from the couch.

“You know, I’m feeling very tired. Time to turn in. Goodnight, guys.” She claimed before she immediately walked away from the living room area and straight towards her bed. Uraraka and Midoriya were surprised by this reaction and tried to ask her more questions if she was ok.

“Wait, but you haven’t ans-”

“I SAID GOODNIGHT!” Sunset shouted aggressively in response to Midoriya, without turning around or stopping, as she made it to her bed and immediately got under the covers.

And soon, the bacon-haired girl fell fast asleep; or at least, Midoriya and Uraraka believed that she was pretending to fall asleep.

'Gee, I wonder what's gotten her so upset.' Izuku thought. He then shook his head. 'No, it's probably none of my business. If she doesn't wanna say anything, I'll have to not bring it up with her ever again.’

“Something’s definitely bothering her,” Uraraka silently spoke to him. “Do you think so too, Deku?” she asked.

“It seems so,” Midoriya replied. “But, perhaps we shouldn’t ask her about tomorrow. She's probably gone through her own personal troubles and it might be too painful for her to tell us and relive it.’ he claimed.

“Yeah, you might be right.” Uraraka said in response. “We should probably get some rest for the night.” She stated as she laid herself down on the couch. “Goodnight, Deku.” And soon, she fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Uraraka," Izuku replied before slowly drifting off to sleep on the couch.

Meanwhile, a couple of miles away, the bus carrying Mr. Aizawa, little Eri and Shinso were fast approaching the city of Canterlot and both the new hero course student and the precious little snowball were sound asleep.

The underground pro-hero, on the other hand, remained awake for the whole trip; only taking brief 2-minute naps within each hour of the bus ride.

While he could have slept through the entire trip if he wanted to, he didn’t want to let his guard down; especially in new territory. But it was mostly because of the thought of Eri theoretically being a target of a group of deadly vigilantes. The child had suffered enough torment since she was under the captivity of Overhaul, and her painful struggles in controlling her quirk.

With no other living relatives to look after her, Aizawa and everyone else will do whatever they can to ensure she grows up in a safer environment. At the same time, he hopes that one day, Eri will one day be able to control her quirk and use it at her own will.

Hopefully, she can be well-hidden safe in this country; though that didn’t stop the bickering thoughts of the Dark Reapers soon discovering about this. But he pushed those thoughts away in the back of his mind. Hoping that it won’t come to that.

'No time to be stressed prematurely. Gotta keep a level head for her sake,' Aizawa thought to himself, looking down at Eri, all snuggled up in her blanket.

As the UA homeroom teacher watches over the sleeping child, the bus soon arrives in Canterlot City. With the city lights shining through the bus windows. Aizawa then clears his throat.

"Shinso, Eri, wake up. We're almost there," Aizawa whispered.

Waking up with a snore, Shinso blinked a few times and groaned from how tired he was. "Wha…Where are we?" he asked.

Eri woke up and let out a cute yawn and stretched her arms out. "Mr. Aizawa? What's going on, is it morning yet?" she asks, wiping the sleep from her precious, ruby red eyes.

"No, it's still the middle of the night, but we've nearly arrived at our destination." Aizawa said/

“So, this is Canterlot City.” Shinso commented as he looked through the bus window and out to the buildings and shops that were passing by. “Mmmm, well, this place ain’t so bad.” he said before he turned towards Aizawa with a question. “So this is where we’ll be staying for a few weeks?”

Aizawa nodded in reply. “Yes. For the remaining few weeks, you’ll be training alongside my students at this city’s educational institution; Canterlot High; where you’ll use this as an opportunity to continue sharpening your skills with the binding cloth; as well as another opportunity to gain experience and knowledge of combat engagement.” he explained.

"Understood, sir. But where am I going to sleep while I'm here?" Shinso asked.

"There's an apartment complex in the city where a few of my students are staying. It should be comfortable enough for you to sleep at night. Just remember not to oversleep and train hard. Go beyond, Plus Ultra style," Aizawa instructed in his monotone attitude.

"Mr. Aizawa? Where will I sleep?" Eri asked.

"Tonight, you'll be watched over by All Might at the same apartment complex. Then, after that, I'll see if you can stay with Midoriya. I know how much he means to you," Aizawa said.

"Deku's here, too?" Eri asked with her big, sparkling ruby eyes.

“Yes, he is. And he’s also unaware of your arrival.” Aizawa informed her.

“So… Does that mean this will be like a surprise?” Eri asked, while tilting her head and having a curious and cute facial expression.

"That's right." Aizawa confirmed.

Eri gasped and bounced happily in her chair. "Yay! Deku will be so happy to see me!" The precious little bean kept bouncing up and down in her seat, putting her hands against her soft little cheeks, smiling preciously.

"Alright, calm down, Eri. We're almost at our stop, so be ready," Aizawa said calmly. Eri stopped bouncing and just stared out the window, checking out the beautiful city of Canterlot. The lights from the streets reflected off her big, ruby eyes, making them sparkle even brighter. So many bright lights made her think about the musical performance Deku and his friends did just so they would make her smile.

She can’t wait to see them all again soon.

Meanwhile back in the city of Musutafu, Japan.

Laying low in their warehouse compound, the deadly vigilante group, the Dark Reapers; are gearing up and preparing for their infiltration raid on UA High. And to obtain their prized target that resides within the walls of the hero academy.

“Make sure all the equipment is undamaged. I want no failures on this mission.” Rogue instructed.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you sure we can succeed with the child where this "Overhaul" failed to accomplish?" Huntress asked. "How do you know our plan'll work?"

“Because Overhaul was small-sighted; and he had ineffective tools to only produce the child’s essence into mere bullets. But I intend to use that same power with a much more effective means.” Rogue stated. “And I have the equipment in order to do that, but the only thing I require is the child and her power.”

"I'd say we should be careful of Eraser-Head, but let's be real. His power is useless against all 5 of us," Grim said.

"If we bump into him, I get first dibs to crack his skull open," Berserker said, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

“Do not underestimate Eraser-Head!” Rogue responded strictly to his allies. “While his quirk is useless against us, do not forget that he’s an underground pro-hero for a reason; spending his time away from the press and keeping himself partially unknown to the public. Which means he’s full of many surprises. And let's also not forget that he’s the child’s guardian. Which means he’ll fight to the death to protect her; which makes Eraser-Head the most difficult obstacle that stands between us and our goal.” The leader of the Dark Reapers claimed.

"And he's not the only hero we need to watch out for," Deathslinger added. "We should be cautious of all the heroes working there, especially Present Mic. He could alert us for backup if we don't watch ourselves.”

“And not to mention, that bitch, Midnight. Her quirk will render us unconscious before we’ll even get the chance to reach the child.” the Huntress exclaimed.

"Not to mention she's probably way more attractive than you, Huntress," Berserker provoked with a laugh.

"I will blow your freaking head off right now if you don't shut the hell up, you big palooka," Huntress threatened in a low tone.

Rogue had his hand on the face of his mask, irritated and annoyed by the child-like behavior of his colleagues. ‘God damn morons.’ He thought to himself.

"What's the big deal here? Midnight's just a woman with a smelly quirk and a repulsive fetish," Grim shrugged.

"I never did trust any women as far as I could throw them. They're all the same to me," Deathslinger added.

Rogue was becoming more agitated of his team being off-task; and in a fit of rage, he activated the magnetic unit in his gauntlets, lifting his comrades off of their feet and then slammed each of them against the walls of the room.

"I am not about to have my plans backfire because of your meaningless, irrelevant squabbling. So drop the subject now and focus!" Rogue ordered sternly. "Do I make myself clear?"

Each of the four Dark Reapers struggled against the magnetic field that continued to push them against the wall, after a few minutes of struggle; all four submitted and nodded in response to Rogue’s orders.

Seeing their cooperation, Rogue then deactivates the magnetic field, and all four of his colleagues fall to the floor.

"Good. Now pick yourselves up and finish the prep work. We leave soon," Rogue ordered.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot City.

After the bus had finally arrived in Canterlot, Aizawa was about to get off the bus with Eri and Shinso.

"Okay, listen up. We're gonna stop by one of the students' houses here in the city. Afterwards, I'll show you to the apartment complex you'll be staying in. Be sure to get plenty of rest tonight and train hard during your stay here. Understand?" Aizawa said to Shinso.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa," Shinso nodded.

"Good. Now, follow me and stay close," Aizawa said. He carried Eri on his back during the entire walk while Shinso followed behind, making sure Eri didn't fall off.

Eri looked all around her and was in awe of all the bright city lights.

"Ooooh, the city's so pretty." Eri said.

"You may as well get comfy here, Eri. You'll be staying here for a while. But luckily, you'll have Midoriya and All Might to look after you." Aizawa said.

"Hmmmm, Mr. Deku," Eri sighed, nuzzling into the back of Aizawa's head.

Aizawa, though he’s known for his, well, laid-back, but harshly strict personality; he cannot deny that Eri’s cute and innocent nature, brought a smile on his face… even though it was hidden behind his scarf. Deep down, his heart beats lively knowing she's found a happier place among the entire Hero Academia.

Perhaps if things go well, then the newest generations of heroes will help keep crime at bay… along with a new Symbol of Peace. But for now, it's still far too soon to be letting in sprouting youngsters into the big leagues.

After walking for a while, the three made it to their first destination.

Meanwhile, inside Sunset’s apartment, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Sunset were silently enjoying their slumber, sleeping soundly into the night when suddenly, all of them are awoken by a strange knock on the door.

"Ugh… who’s knocking at this time of night?" Sunset groaned, sitting up from her bed.

Soon Midoriya and Uraraka sat up from the couches they were sleeping on, wondering who was knocking at the door.

"I'll go check it out," Midoriya groaned, getting up from the couch. He yawned while stretching his body as he stumbled towards the door. He looked through the peephole and saw a familiar droopy-looking middle-aged man with long black hair and a long scarf.

Midoriya was both shocked, anxious, and surprised to see his homeroom teacher, Aizawa, at the front door. In America, no less! Questions rushed into his mind; what was the UA teacher doing here, all the way from Japan?

Well, only one way to find out. So, with a nervous gulp, he opened the door. "G-Good evening to you, M-Mr. Aizawa. W-W-What brings you here in America?" Midoriya asked politely, stuttering.

"Relax, kid. I'm not here to supervise you or anything. I just came to drop off some people. Perhaps this friendly face'll ring a bell," Aizawa said before stepping to the side. Midoriya's eyes then lock onto little Eri, who's smiling back before she runs up to Midoriya and hugs his legs.

"Mr. Deku!" Eri exclaimed happily.

"Eri! It's so good to see you again," Midoriya said, picking her up in his arms.

"I apologize for waking you up so late at night, but I need you to watch over Eri for a while and keep her safe for the remainder of the trip. Can I trust you with that… Problem Child?" Aizawa asked, looking him square in the eye.

“Uh, s-sure, Mr. Aizawa, sir.” Midoriya replied, with an anxious tone.

"Good. And Eri, be sure to get plenty of rest tonight. Remember to brush your teeth, keep yourself clean and eat all your vegetables, okay?" Aizawa asked.

Eri nodded, smiling. "I will. Bye, Mr. Aizawa." she waved.

“Goodbye, Eri.” Aizawa replied to the little girl before turning his attention onto Midoriya one last time. “Goodnight, Problem Child.” He said before he turned around and walked away.

After Aizawa leaves, Izuku brings Eri into the apartment before closing the front door behind them. The two then walk into the living room of the apartment, where they are met with Sunset.

"Hey, Midoriya, who was at the doo--" Sunset paused when she noticed a cute little girl with long, silver hair and red eyes. "Awwww, she's so adorable. Who is she?" she asked.

“Hey, what are you guys…” Uraraka paused in her words after she had stood up from the couch and her eyes immediately spotted Eri standing next to Deku. “ERI!” The gravity heroine shouted with joy as she rushed over to the young girl and knelt down next to her. “It's wonderful to see you again, Eri.” She greeted the young girl.

"Hi there," Eri said, smiling brightly. "I'm staying with you all."

“Really?! That sounds wonderful.” Uraraka proclaimed.

“Yeah, Mr. Aizawa stopped by and dropped her off with us.” Midoriya stated.

Uraraka was then confused about this and looked up from Eri to Deku. “Why is that?” She asked.

“He didn’t say. All he asked was that we look after her for our remaining three weeks here in Canterlot.” Midoriya responded.

"Well, I don't mind her staying here. I'd fix up a bed for her, but from the looks of things, I'd say she'd be more comfortable catching some sleep with you two," Sunset said.

"Good point. Come on, Eri. You can sleep on the couch with us," Midoriya said.

"Okay, Mr. Deku," Eri said.

And so, Deku carried the little snow angel with him over to the couch where they got all nice and comfy under the blankets. Uraraka, Midoriya and Eri made themselves snug. Slowly, but surely, drifting off into sleep. Eri snuggled up to Midoriya, resting her cute little head on his shoulder.

With Eri dropped off safe and sound, Aizawa and Shinso make their way to another part of the town where Shinso will be staying. Shinso and Aizawa both neglected to admire the beauty of the city as Shinso was too tired to admire anything. And Aizawa was more focused on dropping Shinso off with the others so that he can return to UA High in Japan.

"That little girl really has some attachment towards Midoriya, doesn't she?" Shinso asked.

"Yes, well he did risk his life to save her. She's had a difficult childhood before we came along, so we try to do our best to make sure she stays happy and safe," Aizawa replied.

"I'll bet." Shinso said before yawning.

In a mere 10 minutes, the two arrive at the apartment complex where All Might is waiting by the entrance outside. "Well, here we are. And remember to train hard while you're here and make sure to keep out of trouble. Can I count on you for that?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes sir," Shinso bowed. "And thank you for escorting me here."

All Might approached Shinso and Aizawa. "Thanks for bringing him here, Aizawa. We'll take it from here. And sorry you had to go through all the trouble."

"As long as our students set an example, I can handle the workload. See ya later," Aizawa replied before heading off to the transit center.

With the droopy teacher gone, the skeletal Toshinori then escorted Shinso inside the complex. "Well, let's get you settled in for the night. I think we've got a spare room for you on the 3rd floor all for yourself." All Might said.

Shinso simply shrugged, like he didn't care. All he really cared about was getting some sleep. All Might chuckled and shrugged it aside as they entered the building, the door closing behind them quietly.

Meanwhile, back in the city of Musutafu, Japan.

After hours of preparation and planning, the Dark Reapers proceed to head towards UA high. On their way, they silently moved along the alleyways and other dark places in the city; to avoid detection and running into any patrolling pro-heroes.

After an hour of moving across the city undetected, the Dark Reapers soon arrived at the famous hero school in the country. The vigilante group then hunkered down in a forest that was near the school; avoiding and hiding from the patrolling teachers and heroes that were in the area.

As the vigilante group waits in silence, Rogue looks out from the clearing of the trees, and towards the main building of UA high.

And while his mask conceals his face; not allowing any emotion shown. But you can bet deep in his mind, he was full of a dark sense of eagerness; full of determination to accomplish his goals, by any means necessary.

“This day has finally arrived. Soon my plan will come to fruition. And all of quirk society will cripple… and die.” He claimed silently to himself.

With the Dark Reapers closing in on the proud school for young heroes, it's only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose. Can the faculty hold them off? Will there be any casualties? And what will happen when they discover their primary target has been relocated? Find out next time on “My Hero Academia Meets Equestria Girls!”

Comments ( 19 )

Good, good.

Can’t wait until a new chapter is out. And Eri was adorable.

Stay safe, have fun, and remember to smile.:pinkiehappy:

Nice job on the chapter.
Although, I can understand why Sunset was hesitant because of her past. Hopefully Deku can help her get over her issues. Being a hero, he tends to help those anyone who needs it.

I can't wait for the rainbooms to meet Aizawa, Shinso and Eri! ^^

Well Aizawa will return back to Japan after dropping off Shinso and Eri. Though, yeah, they will meet Shinso and Eri (and possibly die by overwhelming cuteness.)

Oh sorry... But uh, Looking foward for the next chapter though, I can't wait! ^^

Also, if The entire Rainbooms meet Eri, I get the felling they'll almost die of nosebleed after seeing how cute Eri is. (That nosebleed part was supposed to be a joke)

KO awesome chapter, Izuku and Ochaco helped stop a villain and now Eri has come to stay with him and the others for a while which is a good thing when the villains were gonna take her. Bet they’ll feel stupid for when they realize she’s off county.

Good to see another chapter after a while and also a long one at that, but I gotta make some nitpicking. Don't think any bad of these just wanna point out somethings.

So first, I think the reason you made that canterlot doesn't have any quirk users is so you don't have to change a lot with movies and specials. Because things would have turned out a lot differently if that's the case. But it doesn't make sence that the city, one of the bigger ones at that too, doesn't have any hero agencies at least a low ranking one.
Secondly, it doesn't make sence why Iida didn't believe about spike at first because he could have easily thought it was his quirk manifesting. In case you don't know animals can have quirks even though it's rare and his very principal himself is an animal.
Also the cops reaction felt a little weird because even though the city doesn't have any quirk users, they still know about quirks. It would make sence if they were surprised because a villain with a quirk is in the city but not about the powers.

When will you make Sunset enter Deku's mind and meet the previous carriers and see the horrors of the all for one?

FINALLY a chapter update.
Started to think this story was abandoned.

Really good chapter, I love it, Eri was so sweet, and loving :rainbowkiss: and worry for her now :applecry:.
The Reapers though have no idea the demon that will be unleashed should they kidnap and hurt her.
A angry Deku is scary, a Enraged Deku......................

Last but not least...sighs Anon A Miss happened in this setting before huh..... great and looks to be unresolved for Sunset.

It is clear that these vigilante scum must be rooted out of society and hunted down. As of now, the soviet union shall commence anti-terror operations to root out these menaces to society!

I just love how dark shadow embarrassed Tokoyami in front of the everyone. And do you use Dark shadow tell the truth comic as a reference for that sence.

Good because it so funny. And also I bet bakuguo real be super piss that both izuku and Uraraka have battle their first American villain.

Other than a few retreads of already stated information, it's a good chapter. The retreading did take me out of it a bit.

more chapters of this series plz

Finally read your crossover and it’s actually pretty good, I hope despite it has been a year that its not cancelled and will continue.

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