• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
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The Iguana Man

I am just a simple thinker, though some call me mad.


Spitfire - Captain, lead flyer and idiot-wrangler of the Wonderbolts - has a reputation. Whether she's whipping her wingmates into shape, keeping her trainees in line or sometimes-intentionally scaring little kids, it's hard for many to imagine her not either shouting or being ready to shout at a moment's notice.

That's not to say ponies disapprove. Even ignoring the many times the job or the crowd demand that sort of display, it's not unreasonable to assume she must be under a lot of stress, so few will begrudge her a bit of a raised voice. Still, regardless of the reasons, this does mean that, to most, she is a very scary mare.

It is therefore good, on multiple levels, that no one knows about her secret meetings with one of the most easily scared ponies in Equestria or about what truly happens within her cottage.

An entry in Bicyclette's Crackship Contest that... I'm not at all satisfied with and basically shamed myself into writing. Here's hoping I didn't screw it up too badly.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 21 )

I really liked this story. The idea of SpitFire x Fluttershy had never crossed my mind and I think its now one of my favorite ships so thank you for that. I love what you did with their relationship dynamics and it works really well I think. I think if you weren't under any contest constrictions you could have something pretty good here (not that you don't already). Cheers : )

This was a lovely story. I actually believed this was a good match. Spitfire the repressed overworked captain and Fluttershy the patient listener - the way it was built up was excellent.

My only desire would be that a little more from Fluttershy’s side on her interest for / falling for Spitfire.

Actually, I don't see anything that could be improved. I loved the story just the way it is. Thank you for it, making my day just a bit brighter.

This is a very convincing story about how Spitfire could fall for Fluttershy. But how and why the reverse happened is pretty nebulous. Now that isn’t strictly speaking necessary for a good romance story. It still feels a little odd.


That's fair. I did try and get the basic idea across, but it really needed a lot more exploration. Could probably have done a better job if I could just stop myself treating word limits like the serving size suggestions on a tub of ice cream after a bad breakup, but c'est la vie. Hope you got some enjoyment from the story anyway.

aww, a day in the life of Spitfire! and this does a good job in making it really not seem fun at all, between her duties and dealing with her team and the new recruits. the "going back to her" then, in contrast, sounds just so relieving and calm and everything she needs. ah, if only i hadn't seen the fic's cover image, so i would have no guess whatsoever as to who this mare is!

Once he saw she was looking at him, he gave an exaggerated roll of his eyes and threw his paws up in the air, letting her know just how tiresome and exasperating her hesitation was. That established, he quickly turned and hopped back into the bushes around the house, not even pausing long enough to let Spitfire thank or threaten him for making her decision for her. Which was good, as she still wasn't sure which she'd have gone with.

i literally can't imagine Angel Bunny's relationship with a Fluttershy suitor being any other way than this. that bunny is kind of a jerk

It was a cliché to describe a mare's beauty as being more “natural” than the various celebrities and supermodels Spitfire typically found herself around. In fact, attempting to make one's beauty look totally natural was generally the practice for most of those in the public eye, such that someone trying to look simultaneously scruffy and handsome was a sure sign of someone who was truly neither.

aww! well, i mean, Fluttershy is canonically considered model material by fancy fashion ponies!

This wonderful feeling only increased when Fluttershy's face lit up upon seeing her. “Oh, Sp- er, Miss Beach Comber. Oh! Um, that is, Beach Comber. Come in, please!” She stepped aside and gestured for her to enter.

haha, Fluttershy is so bad at this!

“It's not stupid at all,” Fluttershy said, her gentle interruption halting the flow easier than the loudest shout could from anyone else. “We do need to remember the things we did wrong, but... but it still hurts. That's how we know it's working. And you don't have to remember it all the time, so getting reminded... it isn't nice.” She said with a small smile, looking apologetic at not being able to word it better.

aww, so true! that was perfect wording, Fluttershy!

The other mare, on the other hand, was having a much harder time of it even after there was no longer a danger, scrabbling her hooves underneath her to try and keep steady and raising her wings sharply to prevent the box on her back from falling. After a moment, though, she got herself to a relatively stable position.


Spitfire had thought about bringing up how much of a pain that signature would be during long autograph signing sessions, but was wary of feeding Dash's ego any more than necessary.

hehehe, this is a very fitting Dash signature

“Oh... oh, you poor mare...”

In almost any other context, Spitfire could imagine, that phrase would have sounded pitying, even patronising, but... the sheer, unmistakable sincerity and sympathy on Fluttershy's face made such a thing seem just impossible.

i did instantly think of how Fluttershy would approach an upset predator, haha. fitting!

Which in turn would mean, as soon as she found out what they were like, she'd hate herself forever for having missed a Fluttershy hug.

augh, i would hate myself if i missed one of those, too! preview.redd.it/pml6a3zm3iw81.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4702f67de5b045299f3b2143e9c25e48223a50cf

“I mean, 'Spit' just sounds rude and 'Fire'... well, it just doesn't feel... complete. Like it's missing something of who you are. Besides, I'm, um... I'm not very good at coming up with names.”

yeah, Spitfire is a hard mare to nickname

“That's different,” Fluttershy insisted, even as she began to blush a little, “I don't usually come up with their names, I just translate them into something a pony can say.”

oh, so that explains it!

Fluttershy shook her head, somehow doing so while taking a sip of her tea and not spilling a drop. “I wish I was – if I could come up with a character like Zephyr, I'd probably be a writer. No, he really was like that.”

yeah that is how anypony would react to Zephyr stories!

I even, well, um... even dropped the... p-word.

ahaha, augh, that was one of my favorite scenes in the entire show

“No, you don't,” Surprise replied, the blunt, authoritative statement catching Spitfire off-guard. “Oh, you smirk a lot, that's true. You've got an okay patronising or indulgent beam and your sadistic grin's second-to-none. And there's always the old standby, the horrified rictus,” she demonstrated for a moment, drawing a startled gasp from someone far behind Spitfire before continuing, “but an honest-to-goodness, no-muss-no-fuss smile? Nope, that's a new one.”

hehe, love this summary. Pinkie Pie-esque in its thoroughness, very fittingly. this mare Spitfires!

This is... the hell's going on? I... I know I've been... As she refilled the glass, Spitfire racked her brain, half desperate and half disbelieving she could be this stumped. Huh?

oof, too relatable!

“I know this is a bit selfish... okay, really selfish, but, well, if you getting therapy would have meant we wouldn't get to know each other like this... well, I'm really glad you didn't.”

it is funny to think about, just how circumstantial and conditional any of the people in our lives' presence in it are

Because she didn't just feel good or cared for or even calm. She simply felt.... loved. It was as if she could feel how Fluttershy adored and cherished her directly through her skin. It may have been her imagination that made it feel like her marefriend's love had a tangible effect, but Spitfire wasn't about to question it.

augh, pegasus preening is so adorable!

Admittedly, while preening another pegasus was a somewhat intimate gesture, it wasn't nearly as much of one as most other tribes assumed. It was less a specifically romantic or familial thing to do, more just a way to take care of another.

this was a nice bit of cultural worldbuilding. how intimacy is perceived in actions by different people and different cultures is always fascinating to think about

“Guess a drunk visit from a friend'll do that.” Spitfire sighed, unable to truly feel sad about such things while her marefriend was brushing her. “Still, I can see why you might have wanted to treat me like an animal – probably wasn't too far off from reality.”

yeah that scene definitely had the feel of a confused animal crashing into Fluttershy's backyard!

Spitfire sighed in contentment. There were a lot of times when she couldn't help but feel that her relationship with Fluttershy was very one-sided. No matter how much the gentle mare assured her that she got as much out of their relaxation sessions as Spitfire did, it was impossible to shake the feeling that she was giving so much, putting so much work and care into things while Spitfire was just selfishly soaking it all up.

aww, a very understandable thing to be worried about and watch out for in a dynamic like this

And when said mare, despite her forays into modelling, singing and saving the world, had both tried and succeeded at keeping herself and her private life out of the public eye, that was not a desirable situation.

that is a good point! Fluttershy is somehow very famous for such a shy pony

Ink Sling snorted. “What's to write? 'Wonderbolt Captain Meets with Mare!', yeah, that's great copy.” He opened his mouth to continue before pausing, a thoughtful look coming to his face. “Actually, come to think of it, yeah, there are a whole load of ponies who'd write a story and make up a context for that and no shortage of gossip rags or conspiracy screeds that'd buy it, but not me.”

aww, that resolved very easily!

Fluttershy nodded with a small smile. “Would you like to know a secret?” Fluttershy asked, pausing a moment but continuing before Spitfire could respond – it seemed Fluttershy knew the answer. “I've always kind of wished I could get angry more.”

hehe, wasn't there an episode about that?

This was the true gift that Fluttershy had given her.

ah, i never really thought about how being a Wonderbolt might make Spitfire wish she could be more anonymous sometimes! Equestria is a very strange place to think about that kind of thing, with the Mane Six able to live pretty normal lives despite being Equestria's saviors many times over

ah, i'm always sorry to hear when an author is not quite satisfied with how a story turned out. i've been there myself, so i understand! but every bit of writing and every bit of learning is a good thing, so i'm glad you wrote this!

as for improvement, one thing i noticed is that the structure was pretty unconventional, which was difficult to pull off. there's the slice-of-life in the present where Fluttershy and Spitfire already established, with flashbacks to earlier events to illustrate points in their conversation reflecting on their own relationship. but the characters pointing this out in their dialogue really makes the whole thing feel like a clip show, which isn't good for a serious story! in general, letting the events of the story speak for themselves instead of explicitly explaining or justifying these characters is the way to go. show, don't tell.

in any case, thank you for the entry, and good luck with your future writing!

Proceeds to read through the comments.

Could probably have done a better job if I could just stop myself treating word limits like the serving size suggestions

Does this mean that there's a chance you'll come back to this idea and turn it from the serving size suggestion into a full course meal? This is one of my favorite stories (and not just because I'm a Fluttershy fan) and it would be interesting to see how you would flesh out their relationship now that you're not under a deadline.

Always fascinating to read descriptions of some of the older takes on the creatures of heaven. Really make one wonder how the cherubic images we see so frequently took over the consciousness.

Wishbone threat was interesting.

Nice story. Would have been interesting to see it continue.

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