• Published 15th Mar 2022
  • 911 Views, 105 Comments

Journey to the First Flame (Continued) - Rated Ponystar

The contiuation of Darth Link 22's story where Fluttershy helps Smolder fufill an ancient dragon tradition

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Chapter 15

Fluttershy had been afraid many times but had never felt more terrified than she did here and now. So much so that she was shocked that she hadn't wet herself yet. She gazed into the firing cataclysmic eye of a creature of pure and utter destruction threatening to enter their dimension and felt only fear. It was huge. Almost half the size of Ponyville itself. How did anything that big exist? How could they even defeat it or seal it?

Turning her gaze to the dragons, Fluttershy hoped that one of them knew what to do, but they were all just as terrified. Even Xieru looked like he was about to turn pale upon seeing their upcoming doom. Fluttershy didn't think her life would end like this, but it seemed, after so many risky adventures, her lucky survival streak had finally failed.

"W-What do we do?" Fluttershy asked desperately.

"I...I don't know..." Xieru whispered in horror. "I don't think we can do anything."

"There has to be something!" Smolder shouted in desperation as she pointed to the giant eye as the storm clouds worsened. "All we gotta do is shut the portal, right?!"

"How?! That thing's almost as big as the mountain!" Jaden pointed out in fear.

Smolder bit her lip and looked around. They are trying to find something that could stop the Typhon from entering their world. Fluttershy wished she could think of something, but her mind was blank. This was something Twilight was an expert on. Not her. Her thing was animals, and she knew she couldn't tame a Typhon. She doubted even The Stare could do something to anything that big.

"...We have to retreat," Xieru whispered. "If...If this thing comes out, we must be as far away from it as possible."

All of them agreed and spread their wings to start flying when, suddenly, an unearthly roar froze them in place. It blasted so loud. Fluttershy felt like her ears were about to bleed. A giant gust of wind blew down upon the group from the portal above, and a nasty, deathly, smelling breath hit them before blowing all six of them away. Skyler and Oasis grabbed boulders to stop themselves from going too far, while Xieru hit the ground hard and yelped by using his spikes and spines to stick to the ground. Smolder and Jaden grabbed each other's claws and tried to push themselves with their wings to keep them from going further until they hit a pillar and landed together.

However, Fluttershy could not grab something as the wind blew her away. She screamed as she got closer to the edge and heard her student shout her name in horror. Fluttershy tried to get her wings to move, but they were too scared to open up. It was like they were glued to her back. Fluttershy sent a final cry before she was finally blown off the top of the mountain and fell down its side as the clouds surrounded her.

This was a familiar feeling. Falling from great heights. Every time it happened, someone had always saved Shy. Usually, Rainbow Dash. What she wouldn't give to have her come to her rescue right now, but she was all the way back in Equestria.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and hoped that her demise wouldn't be painful. Even if it was the end, she lived a good life. She just hoped that Smolder didn't blame herself for this. She was a good student. A good dragon. It was a shame she never would see the First Flame light up. Smolder had come so far, and she wouldn't light it because some evil dragon was consumed by hatred.

Maybe the Metallics and Chromatics could work together and stop the Typhon with the other races? Stop it from hurting the world too much? It's too bad she wouldn't be around, but maybe she could see it in Heaven. Speaking of Heaven, she wondered if she was already there. For some reason, she was flying back up instead of down. Did she already hit the bottom? Was she already dead? Wait...why was she being carried?

"Jeez, Fluttershy! You really need to lay off the biscuits! I think you're getting heavier each time I carry you!"

Fluttershy knew that voice and opened her eyes to gasp upon seeing a familiar grinning rainbow-maned pegasus holding her while flying back in the direction she fell. "R-Rainbow D-Dash?!"

"The one and only!" Dash proudly proclaimed as she prepared her wings. "Now get ready!"

Faster than she could react, Fluttershy was carried back to the surface of the mountaintop where they landed. The gusts had stopped, and they could stand on their hooves as Rainbow Dash gave her usual grin to Fluttershy, who quickly hugged her fillyhood friend. She knew she should have questioned how she was here, but Fluttershy didn't care. It felt like everything was alright in the world now that one of her friends was here.

"Professor Fluttershy!" Smolder shouted as she flew over with the others in concern before noticing that there was another pony among them. "Professor Rainbow Dash?! What are you doing here?!"

"What I always do! Save the day!" Rainbow Dash said confidently as she looked behind her. "With a little bit of help, of course!"

Fluttershy's heart nearly leaped out of her chest when she heard this, and she hoped to every deity out there that Rainbow Dash's words were valid. A second later, Fluttershy nearly cried in joy upon seeing Twilight, saddlebags on her back, flying up and reaching the summit with Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie levitating beside her thanks to her telekinesis. She shut off her magic, and all four stood side by side with smiles and determination. Pinkie Pie was actually bouncing up and down in excitement, but that was normal.

"Girls!" Fluttershy screamed as she rushed over and hugged them in a giant group hug. They were here. Her best friends were here. All five of them. Things were going to be okay. When the six of them are together, everything always ends up okay. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"Glad to see you too, Fluttershy," Twilight said with a warm and comforting smile. "We were all worried about you and Smolder."

"Guess ya found yerself in more than just a simple visit to a fancy torch, huh?" Applejack asked with a chuckle.

"Ugh, I'm glad to see you, Darling, but you look absolutely dreadful," Rarity said with sympathy as she took notice of the dirt, grim, and mess that was Fluttershy's mane and coat. "The first thing we are doing when we return to Ponyville is a double spa treatment. Hmm, better make it triple."

Fluttershy couldn't help but smile even though a giant monster of doom was still trying to escape its dimension above. It just felt so good to see the girls after all this time.

"Oh! New friends!" Pinkie Pie said as she rushed over to the Metallic dragons, who were stunned to see her shaking their claws and zipping around them faster than they could react. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! You must be the Metallic Dragons Discord told us about! Are you really made out of metal?! Do you like parties?! Do you like your portrayal in the 3rd or 5th edition DnD?! Oh, what's your favorite cake flavor?! You eat cake, right?!"

"...Uh, is she okay?" Jaden asked Smolder, who just chuckled.

"You get used to her," Smolder said before realizing something. "Wait, Discord?"

"Yeah, Discord told us everything and teleported us here as close as he could due to the First Flame hindering his powers," Rainbow Dash said. "So we're here to save the day."

"You guys are going to stop that?" Jaden asked as he pointed up to the Typhon's giant eye.

"Oh, wow!" Pinkie Pie said as she looked up at the monster's eye. "You think he needs big eye contacts to see?"

"No offense, but how will you ponies do that?" Xieru asked in confusion.

"With the power of friendship," Twilight said as she revealed the Elements of Harmony in her saddlebags. "I theorize that if we can use the power of the Elements of Harmony, we can reverse the summoning spell with the combined power of the First Flame's magic and seal the portal."

"Will that work?" Smolder asked.

"Only one way to find out," Twilight said as she handed each friend their jewelry.

Fluttershy didn't know if the Elements of Harmony would save the day as always, but they had never let them down before, and she didn't think they would start now. Besides, she trusted Twilight and her friends. If they believed that this could work, then it would work.

The six of them came together and closed their eyes. The familiar power of the Elements, the bonds they shared together, started to come from deep inside their hearts as the jewels began to glow. Slowly, they were lifted into the air by the power of the Elements and felt utter peace and unity as their hearts became one. Rainbow-colored energy flows between them and starts shining around their figures like a beacon of light in the darkness.

The dragons watched in awe as the six levitated with the power of the Elements of Harmony surrounding them. The eye of the Typhon, as if sensing the growing power, darted its eyes at the Elements and roared in defiance. However, unlike last time, Fluttershy felt no fear in her heart. Not when she had her six best friends by her side. She could face a hundred giant monsters and feel confident facing them all.

...Well, maybe only a few.

When the Element's power reached its peak, the six opened their eyes, and the rainbow-colored aura fired a beam at the First Flame. Almost instantly, it started to glow, restoring the damage done to it as the sinister and dark aura that was corrupting it began to fade away and was replaced with a purifying multicolor aura. The moment this happened, the Typhon roared not in anger or triumph but in fear. Despite not seeing the whole body, it was clear that the Elements were hurting it. As the eyes shook and widened, it realized that the means by which it was entering was now turning against it.

The six sent more power into the First Flame's structure until a beam of light shined from the top of the torch area and was sent into the sky. It hit the Typhon's eyes, shrieking as the energy spread across the sky like a blanket. The dragons watched in awe as the power of the Elements began to push the creature back and slowly started to seal the portal it was summoned by. Despair was soon replaced with hope as they looked up joyfully to see that the power of their friendship was indeed working.

The Typhon tried to fight back, but it was no match for the six's combined power. It soon realized it would lose and let out one last defiant scream before the portal disappeared in a large blast of energy. Everyone covered their eyes. It looked like fireworks had just been set off as multiple colored lights went off. This went on for a few minutes before it died down, and once the eyes were opened, all that could be seen was a clear blue sky and the sun shining down upon them.

The portal was gone, and so was the Typhon.

Smolder was the first to cheer, with the Metallics following soon after. Each of them roared and let out the fire to celebrate their victory. The six heroes soon came down from the sky and smiled at each other, knowing they had once again saved the day. Fluttershy took one deep breath and fell on her haunches, relieved that the world wouldn't end. Again.

She was then soon tackled by Smolder, who was laughing with tears in her eyes. The dragon student looked at Fluttershy and smiled at her. "That was awesome! You were awesome! You're amazing! I knew you were the best choice to pick, Professor Fluttershy! I knew it!"

"Oh, thank you, Smolder," Fluttershy said with a big smile to her student as she hugged her back. "You're an awesome student, too."

"Hey, what are we? Didn't we save the day, too? Where's our praise?" Rainbow Dash pouted, but Applejack rolled her eyes and elbowed her.

"They're having a moment. Let them."

It wasn't long before the Metallic dragons soon hugged as well. Xieru praised her and said she was a gift from Bahamut in their time of need. Skyir was just as fast as Pinkie Pie in her excited display of describing how amazing Fluttershy was with her friends. Oasis smiled and also gave out hand signs in a similar fashion. And Jaden just grinned and gave a thumbs-up.

'"I guess you ponies do know how to kick butt," Jaden said as he turned to Smolder. "You really do have awesome teachers."

"Yeah, I do," Smolder said with pride.

"Hey, look!" Rarity said as she pointed to the sky. "The other dragons!"

Everyone watched as two large armies of Chromatic and Metallic dragons, led by Dragon Lord Ember and Commander Joreim, were speeding towards them. The two groups landed, and Commander Joreim ordered them to spread out and form defensive positions as he saluted to Xieru. "Sir! Sorry for the late arrival!"

"It's okay, Joreim," Xieru said as he nodded. "Everything is taken care of."

"Smolder! Fluttershy! You two are okay!" Dragon Lord Ember shouted as she hugged the two. She then realized what she was doing and quickly let go before trying to get back into a more serious pose despite her blushing cheeks. "Um, glad to see you're still alive."

"Trust me, nobody is more glad to be alive than us," Smolder said with a big huff. "I'm just glad the Elements helped us."

"Yeah, we saw on our way here," Dragon Lord Ember said with a sigh as she smiled at the Elements. "Wow, Spike told me about the Elements of Harmony's power, but to see it with my own eyes? I'm glad our nations are friends."

"Wait, if you girls have the Elements, who's taking care of the vines?" Fluttershy asked in realization.

"Discord said he could hold it off long enough for us to stop the Typhon," Twilight Sparkle said with a smile as Fluttershy sighed in relief. "Don't worry. Princess Celestia and Luna are helping him as well."

"So the Typhon is really gone?" Commander Joreim asked.

"Gone. And so is Valaxis," Xieru said as he looked at the bony remains of his once close friend.

"Then I guess the day is saved, and everything is finished," Twilight said with a smile.

"Not quite," Fluttershy said, getting everypony attention as she turned to Smolder and smiled. "Someone needs to do their duty and end this journey."

Realization hit Smolder as she nervously looked around. "But...I broke the rules. I was only supposed to have you help me. I-"

"I think we all can agree that the circumstances made the rules obsolete," Ember said with a chuckle. "Besides, you helped save all of us from a Typhon. I can think of no better dragon worthy of lighting the First Flame than you, Smolder."

Smolder looked around and saw everyone, including the Metallic dragons, nod their head in support. Smiling, she turned around and strolled to the ancient structure that had been their goal this entire journey. After everything that had happened, this was it. This was the final part of their journey. The ending.

Taking in a deep breath, Smolder was about to unleash her flame when she paused. She stopped, turned around, and hurried over to Fluttershy with a smirk. "Come on."

"Huh?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"I couldn't have done this without you. I only made it this far with you by my side. As far as I am concerned, you and I deserve to do this together. So," Smolder held out her claw, "let's do it together."

Fluttershy looked at the claw and smiled before taking it. She and Smolder, hand in hoof, walked back to the First Flame. Smolder and Fluttershy nodded as the former finally took in a breath and unleashed her flame to the top. The torch caught on fire instantly, and the orange flames soon turned multicolor as the fire burst out and its flame shone like a star. The designs of the First Flame soon began to glow, and the jeweled glass glittered thanks to the burning fire.

The two stepped back and felt a vast relief leave their hearts. It was done. Their journey had come to an end.

The First Flame had been lit.

The Chromatic and Metallic dragons soon roared in celebration and honor of the First Flame. Both races, different in every possible way, united by the one thing that they shared with equal reverence.

"Woohoo!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she pulled out her party cannon (where many who didn't know her questioned how she got that from nowhere) and fired out some balloons and confetti. "This calls for a party!"

"No need to plan one, Pinkie Pie," Ember chuckled. "We always have a party after the First Flame is lit up. Mostly to honor it and the hero who set it up. Guess we'll also have to have a double party for saving the day from the Typhon as well."

"Woohoo! Double the party means double the fun!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she did a flip in the air.

"You guys want to come?" Ember asked Xieru, who was a bit surprised by this.

"You want to invite Metallics to your party on your territory?" Xieru asked.

"Eh, why not. Both of us helped each other out and saved the day. Plus, the lighting of First Flame is the one thing we both celebrate," Ember said with a shrug. "Princess Twilight is always going on about Friendship or whatnot, so I figured I might as well give it a try with your Metal scales."

"What if someone objects on your end?" Xieru asks.

"Then I threaten to shove my scepter up their ass," Ember said with a calm smile.

"I'd love to go to a party!" Skyir cried out while waving her hand.

<It would be a nice relaxing reward after all this.> Oasis's hand signaled.

"I wouldn't mind either," Jaden said as Smolder walked over to him, the two blushing as their tails touched.

"...Heh, I guess we have no choice but to accept," Xieru chuckled.

"Alright! Then let's go party!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she fired two more party cannons.

"...How does she..."

"Don't ask, it's Pinkie Pie."

Author's Note:

Kept you all waiting huh? We're almost done. Just one more chapter to go and this fic is finished.