• Published 20th Mar 2022
  • 1,624 Views, 35 Comments

A Burning Flame In My Soul - Rated Ponystar

After twenty years of being together, Spike is prepared to propose to Ember, but its delayed as rival power is seeking a legendary dragon sword to overthrow Ember and all she holds dear

  • ...

Chapter 7

Spike and Twilight were quiet as King Thorax and Queen Skystar continued to wait for an answer. There was such a long silence that Spike swore that if a pin was to drop right now, it would be the equivalent of an avalanche going off in the mountains. Meanwhile, Silverstream and Gallus nervously looked at each other. The two learned the truth a while ago, and they were concerned at first, but upon meeting Erebus, they realized they had nothing to worry about.

King Sombra had been one of the darkest and most ruthless tyrants in the continent's history, even if he only focused on the Crystal Empire and Equestria to solidify his right to rule. The stallion's backstory was, in some way, sympathetic, according to the journal Twilight and Cadence found in his personal quarters years ago. A young colt appeared out of nowhere during a terrible blizzard and was taken in as an orphan. Sombra had been teased and even outcasted because of his outsider status save for a single friend, Radiant Hope, and his dark, mysterious power further isolated him. Even worse, it was slowly killing him year by year and he feared he wouldn't live long if not for the healing magic of his best friend. Then, he learned the truth from his actual creators: the Umbrum. They were dark, sinister, and evil spirits who had been banished by the Crystal Ponies centuries ago and sought vengeance. Sombra was their creation, and they asked him to destroy the Crystal Heart as it was the only way to save his life.

Despite his reluctance, he did so only to find himself confronted by Princess Amore, who had known all this time what Sombra was but couldn't bring herself to kill a child even if he wasn't one. So she let him suffer, hoping that he would destroy himself one day. Even this was a disgraceful action to many who learned about him, regardless of others' thoughts of Sombra. It lowered Princess Amore in the eyes of many when it was revealed she let Sombra suffer. Especially when there could have been a way to save him. Obviously, Sombra didn't take it well, pushing him to finally embrace his dark destiny and use his powers to kill Princess Amore. But instead of destroying the Crystal Heart, King Sombra decided to also betray his creators. He wanted neither to be the pawn of any other. He wanted to be the king. And so he used the Crystal Heart to corrupt it and absorb the Umbrum into him, becoming a dark living abomination that enslaved the Crystal Empire. Even Radiant Hope, his best friend, couldn't stop him, and she died of her wounds telling Princess Celestia and Luna what had happened during her long journey to Equestria.

The war between the two nations lasted years until Sombra's first defeat, but the stallion was no longer a natural being and survived being killed by turning into a wraith. However, he cursed the Crystal Empire to go down with him and they disappeared for a thousand years until they returned. The rest was history since all knew of the events of his second return with the Crystal Empire's curse ending and his third defeat when Discord tried to manipulate Sombra, Cozy Glow, and Tirek into becoming friends to teach them friendship. Regardless of his past and suffering, his actions caused the deaths and misery of many innocent creatures. So his stoned fate was still deserved.

Even his own son, who Sombra never learned about, believed he deserved what he got.

"How did you find out?" Twilight asked cautiously.

"Rumors spread from the Crystal Empire when some of the nobles were visiting our lands. They were kinda very...open about their disagreements with Flurry Heart and Erebus's engagement," King Thorax nervously said. "I mean, we don't think he's a threat or anything if that's what you're worried about. Shining Armor and Cadence would never let their daughter date him if otherwise. But we just wanted to confirm it."

Spike and Twilight looked at each other before the former nodded. Sighing, Twilight answered, "Yes, Erebus is Sombra's son. Sombra had a few concubines during his reign, and one of them gave birth to Erebus shortly after his second defeat."

"But they were under that curse for a thousand years. She stayed in pregnancy all that time?" Queen Skystar asked.

"It was a thousand years for us, but only ten days for the Crystal Empire. They still don't like talking about it, but I guess the curse activated some kind of space and dimensional magic that caused the whole city to be sent into a pocket universe until it ended," Twilight explained. "I suppose it's for the best that Sombra never learned he had a son. I hate to think what he would do to Erebus if he found out."

"I take it that Erebus wasn't a popular foal since he was the son of a tyrant?" King Thorax asked sympathetically.

"No," Spike answered, shaking his head. "You could tell he was Sombra's son not just by his looks, especially the eyes, but also because he's naturally talented with dark magic. Normally, dark magic can corrupt anyone who uses it, but Erebus can use it without corruption. It's like breathing air for him. He and his mother were mistreated for a long time, even after Flurry and he became friends when they were eight."

"After his mother died, my brother and Cadence took him in by Flurry's instance so he could be raised a guard. He's pretty good at it too, and my family sees him as one of their own," Twilight giggled and shook her head. "It was kinda obvious they'd get together. I've never seen my niece look so happy when she announced they were getting married.

"I take it we're going to meet him when the Crystal Family arrives?" Princess Skystar asked.

"Yup! Trust me, you're going to love him. You'll see that there is nothing to worry about when you do."

The two rulers looked at each other, nodded, and smiled. "Alright, Twilight. We trust you. We just wanted to know more about him."

Spike sighed in relief before rubbing the back of his head. "Well, there is one thing you should also know."

"What's that?" Thorax asked.

"... He's a big worry wort."

"Okay, I think I have my armor shined right! Wait, no. I missed a spot. Actually, I should wear my officer uniform?! Or my dress outfit?r! Did I bring that with me?! Or did I leave it at the dry cleaning?! Maybe I should wear a different set of underwear...wait I don't have any underwear. Oh! My mane! Make sure it's nice and clean! Same with my hooves. And teeth! Need to make a good impression and all."

Princess Cadence watched in amusement as a young stallion rushed around in a panic in his room. He was a dark gray coated unicorn with a long black mane that covered one of his two dark green eyes while red stripes went down the sides, especially the tips of his tail. One could easily see his resemblance to his father based on his facial appearance, save for being not only younger but thinner and more handsome compared to the brutish look King Sombra was known for. One of the few things he got from his mother's side. However, the one thing that made it clear he was Sombra's son was the cutie mark he was destined with. The cutie mark was that of a red moon eclipsing a black sun while thunderbolts surrounded it like light rays. Most foals would be happy about their Cutie mark, but Erebus hated looking at it and covered it as much as possible when he could save for being in the presence of Cadence or her family.

After all, Cutie Marks are not fun if the same day you got it was the day a mob lynched your mother trying to protect you. It didn't help that they demanded your death out of fear that you would become a monster like your father. If Flurry Heart hadn't broken through the crowd and teleported both of them away before they could hang him like they did his mother, Cadence would have outright had the entire mob executed instead of life imprisonment. Because she had comforted that sobbing child who was now motherless in a city that hated him for existence. And she would never want to see harm come to him ever again if she could help it.

Many ponies saw Erebus as a demon ready to finish his father's ambitions, but Erebus had always been a noble-hearted and awkward boy who always tripped on his own hooves when trying to chase Flurry Heart in the gardens in their games. He wanted nothing to do with his father or legacy and worked hard to prove it. Even if he didn't change everypony's heart, he changed enough.

Including my daughters, Cadence thought before clearing her throat. "Erebus? You don't need to worry. I'm sure everything is going to be fine."

"Yes, I need to worry!" Erebus said as he started pacing in place. "I'm going to meet with the world's leaders in the alliance! I need to look! I need to look perfect! Or else they're gonna-"

"Think that you're three steps from having a heart attack," Shining Armor said as he walked into the room, stroking his beard as he quickly kissed his wife. "How bad has he been?"

"I hate to see what he's going to be on his wedding day," Cadence whispered, which made the two giggle.

Blushing, Erebus sighed and finally began to calm down. "Sorry. I just...I just want to make a good impression on everyone. I'm not going as a guard this time like I've gone before. I'm going as the future Prince-Consort. No doubt they know who I'm related to by now, and I want to ensure that I'm not what they think I am."

"Erebus, we've been friends with these creatures for years now," Shining Armor said as he walked over to the stallion who had become like a son to him in the years since they knew each other and gave him a friendly hoof around the shoulder. "They know better than to judge others based on their family. I mean, look at Nova. She's an utter bitch-"

"Shining!" Cadence hissed.

"Hey! I'm not taking that back after what she did to Silverstream and Gallus!" Shining growled before smiling back at Erebus. "But Queen Skystar is different from her mother, and no creature judges her for it. Nobody is going to judge you for being related to King Sombra. Flurry didn't. We didn't. My family and my sister's friends didn't. So you have nothing to worry about."

Erebus gave a small smile and nodded. "O-Okay. I'll...calm down...but I still feel nervous."

"I can fix that!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of speed from a white blur before it tackled Erebus off his hooves and into his bed. Shaking his head, he blushed upon looking up and seeing the grinning expression of his fiance, Princess Flurry Heart. She kissed her future husband on the lips, and just like that, all his woes faded. Ending the kiss, she nuzzled her beloved and whispered, "Feeling better?"

"Yes," Erebus whispered with a chuckle.

Cadence put a wing around her husband's waist and motioned to the door. "Come on, dear. Let's give them some privacy."

"Fine, but no hanky-pankey!" Shining warned as the two made their way out and closed the door behind them.

Flurry Heart rolled her eyes before winking at Erebus. "Too bad he doesn't know we did that already."

"And he'll kill me if he finds out we bucked before we got married," Erebus muttered as he closed his eyes and laid flat on his bed. "Still can't believe you convinced me to do that when we turned eighteen."

"I wanted to do it with somepony special," Flurry Heart said as she wrapped her arms around Erebus and nuzzled next to him. "And you're the most special pony I know in my life."

"Same to me, Flurry," Erebus said as he held onto her as tight as possible. "Everything good in my life is because of you. I have a home. A family. And I have you. You've never shown me anything but friendship and love, and I don't know how I can ever repay you for this..."

"You already have by asking me to marry you," Flurry Heart whispered, kissing him on the cheek. She then grinned and used her magic to place a few seals on the doors to prevent anypony from listening in. "But I wouldn't mind other ways you could repay me. Hint hint? Wink wink?"

Needless to say, nopony saw the two for another hour.


Spike didn't know why, but he liked looking at the stars in Canterlot more than anywhere else in the world. Maybe it was because it reminded him of the times he, Twilight, and Princess Celestia would watch the stars when he was little. Or perhaps it was just being in the royal gardens that made it seem so peaceful. Either way, Spike felt at utter peace while looking up at them.

It was even better when he had his lover by his side.

"You know, I always did love looking at stars. Even as a little dragon," Ember mentioned as she laid her head on Spike's shoulder. "Dad and I used to watch them all the time. It was one of the few times I ever saw him relaxed. Some dragons said it was because he and my Mom used to do it all the time when they were together. I think he looked up at those stars and wondered if she was doing the same."

Spike sighed and put an arm around his girlfriend, who nuzzled closer. Torch's death was still a sore spot for Ember even if he had been avenged with the deaths of Lord Redskull and Queen Chrysalis. Every year on his birthday and death day, she would spend time at his tomb, silently staring at it and whispering to herself. Sometimes Spike would join her, but most of the time, she requested to be alone. It was different with Spike and his parents, who had been dead far longer, but because he didn't know them, he only visited their tombs often. The Sparkles were more family to him as well as Princess Celestia. He was sadder when she passed away than at any other time in his life.

"But you know what they say, right?" Spike said as he looked at Ember and smiled softly at her. "Those we love are looking down on us from those stars. I'm sure he's looking down at you and your mother if she's still alive. And I'm sure he's proud of you."

"He better," Ember snorted. "I didn't work my butt off for nothing. I even named a city after him. He better appreciate that."

"I'm sure he's got more hot air than he usually did for it," Spike joked as the two dragons laughed before looking back at the stars.

The only thing that would make this more perfect had the means to propose to Ember right here and now. But I got all the time in the world for that.


Deep in an underground cavern, a sealed entrance was slowly opening up as cloaked and armored dragons looked at each other and nodded.

It was time to make their move.

Author's Note:

Short one. I know, but I wanted to get back to the groove of this. Erebus is an OC that's going to play an important role in the story. That's why I put this chapter as a focus on him. Next chapter? Things get dicey.

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