• Published 22nd Mar 2022
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Filmatic Escapades: The Pagemaster - Toonwriter

The Mane Six and their friends embark on the adventure of a lifetime when they head to a new theater in Hope Hollow that will transport them to a world beyond their own for their greatest adventure yet.

  • ...

Of Killer Whales and Pirates

Sometime after escaping the haunted house, Richard and the gang trekked down the cliff to the shore below them. Adventure led the way down a narrow, book-lined path toward the rocky shore below. Horror followed, shouting, "Hey! Wait for me!"

During their descent, Applejack happened to notice something peculiar about the rocks. "Is it just me or do these rocks look an awful lot like books?" She observed aloud.

"They certainly do, Applejack." Rarity stated.

"Boy, with the sun coming out, the ocean looks beautiful." Nyx remarked as she gazed at the shimmering ocean.

"I agree with you." Fluttershy replied, in awe at the sunrise.

"So do I, Nyx." Twilight said as she also looked in at the sun, "I wonder if Princess Celestia's raising the sun?"

Richard didn't know what to say about that. Though the idea of a princess raising the sun did sound rather intriguing to him, he felt it best not to correct the lilac alicorn about how that was impossible for someone to raise the sun themselves.

Nearby, Adventure had already reached the shore. He then climbed to the top of a rock jutting out over the water. "Ha-ha-ha! Home sweet home!" He proclaimed with open arms.

As Adventure said that happily, Horror, who caught up to him, held out his arms open, expecting to give him a big hug. Noticing the hunchbook, Adventure glared at him in annoyance as he said rudely, "There's only room for one up here!" Feeling disappointed, Horror turned around and sat down, looking down glumly.

At seeing this, Rainbow frowned in disapproval and flew up to Horror, putting a hoof on his shoulder.

"Don't mind him. He's just not used to sharing all the fun," She told the glum hunchbook.

Not acknowledging what the rainbow-maned pegasus had said, Adventure turned to face the sea, unsheathing his sword. "From now on, it'll be smooth sailin'!"

Suddenly, a huge wave lifted up before him and splashed down over his head as he yelled out while sputtering. Upon seeing this, Horror began snickering into his hands. Rainbow bit her lip, attempting her hardest to suppress her own fit of laughter to the point of her eyes watering.

Spinning around, a sopping wet Adventure, with seaweed on his bandana and a starfish attached to his nose, glared at the two as he demanded, "What're ya laughin' at?"

Rainbow and Horror just let loose with a burst of laughter before they fell over, continuing to laugh. Adventure rolled his eyeballs around, trying to see what was stuck to his face. Horror laughed so hard that he slipped on the wet rock. Scrambling wildly to stay upright, he grabbed Adventure's peg leg, causing them both to slide off the side of the rock. Fortunately for them, they ended up landing in what looked like…

“A boat!” Adventure exclaimed, practically tossing Horror off of him when he regained his bearings. The others soon joined up with them, Richard looking cautiously at the boat.

"Oh, we're familiar with boats, Adventure." Nyx explained to Adventure with a grin. "We traveled with pirates."

"And my dad happens to be one." Ben admitted with a proud smile, recalling his father Jack Silver.

"Well, glad to be friends with the son of a fellow pirate!" Adventure said happily.

“Is it… safe?” Richard managed to ask.

Spike looked the boat over, “Looks pretty safe to me.”

"I wrote the book on sailin'." Adventure bragged as Richard and the others got on the boat. He continued as he started stamping his peg leg around, "In fact, I am the book on sailin'."

“How much you wanna bet he was used as a sail?” Rainbow whispered in a snarky voice to Applejack.

All of a sudden, Adventure drove his peg leg into what seemed to be a plugged-up hole in the boat. The pirate book, upon realizing he was stuck, attempted to pull his peg leg from the hole, but was having no luck.

“I’m impressed.” Fantasy replied smugly to Adventure, complete with a smug smile.

Adventure glared at Fantasy for that remark before he jerked his peg out of the hole, causing a geyser of water to shoot up, carrying the fairy godbook upward as she laughed.

“Adventure!” Twilight cried out in a scolding tone of voice.

"Ooooh, that's cold!" Rarity shrieked as she reacted from feeling the water.

Speaking of water, it started to fill the boat as Horror panicked. "We're sinking! We're going down! Somebody do something!" He wailed while covering his head.

Of course, Richard reacted quickly to the emergency. He pulled out his handkerchief and stuffed it into the hole, causing the water to stop gushing before Horror looked at him.

"Thank you." The blue hunchbook smiled sweetly at Richard.

Adventure made his way to the front of the rowboat and commanded, “Shove off, lads and lasses!”

"Aye-aye, captain!" Pinkie exclaimed with a salute.

And with that, Richard, Spike, Ben and Horror began to row the boat as Adventure played an accordion.

As they rowed on, the sunny sky turned into a dark, sea-green hue. While it happened, Richard spoke nervously, "Geez, the water looks kinda... choppy. Maybe we should've stayed back there, where it was safe."

“Well, the only way out of here is forward.” Applejack reminded him.

"She's right." Ben said, "And besides, as my dad would put it: A ship in port may be safe, but that's not what ships were made for."

The group continued rowing onward into the unknown waters as Adventure continued to play his accordion. It wasn't until something caught the pirate book's eye that he ceased playing and looked ahead.

"Whalin' men!" He spoke.

"Huh?" Spike asked as he stopped rowing.

"Where?" Nyx asked as she looked around the ocean.

"Over there!" Ben exclaimed while pointing to where Adventure's gazing.

Sure enough, they saw a few more boats ahead of them. These boats were full of sailors, some of which carried harpoons. But the one boat that caught the attention of Richard, the books, ponies and dragons was the leading boat in which stood a silver-haired man clad in blue with a peg leg. From what they knew based on how he was dressed, this man looked like a captain.

"It's Captain Ahab, it is." Adventure said in amazement.

"Another guy with a peg leg!" Richard observed aloud.

"Mm-hmm. Seems to be a fashion statement around here." Fantasy replied with a bemused smirk, earning an annoyed glare from Adventure. That remark, of course, gained a snicker from Rainbow.

"Did you see it?" Captain Ahab shouted towards Richard, his eyes focusing on the ocean ahead of him.

"See what?" Richard shouted back.

"The devil of the deep!" Adventure said in concern as the rest of the group turned to him, "The white whale, Moby Dick!"

"Adventure, watch your language!" Applejack snapped at the pirate book, looking very offended.

"No, Applejack, he means the proper name 'Dick', not... that!" Twilight corrected her while looking worried, "Moby Dick the whale!"

"Oh! Sorry, Twi." Applejack said sheepishly.

"Moby Dick?!" Ben, Spike, Nyx and Phobos asked in shock and unison.

"Man, now I wish I read more adventure books! Besides Daring Do!" Rainbow remarked.

Just as Ahab noticed something on the horizon, everything seemed to take on an ominous dark red hue. "THAR SHE BLOWS!!!" He shouted, pointing to the horizon.

As green lightning flashed in the distance, what looked like a large geyser of water shot thirty meters into the air.

At that moment, Pinkie felt her knees pinch. "Uh-oh. Pinchy knees again!"

"If you mean something scary's gonna happen once again, I don't blame you, judging the ominous colors here!" Rarity remarked nervously.

"Not just that, Rarity!" Spike gasped, "Look at Captain Ahab!!"

"Sweet Celestia!!!!" Rarity cried in fright and shock upon looking where the purple dragon is pointing at.

"I grin at thee, thou grinning whale!" Ahab snarled, glaring in the direction of the water geyser as he held his harpoon at the ready.

"W-W-What's wrong with him?!" Fluttershy whimpered, scared of how Ahab is starting to act.

"He's possessed!" Fantasy gasped in shock.

"He's insane!" Horror screamed.

"He's my kind of guy!" Adventure remarked with a grin.

Before they knew it, they saw something swimming in their direction with the speed of a freight train.

"Look!" Horror cried, pointing in the direction of whatever was coming their way, "It's headed straight for them!"

Meanwhile, back in the Grand Palace Cinema, Starlight, Trixie, the CMC, Toola Roola, and Coconut Cream were watching the whole scene, illuminated by the dark red hue. So far, they've been enjoying the Pagemaster film, up to the current scene they're looking at. They were equally as shocked and horrified as their friends and the heroes from the movie.

"Oh my Celestia!" Starlight cried in shock.

"And I thought the horror section was scary!" Scootaloo remarked in worry, she and the rest of the CMC huddled together, shaking in fear.

"I got a real bad feeling about this!" Sweetie Belle added in worry.

"Me too!" Apple Bloom agreed.

"Some magic miracle would be really good right about now!" Trixie remarked fearfully.

Back in the movie, whatever swam towards the boats went underwater.

Spike looked around nervously, "Where'd he go??"

"Thou damned whale!" Ahab shouted as he readied his harpoon. Then the source of whatever charged towards him- an enormous white whale, thrust out of the water, somehow lifting its whole body completely above the ocean surface! This must be what Adventure was talking about, Moby Dick. "Thus, I give up the spear!"

The second Moby Dick emerged from the water, Ahab tossed his harpoon at the giant whale. However, the harpoon had hardly any effect and the large beast smashed into the boats, ripping them apart. Richard and the others looked about the wreckage, searching for any sign of life. But all they saw as far as the eye could see were the remains of smashed boats and discarded harpoons.

"So you think I scared it?" Horror asked.

"I don't think so. Why?" Phobos asked.

"He shouldn't swim right after eating, you know. He'd get cramps." Horror replied.

"W-w-where did he g-g-go?" Fluttershy stammered nervously.

"Uh-oh! Pinchy knees... and I'm shuddering, too!" Pinkie said nervously, "This is a scary doozy!"

"Doozy? You must mean that something that someone never expects to happen is gonna happen!" Twilight remarked in a nervous tone.

"You're not saying that Moby Dick is gonna get us next, are you?" Spike asked doubtfully, yet in worry.

Rainbow nervously looked over the edge of the boat. "Uh, guys?"

"What is it, Dash?" Applejack asked in concern.

The others looked over the boat, and Richard yelled out in shock and fear as something big and white was swimming toward them at an incredible speed, glaring at them with death in its eyes.

"ME AND MY BIG MOUTH!!!" Spike yelled in panic.

"IT'S MOBY DICK!!!" Fluttershy screamed in fright.

"H-HE'S COMING FOR US NOW!!!" Twilight cried in fear.

"ROW!! ROW FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" Adventure screamed in panic.

As the group screamed in fear, Richard and Horror grabbed the oars and began pumping as fast as they could. In fact, Rainbow flew out and started pushing the boat to make it go fast using her speed, hoping to evade Moby-Dick. Unfortunately, they hadn't gotten even one row away from their spot before Moby Dick shot up from underneath them, catching the rowboat in his teeth. Why, Rainbow was dragged along with the boat, unable to fly with it.

"No no no no no!!!" The cyan mare shouted in panic.

"ABANDON SHIIIP!!!" Adventure shouted.

Just as the pirate book said those words, Moby Dick chomped down on the boat, reducing it to splinters. This in turn launched Richard, Adventure, Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Phobos from his mouth and to the ocean below them.

"NOOOO!!!!" Starlight, Trixie, the CMC, Toola and Coconut yelled in unison, horrified from what just happened.

"APPLEJACK!!!" Apple Bloom cried.

"RARITY!!!" Sweetie Belle cried.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" Scootaloo cried.

"FLUTTERSHY!!! PINKIE PIE!!!" Starlight cried.

"NYX!!!" Toola and Coconut cried.

"We gotta do something!" Trixie shouted desperately.

"But how?!" Starlight asked in concern, "We can only just sit here and watch!"

"Do not despair, Starlight." Bethesda said as he went up to them, "Remember the special part I told you about?"

"I think so." Starlight answered.

"The special part is coming up." Bethesda said with a nod and a wink.

"You mean?" The foals asked hopefully in unison.

"Yes. Now you may proceed." Bethesda while gesturing towards the screen.

Starlight, Trixie, Toola, Coconut and the CMC walked up to the screen. The pink unicorn looked slightly hesitant before she began to step through.

Trixie followed her best friend afterwards.

"Hang on, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash! We're comin'!" Apple Bloom shouted with determination. Then the five foals entered the screen last.

"Now the movie gets even better." Bethesda said with a smirk.

Back in the movie, as he sank underwater, Richard looked around before he saw a wooden barrel, swam toward it and grabbed it to help him float to the surface quickly. As soon as he surfaced, the blond boy gasped and coughed. Not long after, Twilight resurfaced with him, gasping for air. The two then spotted what looked like a raft nearby and swam over to it.

It wasn't until the two reached the raft that a familiar baby dragon surfaced, coughing and sputtering.

"Spike!" Twilight cried out, pulling her number one assistant onto the raft after she and Richard climbed onto it.

"GUYS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Richard called out as he looked around for the books and the rest of the Equestrians.

"Uh-oh! Look!" Spike shouted in worry.

The purple baby dragon was pointing at a glow something stirring the surface of the water. A glow was seen underneath some bubbles, before the glow with the bubbles swam to the raft, to the fear of the three. Spike held onto Twilight out of fear, staring at the bubbles as they got closer. Twilight, though, glared in determination as she began to fire up her horn, ready for what would surface. Then the source of the glow came out of the water; a familiar black alicorn foal whose horn was glowing, as she gasped for air before she began sputtering and coughing, splashing around while trying to stay on the surface, her wings flapping rapidly.

"Nyx!" Spike exclaimed, letting go of Twilight to help the black foal onto the raft.

"Mommy! Spike! Help!" Nyx cried while attempting to stay afloat.

“Grab on!” Richard urged, holding out his hand for Nyx to take.

Nyx took Richard's hand, and as the boy pulled, she seemed heavy for some reason. Luckily, Spike took Nyx's other hoof, and the black alicorn foal was successfully pulled onboard. As it happened, the reason why Nyx felt heavy was revealed: A familiar moon dragon was hanging onto Nyx's tail, barely alive as he coughed out some water.

"Phobos!" Twilight exclaimed as she noticed.

“Are you guys okay??” Spike asked the two.

"Barely," Phobos replied after he spat out the last of the saltwater inside him.

"Nyx! Baby!" Twilight cried in relief as she hugged her adopted daughter.

"Mommy!" Nyx cried as she hugged back.

Richard looked about to the surrounding sea, hoping desperately the rest of their friends would show up. “Horror? Fantasy! Adventure?! Pinkie Pie?! Where are you guys?!”

"Ben?!" Twilight called out, worried about her lover.

"Daddy, where are you?!" Nyx cried.

Just then, the water near them bubbled, getting everyone’s attention. And from the water, a familiar pirate book emerged coughing and sputtering.

"It's Adventure!" Phobos exclaimed.

Richard helped the book onto the raft, hugging him. "Adventure! Boy, am I ever glad to see you!"

"So are we!" Nyx exclaimed.

Richard then unfolded and folded Adventure over and over as if he were a fireplace bellow, causing him to spit out water with each fold. After that, he shook the pirate book as dry as he could before hugging him again.

"All right. All right!" Adventure grunted, hopping out of the boy's hug.

After looking around a bit, Richard looked at Adventure as he asked in confusion, "Where's Horror? And Fantasy?"

"And Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack?" Spike added with concern.

"And Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Ben Valorheart?" Twilight added, sharing Spike's concern.

Adventure's annoyed expression changed to a look of heartache as he removed his bandana.

"A... Adventure?" Twilight asked, looking more worried.

"W... where are they?" Richard asked, sharing her worry.

"I searched for 'em as much as I could, mates." Adventure replied sadly, "I'm afraid... I'm afraid they've gone below with Davy Jones."

Nyx gasped in shock and horror on hearing this. "You mean they're...?!" She started as tears began to well in her eyes.

"No! It can't be!" Richard exclaimed, not wanting to believe him as he walked to the other end of the raft.

"Ben... Girls... No..." Twilight said sadly as tears formed in her eyes.

The sound of sniffling caught hers and the others' attention. They turned to see Richard sitting with his face buried in his arms. With tears in his own eyes, Spike approached the blond boy.

"Richard..." He managed.

"You guys are the only friends I've ever had." Richard confessed sadly as he began to cry.

Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Phobos didn't say a word as they hugged their human friend and allowed their own tears to fall. Adventure came up to them, looking very sympathetic.

"She's a cruel sea, lads." Adventure said sadly as he handed Richard his bandana.

Richard accepted the bandana, wiping his eyes. "They gotta be out there." He said as he stood up and called out, "Horror! Fantasy!"

Despite shedding tears, Nyx shared Richard's determined action; refusing to believe that their loved ones are really dead. "Daddy!" She called out.

"Ben! Girls!" Phobos called out as he joined his best friend.

Twilight looked down at Nyx and Phobos, seeing the two join Richard in calling out. Soon, she felt the same as the three before she stood up as she called, "Ben! Fluttershy! Pinkie Pie! Rarity! Rainbow Dash! Applejack!"

"Guys!" Spike called out, at first not noticing a couple of dorsal fins coming their way.

A moment later, Richard noticed a few more dorsal fins appearing, swimming around the raft.

"Sharks!" He cried as he pointed to the fins.

Adventure unsheathed his sword, looking ready to fight. "We may be joinin' them other two sooner than ye think!"

"Well, if we're gonna go down, at least we can go down together." Twilight replied, firing up her horn.

"I'm with you, Mom." Nyx said as she fired up her own horn.

But then, Spike noticed two men rowing their way in a boat. "Hey, look!"

The others saw the men in the boat before Richard started waving them over as he cried out, "Help, help! Over here!"

"Careful, mate. Not all sharks are in the water." Adventure whispered to Richard, but loud enough so that Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Phobos could hear.

"What's that mean?" The moon dragon asked in confusion.

"I think he means those two folks can't be trusted." Nyx said.

Despite the pirate book's warning, Richard still called to the men in the boat as they rowed closer, "Get us outta here! This way, help!"

As soon as the boat approached them, Richard and the others could see the two men looked to be dressed like…

“Pirates.” Spike muttered in worry, seeing said pirates smiling deviously.

"I can see what Adventure means by 'not all sharks are in the water'." Phobos remarked softly in concern, only that Spike, Twilight and Nyx could hear him.

Despite the two pirates’ sinister looks, Richard didn’t look any less relieved as the skinny pirate picked him up by the back of his shirt.

“It’s a good thing you guys came along.” He spoke with relief in his voice before he was thrown into the boat.

Twilight climbed into the boat, not wanting to be picked up, with Nyx on her back before Spike and Phobos followed them in.

“We’re missing two other books, like Adventure here,” The lilac Alicorn spoke, gesturing to Adventure as the latter was picked up by one corner of his cover by the skinny pirate, “along with six other ponies like me.”

“Did ya see them?” Spike asked, a bit of hope in his voice.

"He's all the catch we've had today." The skinny pirate replied.

Richard, Adventure, Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Phobos sat on the opposite end of the boat from the fat and skinny pirate. While the boy, ponies and dragons looked concerned, the pirate book just glared at the other two pirates with contempt and a growl escaping his throat. The skinny pirate then spat away from the boat before he and the other pirate both laughed. A glint on the fat pirate’s belt caught Twilight’s attention. She happened to notice the thing on his belt was a pistol. But neither she nor anyone else said a word before the skinny pirate blew what they presumed was a whistle, the tune of it being high pitched. Spike, Nyx, Phobos and Richard looked around into the ocean in confusion. Adventure looked ahead while lifting his eye patch at the same time Twilight squinted in the same direction and the other four turned to look at where the other two were glancing at. At that same moment, a whistle was heard in the distance. There, coming out of the fog, was what looked to be a large ship. When they looked up to the pole above the crow’s nest, Twilight’s eyes widened when she saw the flag was black and on it was a skull with crossbones.

“Oh, no…” She muttered in worry.

"I knew it! It's him!" Adventure whispered in shock and worry while pointing toward the top of the ship.

“Who?” Richard asked in concern.

“You don’t mean…?” Spike asked, feeling worried just from looking at the flag on the mast.

"The meanest, black-hearted pirate that ever sailed the seven seas, Long John Silver!" Adventure replied.

The fatter pirate laughed as he rowed. Adventure began to unsheathe his sword, but he was having trouble pulling it out. He only ceased when he noticed he was staring down the barrel of a gun.

"Just set your keel down, mate." The fat pirate said while pointing his gun at the pirate book, "John Silver's expecting live company."

The two pirates only kept laughing as they rowed to the side of the pirate ship. As they were climbed up, Richard, Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Phobos were the first to be tossed onboard, and no sooner did they recover from the throw did they find themselves surrounded by a whole crew of pirates.

“I got a bad feeling about this…” Spike spoke in worry, looking at the crew surrounding them.

"Me too, Spike..." Nyx agreed in the same tone.

A larger pirate jabbed his dagger in Richard’s direction, causing him to back off in worry. But almost immediately, he found himself trapped in a headlock by a bald pirate who smiled sinisterly down at him.

“Give the word, Cap’n Silver, sir,” The bald pirate spoke, pulling out a cutlass and bringing the blade just under the boy’s nose, “and I’ll show ye the colors of his insides.”

"Red! Red! They're red!" Richard shouted, hoping to convince the pirate that there was no need to open him up.

None of them noticed at first that the sky and sea no longer had a green hue and now had a normal one, revealing a blue mid-day sky. What they did notice was a pirate on the opposite side of the deck, staring off at the horizon. From the back, the group could see that this pirate had on what looked like a captain’s hat, red long coat and tan shorts. The most noticeable thing about him, aside from the green pirate on his shoulder, was that he was missing a left leg and had a crutch under his left arm.

"Stow yer cutlass, Tom Morgan." The pirate ordered as he turned around, "I want a better look at his outsides first."

“Long John Silver…” Richard and Twilight spoke in barely audible voices.

"From Treasure Island..." Nyx whispered in amazement.

“Aye, lads and lasses, the very same!” Silver answered, hobbling over in their direction, “Well, seein’ as how me men plucked ye out of the water like drownin’ bilge rats…”

Richard and his friends just stood there, looking nervous. Until the boy was shoved so he was directly face-to-face with Silver.

“Ye’ll be joinin’ our family as our new cabin boys and girls!”

Twilight’s nervous demeanor gave way for a defiant look. “And just what makes you think we’re going to go along with this?” She inquired, glaring at the captain.

"Yeah, what she said!" Spike agreed, sharing Twilight's defiance along with Nyx and Phobos.

Richard just smiled nervously, “Thanks, but each of us already has a family. We really should be getting home now.”

At that, he began guiding Twilight and the others away, only to find them surrounded by Silver’s crew. Each pirate now had their swords drawn and pointed menacingly towards the boy, ponies and dragons.

"Oh, I think you are home." Silver insisted with a cruel chuckle.

“Know any good spells?” Spike whispered to Twilight nervously. “I know one, but it’s not enough to take them all out.” She replied just as nervously.

"Oh, if only I'm as good at spells as you are, Mommy." Nyx remarked in worry.


Hearing that yell got everyone's attention. Standing on the railing of the ship was none other than Adventure himself.

“Touch one hair on either of their heads and you’ll be answering to me!” He declared, pulling out his sword on “to me”.

Silver could only laugh, amused at the pirate book's threat before he said while beckoning him aboard, "Well, come aboard, matey! Ha ha."

Before he could even jump onto the deck, Adventure got smacked forward onboard and landed on his back… unfolded. For a few seconds, he attempted to get back on his feet, flailing those and his arms like a turtle stuck lying on its back. After a few seconds of struggling, he finally sat himself up.

Silver leaned in menacingly close to Adventure as he asked, "You wouldn't happen to be goin' after me treasure, would ye now?"

“You ain’t got any treasure worth goin’ after!” The pirate book shot back, glaring daggers at him.

"No treasure?" The skinny pirate asked suspiciously upon hearing what Adventure just said.

"No treasure?" The fat pirate asked in confusion as he shrugged.

The other pirates, already distrustful of Silver, began to mutter uneasily among themselves. Immediately, Silver reacted to the mutinous grumbling.

“He’s lyin’! There’s plenty of treasure for all of ya!” He snapped in frustration, then pointing to the book, “Search ‘im! The boy and his friends, too.”

Then the bald pirate, Tom Morgan, grabbed Adventure by his peg leg and started shaking him upside down, and an arsenal of late-eighteenth-century maritime weaponry poured out from between his pages; Flintlocks, knives, sabers, axes, and cannonballs fell to the deck, along with a cannon and even his accordion.

Phobos looked baffled by this. “How the heck was he carrying all that?” He whispered to Nyx.

"No idea." Nyx replied, equally baffled. Suddenly, she was grabbed by her back hooves as she shouted, "Hey!" Almost immediately afterwards, Phobos was grabbed by his tail as he yelped, and the two found themselves being shaken upside down.

"My bits!" Nyx cried as her money was being dropped from her.

"My gems!" Phobos exclaimed as his valuables were dropped.

Spike backed away nervously from another pirate. “Now… don’t try anything! I… I’ll bite!”

Unfortunately, the baby dragon's threat was in vain as he was grabbed and shaken upside down. His gems were dropped as well.

“Don’t you even dare!” Twilight warned to another pirate, glaring daggers at him.

But the pirates did dare, as yet another pirate grabbed her from behind by the tail, lifted her up, and started shaking her. This caused her to cry out as she was shaken up and down. She was so busy having whatever valuable thing she had shaken off her person, she didn’t even notice Richard too had been grabbed and shook up and down as if by a schoolyard bully.

The fat pirate then picked up what the boy had dropped; his library card, a five-dollar bill, and a nail as he spoke with a smirk, "Why, lookee here." Then he handed the goods over to Silver as he said, "Here ye be, Cap'n."

Silver held up the five-dollar bill, looking at it with his parrot as he asked in confusion, "Now what might this here be?"

"Money! It's yours! Keep it!" Richard said, hoping Silver could be bought off.

“”Money,” he says?” Tom Morgan asked, looking ready to burst into hysterics.

“”Keep it,” he says?” Said the fat pirate holding Richard upside down, sharing the same sentiment as the time before they both let loose with laughter.

Silver started picking his teeth with the nail as he turned his attention to Richard's library card while his parrot looked at the $5 bill in curiosity. "Hmm... library card." The pirate captain said as he looked at the card.

"Library card?" The green parrot asked with a squawk as it crumpled up the bill and tossed it overboard.

“A cabin boy don’t need no library card.” Silver said, tossing the library card overboard with a laugh.

“No!” Twilight exclaimed, realizing what he threw overboard.

Adventure stood up upon recovering from being shook up and down. But when he realized what the captain threw overboard, the pirate book’s eyes widened in horror as he ran for the railing.

“There goes my ticket out of here!” He cried, lifting his eyepatch to scan the waters for any sign of the card, but to no avail.

As Richard stood up, also recovering from being shaken, adjusting his glasses, a voice called out from up in the crow's nest, "LAND HO!" This brought everyone's attention to see a pirate holding a telescope, "LAND HO!"

The entire pirate crew rushed to the side of the ship upon hearing that. When they saw what the pirate in the crow’s nest was pointing towards, they all looked excited.

“There she be, Mateys! Treasure Island!” Silver proclaimed, gesturing to an island in the distance as everyone- minus Richard, Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Phobos, all of whom looked curious- cheered and laughed excitedly. The island looked lush with trees while a huge rock in the form of a skull overlooked it all. Much like the cliffs from the shore Twilight and the group departed from, the structure making up the rocks looked very similar to books.

“Do you think…?” Richard began to ask Twilight.

“Yeah. Looks like we’re headed for Treasure Island.” The lilac Alicorn nodded.

"I sure hope Daddy and the others are okay..." Nyx said in concern.

“We can only hope, Nyx.” Spike replied as they began sailing towards Treasure Island.