• Member Since 14th Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


He / Him. Biggest Sweetie Bot fan.


The passing of Apple Blooms friends and family happened long ago yet she has yet to truly move past their deaths. With the help of Twilight she might be able to overcome and move forward without the past holding her back.

Warning about thoughts of death. Also attempts at self damage is not exactly mentioned but is slightly implied.

Although not directly connected and can be understood without it, Story of the Blanks is a spook game on Newgrounds and the story would be better understood with all of the context.

Thank you AmicaSecret for the awesome fanart of Apple Slice! Here!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 7 )

You know, I felt that the world turned without me, that I didn't matter to anyone. One day I could be gone and no one would even care or even notice.

I want to say something comforting, but I can't think of anything. I feel the same way sometimes. Don't give up?
Here's something that would probably make you feel worse, so don't read it, unless you want to:
Unless you do something either extremely bad or extremely good, after your family and friends die, no one will remember you. It is also not enough to just be a large part of something big. One would have to be the big shot at the top. Everybody knows who Mr. Adolf H. is, but does anybody but the biggest history fans remember all of his generals? You have to make a large mark on history for people to remember you past the current generation, so do something amazing! Invent a revolutionary device! Attempt to stage a coup on China! (That one is not recommended) Write a novel so great it becomes an instant classic!
Sorry for my, uh.. ramblings. Anyway, your writing is great. I can only portray characters as having extremely exaggerated personalities or blank-slate personalities.

Mortality is a scary thing, in the grand scheme of things, names that we know now will be just a name in some old book. I would like to think that fifty years in the future this website will still be up and some poor soul is going to rummage through all of these stories.

I think its more important to give off a good memory to those who do care about you then to be remembered by some nerds in the future. But its still a scary thought to be removed from the planet entirely after a short time.

Thank you! I am still trying to get better at writing, I think I struggle with pacing but its really hard to tell for me. I have played D&D for years now and when a new player starts out I suggest they make there characters personality similar to their own. The reason for this is so that its a million times easier to get behind there thought process, I think same goes for writing. Next time you watch MLP I would suggest you think to yourself "Why did that character do that?" just some ideas. When I wrote this one I was fully engrossed in the mindset of Apple Bloom and when I went to go type to a friend I used "Ah" instead of "I", it happens.

Thanks for the comment!

I have a family that cares deeply about me, I have friends that care deeply about me, and honestly I would lay down my life for anyone of them. I wish spending time with them never ended, but well, it does doesn't it? But I would not give up the enjoyment I had spending that time for there to be no sadness

I don't have any friends. The only people I have close relationships with are my parents, and I would like them to not die, because when they do, I'll have no one to talk to. Would I give up my life for them? Probably not. What I'm a little more worried about is me dying. What is it like to not exist? There are no thoughts. There are no feelings. Nothing. And I wouldn't remember anything ever existing, because I can't remember anything. What's scary is that I can't even comprehend the nothingness, but it will happen.

Anyway, you're welcome for the shot of depresso. Do you draw those images yourself?

I don't think anyone can truly comprehend true nothingness. As someone who read a lot of Lovecraft I found myself thinking about it more and more. Each person has their own reason for living, regardless if you know what it is. Humans have the ability to overcome tons of challenges that face us, but I think most of us struggle with the motivation to truly achieve great things, I of course fall into the unmotivated. Despite how we will all one day die we have the ability to move forward and I think that is amazing.

I would recommend a read of Berserk if you haven't, I think it covers everything far better then I ever could.

It feels weird going from talks of death to making art but yes, I do make those crappy images.

Those images aren't crappy. (They're not exactly something a professional would create, though) I probably suck at drawing a lot more than you. Or maybe that just an excuse for not trying to draw anything?

That is, apple bloom obtained the power of immortality that would really be from a zombie, interesting and it is understandable that he wants to die since good he will see everything die and only she will be left

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