• Published 15th Jun 2022
  • 2,055 Views, 42 Comments

Rook Takes Queen - Undome Tinwe

Following her heart, Princess Flurry Heart allows herself to be taken prisoner by Cozy Glow, Empress of Tartarus.

  • ...


As a political prisoner, Flurry was given much more comfortable accommodations than she was sure her guards had been placed in. Her room was easily as large as her bedchamber at home, though it felt even larger due to the lack of walls. The perpetual darkness that defined the borders of her confines was a little disconcerting, but Flurry had endured worse as Chrysalis' prisoner.

Of course, it was still a prison cell, as indicated by the wall of magical force tuned to Flurry that kept her from leaving.

Cozy Glow had left her in the custody of her guards soon after their deal had been struck. Flurry Heart was certain that she'd return to her as soon as she had finished whatever matters of state that had to be tended to. As such, she needed to begin preparations.

Fortunately, Cozy had remembered to send toiletries and other sundries to her room. As an alicorn, Flurry had little need of the protection that iron and steel could afford, but that didn't mean she didn't need her own kind of armor to ride into battle with. Flurry allowed herself the luxury of a long, hot bath after her trek through the harsh mountains, and then it was time for her to begin the next phase of her plan.

Moisturizer, eyeliner, blush, mascara. These were the armaments that Flurry wielded as she prepared for her captor's return. She conjured up an arsenal of mirrors and brushes to supplement the ones on the vanity, ensuring that every inch of her body was groomed to perfection, with not a single feather or hair out of place.

"And this one's for you, Aunt Rarity," Flurry whispered under her breath as she put on the final touches of makeup on her face. Then, with that done, she settled down with the pack of playing cards that she had also requested, shuffling them absently.

Just as she was about to deal them out, she heard the sound of hoofsteps approaching. Given the timing, Flurry had to wonder if Cozy had eyes on her and was just waiting for her to be finished. It would have been more unnerving if Flurry hadn't already spent her whole life being watched anyways.

The empress herself stepped into the room, her presence filling it despite her small stature. "Hello, Little Snowstorm, I hope you're enjoying your stay so far," she said, saccharine sweetness dripping from her voice. "It's not the palace bedrooms, but we know how to treat a mare right around here."

"It's lovely," Flurry replied politely. "I appreciate the hospitality."

"Only the best for our most important guest." The smile on Cozy's face was at odds with the cunning in her eyes. "Looks like that playing card on your flank really isn't just for show, huh?"

"I find solitaire to be a relaxing way to pass the time." Flurry shuffled the deck in her magic as she spoke. "Though, it's always more fun when there's someone to play against. Especially if there are some interesting stakes involved."

"Well, the stakes are definitely high here." Cozy smiled. "You're going to be a very valuable bargaining chip for me once your parents find out where you've snuck out to."

Flurry nodded, refusing to show any weakness. She couldn't afford to do that around Cozy. Not yet. "I know," she said, keeping her voice equally casual. "I wouldn't have come here otherwise."

"Oh, you're definitely a princess." Cozy's smile faded. "You know, I spent a lot of time around princesses a long time ago, and even if you're all sanctimonious do-gooders, you're not idiots. Your kind are smart, and I'm not going to make the mistake of thinking you're not. And I have to wonder why a smart pony would trade herself for a bunch of random soldiers."

"I don't suppose you'll believe that I did it out of the goodness of my own heart?" Flurry asked, fluttering her eyelashes as she widened her eyes in a mockery of innocence.

"Oh, I definitely believe that," Cozy replied. "But I'm also smart enough to know you have to have a plan, even if it's something ridiculous." She tapped her hoof against her chin. "You came alone, so I don't think it's some kind of friendship shenanigans. Maybe you think your selfless sacrifice will awaken some ancient magic in here that'll help you get free?"

"As much as I would have appreciated a gambit like that, if there was any hidden power in here, I think it would've been activated already." She was getting to Cozy; Flurry could tell from the way the pegasus' eye twitched.

"You think you've got everything under control, huh?" Cozy flitted up to Flurry, grabbing her chin with a hoof and forcing their gazes to lock onto one another. "There's a lot of different ways to make ponies talk. Tartarus is pretty good at the whole torture thing, y'know. We've got ways to make you hurt real bad physically and mentally, and a lot of people here would just jump at the chance to cut a princess open while she's still alive."

The way Cozy delivered that threat, in her usual, cheerful sing-song voice, sent shivers down Flurry's spine. "Don't forget, we princesses are emotional too," she replied, forcing herself to remain cool and collected. "If my mother finds out that you've hurt me, things are going to go quite poorly for your nation, even if it's not the politically correct course of action. Our kind tends to be guided by passion."

Cozy sighed. "I guess so." A curious gleam lit up in her eyes. "How about you, Little Snowstorm? Are you driven by passion too?"

And now, it was Flurry's turn to smirk. "I'm the most passionate of them all."

That got a glare from Cozy. "I'm going to figure out your plan," she promised, anger and frustration bleeding into her tone.

"I look forward to seeing you try," Flurry replied. "It'll be nice to have somepony intelligent to talk to while I'm trapped here." Her horn glowed as floated over a scroll and quill. "Would you like me to write the letter to my parents now?"

Cozy snatched the writing implements out of her magic. "I'll be writing the letter," she said. "Not gonna let you sneak in some hidden message. You can sign it tomorrow after I'm done."

Flurry shrugged. "That's fine. But you'll need proof of life, though." Her horn glowed, and a moment later she winced as she plucked two primary feathers from her wing. She floated them over to Cozy. "Here."

Eyeing the offering suspiciously, Cozy reached out to grab both. "What's the second feather for?"

And with that, Flurry smiled. "It's a gift to you, Your Majesty," Flurry said. "I thought you might appreciate having something pretty to decorate your room with."

"You're going to regret coming here," Cozy promised before walking away, leaving Flurry alone with her thoughts once again. But there was only one thought that was at the top of her mind, and it kept her smile going as she settled into her bed to sleep for the night.

Cozy had kept the other feather.