• Published 16th Jul 2023
  • 1,123 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: No Straight Roads - RainbowRaptorDash1

A world where Rock has been banned?! There's no way that Rainbow Dash and Casey will let this fly! They and all of their friends will bring Rock back to that world.

  • ...

DJ Duel

Soon enough, everyone arrived at the front of DJ Subatomic Supernova's place, with everyone seeing how big it is.

"Whoa... This place is huge." Twilight said in surprise and a wide smile as Applejack gave Coloratura something.

"Makes the one in Canterlot City look like a small house." Spike noted, remembering his time at the Planetarium.

"Okay, before we go in." Leo started as he stopped Bunk Bed Junction. "We need to know more about who we're facing."

"Really, Leo? He just looks like a rapper." Raph deadpanned.

"Raph, Master Splinter once told us that to face your enemy, you need to understand and know your enemy." Leo reminded.

"Right. In other words, we can't expect him to fight like our enemies." Karai agreed as Bunk Bed Junction was surprised by the wisdom Leo gave.

"You know what, it wouldn't be a bad idea, considering that they're from out of town and we grew up with music." Zuke said.

"Huh, I suppose not." Mayday admitted as they place their weapons away.

"If you have to know, DJ Subatomic Supernova happens to be one of NSR's Mega stars. And his theme is space." Yolo informed.

"He's also one of the best DJ's in Vinyl City. He also runs the entire district we're standing on. It's called the Cast Tech District." Zuke explained.

"And everything there, they're in charge of everything space and science related." Mayday added.

"He uh, also has a big ego." Zuke noted.

"Oh, don't worry, we know someone in our group like that." Applejack sighed as she and a couple of others look at Rainbow Dash.

"What?! Why is everybody looking at me?!" said Rainbow, not getting where they were going with this.

"And to make matters worse, he also thinks that everyone is inferior to him and says that everyone who even tries to play DJ, thinks that they're nothing but a bunch of weak-minded talentless buffoons." Yolo groaned in annoyance.

"On second thought, nevermind." Applejack corrected herself. However, from underneath her glasses, Vinyl's eye was twitching. For what he had said about anybody trying to play DJ, or the same level of music she did... that had gone too far.

"Come on, yo!! Less wasting time and more kicking butt!!" Mikey urged before Yolo grabbed him and put the turtle in a headlock.

"You're still upset about the whole pizza thing?" Yolo asked as Mikey slowly nodded, feeling like he was going to lose oxygen. "Well then stop thinking about it!! We can make pizza after we're done. Not everyone eats pizza from a store, you know!!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Mikey remembered as he stopped resisting while some facepalmed.

"I even did that one time. And he somehow forgets it?" Keno groaned.

"So, given his status, I assume that there will be tons of security?" Casey assumed.

"No doubt about that. What kind of security are we going to expect?" Shinigami asked.

"NSR robots. Same one at the arena, but different." Zuke answered after Yolo released Mikey's head from his arm.

"Though we might expect some human security, too." Mayday added.

"Hmm... Well we won't be able to hack them..." Donnie noted.

"Seems highly unlikely considering how we saw how they fight." Sugarcoat bluntly said.

"We'll try to make it work." Lemon Zest responded.

"But we'll also have to watch our step. We'll need to be prepared for anything for just in case." Adagio pointed out.

"Agreed. Let's go." Leo declared as everyone pulled out their weapons/instruments before they darted off towards the entrance of the Club.

Meanwhile, from inside the club, the beats were being played and the people were somewhat dancing, while from atop the stage, sitting on what appeared to be a DJ throne, DJ Subatomic Supernova was sitting on his chair, making a phone call whilst holding some ice cream in his left hand at the same time. "Billions upon billions of organisms reside on this tiny planet, each meticulously designed to fulfill their given purpose. Yet, you... you barely reach the cusp of mediocrity. You can't even handle a simple satellite launch procedure!!" DJ Subatomic Supernova angrily yelled as he tossed his phone away before collapsing onto his chair. "Such incompetence. It's not rocket science. I mean it us, but... Can someone fetch me some fresh Mr. Dodo Ice Pops!! This one's all melted!!" The DJ ordered in frustration as he tossed his ice cream away and again collapsed onto his chair. "Great, what else could possibly go wrong, today?"

"Hi-yah!" Mayday and Rainbow Dash roared, kicking the door open, making the DJ yelp as he slowly turned around and aw that he appeared to have some uninvited guests. They immediately went over to him, while Vinyl took one good look at him and had her hands bawled in a fist, and also stomps towards him.

"That's the DJ?" Sour Sweet asked in disbelief while walking towards him.

"That's right." Yolo confirmed.

"Ugh, he looks so ghastly. Especially with those unshaven legs!!" Rarity shrieked.

"Focus, Rarity!!" Applejack urged.

"Yeah, you can complain about him looking ghastly another time!!" Aria agreed as the group soon made their way towards the front of the stage.

"What are you NSR people, doing?!" Mayday growled.

"Yeah!! Do you have any idea what's going on out there?!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Yeah, it's so dark outside, I can't see a thing!!" Coloratura nodded.

"We're not getting enough electricity!!" Yolo pointed out.

"And all you guys do is party!!" Mayday added.

"What's wrong with a party?!" Mikey asked, not getting what was going on.

"Not now, Mikey!!" The Rainbooms, minus Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, shouted in annoyance as DJ Supernova on the other hand, didn't pay heed to them at all.

"Who are these lot? Have they purchased the privilege pass to converse with me?" DJ Subatomic asked in disinterest.

"Huh?!" The group asked in shock.

"You don't remember us?!" Mayday shouted.

"We just met at the audition you oversized globe head!!" Yolo yelled.

"And how could you not remember them?!" Sonata Dusk added.

"Yeah, you just met them!!" April agreed.

"And I thought Rainbow had a bad memory." Applejack sighed with a smirk while teasing Rainbow at the same time.

"Hey!!" Rainbow exclaimed at the insult.

"Anyhow!! Bunk Bed Junction!! That's who we are!!" Mayday informed, pointing at DJ Subatomic.

"And we're putting a stop to NSR from controlling everything!!" Yolo added while standing beside her.

"Not to mention from making everyone miserable whilst they face constant blackouts!!" Sunset shouted for the people.

"Do you have any idea what something like this could do to the economy?!" Donnie pointed out.

"Exactly!! And the people deserve to know what rock is all about!!" Mayday declared.

"Rock?" DJ Supernova noted, pretending to ponder and care. "Fascinating. Hmm, that is fascinating, your limited aspirations, your... misplaced efforts. You remind me of... Pluto! Once thought to be a planet of the solar system, but no longer is."

"What?! Pluto!?" Mayday shouted, but not having a clue what was going on, withe everyone else being baffled by what he said.

"He's basically saying that we're idiots and that we don't fit in the musical equation." Sugarcoat bluntly clarified.

"What?!" The others gasped in shock and anger.

"Ok, now that's just insulting!!" Lemon Zest growled, clearly steamed up about it.

"Zuke, what he said about us was bad, right?" Mayday asked, whispering to Zuke as he pondered about that for a bit.

"Well, being a Dwarf Planet isn't all bad..." Zuke thought

"Seriously?" Yolo muttered as he couldn't believe how dense those two were before the two of them were slapped behind their heads by Raph.

"Ow!!" Mayday and Zuke exclaimed.

"I think we're getting off topic here!!" Raph pointed out before everyone heard the sound of someone tsking over and over, only to see it was DJ Supernova, shaking his head at them at their density.

"Your intellect is strikingly shallow, as everyone else's. What I'm trying to say that you Plutonians are no longer irrelevant." DJ Supernova simply said.

"Okay, how did we get stuck about talking about planets?" Leo asked, being slightly annoyed.

"Well..." Pinkie started to say as she pulled out a tour book of Vinyl City and was reading a section about DJ Supernova. "According to this, not only DJ Supernova one of the best DJs, but he also has a master's degree and a PHD in astronomy."

"Oh yeah, now I remember." Zuke noted.

"Say what?! So you think your music is so relevant la issit?" Mayday questioned, focused on Subatomic Supernova as the DJ then stood up and was prepared to face them.

"Do you know, who I am?" DJ Subatomic asked as he now focused his sights on his new prey.

"A man with a globe for a face?" Pinkie Pie guessed while tilting her head.

"A man who is seriously in need of a wardrobe change to cover his hideous legs?" Rarity gagged in disgust.

"I… Am… DJ Subatomic Supernova! My music will reach the furthest corners of the galaxy. What have you done today? Simpletons!" DJ Subatomic Supernova growled.

"Oh yeah?!" Raph shouted as he had his Sais ready. "Oh, I'll show you!!"

However, Vinyl was suddenly up front, blocking them using her one arm, gaining their attention. She stood there motionless, until she slowly looked at the others. Octavia looked and slightly gasped, and saw the look in her eye.

"Oh dear... She has the Eye of the DJ." Octavia feared.

"The Eye of the DJ?!" Five out of seven of the Rainbooms gasped in horror.

"The what?" The others asked in confusion.

"Uh..." Applejack began as she was somewhat nervous. "Put simply, when Vinyl sees another DJ, and that DJ claims that they're better, she gets competitive and prove to them that they're not."

"Why else do you think she's known as Canterlot City's DJ queen?" Rainbow Dash added in equal worry, with Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie nodding in agreement as Everyone, including Mayday, Zuke and Yolo were surprised to hear of this whilst looking at her.

"You really wanna do this, huh?" Zuke asked, with Vinyl nodding at that.

"Well then, go get him!!" Mayday ordered with a smile as Vinyl smiled and nodded whilst walking over to the DJ, facing him.

DJ Supernova noticed Vinyl stepping forward. "Oh? And who are you?" The DJ scoffed as Vinyl suddenly had a glare and pressed the top of her belt, causing the belt buckle to deploy a square like object, she began to twirl it until it was big and within a split second, she had her own DJ set right in front of her and had a determined look. "Oh!!" DJ Supernova yelped as he was startled by what he had seen, but not as shocked and baffled as the rest were whilst their jaws dropped.

"What?! How?! Huh?!" Rainbow gasped as she didn't know what to expect.

"How did you...?!" Twilight tried to ask as she was also shocked.

Vinyl smirked and pointed at Donnie, causing everyone to look at him as he was somewhat sheepish. "I... may have created a mobile DJ set for her to make things easier for her." Donnie said in a sheepish tone as Vinyl looked forward and had a determined look.

Everyone watched as both Vinyl and DJ Supernova were mixing and listening to their tunes at the same time, both sides determined to try to oust or defeat the other. Suddenly, a handful of planets that's about the size of a human, appeared in the DJ ring, which shocked the others. DJ Supernova uses his DJ skills to send one straight to Vinyl.

"Vinyl, watch...!!!" Yolo tried to call out but at the moment when the planet was close enough, Vinyl suddenly did a mix, causing the planet next to her to explode, shocking everybody by what they were seeing, but not as shocked as DJ Subatomic Supernova was when he saw her did that.

"Most impressive. Finally, a worthy opponent!!" DJ Supernova chuckled as the two of them continued to mix, until Vinyl's DJ mix board suddenly came to life and created shadow hands and shadow bats, which surprised everyone. With one swift motion of her DJ, she sent them flying straight towards Supernova, bashing and knocking him a couple of times that made him grunt.

"Whoa, she's amazing!" Mayday exclaimed when she saw Vinyl's skills.

"Told you she's known as the DJ Queen back at our home!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Aw yeah, Vinyl's got some mad skills, yo!!" Casey cheered in excitement.

"Get them!!" DJ Subatomic growled as within a split second, many security and NSR robots appeared in front of the DJ.

"Finally, some action!!" Raph smirked as everyone got ready.

"Let's, rock." Leo declared, which surprised the others by what he said as they looked at him oddly. "What?"

"Uh... you sure you wanna use that?" Mayday asked.

"Yeah, not exactly your cup of tea." Zuke added.

"Just shut up and punch something." Leo groaned.

"Now you're speaking my language!!" Raph smiled as everyone charged.

Octavia sped past some robots with her jitte daggers drawn out before she sheathed them, as said robots suddenly split in half cleanly, while Coloratura brought out what Applejack gave her, revealed to be trench knives, as she pummeled and slashed some robots. Leo performed a twister and sliced two robots in half, while Raph jumped in the air and smashed an NSR robot from above while piercing another with his sais, as Donnie used his Bo-Staff to whack some of the security guards away, with Michelangelo jumping in the air and shouted "Booyakasha!!" before landing on the first security and whacked them with his nunchucks. Rainbow Dash used her superspeed to dash around and trip many of the guards, Twilight used her powers to lift up a few robots and tossed them away, while Sunset jumped up and tossed her Kunai daggers, disabling them in the process, as Fluttershy used her Blowgun to knock out a few security guards, Pinkie used her exploding sprinkles to disorient the security, while Applejack used her strength to grab and toss one away, as Rarity used her Geode shield to knock one of the security guards unconscious as a third was screaming when Spike was biting him on his behind. Adagio jumped up and sliced a few robots, Sonata used her Tonfas to knock out a few security guards and Aria uses her Tri-Baton staff to smash a few robots. Casey skated around and bashed the security guards with his hockey stick, with Keno backing him up as Karai used her snake form to bite and knock out a few guards, with Shinigami knocking out a few guards too, while April uses her psychic powers to knock many robots away whilst Octavia chose to stay by Vinyl's side. Sour Sweet jumped up in the air and used her Surujin Chains to wrap up the security guards and threw them away, with Sugarcoat using her Chigiriki Mace to trip up the guard, ensnaring his feet and tossed him away, Indigo Zap uses her Guandao Spear to slice the robots in half, with Sunny Flare slicing and piercing some robots with her Katar Daggers, as well as Lemon Zest bashing the robots with her Kanabo Clubs. Bunk Bed Junction watched in surprise when they saw them fight.

"Whoa, those guys are good." Zuke noted.

"Yeah, no kidding." Yolo agreed until he and Zuke saw Mayday with a determined look.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to join the fight too!!" Mayday smirked before she jumped up and attacked while smashing a few robots with her guitar. The two brothers were surprised and looked at one another before they shrugged and joined the fight, with Zuke using his drumsticks, whilst Yolo turned his bass guitar into an axe and sliced the robots too. At the same time, Vinyl launched another wave at DJ Subatomic Supernova, causing his DJ table to be ripped in half, making him land on his one knee and his right arm on his leg.

"Give it up, Supernova!!" Yolo growled.

"He's right!! NSR's dominance over Vinyl City ends today!!" Vinyl agreed, surprising those from her world, except Octavia.

"That's right!! These people have suffered long enough!!" Sour Sweet added after shaking off her surprise.

"NSR?" Supernova asked after he stood up and dusted himself. "Maybe. My music, highly unlikely." DJ Subatomic scoffed as he suddenly signaled the planetarium dome to open, surprising everyone as the group looked around before they saw him growing bigger, and the floors also changed, as if it had just turned into a massive DJ board. "For my music, will ripple to the rims of the universe and back!!"

"Holy Chalupa! He's gone bigger!" Mikey gasped before he and everyone else began to cheer for Vinyl.

"Come on Vinyl!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Kick his butt!" Raph added.

"Show him what you can do!!" Adagio agreed as Vinyl smirked and nodded before turning back to him when her shadow vanished before a black/blue/purple doppelgänger of Vinyl appeared besides her as the DJ smirked, knowing it was her own shadow. DJ Subatomic Supernova continued to rap as more planets appeared, along with some rocks that would make them look like Asteroids while at the same time, more robots and security arrived.

"We've got to keep them at bay while Vinyl keeps him busy!" Leo ordered before he and the others charged towards them. They continued to fight and fend off the attackers at the same time while during that time, DJ Subatomic Supernova sent in more planets, but as usual, Vinyl merely knocked them away.

"So you posses a skill unlike any other, do you? Well, see if you can dodge this!" DJ Supernova said as he raised his hands in the air and smashed the ground, causing tons of rocks to fly in the air. He then signaled them to fly towards her, until Vinyl's shadow doppelgänger flew straight towards the rocks and smash them to pieces, with Vinyl shaking her finger as if she was saying "Uh-uh-uh" before continuing to use her moves and sent her doppelgänger straight towards the DJ, causing him to be knocked back a bit, making the DJ growl a bit as he sent a massive yellow circle to deal with her, until Rarity stepped in and used her shields to block it, while at the same time, Twilight decided to use her power to move the rocks towards him, damaging the DJ further.

"Keep going Vinyl! We're almost through this!" Sunset urged as Vinyl nodded and continued to keep her focus on Subatomic Supernova. Vinyl then thought of an idea and smirked as she sent more of the shadows and shadow bats to her shadow Doppelgänger, and within an instant, they combined with it before charging towards DJ Subatomic Supernova with great speed and delivered a hard punch, making him grunt as he stood on all fours. Everyone cheered when they saw how Vinyl dominated the DJ arts against Supernova, even Mayday, Zuke and Yolo were impressed.

"Wow, she's so awesome!" Mayday smiled in excitement.

"I'll say!" Yolo added in agreement.

"I gotta admit, she really has talent." Zuke smirked, crossing his arms and nodded in agreement as well as everyon saw the DJ's face had cracked.

"Impossible... Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!" DJ Subatomic Supernova muttered in fury.

"Give it up, DJ Broken Record!" Mayday declared with a smirk.

"Yeah! You're no match for the DJ Queen of Canterlot City!" Pinkie agreed.

"Silence!" The battered DJ ordered, not liking where this was going. "You have barely, barely scratched the surface of my brilliance! I am done, stooping to your level of idiocy!"

"Oh, quit whining you big baby!!" Yolo taunted.

"Yeah, come on man. I understand perfectly what you're trying to do." Zuke said.

"Yeah. So how about we calm down and have some marshmallows?" Pinkie asked before DJ Supernova suddenly pulled an Earth globe out and pressed the top of it, causing a larger hand to appear above him and pressed the top of his head, surprising everyone.

"Uh, what is that?" April said nervously.

"I have no idea." Karai responded before a blinding flash occurred. After it faded, the DJ's arms were suddenly longer and bigger, before he roared at them, shocking everyone.

"Or maybe not." Zuke corrected himself.

"He's terrifying!" Fluttershy yelped in fear.

"Dude, that is seriously messed up!!" Casey explained when he looked at the size of the monstrosity before the darkness suddenly went into Vinyl’s shadow doppelgänger, transforming her into a giant bat monster as Vinyl smirked at that. Everyone was surprised to see what had happened to Vinyl's shadow.

"Whoa!!" Donnie gasped.

"Since when could she do that?!" Raph asked.

"I don't know, but I kinda like that look, it really works for her." Mikey noted as Vinyl's shadow swooped in for the attack, until Supernova used his power to launch more rocks, which it dodged with ease, but before Supernova could react, Vinyl's shadow double kicked the DJ, making him stammer backwards as he then roared before summoning more rocks to throw at the real Vinyl, making her dodge.

"Come on! We gotta find a way to help her." Leo shouted before Donnie saw three of the devices similar he saw from the Lights Up Audition arena, and suddenly had an idea.

"I have an idea! Twilight, Sugarcoat, regroup!" Donnie said as the two of them immediately went over to him and the three of them began to work together on the devices, tampering as best as they could with it while the same time, Vinyl was having trouble trying to fight against the DJ.

"Hurry up, guys!" Mikey urged.

"I don't think Vinyl will last much longer!" A worried Octavia pointed out.

"Got it!" Donnie responded before he, Sugarcoat and Twilight were done. "Mayday, Yolo, Zuke, Get over here!"

"What is it Donnie?!" Mayday asked as she and the two brothers came over.

"Play your respected instruments close to these three devices separately!" Donnie ordered.

"What?! Why?!" Yolo gasped in confusion.

"Just do it!" Donnie urged as with no time to argue, Mayday, Yolo and Zuke each played solo on their own devices, causing them to react and be activated in different ways.

Mayday's device got turned into a rocket, causing it to launch towards DJ Supernova, making him stagger backwards. "Whoa! Awesome!"

Yolo's device got turned into a laser cannon, causing it to activate, aimed at Supernova and blasted it, damaging him even further. "Nice!"

Zuke's device turned into some treadmill, causing a nearby planet to get attached to it and launched itself towards the DJ master, wounding him even further. "Whoa, now that's amazing!"

Vinyl's giant bat monster shadow was able to swoop in and deliver a strong powerful kick, cracking DJ Subatomic Supernova's face even further.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow Dash whooped.

"You got this, Vinyl!" Aria cheered.

"Almost there, dudette!" Lemon Zest added,

Supernova struggled for some reason, and merely looked at them. "Your endeavors mean nothing! When a billion stars!! And a thousand upon thousands of planets-GAH!!!" The DJ groaned as he suddenly struggled for some reason and held his face.

"Uh, what's going on?!" April asked in worry before within a split second, Supernova's face broke open, creating a... BLACK HOLE?!!

"What's happening?!" Pinkie exclaimed as she and everyone else held onto their dear lives.

"He's going full black hole!" Twilight shouted.

"We need to finish the fight once and for all!" Leo urged before planets were flying towards the group as they were being sucked in as the blue-masked turtle saw the planets flying towards them while they dodged it, but when he looked at the planets, and notice it did some partial damage to Supernova. And that's when it hit him. "I have an idea! Everyone, smash the planets and redirect them to Supernova!! The more damage we cause, the more he'll weaken!!"

"Right!" Everyone shouted as one by one, each group member held position towards the planets. When one was flying towards them, one of them smashed it, causing it to split while being empowered at the same time, launching them straight towards the DJ, damaging him in the process. Seeing this, everyone did what they could; sometimes dodging, sometimes shattering it, and when most of the planets weren't close enough, Twilight used her magic to pull them, allowing Vinyl to swoop in and smash them to pieces. From afar, they felt his black hole power was weakening, causing them to stand up and being prepared.

"Come on, we gotta finish him off!" Leo ordered.

"But how?! If we get close enough we might get sucked in!" Sunset pointed out before that's when Bunk Bed Junction had determined looks on their faces and began to act. and performed... the ultimate showstopper.

"There's only one way to end this!" Zuke declared.

"Right you are, Zuke!" Mayday agreed.

"Let's do this!" Yolo added as everyone looked at Bunk Bed Junction before they stood in position.

"What are you...?" Casey tried to ask as they don't know what they were doing as the three of them then began to present their fists together.

"Red Light!" Mayday shouted, presenting her left fist.

"Yellow Light!" Yolo added, presenting both fists while his right one connected with Mayday's left fist.

"Green Light!" Zuke finished as he presenting his right fist, connecting with Yolo's left fist.

Mayday suddenly grabbed an smiley-face sharp-toothed object and disconnected it from her guitar and threw it away before brought out another one and connected it to her guitar, energizing it as the object flipped, showing a growling moth with sharp teeth as the guitar growled, as Yolo took out what appeared to be a tube and connected it to the top of his guitar, almost turning it into a cannon, while taking out his lucky pic at the same time, with Zuke holding his drumsticks ready, all three of them energized, before the three of them stood side by side. Zuke then tapped his Drumsticks as the three began to be synced with one another. "BUNKA!! JUNKA!! SHAKALAKA!!! BAM!!!" The three of them shouted as they released a ball of energy that flew straight towards DJ Supernova, and with great impact, everything went bright, while he literally flew right out of the roof of his own building.

At the same time, DJ Supernova flew straight towards space. "But millions and billions and trillions...!" The DJ cried out before disappearing into the sky.

"And Pluto is still relevant! Ya hear me?!" Mayday shouted while everyone else was shocked and amazed by what they saw at the same time.

"That... was... AWESOME!!" Rainbow Dash shouted, as everyone cheered for Bunk Bed Junction.

"Thanks. What’s a Pluto anyway?" Mayday asked, making everyone else groan at that as they couldn't believe she was somewhat dense before all of a sudden, Tatiana showed up on the large screen.

"DJ Subatomic Supernova, come in! What is going on down there?!" Tatiana asked as everyone regrouped and turned towards Tatiana with Mayday chuckling.

"Sorry." Indigo Zap taunted.

"But the DJ is currently out of commission." Rainbow Dash added.

"Would you like to leave a message after the beep? BEEP!!" Pinkie Pie said with a squee.

"What?! Who do you think you're...?!" Tatiana growled before she stopped herself when she recognized the trio. "Hold on. I remember you. You're those troublemakers from the Lights Up Audition."

"That's right, you old windbag!!" Raph shouted, gaining her attention.

"Huh? I don't recognize all of you, though." Tatiana noticed

"We are the Ninja Turtles." Leo said.

"We are the Rainbooms." Sunset Shimmer added.

"We are the Dazzlings." Adagio introduced herself and her sisters.

"We are the Shadowbolts. Er, name's a work in progress." Sour Sweet noted.

"And we're their friends form New York." Keno finished.

"Why are you lot siding with them, after the trouble they caused?" Tatiana asked, appalled.

"While I agree about one of the band member's, ahem, temper." Leo started, making Mayday look at him with a flexed eyebrow, "You shouldn't have denied them."

"Yeah, dude!! They delivered a wicked audition!" Casey agreed.

"And they were able to fill up the Qwasa energy!!" Keno added.

"And you unfairly banned rock to everyone else who could've been given a chance to help!!" Coloratura growled.

"Yeah, and seeing that y'all left us no choice, we're gonna bring it back with full force!!" Applejack declared.

"You can't be serious." Tatiana said in disbelief.

"Note. Serious. Face." Mikey responded when he pointed at his face.

"And you'd better believe it!" Yolo agreed.

"We're not stopping till we claim our fame!" Mayday declared

"And bring change to the system." Zuke added.

"Yeah, that too." Mayday agreed, trying her best not to look stupid.

"Oh, please." Tatiana scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"This city has had enough of your tyrannical control!" Mayday growled.

"Yeah, it's time we give the people what they want! Just like the founders of this city, stood for!" Yolo confirmed.

"Stop with the theatrics! You're think, you're better than me?! I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The age of rock, is over." Tatiana shouted.

"Uh, give it a rest already, you old hag!!" Raph roared, which caused Tatiana to look at him surprised.

"Do you always act angry that way?" Tatiana asked.

"Trust me dudette, we could tell you stories." Mikey answered while standing next to Raph before the red-masked turtle shoved his little brother away out of annoyance.

"And that's where you're wrong! Today's win is proof that the power of rock, is stronger than ever!" Mayday pointed out.

"And you robbed people of one of the things that brought them joy!!" Fluttershy added.

"And if you're going to stand in our way, we're going to show you that we're not to be trifled with!!" Karai hissed.

"What do you say to that?!" Shinigami taunted.

"Persistent piece of... Well, fine! You wanna take this road? I say, bring it on. We have the force to deal with the likes of you. We fight with..." Tatiana was about to say before Raph cut her off.

"We fight with Order. Blah, blah, blah, learn a new tune already!!" Raph groaned as Tatiana's eye twitched at his insult.

"How can you even stand him?" Tatiana growled.

"You get used to it." Everybody responded, much to Raph's surprise.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Raph shouted in annoyance.

"As I was saying, you have no place in our system." Tatiana said.

"If that's what you stand for, then we want no part of your stupid regiment!!" Mayday responded with a determined look.

"It's time we fight for fairness!! For the people of Vinyl City!!" Yolo added.

"We fight for, the little guys!!" Mayday declared.

Suddenly, Mayday noticed they botched something, causing her, Zuke and Yolo to babble. Soon enough, the three of them were able to make a proper signal with their hands.

"For the little guys!!" Everyone in the room shouted before Mikey noticed something on the ground, and saw what appeared to be a platinum disc as he picked it up and wondered what it was, but he shrugged his shoulders and put it away in his shell.

Soon enough, everyone exited from the club and were ecstatic.

"Aw, yeah! Now that's awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Now that's the best fight I've ever been in!!" Casey agreed.

"Nevertheless, now that we've sort of declared war, we need to lay low, set up our next step of action." Leo advised.

"Oh, we know just the place. You wanna crash at our pad?" Mayday offered.

"That would be great. Uh, but where is it?" Sunset asked

"It's in the sewers." Zuke answered.

"Really? Awesome." Indigo smiled, surprising Bunk Bed Junction.

"Wait, you don't have a problem with that?" Yolo asked in confusion.

"Our home's at the sewers, too." Donnie informed.

"Wow, we have so much in common!" Mayday whooped.

"Got that right, now let's get going." Zuke said before everyone walked off as Mikey was secretly typing on his phone, as if he had recorded a few things and placed them together.

"Perfect." Mikey smiled as he placed his phone away, until he looked around and noticed someone wasn't here. "Hey, anyone seen Vinyl?" Mikey asked as everyone were surprised by this, with them wondering the same thing.

Meanwhile, from outside of Vinyl City, Supernova climbed out of the waters and was dizzy and held onto his head. He then saw someone standing in front of him, and looked up. To his surprise, he saw Vinyl standing before him. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?" DJ Supernova scoffed before Vinyl did the unexpected, to which Supernova didn't see coming; Vinyl helped him stand up and brought him over to a tree stump. She helped him sit back down, allowing the two of them to look at one another. Vinyl stood in front of him and motioned her hand. The DJ was confused, until he did what any DJ knows, the special DJ handshake, the true mark of respect. After he was done, Supernova was surprised by the amount of respect Vinyl showed, despite what happened today. Vinyl then took out two root beers and presented one to him. "Oh... Thank you." Supernova said as he accepted it. The two of them sat next to one another and drank their root beers whilst they were slowly bonding. The two of them toasted on their performance before drinking them. For not only did they win one battle, but Vinyl and DJ Supernova became worthy rivals... and worthy friends.