• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 2,994 Views, 25 Comments

The Final Journey - Biker_Dash

What happens when Twilight discovers another dimension... and it proves to be fatal to her and Spike

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The Final Journey

I do not own MLP:FiM, nor do I own any of the characters from the series.
Nor do I own InuYasha, or any characters from that series.
I make no profit from this story.

The Final Journey

It was a crisp, autumn day, without a single cloud in the sky. The orchard had the scent to it that only comes from this time of year, right before the time that Applejack and Big Mac would start bucking the apples from the trees. In a small clearing within the orchard stood three ponies and a baby dragon.

Twilight Sparkle was in a happy mood, as she usually is when she finally works out a new spell. She had been working on a variation of her teleportation spell. This new version would allow her to not teleport to some other location in Equestria, but into other worlds, or even possibly other universes.

OTHER UNIVERSES! The idea seemed staggering to Twilight, and she would not have even considered the possibility if her research had not led her to discover that other existences existed. It was very exciting, and she very much wanted to explore and learn all she could.

"Are you sure that you are ready for this Twilight?" asked a tall, white Alicorn. Princess Celestia had worked closely with her favorite student on this project, and was concerned that it might be a bit much for the lavender colored Unicorn. Still, out of all those within Equestria, there was only three who had a grasp of the magic needed for such a spell, and as much as Celestia and Luna both wished to be the one doing the exploring, it eventually had been decided that Twilight would have the honor of the first visit to another universe. "You know that either Luna and I could do this," she said, with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, the Princess is right Twilight," said her faithful baby dragon assistant, Spike. "This sounds awfully scary. What if something goes wrong?" Spike was always there to help Twilight in everything she did, but at times, he does worry too much.

Princess Luna took the opportunity to step in and again offer to go instead. "Twilight, I know you should have the honor of going first, but this could be dangerous."

With a sigh of exasperation, Twilight proceeded to remind the two of them that if anything happened to either one of them, it would be devastating for the whole kingdom, and she could not accept the chance of anything happening to either Princess. "Besides," continues the Unicorn, "I will be linked not only to Celestia, but also to this location, so if anything happens, Spike and I can safely return." To be honest, they were not the only ones with doubts about this trip. Her brother objected to the whole thing once he discovered just what was going on. He then insisted that he should be the one to go, even though he could not himself perform the spell. That and he was the Officer in charge of the platoon of Royal Guards in place around them as security, so he could not go. As much as he may object to his sister doing this crazy scheme, Shining Armor had his duty to perform, and he would do so. They all were instructed to stay at a distance greater than one hundred paces, and not to come unless summoned specifically by one of the Princesses.

Celestia and Luna looked to one another, knowing that Twilight is right, and that she knows how to take care of herself, but worried just the same. "Just know, my Faithful Pupil, that if I sense trouble, and you and Spike do not return immediately, my sister and I will come immediately," said Celestia softly, but firmly.

"I know," said Twilight, thankful for the love and caring that came from her teacher and mentor. "I know that you both worry. I'll be ok though," she said. "Ready Spike?"

The light purple dragon just nodded nervously. Although this was simply a quick exploratory trip, it was also to a place nopony has ever been to before. Furthermore, this was a brand new and untested spell. still, it was Twilight performing the spell, and Spike trusted nopony else when it came to magic such as this, save for the two Princesses.

Twilight started to focus. This was a very complex spell, and it required a lot of concentration. It also required a lot of her magical energy. The first thing she did was to link herself to Princess Celestia. This was a safety feature, should anything happen, she would have the Princess to focus on to get herself back. She then linked herself to this location, also to make it so she could safely return. She finally linked herself to Spike, so that they would go to the same location, and return, as one. Now came the hard part. She had to focus on the destination. Normally, this would not be an issue, but this was not just teleporting across Ponyville, or even into the Castle in Canterlot. This was into someplace completely foreign to everypony, and nopony knew what her and Spike might find there. This also required a huge amount of her energy. Crossing dimensional barriers takes a lot. Focusing her energy, she prepares for the jump. A bright glow starts to form around her and her assistant.

It was at this point where Twilight noticed the snake. It was not overly large, or even dangerous. An average garter snake. But it was a FAUST DAMNED SNAKE! The purple mare let out a panicked screech of terror, and teleported out of there. Where she was in the process of doing a much more complex teleportation spell, that is what she did. The problem is that when she freaked, the spell was nearly complete, and it ended up being disrupted slightly. Her and Spike disappeared in a bright flash, off to a place unknown.

Celestia and Luna were suddenly in a mild state of panic themselves. The way the young mare panicked, there was no telling where she might be. Luna looked to her sister deeply concerned. "Can you sense where she went, Sister?" she asked.

Celestia's brow was furrowed in deep concentration. "Dear Faust, I can't locate her Luna. I can sense her through the link, but that is it. And I already sense trouble. Let me try to work this spell so we can get to her just through the link between her and I Sister," she said to the smaller, dark gray Alicorn, thinking that they may not have much time to do so.


Inside the Carousel Boutique's kitchen were five mares chatting and having their lunch at the table. These five have known each other for years, and have been close friends for a good, long while. They were also close friends with Twilight Sparkle, and the six of them comprised the Elements of Harmony. They were gathered at the home and workplace of Rarity to ponder just what their friend and the two Princess were doing within Applejack's orchard.

Munching on her sandwich while drinking an iced coffee loaded with espresso, a sky blue Pegasus opines, "You know, I can't understand the need for secrecy. Just what are they up to?" Rainbow Dash flutters around the table where the others are sitting energetically, continuing, "Come on, we're her best friends! She could have told us SOMETHING!"

"Now, you know she must have her reasons Rainbow Dash," says Rarity. The beautiful, white Unicorn goes back to daintily sipping her soup from a spoon, levitated to her lips in a prim and proper way with magic. Sometimes, she just cannot understand how some mares can act the way the blue pony does, but just the same, she is a loyal friend, so Rarity is patient with her. "When they have completed what they are doing, I am sure that we will be the first ponies to know," she says in her polite manner.

Applejack finishes her glass of cider and leans back in her chair contented. She was just happy to get time with her friends and be away from the farm. In just a few days, Apple Bucking Season starts, and her and her brother will be too busy to do anything for a week or more. As much as she loved Sweet Apple Acres, she wished at times for more days like this. "Too bad Twilight's got that there project of hers," she said.

Chugging down a can of Redpony, a bouncy, pink Earth Pony with bouncy hair pipes up, "That's ok! Tonight, we'll all have a BIG PARTY!" Grabbing another can of Redpony, she starts bouncing around planning it all out. If there is one thing Pinkie Pie knows anything about, it is parties. "I gotta go bake a cake. Better make it two... NO! Three cakes, and I need balloons too!" Bouncing around the table gleefully, she starts rattling off all she needs to do.

Fluttershy meekly looks down into her herbal tea. As much as the bright, yellow Pegasus loves all of her friends, including the highly energetic Pinkie, she gets nervous thinking about going to the party. "Yes," she says timidly, "that would be fun."

As the energy drink filled mare continues to prance around the kitchen, a familiar feeling hits her. First it is a tingling in her hooves that shoots up her legs, followed by a burning but tickling sensation that starts at the tips of her ears quickly shooting down her back to the tip of her tail. The last part of the combo is a stabbing pain in the back of her head that then shoots forward to a point right between her eyes. This is her Pinkie Sense going off. This combo is the most dreaded one there is. This is the one that someone she knows is going to die. and the stronger the pain in her head, the closer the person is to her. The last time she felt it hit this hard was when her father died.

At that moment, Pinkie's mane goes flat. The pain is so intense, that it brings tears to her eyes. Collapsing to the floor from the intensity of it, she looks to her friends who have all jumped to her side, saying, "Somepony is going to die."

The other four look at her in shock. They know full well that you do not ignore the Pinkie Sense. When she gets that feeling, you better look out, because whatever it is it is predicting, it will happen. Applejack is the first to make the connection as Pinkie Pie buries her face in her hooves, crying softly. "Oh my Faust... TWILIGHT!"


When Twilight and Spike materialized in another world, they both were disoriented, as teleportation spells generally cause, and terrified. Spike was terrified because he knew that the Unicorn had panicked, and there was no telling where they have ended up. Also, he had no idea if they would ever get home because of that. Twilight was terrified of the snake still, even though it remained safely back in Sweet Apple Acres. It hadn't sank in yet just what she had done in her state of panic. Spike was the first to realize that they had teleported into a battle scene.

In the small forest clearing is a rather nasty looking beast which is attacking a group of four strange, upright standing creatures. One of them, a fierce looking creature with a thick, white mane of hair and a red robe is wielding a huge sword. As the monster attacks, the White maned creature slashes downward with the sword, sending out a blast of energy that splits the ground before him, as well as explosively obliterating the monster. The blast sends bits of remains towards Twilight and Spike like shrapnel, along with the blast itself.

"TWILIGHT! LOOK OUT!" cries out spike, just as the blast hits him directly. Though the force of the blast was greatly reduced by blowing through the monster it was directed to, it still proved fatal to the baby dragon, flinging the small, torn apart body against a tree. Twilight only caught the edge of the blast of magical energy, but it was enough to knock her to the ground. She also was hit by flying debris. Rocks and dirt, shattered bits of bone and shell all left their marks, One other object hit her, embedding in the flesh of her throat. A small crystal shard of the Sacred Shikon Jewel. The Shikon Jewel had been shattered previously, and now, all kinds of demons sought the remaining shards to increase their power. The demon that had just been destroyed had one embedded init. Now, that same jewel was imbedded in Twilight Sparkle.

And now Twilight started to change. The power of the Jewel Shard now embedded in her throat greatly increased her power. Physically, she went through changes as well. Her legs lengthened considerably, as well as the rest of her body growing. In just a few moments, she was even bigger than Princess Celestia. She also grew wings matching those of the Princess. And her mane now became more ethereal in appearance, like a dark flowing energy. The Shard had a further effect of healing the damage done to her by the blast of energy and flying debris that had hit her. She now wakes. her eyes glow bright white as they did when her and her friends had finally first used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon.

Rising to her feet, she takes a look at the four creatures in front of her. The one with the white mane and red robe is now holding his sword in a threatening posture, as if he wants to attack. Next to him is a female with a black, flowing mane, a white blouse, a green, short dress, and a strange looking weapon. It seemed to have a stick in it and she was pulling back a string with it. Off to the left were two others. One was a male with a short cropped mane and dark robes. He was holding a staff and watching Twilight closely. Lastly, next to the male was a female with her black mane pulled back into a ponytail similar to Applejacks. She was wearing what appeared to be a black and red bodysuit, and was holding a strange looking curved board as if she was ready to throw it at her.

Turning away from them, Twilight sees the battered body of her friend and assistant. A single tear escapes from her closed eyelids as a darkness grips her soul. It is a darkness of loss and rage. The Shard feeds upon that, and amplifies it. Turning back to the four assailants, she speaks to them in a voice which would drown out the Royal Canterlot voice. "You killed Spike." Now she goes through another transformation. She becomes enveloped in flames and her eyes glow red. She is in a battle rage. "Now I will kill you!" she proclaims in the same booming voice.


In the clearing within the orchard, Princess Celestia is in deep concentration focusing on her cherished pupil, hoping to get enough of a fix on her, that she may teleport her and her sister Luna to her. "Luna, I sense a powerful change in Twilight. We have to hurry!"

"Please hurry Tia. I fear for her as well," came the smaller Alicorn's reply. "We'll save her."

"I pray to Faust that you're right Luna," said Celestia, as she continued to focus intently on her student. After a few moments, she had the location in her mind. "Get ready Sister. I have her location, and I am preparing the spell. Concentrating, Celestia followed the procedures which would take her and Luna to where Twilight was. After a few more moments, she was ready to implement the spell. As she was engaging the spell, she sensed a drastic change through her connection with the young mare whom she loved with all her heart. A deep and horrifying change. "Dear FAUST! NOOO!!!!"

And the two Princesses disappeared from Equestria in a flash of light.


In the clearing, Kagome is watching the strange beast that is in front of them. When it first materialized behind the demon they were fighting, it was a lot smaller. She didn't think it had wings either when she first saw it appear. She quickly senses the reason for the change. She can see the glow of the Jewel Shard in it's throat. It must be a demon, if it grabbed the Shard. "InuYasha," she softly says, "It has the Shard. I can see it in its throat."

InuYasha gave the new demon a look of contempt, replying to Kagome, "Then we shall take it back!" InuYasha may be brash, but he was fully capable of battling any demon to retrieve the Jewel Shards. This one would just be another in a long list of defeated foes.

"Where did it come from though?" asks Miroku. The monk was curious, because it had just appeared in a flash of light. That itself made the demon strange enough that they all should be cautious on how they fight it. Fortunately, the four of them have become a pretty effective fighting team.

"What does it matter?" asks InuYasha. All that matters is that we kill it and get the Shard. As a half-demon, he had a brashness that came with the power he wielded. Especially since he has learned the skills that allowed him to use the Tetsusaiga. Hell, his full demon brother Sesshomoru couldn't even hold the sword, so that says something right there in InuYasha's mind.

"As much as I hate to admit it, but the pervert monk is right," said Sango, getting her giant boomerang ready to throw. She grew up training to slay demons, and one thing that had been instilled in her was to be prepared for any surprise.

The four of them watched the new arrival walk over to where a small, lifeless figure lay on the ground. A friend? Do demons have friends? Well, InuYasha had friends, and he was a half-demon, so maybe it was possible. But, it still seemed unlikely. The demon bows her head for just a moment over the little corpse, then turns to them. In a loud, booming voice, she tells them, "You killed Spike!" and changes again before their eyes, becoming a flaming demon with crimson red eyes. "Now I will kill you!"

"Not if I kill you first!" yells the red robed half-demon as he jumps to attack, swinging Tetsusaiga. His recklessness would have gotten him killed, had it not been for the supernatural toughness he possessed, as well as his robe, which protects him from fire. The demon sent out a powerful blast of magic and fire at InuYasha, hitting him square in the chest. He flies back and smacks into a boulder, injured and dazed from the hammerblow which hit him. Kagome and Sango did not hesitate. Kagome immediately started launching Sacred Arrows at the demon while Sango launched her boomerang. The arrows caused injury, but because of the greatly enhanced power of the demon, were not able to kill it. The Boomerang also did damage, hitting the shoulder with a crunch and snap of bone. At the same time, Miroku prepared to use his Wind Tunnel. Enraged, the demon launched another attack towards Miroku and Sango. If it weren't for Sango's quick thinking, tackling Miroku out of the way, they both would have been incinerated and blasted to pieces. As it was, they were thrown into the trees by the concussion of the magic attack impacting the ground where they had just been standing.

"INUYASHA! GET UP!!" yelled Kagome as she fired more arrows into the demon. One of them hit an eye, half blinding it. It bellowed in rage and Kagome watched in fear as a powerful energy serge built up in the demon's horn. She felt intense fear that she would die here, but was prepared to go out fighting.

InuYasha saw this, and attacked. When he got hit, Tetsusaiga had been blasted into the trees. Still, he was not powerless. Launching himself in a mighty leap, he bellowed, "BLADES OF BLOOD!" with the intent of severing the demon's head from its body. The demon saw him coming, and reared back to dodge that would have decapitated it. It was not quite quick enough though, and InuYasha's claws connected.


The five ponies hurried as fast as they could go to get to Applejack's farm. None of them doubted the seriousness of the Pinkie Sense, and as fear for their dear friend gripped their hearts, they pushed themselves to go faster. Rainbow Dash was a good ways ahead when she looked back to see Pinky Pie collapse in pain, crying out while holding her head in her hooves. Rainbow Dash immediately turned around to scoop Pinkie up in her arms and carry her the rest of the way.

The pain inside Pinkie's head was excruciating. It was worse than any migraine ever. And, with a suddenness that was a literally a shock to her senses, the pain abruptly ceased. With a deep, empty look in her eyes, two whispered words escaped her lips. "She's dead."

And Rainbow Dash felt her insides turn to ice as she flew on to catch up with the others.


Twilight was in a rage, and when one of the offending creatures attacked with his sword, she sent a blast of her augmented magic at him, sending him flying. As she dispatched the first attacker, the two females attacked. The pony was hit by several magical arrows, all causing pain and injury. At the same time, the strange, board-like object the other woman held was thrown, and when it connected, Twilight felt her shoulder break. Turning to the woman who threw it, she sensed some strong magic emanating from his hand. Magic that could possibly even kill her. She returned the attacked with a powerful blast of fire and magical energy that would have been fatal had it connected. As it was, it still took the other two out. The first female was still firing them Faust damned magic arrows at her. Turning to her, one hits her right eye. The pain is excruciating, and Twilight screams her rage and pain. Summing her magic to a level never reached before, she prepared to vaporize the offending creature with one blow.

This when she heard the one in the red robe yell out as he attacked. He saw him swipe at her neck with the intent to remove her head from her body, and dodged to prevent that from happening. She was just a hair too late, and that was all it took. She felt an unbelievable tearing pain in her throat, feeling his claws rip through her larynx and carotid arteries. A terror unlike any other gripped her soul as she felt her power slip from her as well as her life blood gush forth. She struggled to scream, but the only sound that came out was a raspy gurgle from her ruined windpipe. An icy coldness fills her and she feels numb. The world starts to fade as she thinks of those she loves with all her heart. Out of the corner of her good eye, she sees in her fading vision a flash of light, then hears the booming voice of the Moon Princess. "WHO DARES HARM MY NIECE?" then she sees Princess Celestia kneeling down to her, and her cry softly, "My child, I love you..."

And then oblivion wrapped her in His cold and eternal embrace.


Kagome and InuYasha stood frozen where they stood. the sight of the demon transforming back into its original form was a blow. Was this really a demon, or was it just some unfortunate creature that got caught in the middle of a pitched battle? They saw the look of terror in its upturned eye, and heard it make that horrible, pathetic sound as it tried to scream. It was then when two more creatures like her appeared in a flash, though these were more like the form that the creature took after she got hold of the Shard.

The shorter, dark gray one booms out, "WHO DARES HARM MY NIECE?" in a voice that would have commanded instant fear and obedience from even InuYasha's father, had he still been alive. The taller one, a beautiful white in color with a colorful ethereal mane, had this look of devastation on her face as she trotted over to the fallen violet creature. Kneeling next to the one they had just killed, the tall creature tells the one at her hooves, "My child, I love you," as the final bit of light fades from the little one's eyes.

Snapping out of his shock, InuYasha steps forward. "And who the hell are you?" Right now, what he sees is another battle coming on, and he is not one to step down from a fight.

Luna steps forward. Seething and quivering with rage, she replies, "You slug! Did you do this atrocity to this young mare? Are you the one who snuffed out her life like a candle in the wind?" It was all the Moon Princess could do to not skewer the insolate pup right through the heart with her own horn.

Kagome stood watching the events transpire. She understood now just how horrible of a mistake they have made. Even if it was necessary that they collect all of the Shards, the taking of an innocent life is wrong. Even though this was all a tragic accident with the death of the littlest one, which turned into a fight that should have never happen, it was wrong. "InuYasha," she says, "back down."

"Why you old gray mule? Do you want a piece of me as well?" the half-demon asks.

"Why, yes. I do actually," said Luna in her most venomous voice.


That was all he needed to hear. He stomps forward with his claws ready to tear flesh yelling, "Lets do this bi..."


And with that, InuYasha's face slammed into the ground not once, not twice, but five times, knocking him senseless. This was Kagome's main means of controlling him when he got out-of-hand. Or when he pissed her off enough. In this particular case, it was both, hence, the multiple slams into the ground. InuYasha may hate the necklace around his neck that gave the teenage girl such control over him, but Kagome was very glad for it right now. Setting down her bow, she approaches the fallen mare.

She is not like any mare that she has ever seen. Never before has she seen one of a shade of lavender. Plus, she was apparently a Unicorn. A creature of magic. The other two were also had horns, but she had never heard of a Unicorn with wings, which these two have, just like a Pegasus would. Where did they come from, she wondered. Looking over to the other slain creature, she sees that is it just a baby dragon. She cannot stop the tears from flowing now that just how monstrous of a crime they have committed has been revealed. It then occurs to her what had happened. The little Unicorn and the dragon just happened to appear right behind the demon they were fighting, right when InuYasha was to deliver the killing blow. The dragon took the full brunt of the remaining blow, and it killed him. The Unicorn, being a creature of magic, was like a magnet to the Jewel Shard, and when it flew from the blasted remains of the demon, it embedded itself into the throat of the Unicorn. From there, it worked its own magic, amplifying not only her own magic greatly, but also her rage at what had happened to her friend.

Miroku and Sango, now awake, step out of the woods to join Kagome. They woke just in time to hear the exchange between the gray one and InuYasha. Yeah, he earned all five of the sits this time the two of them thought. They too are shocked to find out the truth, saddened by what is before them.

Kneeling next to the poor creature, she reached out to gently stroke her side.

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER, YOU VILE MONSTER!" screamed Luna in heartbroken rage. "After what you have done, I should kill you all here and now and leave your bodies for the maggots! She had so much life ahead of her! So much potential! So much love inside of her! AND YOU FOUR ENDED ALL OF THAT!"

All Kagome could now do is break down and cry. Tears were freely flowing down the cheeks of the two standing next to her. If they were to die right now, none of the three would resist. Right now, they felt they deserved the same fate that has befallen the poor creature.

"Enough of your false tears, you filthy worms!" bellowed Luna as she summoned her magic, her horn glowing a dark purple. I shall end your lives right..."

She was stopped by a gentle hoof upon her Shoulder. "Please Sister. No more death. I just want to take them home," Pleaded Celestia, her face streaked with tears that continued to be freely shed. Twilight would have wished for them to be forgiven. That was her way.

Luna's horn stopped glowing as she bowed her head in sadness. Tia was right. It was not a time for revenge. It was time to return home to Equestria, so that Spike and Twilight could be put to rest. She relented, softly sobbing as her own grief finally sank in.

"If we may?" asks Miroku. Looking to Sango, they both kneel down beside Kagome. Together the three of them pray for the souls of the two innocent lives lost this day.

The Princess of the Sun looks to the three praying for the young mare now cradled in her forelegs. Softly, she says to them, "Thank you," then looks to her sister. "Dear Sister, let us go home now. Can you do the spell to get us back?" she asks. When Luna nods her head softly, Celestia goes back to softly crying for her lost child. Within moments, they disappear in a flash of light.


Shining Armor and the three Lieutenants under him were pacing trying to figure out what in Tattaros had happened to the Princesses when five ponies with sorrowful looks upon their faces came rushing up. The three junior officers readied their weapons, until their Captain told them to stand down. He knew these five. They were Twilie's closest friends, and if anything were to happen to them, Both the Princesses would have all their heads mounted on pikes.

The blue Pegasus, Rainbow Dash, set the catatonic Pinkie Pie gently down, then flew straight at Shining Armor demanding answers. "Where's Twilight?!? What Happened to her?!? Where is she DAMMIT?!? TELL US!!!" The Lieutenants literally had to drag her off of him, just so he could try to answer.

"I don't know Rainbow Dash. Honest, I don't." The mares' heads all dropped lower with this answer, and Twilight's brother continued, "We were all told to stay back a hundred paces, and she teleported away. It was part of an experiment they were trying. Something about teleporting to other dimensions. Well, a few minutes after Twilie left, the Princesses teleported away as well. Right now, we are trying to figure out what happened, and preparing in case they do not come back." he said somberly.

It was at that moment when there was a flash behind them. They had finally returned. It had not been a long time in all actuality, but to those who had been waiting, it had been a lifetime of eternities. Especially for Shining Armor, who had both the Princess and his sister to worry about. Turning around and seeing their return, he proclaimed, "Thank Faust! Are you..." And then he saw who was cradled in the Sun Princess's forelegs. With a cry of anguish that could be heard for miles, he leaped over to where his sister lay in her mentor's forelegs. Bawling his eyes out, the Captain cries out to his departed sister, "TWIILEEEE!!!!!" The others gather around, and as the senior Lieutenant immediately dispatches the fastest runner he has to call for the remainder of the Guard Company to hurry, and to bring a medical team, the five mares gather around gather around the Princesses and Captain, and they all openly weep for their lost friend, sister, and child.


A week later, Twilight Sparkle and her faithful assistant and friend, Spike were lain to rest in a private ceremony in the late morning. The sky was clear and crisp. much like the day was one week ago. There was a formal service for her later that afternoon, which was attended by every pony in Ponyville, and many from Canterlot, and other towns, where she had made friends. She would never have asked for such a huge service, never the one to desire attention to herself, but the ponies of Equestria expected it for someone who had saved them all three times over with her courage and magic. The real goodbyes though happened at the private ceremony in a small field where as a little filly, she used to play.

The burial was attended by only those closest to her. Princesses Celestia and Luna were there. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were there as well, along with Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance. The zebra, Zecora, was chosen to preside over the ceremony. It was just how Twilight would have wanted it. To be with those she loved the most.

Celestia and Shining Armor were doing very poorly. Some were beginning to wonder if either would ever recover. As it stood, Cadance and Luna have taken over all the duties which Celestia had done for all this time, as well as personally caring for the two grieving ponies. They two grieved, but they found the means to deal with the loss through work and taking care of those who needed them. Of the five remaining Elements of Harmony, it seemed that Pinkie Pie was taking it the worst. They were worried for her health, and if she did not show any signs of improvement, there was discussion of having her hospitalized. Rainbow Dash was taking it very hard as well, but she was showing signs that she will recover. Applejack and Rarity had their families to help them through this, and Fluttershy had all of the animals whom she watched over. Even then, there will forever be an empty place in their lives now.

That evening, after Celestia, Shining Armor and Cadance had left to return to the Royal Palace, Luna, and the remaining five gathered one final time in the Ponyville Library, where for over two years, their friend had lived. The place was empty and silent. It had remained closed since their return, and would probably remain so for a while. Owlowiscious was now in the care of Fluttershy. It was too quiet. The magic was gone.

Luna had asked to speak with them in private this evening, and felt that the Library was the perfect place to do so. She felt it was time for them to know the truth about the Element of Magic.

"Friends, there are things which you do not know about Twilight which I feel you should know. This I tell you is what I have been told from Tia herself.

"Have you ever wondered why she was so strong with her magic? It is because of who her mother is. Her real mother." Luna let that sink in a moment before she continued. "You see," she continued, "Tia was not only Twilight's teacher and mentor, but she actually her mother as well."

She received surprised looks from Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy. Even Pinky Pie responded a little to hearing this. Luna continued with her story. "Years ago, Tia had a relationship with a Noble... yes, I know, it does sound shocking. But remember, even the Sun Princess has need of love now and then, and for nearly a thousand years, she had no one to turn to. Soon after, the Noble died when the caravan he was in was attacked by Diamond Dogs. That was right about the time my sister discovered that she was pregnant. Fearing the consequences that might become of this, because she was unmarried, it was decided that the foal shall be kept a secret, and placed with a good family. She named her Twilight when she was born, and soon, she was adopted by a Unicorn couple that my sister personally knew and trusted, with the stipulation that she was not to be told that she was adopted until it was deemed appropriate. Sadly, that time had never come, and Twilight passed away never knowing that Tia was her real mother.

"Only a very few others know about this. Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle know, as does her brother. Cadance knows as well, as do a few of the most trusted servants of my sister. I ask that you please uphold this secret. I do not think that Twilight would have wanted it known," finished Luna finally.

Four heads softly nodded, silently pledging to keep this amongst themselves. Then, from where she was sitting, Pinkie said, "It does not matter that she was Princess Celestia's daughter. What matters is that we all loved her, and we will forever miss..." And with that, the dam inside her finally broke, and Pinkie cried her eyes out for the one she loved as a best friend in the whole world. All six huddled together for once again to share in their sorrow, and take comfort in the friendship which they shared.

Later that night, after many more tears were shed, and they spent many an hour reminiscing over all the good times spent with the lavender Unicorn they all loved, they finally departed for their homes. Even Pinkie felt better, though everypony knew it was going to be a long time recovering. Still, she would get better. When they left, Luna closed the door and locked it. "Goodbye my Niece. I love you and will miss you always."

Comments ( 25 )

wasnt too bad. I got confused at a few parts while reading it. should have changed what happened to Twilight and made the story continue

Could you explain more of what you found confusing? I wrote it the way I did for a reason, but if there is an improvement I can do, I have my ears open!

why was pinkie freaking out again when they werent even there? im a little tired so i probably missed some stuff. :derpytongue2:

lol, I'm exhausted as hell as well. (been up well over 36 hours now)
By her freaking out, do you mean at the end?

when Twilight was fighting Inuyasha, how did Pinkie know Twilight was dead?

Pinkie sense... and she has combos for all occasions... this one she had was for someone was gonna die... and when it stopped, that is when she knew twilight finally died.

Hmm, little bit rushed, to be honest. It would have benefited greatly from much slower pace. I don't have much knowledge of InuYasha, so I got confused at the parts. Seems like you would need to know about both to understand what was going on. However, elements from InuYasha don't seem to matter much. They come, cause havoc, kill characters and disappear. It could have been any random universe, even unnamed one.

It might have worked better as a longer story, however, at the current one-shot form it feels rushed and such. The twist at the end comes out of nowhere and... well... doesn't feel like it would add anything to the story.

There is potential here... Perhaps consider this a prototype and start building a longer fic from it?

Now, this is what I am in need of from comments. Something constructive.

Could you give some examples as to how it feels rushed?

Mind you, I was pretty exhausted when I wrote this. (then I was up another 12 hours waiting on approval and actual posting cause where it was my first one posted here, it had that much meaning to me.)

As to expanding on this into a much larger story, you have given me an idea I hadn't thought of. I think I shall have to start thinking how I should do so.


Well, after the build up for the transport, the whole... "get hit by crystal->turn into alicorn->get killed" happened pretty much so fast I barely had time to register it. Then there was the death of Spike... Comes out of nowhere(which might have been the idea) and I even missed it on my first read time. Had to go back and reread the part.

However, my main grievance is in whole crystal deal. I admit, i have no idea what's the deal with it, but it comes out of nowhere, fucks everything up and then disappears. Diabolus Ex Machima, if you will. It's like there was an idea there, but you run out of time and just had it serve it's function to cause Twilight go nuts and get killed, then remove it from the story. There could have been so much that could be done with whole "Twilight secretly Celestias daughter" idea. Twilight as a new Nightmare Moon in InuYasha universe, with Mane 6 (well, 5) joining to get her back to senses, for example.

Then there is Twilight's and Spike's deaths. I don't have problem with deaths themselves, I admit I am guilty as charge of killing well established characters in pointless ways (Shining Armor, Twilights parents, Zecora...) in my fics. However, here they don't seem to be there for anything else than to cause angst in characters. (Okay, I might be guilty of that too...)

They appear, get killed and everyone mourns. That's the story in nutshell. That is what causes the feeling of rushed. There is so much potential, but it seems to be passed to make others mourn and feel sad.

Like I said earlier, this would serve as a good "prototype" and I am going to treat it as such. There is potential here. You just need to fill the space between events :rainbowdetermined2:


I think I see just what your talking about. (my mind is finally clearing up from the fog it was in when I woke up)

I shall have to think exactly how I will do this... You have given me an excellent idea though. I now have the desire to make a new story out of this. One which tells the same story, but is much better written, and longer.

I hope I sound coherent here. The blog I just posted probably sounds pretty rambling, but it explains the past couple days lol.

Will be ordering dinner now and reading the 2nd chapter!

this is so good have a stache:moustache:

Hmm. As I read this, it does, as Scorched Earth pointed out, seem a bit rushed.
However, I could not help crying regardless. And for some reason, I suddenly began humming this song:

Bravo. It is rare that a story as rushed as this gets any kind of emotional response from me.

1660880 glad that you enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile:

You'll have to let me know what song it is that you posted, so I can look up a mobile friendly version. (I intend on being fully back online come the beginning of next month... but till then, I'm on my phone here lol)

Oh geez, eight days? I feel like such a jerk! And a lazy bum!
But by now, you ought to be able to see it for yourself. If not, it's "The Hanging Tree (Hunger Games Arrangement)" by adrisaurus. There's also a very interesting version by ApatheticOnion, which is also on YouTube.

1714372 lol I should be viewing it Monday evening at the latest...
I'll be fully back online by that point

sadist thing i ever read but great job.

Could use an editor pass or two.
The most annoying was flipping between tenses.
Secondary: capitalization, typos (ex. "serge") and errors like:
"Her and Spike disappeared in a bright flash, off to a place unknown. "
"we can get to her just through the link between her and I"
(Reads like: "Me love you long time").


Great story and all but...really? Princes Celestia..Twilight mom? I don't think I can digest that. :trixieshiftleft:

5597842 lol, look at how long ago that was written... I was VERY new to the fandom :twilightblush:

5598088 oh. I'm my defense, I don't really read dates..... :twilightblush:


YEEEESSSSS!!! You actually did this:yay:

i liked that (nothing else i just liked that)

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