• Published 12th Apr 2022
  • 1,070 Views, 17 Comments

Half Life VR, But The AI Is Self Aware, and in Equestria! - Stalin with Da Spoon

When Gordon and his friends Bubby, Coomer, and Tommy defeated Benry and had that sweet party at chucky e cheese, they expected to be transported back to black mesa, however, they have ended up in a far different land... As you expect, chaos follows.

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Chapter 1: Gordon, where is the bank?

Somewhere In The Everfree Forest...

Gordon slowly began to open his eyes, looking around to see.. Trees... Lots and lots of trees around him. As he slowly sat up, he looked to see he was sitting in some rather comfortable grass. As he stood up, he looked around for his colleagues, not seeing them anywhere in sight, feeling slightly worried that he had become seperated, before he heard an all too familiar phrase.

"Hello Gordon!" Gordon quickly turned to see Dr. Coomer standing behind him. "I see you have also woken up, so now I ask the important question. Gordon, where is the bank?" Before Gordon could even answer, they heard what could be described as a wolf howling, looking behind themselves to see several dangerous wolves staring and growling at them. However, these wolves were different... They were made of... Wooden sticks? How was this possible? Coomer looked at these creatures rather calmly. "How peculiar... I would stay to study these strange creatures, but I believe they see us as a free snack!" He said turning before running in the opposite direction, and as the wolves howled again, Gordon quickly followed Coomer.

"Fuck, wait up!" As Gordon occasionally glanced behind them, he saw the wolves still hot on their trail, as then, he heard another scream, this time from an all too familiar voice.

"HELP, THESE FUCKING WEIRD WOOD WOLVES IS TRYING TO EAT ME!" Hearing the cry of help from Bubby, Coomer and Gordon quickly ran towards the source, to see Bubby backed up against the wall, surrounded by three more timberwolves, as the beasts turned to look at Gordon and Coomer, as Coomer's eyes suddenly glew red, as he straight ran towards a wolf and punched it right in the face as it burst into thousands of little tiny sticks.

"HAAAA! COWER BEFORE ME WOLVES!" As he said this in a deep tone, the other timberwolves slowly began to back off, with Bubby suddenly drawing a pistol, and firing it at the wolves, as they began to run away scared.

"Ha, yes! Run, you cowards, run from my mighty gun!" And then, they heard another yell, this time from their young friend Tommy, as the gang quickly set off running towards the direction of the yell. As they finally reached the edge of the forest, after running quite a fair distance, they saw Tommy completely surrounded by timberwolves, as Gordon was unsure what to do, before a memory popped into his head...


Gordon slowly nodded, as his arm slowly began to shake, as he felt a sudden change in his arm, looking down to his good ol minigun hand, as he took aim at the timberwolves, AND LET ER RIP! As the bullets tore through the wolves, the gunfire echoed all the way to ponyville, causing mass confusion, but thats nothing to worry about right now, as the timberwolves were now all neat piles of wood. The gang all got together again, happy to see each other.

"Tommy, thank god your alive!"

"Yeah, Im okay mr Freeman, just got a new fear of wooden wolves, thats all!"

"Excellent news, now, lets figure out where in the world we are!"

"Well, from what I can tell, some sort of forest, and from the looks of it, a pretty well lit one at that, its actually pretty nice without the FUCKING WOODEN WOLVES!" Bubby yelled out in rage, as Gordon placed a finger on his mouth, while his minigun vanished again.

"Quiet, you'll attract more!"

Bubby promptly shut up, as Tommy pointed to what appeared to be grass land outside of the forest. "Look, Mr freeman, a way out!"

"Good eye, tommy, lets move!" Everyone nodded as they quickly made their way to the opening, as howling was heard behind them. As the gang escaped the woods, they came out into a massive field, as Gordon shielded his eyes from the sun, as bubby's mouth was agape. "Its... Its beautiful!" Coomer simply could not comprehend it all.

"My my, its quite nice, isn't it? A good spot for a picnic!"

"Yeah... Sure beats black mesa, am I right?"


Meanwhile, off in the small town of ponyville, everyone seemed to be confused and looking off in the distance towards the forest, as Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are among them, wondering in the heck those loud bangs were.

"Maybe it was party poppers!"

"Ah don't reckon that, considering I heard timberwolf howls just before those bangs went off..."

"M-maybe the wolves got scared by it? Should we go see?"

"Ah reckon we oughta least investigate." Applejacks friends nodded as they slowly made their way towards the everfree forest. As they were nearing the edge of the forest, they saw an un-expected sight... Four bi-pedal creatures were seen in the field, one simply sitting around doing nothing, another staring at the sun, one with a pinwheel hat blowing on a daisy, and the final one wearing some kind of strange suit, looking around, as the ponies ducked into some bushes.

"What in the hay are those things?"

"You think they caused those bangs?"

"Maybe they was attacked by them wolves..."

"Who cares, new species, new people, NEW PEOPLE PARTY!" She said as she shouted out, the creatures turning towards the noise, as one spoke in a language the girls actually understood.

"What in the hell was that!?!"

"Maybe its another person?"

"I dunno, tommy, could be dangerous, get behind me guys..." The suited up creature said as it raised some sort of metal bar, slowly approaching the bushes. As the creature approached, the girls began to get nervous, as applejack was ready some aft, fluttershy was ready to just run away, and pinkie pie was ready for celebration as the creature slowly raised the metal bar high as it peeked inside the bushes, looking fluttershy right in the face. What followed next was a very, very, very loud scream.



"Hello gordon!"