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Story Finale - Filly Amongst Dragons Top

Suddenly Flash Sentry; Twilight's lone guard; rushed into the room.

"T-twilight, we got a problem." Flash Sentry said as an injured Spitfire was brought in by Soarin.

"C-captain Spitfire." Rainbow Dash said. The wonderbolt captain had many injuries. "Soarin, what happened?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"There was this strange small wizard dude with this tiny reptile on his shoulder. They got a hold of Spitfire while we were doing some forest training when they attacked us. Within moments, that small wizard dude did a lot of damage to Spitfire." Soarin said.

"It can't be..." Cynder said.

"It has to be. Ripto's managed to return after all." Spyro said.

"Oh great, looks like the dude doesn't know WHEN to let up. Now he's gone and followed us here. Somehow." Cozy Glow said.

"Then you three need to come with. We need to get some payback for Spitfire's sake." Rainbow Dash said.

"Flash, help Soarin get Spitfire to the hospital. Every creature else, we're dealing this problem right here and now." Twilight said.

The young six, main six, the CMC, Cozy Glow, and the visitors from the dragon realms soon found themselves in the Castle of the Two Sisters.

"Why is it that this place somehow ends up the backdrop for some bad guy?" Rainbow Dash asked. She then shook her head. "Whoa...where did that come from?" She asked.

"Hey! I'm the random one. Saying random things like that is my job!" Pinkie Pie said.

"...Yeah. I think Pinkie Pie has rubbed off on me." Rainbow Dash said.

"Wonder how long that will last for you?" Ripto's voice said. He suddenly was in front of the entire group, and on his shoulder...

"...You can't be serious. She's not only still alive, but she's here too?!" Spyro exclaimed.

"The Sorceress...wait, wasn't she much bigger than this the last time we saw her?" Cozy Glow asked.

"It's because of you two that I have to be this size now." The Sorceress said. "I managed to siphon off a portion of my magic which ended up leaving me in this small state of affairs." She added.

"You just won't stay dead will you?" Spyro asked.

"Normally...I wouldn't be for killing any creature...but she was willing to commit mass genocide so...I have no problems if we have to end up killing her to do so." Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash whistled. "Damn. If even Fluttershy thinks you're a lost cause, then clearly you aren't going to change your ways any time soon if ever." The speedster Pegasus said.

"Doesn't even matter that you found us so fast. Fact of the matter is, we WANTED you to find us." Ripto said.

"...That doesn't make any sense." Spyro said.

"It's because I figured out the best way to get my revenge on you Spyro. And it's the perfect fool-proof plan. A little something I like to call the 'no win situation'." Ripto said.

"Exactly what is that supposed to mean, Ripto?" Cozy Glow asked before Ripto proceeded to hit her square on with a spell.

"COZY GLOW!" Spyro said. "Wait, that didn't do any damage." He noticed.

"Ripto, what in the dragon realms did you just do to Cozy Glow?" Cynder asked.

"It's quite simple really. Did you really think when you warped me and that Robot here that I spent my time just twiddling my thumbs?" Ripto asked.

"Warped you? Wait...you mean I had warped you and Butler to these realms?!" Spyro exclaimed.

"Exactly dragon. And while I was here, I spent some time gathering information, and found out who you sister really was. That's when I realized that she must have lost all of her previous memories when she came to you." Ripto said. "To your realms, she was nothing more than an amnesiac three-year-old, but to these realms, she was a large-scale threat that once tried to remove all of their magic to assert herself as the Empress of Friendship because she believed friendship to be power." He explained. "All my spell did was restore the memories she has from these realms to her." The wizard concluded.

Twilight's eyes went wide. "You...you didn't..." She said.

"Twilight, you know what he's talking about? What does that mean for us?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's like he said, it's a no win situation. Either Cozy Glow starts asserting her old ways all over again and manages to succeed by killing Spyro and telling a massive lie back in the Dragon Realms, or we manage to capture her and send her to tartarus which would piss off Spyro who has become too protective of her to think any ill of her. Either way, the end result is the same: A war between our realm and the dragon realms will occur." Twilight explained.

"...So, in other words, we're bucking screwed.." Rainbow Dash said.

"Exactly! That's why this plan is foolproof. Don't raise a hoof and Cozy Glow will kill Spryo and plant a lie thus causing the dragon realms to declare war with yours. Capture Cozy Glow to prevent her from doing any of that, and Spyro will become mad because you'd have imprisoned his adoptive sister, thus sparking a war between the Dragon Realms and your realms." Ripto said.

"No matter which way the cookie crumbles, the end result is the same. And neither of us can be seen as 'evil' because all that happened was that Cozy Glow got her memories back." The Sorceress said.

"You...you are insane. Your both insane." Fluttershy said. Cozy Glow slowly began to get up.

"...Heh heh...neat plan and all Ripto. Really, I applaud you for thinking so far outside the box." Cozy Glow said. "It's just...you forgot one little bitty thing." She added. Ripto was confused. "...I've spent WAY too long amongst dragons to even THINK of doing anything like that. Maybe if you had done this when we first met, things would have been different. But now while yes, I do have my old memories, I still have the new ones I made." Cozy Glow said as she fully got up. "And that means, I am not the same filly that once drained magic from Equestria. I grew up to be some pony else, some pony new." The Pegasus continued. "I GREW UP TO BECOME A FILLY AMONGST DRAGONS!" She shouted.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey look, title drop.