• Published 5th May 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1 - JesusG0987

What IF: The adventure continues as Sunset now joined the New Generation as they embrace the magic of friendship.

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Chapter 27: All That Jazz

Chapter 27: All That Jazz

At Mane Melody, Dahlia is showing her hooficure in the mirror, which looks like a pink square circle and is all yellow as it sparkled, to Pipp, who are both admiring the hooficure as Dahlia smiled while Pipp is smiling with sparkle in her eyes.

Loving iiiiiit!” Pipp sanged, loving the hooficure. “But what about this?” She then uses the style makeover mirror selection as Dahlia’s hoof poof into different kinds of hooficures. “Or this? Or this? Or—” She stopped with an exciting look before continuing. “Ooh! What about this?” She stopped as she now gave Dahlia a hooficure that is all pink with flowers on them.

Dahlia gasps as she smiles and has sparkled in her eyes, really loves this kind of hooficure. “It's so me! I love it!” She cheered at the right choice of hooficure that fit her, since she loved flowers and all.

“Great choice, Dahlia.” Jazz said to her as she pointed in one direction. “Right this way.” She said as Dahlia placed one of her hooves into a pillow to give her that requested hooficure.

“I love all your designs, Jazz!” Dahlia complemented Jazz as said pony gave her the requested flower hooficure.

“Oh, they're not mine.” Jazz honestly said as she brought out her phone tablet and showed the images of the hooficure pictures to Dahlia. “I just copied them from a huge library of hooficures.” She said as she scrolled through the pictures before placing her phone down. “I've never created my own designs before.” She said as she finished Dahlia’s other hoof, finishing her hooficure.

“Oooh-weee!” Pipp cheered with a smile and sparkles in her eyes as she appeared next to Jazz. “Those hooves are super-gorge! Mind if I Ponygram them, Dahlia?” She asked Dahlia as she brought out her phone. Dahlia smiled and responded as she lifted up her front hooves and smiled to the camera as it took her picture.

And then Jazz scrolled through her hooficures pictures to see if there is anything else the ponies might like as she gave other ponies the hooficures they requested as she smiled at her work.

Try something new, take a chance, just believe it
Let out your light, shining bright, can ya see it?

Pipp takes pictures of the hooficures while the customers’ ponies are loving their hooficures as Pipp and Jazz smiled at each other as Pipp scrolled through her phone while humming and saw the pictures she has taken as it has so many positive reviews and alot of stars.

The front door of Mane Melody opened as Izzy and Sunset, coming in with smiles, decided to get some hooficures themselves as well, wanting some style as well. “Hey! we need a hooftag #Hooficure!” Izzy called out with a cool face as she front flip to Jazz, who is done giving Rufus a hooficure as Sunset came walking towards them normally, knowing Izzy would do that so not surprising to say the least.

“Hey, Jazz. How’s business?” Sunset asked Jazz with a smile.

“It’s doing great, Sunset.” Jazz answered with a smile. “What brought you two to come get a hooficure?” She asked them, wanting to know the occasion.

“It's music night at the Crystal Tea Room tonight!” Izzy answered with a cheer for their reason since she and Sunset are going to Bridlewood for music night.

“Yeah. Izzy figured we would get ourselves some hooficures for the occasion. I tag along because I’m kinda interested in this myself.” Sunset added, wanting to try out a different hooficure herself that fit her for the occasion, since she was a unicorn before becoming an alicorn.

“That’s right.” Izzy said. “Got anything musicky?” She asked with a cheerful smile, wanting their hooficures into a musical style.

“Something musicky, huh?” Jazz said with an interesting smile as she brought out her phone to pick a hooficure. “Let's see what we got.” But as she scrolled to her next picture, all it showed was a big red x in a black circle, meaning that there are no more pictures, which threw Jazz in the loop with Sunset raising an eyebrow while Izzy placed a hoof on her chin.

“Uhhh, not sure. Blank isn't really our color.” Izzy pointed out, oblivious to what it means.

“I don’t think that’s a style, Izzy. I think it’s all out of design.” Sunset stated, telling Izzy what it means.

Jazz starts to grow nervous as she sweats. “Uh-oh.” She said as she swipe on her phone to see other hooficures designs, but all it gets is the same error sign and sounds. “No! Uh, hang on! No! The designs! I think I've used them all up!” She said to the two, stating that she used all of her designs that she saved and don’t have any new ones.

“No biggie.” Izzy said, stating that it’s no big deal. “We'll have the same as ol' Rufus here. We can be hoof buddies.” She said while giving Rufus a wink, thinking that she, Sunset and Rufus will have the same hoofs.

“No way, Izzy.” Rufus stated, seeing the flaw in her idea. “Nopony with any style would be caught wearing the same design.” He added as he walked out of Mane Melody, while also saying that ponies with the same designs will just be nothing special.

“Rufus is right!” Jazz called out, in a state of panic. “If I'm out of designs, nopony will come to Mane Melody for their hooficures!” She said as she kept swiping her phone, but kept getting the same results as Sunset and Izzy came next to her.

“A little dramatic. But I see what you mean by that, Jazz.” Sunset said, seeing that might be a little too much but if Rufus thought about it, meaning that other ponies will be the same way.

“Aw, don't worry, Jazz. You just gotta make some new ones.” Izzy assured, stating all she could do is think of new designs if she is all out of her old ones.

“Yeah. Why not just make a new design.” Sunset added, seeing Izzy’s idea great.

“That's just it! I don't know how!” Jazz pointed out she put down her phone with a worried look. “I've always just copied the designs! And now I've run out! What am I gonna do?!” She cried out, not knowing how to make new designs.

“How about calming down first? And we’ll think of something that will help you.” Sunset stated, willing to help Jazz come up with a solution for this.

Izzy and Sunset thought of a way to help Jazz with this kind of problem, while Sunset was still thinking, Izzy smiled as she thought of an idea as she came next to Jazzy and placed a hoof over her shoulder as she sighed before speaking. “Stick with us. We know exactly what you need. Jazz Hooves, you've got a date with destiny!” She declared as she got Jazz cheek’s against hers with a side hug.

“Destiny?” Jazz said in confusion, not really getting what Izzy meant.

“What are you talking about, Izzy?” Sunset asked, not getting this as well.

“Just trust me on this, Sunset. And follow me.” Izzy said with a smile.

Sunset then shrugs, seeing that Izzy might have an idea and and will give it a try since she hasn’t steered them wrong before as she, Jazz and Izzy walked out of Mane Melody to help Jazz come up with some ideas.

Later on, Izzy leads Jazz and Sunset to Bridlewood as she is luring them to the Crystal Tea Room as the stop at the front door.

“Get ready to have your mind totally blown, Jazz!” Izzy said as she playfully imitated explosions.

“Izzy. We get it.” Sunset said, getting Izzy out of her little world. “If we are trying to help Jazz, why are we at the Crystal Tea Room this quickly? I thought we were trying to help with the Jazz’s design issue.” She said, not really following what Izzy is planning to help Jazz.

“Oh. But it will, Sunset. You will see.” Izzy said with a smirk as she opened the tea shop door as the three ponies went in.

Jazz looked around as jazz music was playing while ponies around the tea shop were enjoying their tea. Onyx was playing her saxophone with her friend, Jasper, is playing the bongos for the jazz music and Alphabittle was washing his tea cups with a calm smile.

Izzy found them a table as she sat down tapping her hooves with clinging sounds as she smiled at Jazz while tapping the table to get her to sit, getting the signal, Jazz sat down while Sunset sat on the other side.

“Wow. This place is even more great than I remember.” Sunset commented while relaxing to the jazz music she was hearing, finding the tea shop great and guessed that since magic returned and every ponykind got together again, business must’ve been greater since the last time she was here, and the first time when ponies were depressed before the magic returned.

“You can say that again, Sunset.” Izzy said as she turned to Jazz. “Can you feel the artistic, creative-y vibes flowing right through you?” She asked Jazz when she got close to her.

Onyx and Jasper jazz music continues as they are in sync with one another while playing the saxophone and bongos as they each played part of the jazz music. Jazz listened to the music as she smiled and closed her eyes a bit as she visioned the jazz music notes and tapped her hoof on the table to the tune.

Sunset saw this and smiled, now realizing what Izzy was planning as she leaned in and whispered to her unicorn friend. “Oh. I get it, Izzy. Having Jazz listening to ‘jazz’ music to help her with her inspiration for her hooficure’s designs.” She chuckled, finding the pun in that. “I get it now.” She added.

“Glad you get it, Sunset.” Izzy said with a smirk. “A little ‘jazz’ will help inspire Jazz.” She said with a chuckle.

But then, the three ponies then heard wild saxophone tunes that caused the jazz music to mess up as it brought Jazz out of her little world as the three ponies looked at Onyx. “Oh, no! Onyx is playing the wrong song!” She said to the two ponies in worry.

“I don’t think she is, Jazz.” Sunset with a smirk, seeing that Onyx is gonna make something great.

“Wait for it... Wait for it…” Izzy told Jazz with a smirk, knowing Onyx well to show some surprises for her music.

The ponies around are smiling at Onyx’s jazz tune as she continues playing her saxophone wildly as Onyx turns to Jasper with a knowing look. Getting the signal, Jasper followed in Onyx’s tune as he bang his bongos to the tune, which made Jazz smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes as everypony in the tea shop are tapping their hooves on the table to the tune pattern, including Alphabittle who is tapping his hooves on the counter when a unicorn mare came to him while bobbing her head to the music.

“I just love it when they do their own thing.” Alphabittle said to the unicorn in front of him with a smile, loving how Onyx and Jasper do their own way of music, finding them amazing.

“Whoa! This is amazing!” Jazz cheered as she smiled at Izzy and Sunset, finding Onyx and Jasper’s way of making music their own way amazing.

“You can say that again!” Sunset cheered with a smile as she bobbed her head to the music, finding it really catchy.

“Now that's what you call creative inspiration!” Izzy started with a smile. “Sometimes you just gotta throw out the rules and make something new.” She pointed out while Onyx and Jasper finished their jazz music, which made the crowd applaud their great music.

Sunset smiled and turned to Jazz. “Now do you get it, Jazz? You don’t need to search up designs, you can make your own with a little inspiration. And with some ideas that you feel like doing, you can make something new by watching what others can do to inspire you.” She gave Jazz some wisdom on inspiration, something she learned from Rarity when she is inspired by something new and makes it as well, which is new styles and making new dresses as well.

“I think I do, Sunset.” Jazz said with a smile as she visioned the music notes around her as they turned into other images, lightning bolt, heart, flower, umbrella, bush, and a pinkish straight heart as they all flew into Jazz, giving her some inspiration for her designs.

“See? You can feel it, too!” Izzy said after winking at Jazz as her and Sunset smiled at Jazz as she smiled back at them. “Now all you gotta do is take the feeling and put it into your art!” She encourages Jazz, while saying the last word wrong.

“I think you mean ‘heart’, Izzy. But either way is okay.” Sunset chuckled, seeing Izzy’s words mixed up but got what she meant as she let it slide.

“Wow! Maybe I really could create my own hooficure designs!” Jazz cheered with sparkles in her eyes, feeling inspired.

“Yeah, you can!” Izzy cheered.

“Now all you need are some ponies who are interested in helping practice your new designs, Jazz.” Sunset started with a smile.

“And we know just the guinea ponies to help you practice!” Izzy announced while giving Jazz a wink.

“More like our friends helping then guinea ponies, Izzy. ‘Guinea’ is for testing, so we’re not guinea ponies, more like friends are helping.” Sunset corrected with a smirk.

Izzy chuckled at this. “Okay. You got me there, Sunset. Ponies who can help you practice.” She corrected herself with a smile she gave to Jazz.

Sometime later back in Mane Melody, Izzy and Sunset told their friends everything and they fully agreed to help Jazz practice her new hooficures’ designs.

“Let's do this!” Izzy cheered in her chair as she pointed to Sunset next to her chair.

“Hit us with your best work, Jazz!” Sunset encourages.

“Don't hold back!” Hitch called out with a smile after he turned his chair around.

Sunny turned her chair next with a smile. “Follow your heart!” She said while placing a hoof over her heart.

“Unleash your inner artiste!” Zipp cheered after she turned her chair.

And then a racoonicorn turned his chair, while eating a piece of food as it squeak to Jazz, encouraging her as well.

Jazz smiled at the rest of the Mane 6 willing to help her practice her hooficure designs. She took a deep breath and then gave a determined look as she brought out her hooficure makeover supplies with sparkles in her eyes with a smile as she then started applying them to the Mane 6.

Try something new, take a chance, just believe it
Let out your light, shining bright, can ya see it?
At Mane Melody, hey!
At Mane Melody!

Jazz started out with Hitch by applying a hooficure to his hoof that is all dark blue with light blue lightning in it as Hitch gives a smile with sparkles in his eyes, finding them great.

Jazz then sprayed some makeup on Pipp’s hooves next as she made Pipp’s hooves all dark purple with a crown in it as Pipp smiled with sparkles in her eyes, finding them beautiful.

Jazz then cheerfully adds in a wave of three different colors as they hit Zipp’s hooves, giving her a rainbow hooficure, which she likes about.

Jazz then did Sunset next as she gave her a red hooficure with a purple star, similar to Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark to remember her friend.

Jazz then did Izzy next as she made her hoofs all purple with a yellow music note in it, as she loved it as well.

Then Jazz did the racoonicorn next as it paw’s nails are like a piece of a berry, loving the designs.

The Mane 6, and the racoonicorn, are huddled together as they look at their hooficures, Sunny’s is darkest pink with a light pink swirl as she smiles along with her friends, finding their hooficures great.

“Jazz, how did you know?” Sunny asked with a wide smile with sparkles in her eyes. “Triple-berry is totally my favorite!” She happily added as she looked at her hooficure with a wide smile.

“Yay!” Jazz cheered in response, seeing that her own creation designs are great.

“Ka-chow!” Hitch announced as he stomped his hoof down while admiring his hooficure. “Who's yo' daddy?!” He called out with a pose, with the racoonicorn looking at him with hearts in its eyes, admiring that pose.

“This is a great hooficure I have!” Sunset cheered, loving this hooficure and something to remember her friend Twilight.

The Mane 6 then high hoof each other as their hooficures sparkled from the light.

“I feel an exclusive hoof reveal video coming on!” Pipp cheered as she brought out her phone and turned the camera on as Pipp place her hoof in front of the camera as the Mane 6, and the racoonicorn, huddled together to get in view of the camera as they showed their hooficure as Pipp took the picture and posited it on the web as it gone viral, along with other pictures of Jazz’s new hooficures they have taken together.

Jazz hooftap one of the pictures as she came next to Sunset and Izzy, who were looking at the window as the two ponies turned to Jazz with a smile. “Thanks, Izzy and Sunset. Without both your help, I would've never been brave enough to create my own designs.” She thanked them for helping her find her inspiration for her designs.

“We can’t take all the credit.” Sunset started with a smile. “We just help you find your inspiration, it was you who made it happen, Jazz. For finding the inspiration inside you to help you come up with great ideas.” She said with a proud smile.

“Well, I suppose that’s true. But still, you two helped me. Thanks.” Jazz said with a smile.

“Well, looks like you're gonna need all the inspiration you can get.” Izzy said with a smile. “Check it out!” She pointed out the window as the three saw a huge line of ponies in front of Mane Melody muttering to each other while waiting in line, which made Jazz amaze that this many ponies are here to try out her new hooficures designs.

“Wow. That’s a lot of ponies.” Sunset said while giving a smirk to Jazz. “Looks like you’ll be busy with your designs for a while, Jazzy.” She said while nudging Jazz, who smiled sheepishly at Sunset’s words, finding that true.

Sunset, Izzy and Jazz walked out of Mane Melody to get a closer look at the crowd as Jazz smiled with sparkles in her eyes, never having this many ponies for her own designs of hooficures before while Sunset and Izzy smiled at this outcome.

“It's the hooficure queen!” The ponies in the crowd called out to Jazz, wanting to try out her hooficure designs.

“Hey!” Rufus appeared among the crowd, a little annoyed that the ponies are crowding him while he wants to try out the new hooficures himself, but then smiled widely as he saw Sunset and Izzy’s hooficures. “Both your hooves are fierce, Izzy and Sunset!” He complimented as he got a closer look at them with a laugh as he stood up and looked at Jazz. “Can I get one of the same designs as one of them, Jazz?” He asked, wanting to try out the designs either one has.

“Fantabuloso!” Izzy cheered. “Finally, a hoof buddy!” She said as she placed a shoulder on Rufus and gave him a side hug, wanting to have a hoof buddy that matches her hooves.

“I won’t judge.” Sunset shrug and smile, not going to complain if somepony admires their hooficures and wanting one as well.

“Neigh way, Rufus.” Jazz began with a smile. “Everypony gets their own one-of-a-kind design.” She explained, going to make them one-of-a-kind so that they will be special to each ponies. “Follow me.” She said to Rufus as he, Izzy, and Sunset followed her back into Mane Melody, only for Jazz to gasp in surprise at the amount of ponies already inside, wanting to get their one-of-a-kind hooficure design as well as the ponies chatter to one another and turned to Jazz with a smile as they waited for her to begin.

“Wow. Looks like you got your work cut out for ya.” Sunset commented on Jazz with a surprise look, wanting to know when and how did these ponies get inside that fast.

“ Well, It'll be worth the wait.” Jazz quickly said, knowing that she will be busy for a while. “I promise.” She promised to Rufus as all three ponies smiled at one another, glad that Jazz had found her inspiration to make new designs and share them to other ponies as she now had many ideas to come.

End of Chapter 27.

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