• Published 21st Jul 2022
  • 1,771 Views, 47 Comments

A Change Of Heart: Luna’s Gaze - The Royal Equestrian

A King sits on his throne wondering if what he is doing is really worth it, when he gets to Equestria he starts to think that maybe this might be his last chance for redemtion.

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Chapter 1 A Sad King

Author's Note:

To any new readers if your reading this it means the earlier chapters haven't been rewritten yet, so do be warned that the quality here is not indicative of the later chapters

The year is 2038, a King sits on his throne, he looks out of the throne room windows looking back on his life. Despite how young he appears to be, his eyes betray his youthful body, his emerald green eyes have a tiredness about them that you would see in an old veteran, his dark brown hair slightly disheveled and his skin pale by the little sun he gets to have. His duties as king prevent him from much time outdoors.

“King O’Whelan we have news from the Region of Canada that some Orcs were trying to evade our relocation plan.” A man dressed in a very formal suit and holding papers from his report explained in a calm and professional voice.

“Ah if it isn’t my old friend Hal, hand me the papers I’ll put them on my desk in my study later. Wanna have lunch?” King O’Whelan asked taking the papers and gesturing to Hal to join him for lunch.

“Sir I don’t know if we have the time” Before Hal was able to finish that statement O’Whelan interjected.

“No offense Hal, but I don’t wanna speak of this subject anymore, I’d like to speak to you in private, I just wanna talk as friends.” King O’Whelan stated, shutting down any chance for Hal to bring up that conversation.

“If that is what you wish Sir, then I shall accompany you at lunch.” Hal agreed reluctantly, knowing he won’t get the subject matter he came for resolved as he would like.


“So, how have you been Hal, it’s been years since we have been able to speak openly,” O’Whelan said, walking with Hal and being overall happy that his old friend can spend some time with him.

“Yes it certainly has sir, but why did you want to talk to me in private, I assume this has something to do with our relocation plan?” Hal questioned as he looked around the royal gardens, amazed at how fast it grew in the short time of its existence.

“Hal you don’t have to keep calling me by my title, I invited you out here as a friend, I don’t want to hear any more of the relocation plan, nor do I want to hear any more about politics today,” O’Whelan stated, taking a sip of his tea as he reclined in his chair taking in the warm summer breeze.

As O'Whelan and Hal sat at a table in the gardens of O’Whelan’s palace they continued to eat their lunch in silence for a few moments until O’Whelan spoke up to break the silence.

“So, Hal, how’s the family been? I heard Jane has accepted your marriage proposal, is that true?” O’Whelan asked, finishing off his tea as Hal began to speak up.

“Yeah she did, you know Douny if it wasn’t for you, me and her may have never met, I can’t begin to thank you enough,” Hal said, smiling to himself as he did so.

“Ah calling me by my first name ah, I see that you have loosened up a bit, and yeah, I remember that party like it was last night, tell her I said hello, it's been far too long since me and she spoke, and with recent events, I rarely get time off anymore,” O’Whelan said, thinking back to that fateful night, that was over 10 years ago now, oh how the years have gone by.


April 26th, 2028 Fredericksburg Texas.

“Ohh come on Hal, the party is gonna be fun, and all of our friends are going to be there.” O’Whelan pleaded, hoping that Hal would come with him at least once.

“For the last time Douny, I don’t want to go, plus I’m behind on my homework as it is.” Hal protested.

“Come on, I can help you with that tomorrow. This is our last year in high school. I was hoping we could get into at least a little bit of mischief before these years of ours are behind us.” O’Whelan pleaded again, putting on his brown tweed jacket.

“You're never gonna give up are you?, fine I’ll come with you for an hour or so, but after that, I’m coming back home, I do need to get this work done.” Hal reluctantly agreed as he put his face into his hands.

“Thank you, and hey who knows we may even have a bit of fun there too, ya never know.” O’Whelan teased as he grabbed everything else his going to need for the party.

When both Hal and Douny got ready they drove off to the party, (though Hal was dressed a bit more formally than what was expected from the guests).

“You're going to be wearing a white tie outfit to this party?” O’Whelan asked with a cocked brow.

“Hey, I like this outfit, plus I rarely ever get to use it.” Hal scoffed, rolling his eyes at Douny as if what he asked was somehow weird.

“Riiight, well I’m sure you're going to be getting a lot of attention in that, anyway let's just hope that you don’t spill anything on it.” O’Whelan joked, bumping Hal’s elbow with his own.

As the two got to the party they drank, played games, and told jokes. They both had a good time until a few bad actors showed up.
Hal and Douny turn to face the new people at the party, only to see what looked to them like a bunch of lowlifes harassing a girl near the entrance, what they saw were a gang of 4 orcs and a goblin.

“Can you creeps just get lost, I’m not fucking interested in any of you, least of all the damn goblin that's half your size!” The girl exclaimed, turning away from the orcs

“Come on we just want to have some fun baby” The taller of the two orcs teased.

“Hey pal, I don’t think the lady is interested, why don’t the lot of you clear off before things get ugly,” O’Whelan warned finishing off his pint of beer.

“What’s it to ya tiny human? We’ll do what we want.” The tallest of the orcs said.

“What the hell are you doing Douny.” Hal whispered in O’Whelan’s ear.

“This is what I’m doing,” O’Whelan stated matter of factly as he picked up his empty pint glass.

Before Hal could understand what Douny meant by that, Douny raised his glass high up in the air and said “Cheers!” and slammed it over the largest orc's head knocking him out on the spot.
Started what was a small bar fight in one of their friends' dorms.

After a few moments, the fight came to a close with everyone involved either being knocked out, bloodied, or just scuffed up.

“Well, that was fun, shame about your clothes though, I’ll help pay for it since this is kinda my handy work,” O’Whelan said, patting down Hal’s jacket and shirt.

“It’s fine Douny, if anything this is more so my fault for wearing something like this to this kind of party. I only have myself to blame.” Hal shrugged, looking down at his tux to see how badly damaged it was.
It was mostly salvageable, say for the pants which had a huge cut down the right leg.

“Hey, you two!” The girl from before shouted trying to get the attention of Hal and Douny.

“Us.” They both asked, imagining that what she was about to say wasn’t going to be good.

“Yeah you two, I wanted to thank you for what you did back there, you shut them up, that’s for sure.” She thanked the two patting Douny on his shoulder.
“What are your names anyway? I don't think I’ve met ya two before.” She asked with a look of amusement.

“My name is Douny O’Whelan, and this man in the tattered tux is my best friend Hal,” O’Whelan stated pushing Hal forward as he did so.

“Glad to meet yah both I’m Jane Kelly

“Good to meet you Jane, well I’m going to get me and Hal here a few drinks, I’ll be right back,” O’Whelan said apologetically as he walked away from the two mostly doing so to give the two some space to get to know each other.
Douny would take the opportunity to get to know Jane, but right now he has his eyes set on another girl.

After that a few more drinks from Jane, Hal, and Douny, the three went home, but not before Jane got the chance to give our ragtag duo her number so they can all keep in touch.
With that, the night came to a close, and Hal and Douny went home to sleep, and Douny kept his promise when he said he would help Hal with his work.


"It was a wild night, I still can't believe you were able to fight that big guy by yourself," Hal stated, replaying the fight back in his head again.

"Well, it isn't that hard when your first hit is with a pint glass, it's kinda hard to fight after something like that," O'Whelan replied, recreating the motion as he did so.

"But I do have to say, me and you Hal, have been luckier than most, the fact we won that fight is proof enough of that. Not to mention the position which we have now, finally being able to do some good in the world."
O'Whelan said with a small bit of hollowness to his words as he looked into the cup that once held his tea, still replaying the events that got him here in his mind.

"I couldn't agree more Douny, I can't help but think we are finally making a difference in this world." Hal proudly proclaimed raising his fist into the air to punctuate his statement.

"This is why I came to you about the relocation plan. It's the last piece of the greater whole of rebuilding this Empire of ours into something greater than even the Romans and the nations that came after it."
Hal softly said, trying to push the point home for Douny but not doing it in a way that would seem too aggressive.

"I understand that, but I just can't help but think there's a better way. But I suppose you're right, we may have to go through with it. I'll see to it that the paperwork for it will get done first thing in the morning." O'Whelan reluctantly relented, unable to put off the plan any longer than he already had

"That's great news Douny. I'll get everything ready ahead of time. Well, it's been a lovely chat, but I really must get going, Douny, there's already a lot on my plate, and I'm already behind as is." Hal stated giving Douny a bow as he left.

"Goodbye Hal until we chat again," O'Whelan replied, giving him a wave as he left.

"I only wish there was another way around this. But a King must do what is necessary for his people, and I can't give in to weakness now." O'Whelan thought to himself. Mentally preparing himself for what he was going to have to do next.