• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


Sunset Shimmer reunites with an old school friend, who offers her an unusual role in the Crystal Empire. But then Sunset learns something unsettling about the last pony who held the job...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

The servant on the right rumbled and hooted worriedly. And now Sacanas did look round, with a glare that made the furred behemoth hunch fearfully.

"You'd best hope we were not followed," she growled. "I don't have to tolerate failure! And if there is an airship back there, tailing us..."

She came about, her face set, merciless and grim. Her voice hissed sharply, like a blade unsheathing.

Sacanas must've learn about employee relations from this guy.

I look forward to when you post new stories. They are always a treat to read.

"Maybe after I've saved the Empire from immanent destruction a couple of times, huh?"


nothing else out of place to be found, very good.

This was a good story. I'm glad I read it. The current story-line was enjoyable and digging up the story of Sacanas was interesting and how Sunset was confused by her duality. I also liked how Twilight said there was good in everypony. She is The Princess of Friendship. The thousand plus years ago scene answers the question, that was a wonderful touch! An insanely powerful regent that actually loves their niece and wants them to be the Princess? That was a very nice touch. Makes you wonder what made Sacanas feel that way about Pegasai and Earth Ponies. Reading another story where the griffons are the antagonists and the hatred felt by some of the ponies towards the entire species is terrible. Knowing what they went through, it is understandable but it is still wrong to blame every griffon for the deeds of some. If Sacanas' experiences were similar it would explain her feelings. Monsters are not always born, sometimes they're made and to those they save, they're not monsters at all, but saviors. It is unfortunate that she never had opportunity to have those feelings changed by a heroic Pegasus or Earth Pony, or both.

"I see now why you said to dress warmly," said Sunset Shimmer. She looked across at Princess Twilight, seated opposite her. "It's amazing anypony could even get this far north. Let alone live here year round."

If I remember correctly didn't she went to the Crystal Empire when she tried to steal the crown

"Time works differently, across the mirror portal," Sunset acknowledged. "Though I'm not sure I'd recommend it. You can easily lose some of the best years of your life that way..."

That's what I say because time moves differently from the human world and equestrian

Thanks very much! Both for reading, and for sharing your thoughts in detail -- it really helps, hearing what readers get from a story, and what works for them.

Sacanas is an interesting character to write: like Sunset, I do not approve of her point of view at all. Yet she's not just a cookie-cutter villain. She has her reasons, even if they're not always the right ones. Like Twilight, I find it's interesting to explore whether a character like this can nevertheless have a positive impact -- maybe even in spite of her own intentions.

And rest assured, there is more to the backstory of Sacanas and her Princess. This story is by way of a prologue for that -- so stay tuned!

True, though in the movie Star Swirl's mirror had already been moved to the Empire, so she may not have had much time to see how snow-bound things are beyond the Heart's shield. This time, she's getting there the long way!

"Kind of a... Grand Vizier?" Sunset attempted to mime craftily stroking a beard, then realized it wasn't working so well with hooves, and gave it up.

Lol just like Jafar oh wait a minute oops 😬

"Because," Twilight said uneasily, "Sacanas was a virulent tribalist. I mean, scorched-earth variety. The kind of pony who felt that unicorns were the only true pony tribe. That pegasi and earth ponies were somehow disfigured mutations, and should be treated as entirely separate and lesser species. And that unification of the three tribes into what we know as Equestria was the worst offense possible. As if treating the three tribes as equals somehow sullied what it meant to be a pony."

That's basically foreshadowing that events in the future of G5 😔

That would be pretty good foreshadowing, for a thousand-plus years ago...
Or maybe it's just that some things never change?

Cadance nodded. "I'd been wracking my brains trying to find somepony who would have the skill and perspective to do that. Sunburst is a possibility, but he's busy looking after Flurry Heart. And I can't ask Twilight, in part because I know she has big plans for this project she and her friends are working on... some kind of school , I hear?"

So this is takes place somewhere and season 7 and 8

Whoa this was pretty interesting so it looks like sunset is going to the Crystal Empire along with spike Starlight and Twilight and she's pretty nervous seeing Cadence and once they arrived she was pretty excited to see her again and apparently they had history and she even told her about the job being a sorcerer which that's a pretty huge honor for sunset but she needs to think about this so once everybody settles down Twilight found a couple of history books that never been mentioned before a pony who was a sorcerer name Sacanas and apparently she has a really bad reputation of not liking different kinds especially Earth ponies and Pegasus and she wanted to eliminate them and dang now that is the definition of hatred right there that Sunset was pretty surprised how can anybody let her in but apparently a thousand years ago yeah she was something else but apparently she was protecting a small unicorn princess even though her true attention was very sadistic and very cruelty two other ponies and it turns out that this only as her Aunt boy maybe that's why Cadence never talked about her had bad experience with her well this was a pretty interesting story keep up the good work

Hey there. Literally nothing I can say that other reviewers haven't already said better, but all the same, the exchanges, characterizations and future arc are pretty well done. As for setting, I would probably guess some time AFTER Sunset graduated from Canterlot High, but VERY shortly before Season 8 (the reason I guessed after Sunset graduated from Canterlot High is because, well, this is obviously going to be a long-term project, so Sunset can't exactly afford to waste time going back and forth between her human friends [though she COULD keep in touch with them through magic journal] and the Crystal Empire).

Definitely looking forward to more of this (as well as more of your alternate G5).

Of course, Sacanas had another motive, especially as a child is involved (how did the quote go about leading children along a path to cover the future?) ...

Funny how they always ignore that it was others that did most of the work with Sombra, while Spike hardly did anything, yet he gets all the credit. Makes Spike look like a leech.

HOLD UP. Are you telling me that TEMPEST is a distant descendant of SACANAS?! I DEMAND ANSWERS!!!

Don't worry, I have a follow-on planned, which should provide some -- stay tuned!

Interesting! I wonder if, after Sunburst would leave to become vice headstallion of the School of Friendship, that Sunset would take all tutor responsibilities, if she takes the job

I was wondering if this is an Alternate Universe or is this the one from the Original? Because reading this, Sunset mentions Paris in the Human World but then she follows it up later about Canterlot High but Paris France from Earth and Canterlot High in the City of Canterlot Human World can't be in the same place right? :pinkiegasp: Because even fics depict this place naming it Pearis like from the fruit pear same with a place being named as Trottingham with the environment like England instead of Nottingham which is a place in the real world. Also Cadence is usually curious to know about Twilight and also travelling the world but she seemed to just shrugged it off when Sunset mentioned a Sushi Bar, Like Cadence your not going to ask Sunset what a Sushi Bar even is? And I think that Sunset is over reacting to the fact that Flurry Heart shouldn't be taken to a shopping mall even to have fun, Like I've been to a shopping mall and there are definitely places there that play soft and relaxing music like in the department stores.

There's an implied "just don't ask" there, which Cadance is totally picking up on. Because she's like that.
And as the saying goes, "We'll always have Paris..."

Fascinating concept. Separating a person's foibles from their work is never easy, though at least Sacanas's achievements carry few if any of the taints of her beliefs. (These days, the Empire seems to be mostly earth pony, which I'm sure she was just thrilled with.) The fact that her homunculus army eventually became the Storm Forces, down to keeping her cutie mark as the logo, raises quite a few intriguing questions.

Sunset has some big horseshoes to fill, but at least she has a fallback position if the college admissions boards in the human world have too many questions about her birth certificate. And it is great to see her reconnect with Cadence. Indeed, seeing those two have a positive relationship before Sunset ran away is most unexpected.

Great stuff. Looking forward to seeing where you go with it.

Thanks much! Yes, that was one of the themes I was aiming for here: how should a creator's (author/writer/artist/spellcaster's) opinions affect how you view their work, especially if you learn about those opinions later? Can you view the two entirely separately, or are you morally required to take the whole person into account? It's a tough question. Plus this was a chance to write about Sunset, who I've really gotten to like as a character.

Thanks for reading, and for sharing your thoughts!

This is probably the most well written prologue to a prequel.

Fascinating setup and questions here. And the writing is so you. I want more :rainbowderp:

This was a good read for me; wondering what Sunset Shimmer would do if she decided to leave CHS and her friends in the human world. The backstory involving the origin of the staff was cool and having it tied to the past of the Crystal Empire gave it meaning and purpose for existing in the first place. The humor with Spike was spot on, pointing out how 'glorious and brave' he is. :scootangel:

Wow, I was sure right until the end that Sacanas just changed his name to Sombra.

Just avoid Paris or Canada in June, especially if it's to be sunny all week long.

Comment posted by Grey Wolf deleted Aug 15th, 2023
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