• Member Since 31st Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Saturday


If you write it they will cum.

Comments ( 51 )

Hm, I guess not everyone is into the "become part of your predator" part of vore that I am. Still, good to see more work in this niche!

I like the story so far. My personal taste trends toward Non-fatal/endosoma, unbirth and more descriptive insides

Probably turned them in to the guard. Seems like the responsible thing to do.

So many Dislikes and for a good reason.

I do not like this. Downvote.

This is cool but pretty Tame I thought you were gonna do something pretty crazy

Pay them no mind those who have no intention on keeping their hates silent have a lot more maturing to do than you probably would


More like a belly pet.
One that feeds you from the inside.

I can already imagine a chapter where Chrysalis attacks Equestria and threatens to eat a human. But the human is actually willing.


So that what happened just before Twilight got her belly pet.

Do you know what I genuinely find amusing? The fact that humans will intentionally put themselves in a situation where they will knowingly be uncomfortable. Then, they complain about it and are pissed off about not liking something that clearly had warnings stamped all over it. So they couldn't use the excuse, "I didn't know what to expect" or something like that.

I don't see where it's so difficult to understand that you do not have to read it if this grosses you out or makes you feel uneasy. Why is that so hard to understand? I, personally, do not like to dislike any story if I can help it. And I'm not afraid to speak my mind, either.

But, at least I don't go around adding insult to injury and making it my ultimate goal to be as personal with somebody with their work as I can. Sadly, far too many people are like this. But I digress; it's hilarious that they get mad at this stuff when all they have to do upon seeing the warnings are back off and leave it alone.

A great first chapter to what I believe will be a great multi chapter fic

Great job man. Loved this chapter too

Good chapter man, I'm enjoying this story so far

Agreed. I get that not all people will like it, but anyone who is verbally open about their hate to just spit on a person's interest is just a sad little troll who gets satisfaction by being hateful because they have nothing good in their lives, so they have to knock down others to feel big. That may be awfully cynical of me, but I digress.

As far as the story is going, I absolutely love it man

Another good chapter man

I hoped Sofi would join him

Another great chapter. This is really good man. Will we see unbirth soon?

The idea of keeping a gut slut without digesting them or permanent entrapment has potential. You should explore that.

It was alright, but there could have been more details regarding female anatomy, such as breast licking. Since they were dating before, you could have also included mention of previous bedroom activities. Maybe add some reflection on how they started dating and throw in a little world-building. Basically, it was good, but there's room for improvement.

Okay, this was probably the best one yet. There's a much better buildup of tension, and the conflict just feels stronger than usual. There's some subtle world-building that it would be legal for Cadence to do whatever she wanted with any humans, and other ponies would do nothing worse than rolling their eyes. Humans are second-class citizens, which makes me curious about how the young ones get along. I also want to see a day in the life of Cadence, Colt, and Sofi a week later. I'm guessing the humans are now naked, so one fun scenario might be for Shining to mount his wife, and the arousing situation compels the humans to join in humping, making them reluctantly accepting of the few benefits of their predicament.

I'm reading these out of order, so don't get confused. Anyway, confirming that humans lack full citizenship rights and can be sold is intriguing. Is there a market or an age of consent? Can ponies eat each other, but just prefer humans? I also had to tilt my head at Rarity basically unloading her boyfriend like an unwanted couch without a second thought because he was too weird. Digestion is also legal, with the implication most ponies don't care about human life. That kind of twistedness really tickles my brain.

If you've seen Nope, then you know what you're in for. I can't imagine anyone having a vore fetish after that.

Hell no! Just because I comment on a vore fic doesn't mean I'm into that shit.


Another great chapter. I can't wait to see more

Pretty good chapter. I love the mirror bit and have done something similar to it in rps

Interesting, but I'd recommend you download Grammarly for the typos. Even the free version would help catch a lot of these issues. Also, I'd be curious to see confused foals and children experiment with vore.

Good, but it just leaves me wanting more world-building, especially exploring the second-class status of humans. What do other humans think about ponies like Twilight casually imprisoning them for perverted pleasure? I'd really like to see that conversation as Twilight and other ponies either agree or disagree with their treatment of humans.

Good chapter man. can't wait to see more

And yes I wrote it poni on purpose.


Nu-uh I aint fallin for that shit this time nova.

Bruh I did not expect the comment I made a while ago to become a chapter lol

I'm disappointed there wasn't more focus on the relationship with the eaten humans. That could have been an interesting interaction.

Another good chapter. I've been waiting for another one.

Just a few typos and a word missing

Sigh is missing after relived

Flash hoisted Lexi into the air, then gulped her down. Her thighs went quickly before Flash placed a hoof on her feet and swallowed them tracing their outline as it decended into his stomach. He gave a relieved, and allowed Lexi to get comfortable before looking up at Ela. “You ready?”

A space is missing between "and" and "he"

“Yah I know it’s a lot, but let me tell you.” Flash knocked on his belly twice and it began wildly thrashing around. His tongue lolled out andhe slouched back in his seat with small distended points popping up on his gut from Ela wiggling around inside his stomach. “…It’s soooo worth it.”

I've got a wonder where are you gonna go From here

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